Thread Killahs!



  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    Ha ha. I posted a thread once that had zero replies! I felt so embarrassed for even posting... must have been so boring!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    @je55y : sometimes just depends on time of day, etc.

    Kilahs - haven't had a chance to sit down w/ the Newspaper yet, but this wkend's NYTimes Magazine is the Health issue -
    articles include, 'Is Sugar Toxic' and 'How Little Sleep Can You Get Away With'

    (Apologies if they've already set up their pay wall...)

    also just realized my comment about Baby events didn't make sense. i was hinting at the fact that there will likely be things like bitty cupcakes in my food diary this wkend!! :laugh:
    - - - -

    ETA: Flies back with TURKISH COFFEE (yeah, baby!) for sleepy thread...
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    Morning Killahs and Sleepy Thread!

    Welcome JE55Y, nothing embarrassing here. Except my posts.

    Thanks LJ for another great challege! Raining here. Good day for reading later.

    Loopy, all your posts always make complete sense to me.(should that worry me?) Have fun at the Baby Shower!

    You guys have a great Saturday. :drinker:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Welcome JE55Y!! It is always good to meet another Killah!!
    Zave, I can smell the Coffee from here!!:drinker: It smells Delicious!!
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    Welcome JE55Y!! It is always good to meet another Killah!!
    Zave, I can smell the Coffee from here!!:drinker: It smells Delicious!!

    Yep. Coffee is really good today. I'm starting to wonder if 2 cups were enough? :drinker:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673

    I put a mirror to its little mouth - thread is sleeping, no need for alarm! Just a wee bit o shut-eye!
    Sweet dreams to all you killerz!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: Yep, The pulse is strong!!
    Maybe it thinks it is supposed to get Weekends off?:laugh: Silly Thread!!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am just throwing this Idea out here for you all to consider. I joined a Challenge on another Website yesterday (Saturday, April 16) to do 10 minutes a day of some activity for the next 1,000 DAYS STRAIGHT!!It can be walking, chair exercise, running, biking, swimming, Whatever.
    :bigsmile: So, Do you think us Killahs are up to a 1,000 Day Challenge? Or we could modify it to 100 Days, or whatever you all think.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    :noway: I've always suspected that I'm a commitment-phobe, but now you've just confirmed it! :laugh: 1000 DAYS!!!???

    I don't want to make the Killahs less ambitious, so I encourage you all to aim high!

    If it's okay w/ you LJ, I am going to personalize the challenge a bit for myself. I don't log a run everyday b/c I'm still building up base mileage plus I have some weird IT band issues right now, but I will follow the Runner's 10% rule and up my mileage by MINIMUM 10% per month.
    You might wonder why I'm not a bit more ambitious, but my main goal w/ the running is to stay injury free so I can keep running - I'm not so set on improving distance, speed or running a crazy 100M ultra in the desert in the middle of summer. <== Not my thing, though very inspirational! :tongue:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Loopy, I think having a Main Goal of staying Injury Free should be near the TOP of everyone's list.:smile:

    :heart: Maybe we could adapt the Challenge to be for 10 Days at a time, for Killahs? If nothing else it would be easier to keep track of 10 Days at a time instead of 1,000, LOL!! I also like the 10% rule, too.
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    Hope you Killahs had a great weekend. Thanks for keeping the thread alive.

    I just got home from my mom's 80th birthday party. No counting calories for me today. Why bother. :laugh:

    Catch up more with you guys tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    It isn't often that you get to celebrate an 80th Birthday, I am glad that you had a good time. No need to worry about Calorie Counting.:heart::happy:
    See you tomorrow!!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    It's OK everyone ~ thread is just taking a beauty nap!

    Agree w/ LJ - an 80th birthday is an awesome milestone! Hope you had fun, Zave!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I think I killed a Curves Members Thread.:ohwell: I guess my Killah Streak is not broken.
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    Thanks guys. Yesterday was really nice, but back on track today.

    Yay LJ another fresh kill to notch on your keyboard. :laugh:

    Loopy - Pace yourself or whatever you have to do to avoid injury. It takes me twice as long as it used to for my body to heal. Growing old sucks. haha

    Everyone have a great Monday!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Well I had one day where my straight talk phone let me post on here. lol. Its been too cold and rainy to take the kidlet out to a wifi source. Cant afford mcds all the time and my kids lost a library book, so going there INSIDE is pretty much forbidden until I cough up the book or the money... And seeing as I have neither, it will be awhile. I think my girl threw the book away. She went through a phase where she was throwing things away. Movies, books, anything she thought should go. I think thats where that library book went to. SO glad that phase is over. Shes just now beginning to not throw utensils away by accident. Thats progress! :)

    Good to see everyone is doing relatively ok. One thing about not working... No taxes... Then again... I usually get refunds so not sure if I want to celebrate that or not. One less worry but if I had my choice Id be working and praying thanks for the taxes. lol
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Oh yes, eating is in the toilet. I know I need to get back on track, but I just feel so unmotivated without my friends here on MFP and the accountability. I just really want to be online again. I see it in my future, but still....
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Tannie, know that we are thinking of you every time we post here. You are here in spirit. :heart: And we are THERE even when you are not On-Line watching what you are doing.:laugh: :laugh:
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    Tannie, I completely understand where you're coming from! Know that we're thinking of you and cheering you on through your struggles. Let us know if there's any specific way we can support you and motivate you!

    Husband was away all weekend, so my girls (3 and 9) and I had a lot of fun shopping and enjoying (as much as we could) the weather. We even had slushy snow on Saturday morning that yucked up the roads for awhile! Can't wait to be able to enjoy being active outside again!

    I like the idea of a 1000-day challenge, but I tend to not want to start things I don't think I can finish...maybe that's why I've had trouble losing weight in the past? I never thought I would really use MFP, exercise 6 days a week, and get results like I have, so that's why I even gave it a try in the first place. I could get on board with maybe a 100-day challenge though!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    It is late and I am TIRED!! Walked over 14,000 steps today, and rode the Recumbent Bike for 7.5 miles. Will think about Challenges and Thread Killing tomorrow!!
    :heart: Sleep tight, MFPeeps!!