Thread Killahs!



  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    *hands espresso to thread* wake up sleepyhead!

    Tannie - we're we're always thinking of you, since you're the OP - we'll make sure to caffeinate this thread! Hang in there! I've been using the library intensely since I stopped working full-time (freelance now) and you're right - only cost effective if you return the books. Maybe the bright side is that your daughter is tidy!! Yay!

    AMCheney - I thought the same thing, but a 100-day challenge seems waaaay more do-able than 1000 days to me :laugh: .

    LJ - Super job! I know the 'effort' level to do the 10,000, so I'm impressed that you did so many MORE steps AND the bike. YOu probably also did 2 Curves sessions but didn't mention them since you do those ALL the time :laugh: .

    I managed to get a 4miler in on Monday, but had to stop b/c my leg was throbbing. :frown: I think my interpretation of the 10-min will be to just make sure I am doing more than usual, even if it's just walking ( = hobbling around trying not to further injure IT band).

    To all the Killahs - go get it! it's Tuesday! :heart:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Thanks, Loopy!!

    Everyone is doing GREAT!! We are the healthiest bunch of Killahs I have ever met:laugh:

    :heart: It looks like we can adapt the 10 minute Challenge to whatever fits each of our Lives and Fitness Levels.
    I have been doing an extra 10 minute Walk every day. Just post what we did and how many days we have done it here so we can all PARTY together when we reach our Goal.
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    Good Morning guys!!

    Thanks for espresso Loopy. *gulp* ...Wait. I don't even drink espresso. But I do need to wake-up. Hope your leg heals up quickly. So you can get right back out there.

    Wish you the best Tannie. Hurry back and hope to you soon back at it.

    amcheney - I agree. The 100 day challenge seems a little better. I'll try to keep up with you guys. Or even the day to day daily challenge was fine.

    LJ - Wow. Very nice job as usual. You are an inspiration.

    This week is going to be busier than usual. Have great day everyone!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    *hands espresso to thread* wake up sleepyhead!

    Tannie - we're we're always thinking of you, since you're the OP - we'll make sure to caffeinate this thread! Hang in there! I've been using the library intensely since I stopped working full-time (freelance now) and you're right - only cost effective if you return the books. Maybe the bright side is that your daughter is tidy!! Yay!

    AMCheney - I thought the same thing, but a 100-day challenge seems waaaay more do-able than 1000 days to me :laugh: .

    LJ - Super job! I know the 'effort' level to do the 10,000, so I'm impressed that you did so many MORE steps AND the bike. YOu probably also did 2 Curves sessions but didn't mention them since you do those ALL the time :laugh: .

    I managed to get a 4miler in on Monday, but had to stop b/c my leg was throbbing. :frown: I think my interpretation of the 10-min will be to just make sure I am doing more than usual, even if it's just walking ( = hobbling around trying not to further injure IT band).

    To all the Killahs - go get it! it's Tuesday! :heart:

    HAHAHA. Nope shes the slobbiest of us all! Good thing shes so stinking cute! :grumble: :noway:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Walked 2.27 miles to eat Dinner at the Local Cajun place. It is really only .9 of a mile from our house but we took the long way. Coming home after Dark, the Cop drove by and HONKED at us:laugh: :laugh:
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I seem to be one as well :smile:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Welcome, Deadmittens! Everyone welcome here...

    LJ - nice walk! I guess since it was the police, thye're allowed to do that! i didn't get in an extra 10 mins in workout-wise, but I DID hang in there and completed the entire 2nd set of overhead tricep extensions which I couldn't do last time. Yes my arms were shaking and I can barely type, but I'm glad I pushed through! :happy:

    I've just tucked in the thread - sleeping, but not, well, dead!!! :yawn: Goodnight to all the Killahs!
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    I'm glad to see this thread is still alive. You guys are a lively bunch. I have killed several this week alone. It nice to see this one lasting so long!!!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :laugh: Alive and active, NHGirl!! It is good to see you again!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Happy Hump Day, Killahs! *hands out turkish coffee, all around*:drinker:


    Welcome back, NHgirl23! We're still heeeeeee-re! :wink:
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Awake and ready to face the day. Back on track and am going to do this thing. :)
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Me! If anyone does post after me, usually no one refers to what I post. :Except maybe once, and I was so proud! :)

    LMAO - definitely this! Have literally only read 1 page of this thread so will carry on reading now!!!
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    Welcome, Deadmittens! Everyone welcome here...

    Zoinks! When I first read that I thought it said Deadkittens. Hahaha. More coffee. Any kind....

    Welcome everyone to the thread that never ends.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Welcome, Deadmittens! Everyone welcome here...

    Zoinks! When I first read that I thought it said Deadkittens. Hahaha. More coffee. Any kind....

    Welcome everyone to the thread that never ends.

    :laugh: to anyone that watches 'Always Sunny in Philadelphia'...i thought it said Dead KITTEN MITTENS at first! :noway:

    welcome and hello horsie!

    @ zave - i always type: zoiks! but zoinks is funnier! it's like how anything w/ bacon is better, including an exclamation!

    ETA: @tannie - let's get it today, OP!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Welcome, Deadmittens! Everyone welcome here...

    Zoinks! When I first read that I thought it said Deadkittens. Hahaha. More coffee. Any kind....

    Welcome everyone to the thread that never ends.

    ZOINKS!!?!! Pinky and The Brain?!
    Yes, Welcome to the Never-Ending Thread!! I brought Coffee for everyone:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    oh! i was thinking Zoiks like Scooby Doo! thanks. got it now! :blushing: :embarassed:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Happy Hump Day, Killahs! *hands out turkish coffee, all around*:drinker:


    Welcome back, NHgirl23! We're still heeeeeee-re! :wink:

    I didn't realize that you had brought Coffee already:blushing: This is one Caffeinated Thread:laugh:
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    :drinker: This one crazy thread LOL!

    I've just checked "My Topics" and I am currently the killer of 5 threads. Whoops...!! :embarassed:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Lanfear! You fit right in here with all of us Crazy, Caffeinated Killahs!
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    Wow. Page 20 already! Zoinks! I think i did get Zoinks from Shaggy on Scooby Doo.

    So a Scooby Snack for Loopy for getting that reference. :laugh: