Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Stephinow - It will take more than a week to notice differences. Just because the numbers on the scale don't change does not mean that your body isn't changing. Try taking your measurements every 2 weeks and see if there are changes.

    Abouck, thanks! No, I meant I had been doing other workouts and eating right and really putting work in for the week (and weeks) before I even started Ripped. As a matter of fact, I had just finished 30DS a couple weeks prior and was doing Zumba. Sunday is my regular weigh-in day so I was just weighing in as usual, and to my surprise there had been no change. I don't know, maybe it was because I lost 3.4 the week before. That's a lot for me. So maybe my body lost all that it was going to lose in a 2-week period.
  • DelawareGal
    Hi everyone! I have been doing the Ripped for a few weeks, and just started week 3. I can't follow her diet/meal plan because of my food allergies, but I've been eating cleaner and healthier than normal. As of today's weigh-in and measurements, I've lost 3 pounds of fat and gained 1.5 pounds of muscle! I've also lost anywhere from 1/4-3/4" here and there. I've also noticed that my abdomen area is flatter (although things are still jiggling way out of control when I'm jumping around lol). Hang in there Stephinow, you will start seeing changes soon when you do your measurements. My weight hasn't BUDGED at ALL (frustrating isn't it?) but the tape measure and clothes don't lie!

    I will say, the first week was awful and I was so sore I had to miss a workout! I'm doing it as often as I can, which is about 4-6 times per week. I plan on finishing with this, then going through again, with heavier weights and up a level of intensity. I know I should add another exercise (walking or something) but I'm still a bit lazy/too busy. Maybe later I will.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Thanks, DelawareGal. You're doing awesome! I decided I would officially start tomorrow. with Ripped, and I'm also going to follow her meal plan as closely as possible. I'm going to do what I did with 30DS and get up at 4:30 a.m. and get the workout over with for the day. I'll only have to do that for the fist 4 days as these are the last 4 days I have to take my son to school. He's graduating from high school...YAY!! I'm reluctant to start this early because now know more about the importance of eating something before and after your workout, and at 4:30 in the morning, it's kind of difficult to eat something beforehand. But it will only be for the first 4 days so I think I'm o.k.

    Keep up the hard work, everyone!
  • summerbreeze76
    summerbreeze76 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all. I started Ripped last night and i liked it. Level I was not super hard, but ti was less hard than what i anticipated. I was pouring sweat though when it was over. So my plan is to do each level 5 days a week. I need a couple days off to keep my sanity. Im also doing a lot of other cardio inaddition to this. I hope to see amazing results like what i saw doing the 30day Shred. My plan is to get up at the wicked hour of 4:30 to complete the dvd, although this morning i just could not make myself. I will be getting home pretty late tonight, but hope to still feel the drive to complete the DVD. I would love to go into the weekend not having to do it. Good luck everyone.

    Also i dont know if my CC was on or not, but do the words show at the bottom of you guys ripped dvd? It was driving me bananas, but i could not figure out how to get them off of the screen.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Hi all. I started Ripped last night and i liked it. Level I was not super hard, but ti was less hard than what i anticipated. I was pouring sweat though when it was over. So my plan is to do each level 5 days a week. I need a couple days off to keep my sanity. Im also doing a lot of other cardio inaddition to this. I hope to see amazing results like what i saw doing the 30day Shred. My plan is to get up at the wicked hour of 4:30 to complete the dvd, although this morning i just could not make myself. I will be getting home pretty late tonight, but hope to still feel the drive to complete the DVD. I would love to go into the weekend not having to do it. Good luck everyone.

    Also i dont know if my CC was on or not, but do the words show at the bottom of you guys ripped dvd? It was driving me bananas, but i could not figure out how to get them off of the screen.

    Hey, Summerbreeze! No, my words don't show up so I guess you did have your CC on.

    Well, I started yesterday as I said I would but decided I would not get up at 4:30 to do it. I just can't do it this time around, so I will be doing it when I get home from work today. I figure it's only 30 minutes. I will alternate between mornings and evenings as my mood dictates...as long as I get it done!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I see a lot of questions about how effective Ripped an 30 DS is and what kind of results you can expect.
    I would say that depends a lot on your where your are at.
    First of all, your diet is everything between 50 -80 procent of your total weight loss. You cant fool yourself into thinking you can
    continue to eat badly, as long as you train 3-5 times a week. Your metabolism will change if you train and you will still loose weight
    but changing your diet is key, and will make the results come a lot faster and easier.

    Of course someone who is more over weight will loose more, and you have to keep this in mind. If you only have 10-15 pounds to lose, it all depends on how fast you want to loose them. With this dvd I would say someone with 10 pounds extra can loose them
    in a month, given that you stick with the meal plan and train 5 times a week. Maybe you wont loose 10 pounds but you will get more fit and toned since thats how the program works, you burn fat and get better defintion on the muscles you have, if you have them.

    Its not realistic to excpect to loose more then 2 pounds a week, unless you are very overweight and drastictally change your diet, and its not healty either. If youre only doing it to loose weight and fat, then you can probable loose just as much by going on a low calorie diet, but youll end up with a body thats not fit, youll probably look just like before, only a bit smaller. Your body will still be saggy, youll only weigh less.

    Im only on Week 3 but I think Ripped is a lot harder than 30 DS. If you are a total newbie to training and weight lifting start with 30 ds instead. If you think you are in shape and need a chocker, go with Ripped but dont say I didnt warn you! :)
  • summerbreeze76
    summerbreeze76 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all. I started Ripped last night and i liked it. Level I was not super hard, but ti was less hard than what i anticipated. I was pouring sweat though when it was over. So my plan is to do each level 5 days a week. I need a couple days off to keep my sanity. Im also doing a lot of other cardio inaddition to this. I hope to see amazing results like what i saw doing the 30day Shred. My plan is to get up at the wicked hour of 4:30 to complete the dvd, although this morning i just could not make myself. I will be getting home pretty late tonight, but hope to still feel the drive to complete the DVD. I would love to go into the weekend not having to do it. Good luck everyone.

    Also i dont know if my CC was on or not, but do the words show at the bottom of you guys ripped dvd? It was driving me bananas, but i could not figure out how to get them off of the screen.

    Hey, Summerbreeze! No, my words don't show up so I guess you did have your CC on.

    Well, I started yesterday as I said I would but decided I would not get up at 4:30 to do it. I just can't do it this time around, so I will be doing it when I get home from work today. I figure it's only 30 minutes. I will alternate between mornings and evenings as my mood dictates...as long as I get it done!

    Girl you can do, like you said as long as you get it done!
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    I would also like to be a part of this group. I just bought Ripped at Walmart today ($9.67) and starting it tonight. Very nervous, although anxious to start. I will take pics and measurements before I begin. I'm so glad to have found this group. Thank you!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I started on Monday. My plan is to progress to each level weekly (Mon-Fri/weekends off). I am also incorporating extra cardio by using my treadmill directly afterward (no cool down till thats over).

    Currently L1D3...yep I am a tad bit sore today.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    L1D4 done!
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    @Summerbreeze - Thanks for the encouragement! I am going to try and switch to mornings so that I have the evening free to incorporate some cardio on the days I feel the need.

    @Kel7298 - You are doin' it, girl! Good job!

    I completed L1D3 last night, and I'm a little sore but nothing I can't power through. Man, I'll be glad when week 1 is over just so I don't have to do fast feet ever again :tongue:
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    I completed D3 of L1 and I'm loving the feeling. I can do it...it's not easy, but I can do it...so I'm anxious to get to Level 2....I will do 2 more days on Level 1, then move on. And I'm quite sure I will remain on the other levels longer than the 1st level, baby steps :smile:
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    L2D1 finished! Definitely more plank in this segment :ohwell:
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Just wanted to drop in and wish you all well. I have to drop out. Jillian is killing my knees...UGH! I powered through it on 30DS, but Ripped is worse so I'm giving it up. I can do any other exercise and my knees don't bother me at all, but JM's just don't work for me I guess.

    Keep it up, ladies!!
  • risamgirl
    risamgirl Posts: 11
    Hi! I am currently on Day 5 of Level 1. It kicks my rear! Has anyone actually made it through this for the full 4 levels? what were your results?
  • 2novgirls
    2novgirls Posts: 35
    I started week 2 and thought I would die. I enjoyed week 1, but 2 is a killer.
    Looking forward to tomorrow! (rolling eyes)
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    I am doing day 4 of L1 tonight and I wanted to move on to Level 2 after 5 days total on Level 1, but now I'm nervous...I see that some of you think Level 2 is very hard, wish me luck! I will report back after D1 of L2 is completed, probably by late this week....what is harder about Level 2 ?
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    Much success to you Sephenow.........join us back any time :smile:
  • risamgirl
    risamgirl Posts: 11
    I finished up Day 5 Level 1 today....I am going to do 1 more day of level 1...then move onto Level 2. I'm afraid...excited yes...but also afraid! LOL
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Much success to you Sephenow.........join us back any time :smile:

    Thanks, Myvenus! :bigsmile: