p90x classic started 3/21



  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Just remind yourself you have come so far, and you don't want to go backwards. For the food make sure your eating every couple of hours and drinking fluids. It helps me fight cravings.

    If that doesn't work, then tell yourself to bring it and suck it up.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    P37 was plyo tonight. Legs were toast from today's bike ride, but excuses will not be used. Wife was also not feeling well, but she pushed and finished. Legs are getting better, was able to do more x hops. Weight loss has picked up with the sweating bike rides. (I wear jogging pants and two sweatshirts).

    Many of you have sighted burn out, for all of us it is probably signs of fatigue. Let me motivate you with the thought of your 60 day photos. Push harder for more reps and weights. You did not come this far to quit, bring the X. Go back and read your beginning post and reflect on your progress.if it was easy everyone would do it. Rome was not built in a day, but days put together.

    Several of you should be close to your half way point. Congrats

    862 calories
    13% cal fat
    7 min fat burn
    55 fitness
    152 avg hr
    182 max hr
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    So I am on week three of phase two. Last night was plyo and for some reason...it sure seemed not as difficult. I mean plyo is a rough workout and I was sweating like mad afterwards, but I wasn't as exhausted at the end like before. It was...dare I say...easier. I know that sounds absurd but that's how it felt.

    Anyway...I just wanted to share!

    BRING IT!!!!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Moving office locations, and this caused a very late p90x night. Moved office furniture, boxes and unloaded office furniture. Still need to move boxes again.

    Finished p90x at 12am. If you see my diet for today would not be a p90x role model day.

    761 cal 25% cal fat
    30 min fat burn
    46 fitness
    127 avg hr
    162 max
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Moving office locations, and this caused a very late p90x night. Moved office furniture, boxes and unloaded office furniture. Still need to move boxes again.

    Finished p90x at 12am. If you see my diet for today would not be a p90x role model day.

    761 cal 25% cal fat
    30 min fat burn
    46 fitness
    127 avg hr
    162 max

    That's ok...even after a long day and moving the office, you still managed to bring it! Great job!!1
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Well I've had a head cold the last few days and so have missed even more workouts!! So today I tried to make up for some of the workouts and I did my 'c25k' run then tried to do the legs and back workout and my heartrate was through the roof (for me anyway)!!! I felt terrible and I started having chest pains so I'm listening to my body and giving up for today. Will try to fit another workout in tomorrow. I think I really need to wait out this cold....this is so frustrating!!!

    Here's my stats for this workout...that I couldn't even finish :(
    Time: 40:10
    Calories Burned: 348
    From fat: 25%
    Average Heartrate: 145 (which is usually close to my max for legs and back)
    Max heartrate: 177 (which is just insane for me on this workout)
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Completed 6 weeks or p42x today with stretch. Also will post stats for day, 40, and 41 also.

    Schedule has been very busy last several days. Motivation to complete workouts has been lacking. However, my wife and I have continued to bring it.

    Day 40 legs and back--- I will be moving up weights on several exercises next time. Also, incorporated weights when Tony said not needed. Pull ups progress is still very frustrating, was hoping I would have better progression without chair. I do over 20 with help of chair.
    941 cal
    25% cal fat
    39 min fat burn
    57 fitness
    126 avg hr
    168 max
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Day 41 kenpo, workout was hardest to complete with busy day at scout show at UCF all day. Just felt wiped out, but pushed to complete and we did. Can't remember much of workout just a blur.

    727 cal
    16% cal fat
    19 min fat burn
    44 fitness
    137 avg hr
    169 max hr
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Today I was reflecting only 3 days from being half way done. Only18 days left before next pic post.

    Stretching was hard when I was tight all over. Fatigue probably. Diet was tossed today. Decided if I was going to cheat make it good :)

    The good was buying 34 shorts today. When started january was starting to max out n 38 size.

    228 cal
    55 % cal fat
    64 fat burn
    21 sec fitness
    90 avg hr
    125 max hr
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    After a busy weekend traveling, I am finally back home and got a decent workout in. I left Thursday night and didn't get a workout in. On Friday, I did some walking, hit the pool and got in Kenpo X. Yesterday I was on the road most of the day, so no workout yesterday either. So today I did my leg and back workout that I was supposed to do on Friday. Tomorrow I start my recovery week and it will soon be the end of my first 60 days. WOW...where did the time go? I guess I will take 60 day pics at the end of next week. I'm not really sure what the results will look like, so I guess we'll see...
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Day 43 done, keep pushing for more reps and weights each time

    688 cal
    30% cal fat
    44 min fat burn
    35 fitness
    119 avg hr
    205 max hr
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I'm adding another week to my schedule. I missed a few workouts so I think I should add another week. So today I did Chest, shoulders, and Triceps. I didn't do Ab Ripper as my legs are very sore from my running and Ab Ripper only seems too make my legs sore....which I think is odd but it's the way it is for me. I do ab ripper and my abs are never sore just my legs...hmm.....no idea lol.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Day 44 is done. Love plyometric leg hops. Getting better every day. Must be my TOM as my weight climbed recently. Also, noticed muscles are "swollen". All over. Tomorrow is half way.

    795 cal
    14% cal fat
    8:49!fat burn
    53 min fitness
    147 avg hr
    172 max hrm
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Back and biceps down.

    75 minutes
    Calories burned: 405
    Calories from fat: 42%
    Average HR: 116
    Max HR: 165
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Today is the official half way mark. P45x is done. No workouts missed, 15 more days until new photos. Weight loss continues to be a joke, can't be exercising amount. Must be eating too little. Even have tried to increase calories. Next two weekends big challenges to get workouts in. Must bring it.

    Using 40 lbs dumbbells for several exercises and they are heavy just standing waiting. Still using chair for pull ups.

    903 cal
    22% cal fat
    32 min fat burn
    57 fitness
    127 avg hr
    165 max.
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    OK...so it's time to post 60 days pics...do I post from the beginning or from the 30 day mark?
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    OK...so it's time to post 60 days pics...do I post from the beginning or from the 30 day mark?

    Both :)
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Sorry to all including myself it's been very hard to post here. Day 46 was yoga Thursday may 5th, yoga continues to be yoga. Leaving town tomorrow.

    I do make myself complete push up on the planks to downward dogs. Also find myself making robot sounds while doing exercises to keep exciting.

    620 cal
    36% cal fat
    53 min fat burn
    41 fitness
    107 avg hr
    178 max hr
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Day 47 was 5/6. Also Jen's bday. No excuse to miss workout. Had to do mid afternoon workout as 6 hour car ride that evening. Pull up numbers continue to be low on my own, but pushing twenties with chair. Continue to increase weight of dumbbells and/or reps.

    1196 cal
    18% cal fat
    29 fat burn
    72 fitness
    140 hr
    175 max
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    5/6 after posting about no weight loss many said I should eat more. So, custom numbers were entered into Mfp and picked up gnc amplified wheybolic extreme 60. Taking between 2 to 3 scoops. Tried to watch diet while traveLing but hard.