Whats bothering you today...post your complains away!!!

JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
My complaint of the day is getting up to go to the bathroom 10 times a day. I am going to invest in a colostomy bag I swear.

Fire anyway everone!!!


  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    My boss (and her 2 girls, and her horribly behaved dog..who she SERIOUSLY thinks is a reincarnation of her other dog that died a year ago) has lice. Again.

    Stupid b*tch doesn't want to use chemicals to kill the lice in her home, so she keeps on getting it. This is the 6th time since last August.

    I feel dirty.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    My coworker - he's an a--hole!!!
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    i hate that school and work takes so much of my time that i have to pencil in things like food shopping and going to the gym
  • My complaint of the day is I am just fustrated with this whole ordeal. I know this is a life changing adjustment but darn something has to give. I have no patience!! :sad:
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    The fact that all the snow days at my university have been on days that I don't have class anyway, they are on days that I have to work instead.
  • FreeToBeMeIn2014
    FreeToBeMeIn2014 Posts: 14 Member
    a torn stomach muscle preventing me from working out.... grrrrr!!!!!
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    I gained 0.4lbs this week instead of losing... and I've been working so hard! Obviously I went wrong somewhere. AND I have to spend the day STUDYING for work when I would rather do something else. Ergggghhhh.
  • ZekeandKyliesMom
    ZekeandKyliesMom Posts: 71 Member
    My Wii fit says that my fit age is 39... I am only 25. :(
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    My boss (and her 2 girls, and her horribly behaved dog..who she SERIOUSLY thinks is a reincarnation of her other dog that died a year ago) has lice. Again.

    Stupid b*tch doesn't want to use chemicals to kill the lice in her home, so she keeps on getting it. This is the 6th time since last August.

    I feel dirty.

    makes me want to scratch my head!!! Yikes!!!! That is nasty!!!
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    My scale is playing games with me!!:grumble:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    My complaint of the day is getting up to go to the bathroom 10 times a day. I am going to invest in a colostomy bag I swear.

    Fire anyway everone!!!

    Why are you pooping so much?

    My complaint---I travel around the county to see patients and the one I went to today had such an ignorant staff that could not give me any answers. I don't know why I was there or what was wrong with him. They just sat on their *kitten* and ate their lunch. I hated to be rude but I left without even inservicing them. I will probably get in trouble but I don't have time for lazy people!!!!

    Ok I feel better =)
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    People that wont wash thier own effin dishes in the luch room, so they leave them there hoping someone else will do it!!! Lazy *kitten* !!!!!!!!!
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    It's snowing, non-stop on top of the ice we got yesterday. Two people didn't show up for work today so I have to cover for two jobs plus my own. I need this day to be over now.

    Oh, and the cheetos I decided I "deserved" for all this extra work sucked. I used to LOVE those things. What a disappointment, but a good one.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    That the mountain is on fire and wouldn't be surprised if they found out some d-bag started it!!!
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    I had a cavity filled today & my face is numb. I hate the dentist & I hate the fact that no matter how hard I try my teeth are still ****ed
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    i hate that school and work takes so much of my time that i have to pencil in things like food shopping and going to the gym

    Amen! I hate that!
  • gwainwright
    gwainwright Posts: 20 Member
    Work taking over my life!!! Have no time to excercise!!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    My complaint for the day is that I just weighed myself and its 4 more lbs then yesterday. I hate hate hate that weight fluctuates so much during the day. I know I need to not weigh myself so much, and not worry about the number on the scale so much, but man it's frustrating. I just don't understand how in the 3 hours since I woke up I've put on 3 lbs! Argh!

    Thanks. I am much better now.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    People that wont wash thier own effin dishes in the luch room, so they leave them there hoping someone else will do it!!! Lazy *kitten* !!!!!!!!!

    Oh good one!! I will not wash another man's dishes......
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    This whole weight loss ordeal is getting so darn frustrating. I feel better- and I HAVE to workout or I'm grumpy. But seriously- could this baby weight hurry the hell up already!
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