Whats bothering you today...post your complains away!!!



  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    My minor complaint of the day...I'm trying to buy something online and my card is being rejected for some reason that I have no clue of, all I know is I do have money lol and I tried to call the place to complete my order and they are closed. Disappointing! Its nail polish too and I have a BOGO code, it was my little treat for this week.
  • boysmomma
    boysmomma Posts: 9 Member
    Well, i have been gone for awhile, but im back. and im going to do it right this time. my complaint today, is that i got a phone call from my drs nurse, (had my physical yesterday, and they drew some blood and did some labs), and everything was fine except..my cholesterol. its high and they want to put me on some cholest meds. im only 25!! i was in tears. i know i need to lose weight, im 5'4'' and when they weighed me yesterday, with jeans and boots i was 228. horrible i know. but i am too damn young for medications! this is the first time i have ever had these labs done, so maybe it has been high for a long time, but just never knew it. anywho, that's all i have to complain about for today. hope tomorrow is a better day, and i hope to figure out how to get a handle on this situation.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    People who say they have no time to:
    - work out
    - find a job
    - fix healthy meals

    But, they can spend 8 hours a day on Facebook, MFP or surfing the internet.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I want to preface this by saying this does not apply to all moms. But I can't stand women that think that just because they had a baby it makes them more important, better or holier than me just because I don't have kids. No you don't get to push your stroller into the back of my legs because I'm "in your way." No I don't have to deal with your screaming kids at a nice restaurant. No your NOT more important than me because I chose to use birth control and you didn't.

    This all started because I had a friend get mad at me because I wouldn't donate to her charity that gives money to single, teenage parents. Sorry, I'm going to use my $25 to buy myself birth control, not give it to some teenager that was too stupid to do the same thing.

    dude, i AM a mom and i HATE people like that...if we do go out with the toddler (hahahaha, rarely) i make sure it's RIGHT after his nap and i order his food RIGHT AWAY and bring toys...DUH. i dont want people to have their meal ruined as much as i dont want mine ruined...and i barely have money to buy my own **** let alone donate to other people's ****. so eff em if they got offended by your post but i can agree with you and since im a mom i can say what i want *nanee, nanee, boo, boo* :D

    I have SOOOOO much respect for parents like you!!
  • marshmallowmind
    marshmallowmind Posts: 82 Member
    Been at this for over 2 weeks & no progress, weight or measurements! Starting to get a bit fed up with it. :(
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    My complaint of the day is getting up to go to the bathroom 10 times a day. I am going to invest in a colostomy bag I swear.

    Fire anyway everone!!!

    I am with you on that.. exercising makes it worse- Thanks little one for ruining my bladder :(

    My complaint- I literally have no motivation today and dreading my personal training session workout tonight. Son getting sick and hate that due to my husbands job, I am always the one who has to call off work to stay home with him
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    People who say they have no time to:
    - work out
    - find a job
    - fix healthy meals

    But, they can spend 8 hours a day on Facebook, MFP or surfing the internet.

    Last time I checked you can fb and MFP from work if you have an office job.....not to sure about working out and fixing meals at work though ;p
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    WE HAVE NO AC AT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I live in South Florida and its HOT!!!!!!!
    Wish I could figure out how to break ours, its so cold in our office half if us walk around in sweaters!

    My complaint is I will be alone on my birthday next week, and the fact I know how selfish and spoiled Im being only makes it worse. I will be 46 and I've never spent a b'day alone and been with my hubby and usually kids and lately grandkids for 26+ years. But hubby working out of town, kids, grandkids in different states.... so, waaaah, poor me, have to want 2 days to celebrate my bday with my hubby.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    hate workkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! Wishes this work day would end already so I can get onto bigger and better things! Ugh!

    I feel ya! I hate my job too and all I can do it count down the hours to the end of each day. And then I mark that day off my calendar...
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I want to preface this by saying this does not apply to all moms. But I can't stand women that think that just because they had a baby it makes them more important, better or holier than me just because I don't have kids. No you don't get to push your stroller into the back of my legs because I'm "in your way." No I don't have to deal with your screaming kids at a nice restaurant. No your NOT more important than me because I chose to use birth control and you didn't.

    This all started because I had a friend get mad at me because I wouldn't donate to her charity that gives money to single, teenage parents. Sorry, I'm going to use my $25 to buy myself birth control, not give it to some teenager that was too stupid to do the same thing.

    dude, i AM a mom and i HATE people like that...if we do go out with the toddler (hahahaha, rarely) i make sure it's RIGHT after his nap and i order his food RIGHT AWAY and bring toys...DUH. i dont want people to have their meal ruined as much as i dont want mine ruined...and i barely have money to buy my own **** let alone donate to other people's ****. so eff em if they got offended by your post but i can agree with you and since im a mom i can say what i want *nanee, nanee, boo, boo* :D

    I have SOOOOO much respect for parents like you!!

    I second this!!!!!
  • omgsayalathieo
    the very thought of going to Zumba today and seeing that ANNOYING and LOUD woman who comes to the same class I do. That chick is killing my Zumba fun!!!!!! She wont shut the hell up..plus she thinks she's a damn instructor! UGH!
  • wellyourenotSKINNY
    Every fiber of my being is exhausted right now.
    I was up and down all last night. The night before I only slept three hours, and the night before that I was working on stuff until 5 in the morning, I get up at six.
    All I want to do (actually, what I need) is sleep, instead I need to outline a chapter of chem, do a packet of homework for chem, study for chem, do history homework, do my spanish presentation, translate a paragraph about cuzco, write out my spanish speech and practice it (That's going to take at least an hour, I'm horrible at spanish), work out again, shower, write out sweet sixteen invitations, fill out applications for volunteering, fill out applications for summer jobs, obtain permission to hang out with new friends on friday, somehow find time to talk to my boyfriend for an hour on the phone tonight and attempt to pick up a book because I need to remain "well rounded."
    I'm stressed and I have nothing that I can do to take that away.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    My minor complaint of the day...I'm trying to buy something online and my card is being rejected for some reason that I have no clue of, all I know is I do have money lol and I tried to call the place to complete my order and they are closed. Disappointing! Its nail polish too and I have a BOGO code, it was my little treat for this week.

    Zoya? :D
  • lesliekae
    lesliekae Posts: 57 Member
    I hate droughts. Pollen levels soar out of control and everyone gets sick. If your not one of them then you are surrounded by them everytime you go into public.
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    Mine said 40 !! dam u Wii
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm pretty peed off about the parent comments, actually. You know what, people don't have children just because they are irresponsible, and believe it or not, sometimes children don't do what they are told! Even when you tell them sternly. 100 times. Or 500 times, or punish them consistently. And SOMETIMES parents are so bleeding exhausted after 5 straight nights of absolutely no sleep WHATSOEVER they don't actually notice the other people around them, because they are too busy trying not to fall asleep in their food or just have a full on nervous breakdown on the floor. I assure you, parents find their own children a thousand times more stressful than you will find them, and people judging every little thing you do as a parent only adds to that.

    The other thing bugging me today is that my darling husband never ever ever takes his beer bottles to the recycling, he just lines them up along the sink until I crack and take them. It's not a big thing, he only has one bottle a night, but it's getting to me after 11 years of marriage.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    the very thought of going to Zumba today and seeing that ANNOYING and LOUD woman who comes to the same class I do. That chick is killing my Zumba fun!!!!!! She wont shut the hell up..plus she thinks she's a damn instructor! UGH!

    I think I know HER!! She's annoying as ****!! :bigsmile:
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    My minor complaint of the day...I'm trying to buy something online and my card is being rejected for some reason that I have no clue of, all I know is I do have money lol and I tried to call the place to complete my order and they are closed. Disappointing! Its nail polish too and I have a BOGO code, it was my little treat for this week.

    Zoya? :D

    you know it! I must have Lolly and Phoebe lol
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    My Tummy hurts :(
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I am frustrated cause I really can't work out in the A.M. because 1) I just dont have the energy and 2) gym doesnt open till 5am and I need at least 2 hrs in the gym and have to be at work which is easily a hr drive away.

    That segues into me having to work out at night and when I work out at night I can't fall asleep no matter what so now I am on 3hrs of sleep and when i get less then 6hrs of sleep I have a POUNDING headache.