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Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I agree totally with Claire, just forget that week, it's happened and the best thing you can do is get back on track and start logging and exercising again. Don't beat yourself up about trying to right the wrong. That's got me down in the past, I think sometimes you just have to write a day off and rather than trying to make up for it, just try to get back to 'normal'. Huge hugs coming at you, you can do this, we've seen that. x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Becci, giving you a big hug. Now we are all sitting either side of you on the couch holding hands. You put on weight having fun. Woohoo. Now you've had your binge as we all do when we get dissappointed with ourselves and feel its not worth keeping going. Now kick yourself up the wahoozy (i'm so great at spelling), and heave yourself back on to the wagon. You've lost it before and can do it again. Promise yourself little changes that you can make. Think about the healthy foods that you really enjoy and stock up on them. Make a menu list and stick it on the cupboard. Start planning now for when you go out, what are your best choices and how you can enjoy going out without bad temptations. I think the key to it all is plan plan plan. When that is done move it and keep moving. Now remember we are all on the couch with you. We will discuss healthy options and exercises we hate and love.

    "A goal without a plan is just a Wish"

    Time to start planning now. Don't sit on the couch to think about it, go out for a walk and ponder it, then come home and put pencil to paper. Or as my daughter would say, mum, I can just put it in my iphone (I think thats what its called). However I do think a piece of paper stuck to the cupboard door is still my best friend. This talk wasn't just for you, I needed it as well. So thanks for having us over at your house and on your couch. Gotta go now and get planning and moving. You can all come to my house next time, I will serve green tea and Cruskits with Tomato and rocket. Kisses and Hugs.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Just wanted to say - I LOVE BOXERCISE!!!!

    And it looks like the weight it coming off again - was 266.6 yesterday and was 265 this morning! Woop woop!
  • First of all, sorry for being absent for a while. I'll always think of you guys as my very own super heroes so just because I don't comment on everything that doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you!

    Becci - I know it is hard to get back up on the horse, especially when it seems like it is running away from you. I've been there too many times. I know you can do this, just get back up on it. We'll be here for you at all times. That's the great thing about having friends all over the world! :)

    Claire - I love it too - it is so much fun and it really gives you that needed push :D

    For me, I am no where near calorie goal for April... I have been in a bad place too. Got really pissed at the ppl I work with (but to scared to take a conflict I didn't say anything - that might be just as good), the weather has been crappy (snow, rain, hail and wind), I have to much to do in school so instead i do nothing. I try to stay within my calories, but exercise just doesn't seem to happen. AND I quit smoking for, real this time, four days ago. Works fine for me didn't even get tempted when I went out for a beer with my smoking friend. Now it is time to get up from the couch, just like Jenni said and go out for a walk. Think things through and come back home and start to live again.

    All my love!
  • Thank you Jenni! I got up from my couch and out for a jog! Feels great!! the average pace was 7:14 min/km. have to work on not walking like a snail in between my jogging sessions and to improve my distance. Today I could jog 1.1 km without stopping. I am so proud of myself. I know it is not a long distance, but for me it was huge!

    Oh, and I have question for you ladies with an HRM. Do you just count the calories burnt during the exercise or do you also count the ones that you burn the short time after? I read somewhere here that some ppl count their calories burnt from when they start to when the pulse is down to 90 or something like that. What do you suggest? Feels like cheating a bit to count them if I'm not moving... But if i were to attend a class I'd count the cool down session as well as the exercise itself... Help?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    with my HRM I start it when the class starts and finish it when the class finishes.... the cool down has usually got my heart rate back to normal...

    Well done on your jog!!

    I've just dyed my hair and am thinking I'm not loving the colour... Going to have to take a trip to the chemist when OH gets back to get a darker colour to go over the top!
  • with my HRM I start it when the class starts and finish it when the class finishes.... the cool down has usually got my heart rate back to normal...

    Well done on your jog!!

    I've just dyed my hair and am thinking I'm not loving the colour... Going to have to take a trip to the chemist when OH gets back to get a darker colour to go over the top!

    What colour?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thank goodness the hair is no longer neon pink! "Rose red" my *kitten*!! Have put some pics on but will get a decent one for my profile soon!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well done getting out for a jog Hanna, 7.14min/km is a really good pace. I do about 6.50min/km as long as it's flat, slower with any hills! I usually stop my HRM as soon as I've done my stretches, because in my mind I've finished exercising then.

    Pleased you hair is sorted Claire!

    Right, it mothers day here, so I've got some serious chilling to do! I ran my first ever 10km race this morning took me 1hr 10mins, so about 7min/km. I'm happy with that, that's my bench mark, have to improve on it each race!! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Happy Mothers Day Everyone. Well I did my Mothers Day Classic 8km walk. Not a good idea to go out the night before and get home 11.30pm unable to sleep but up at 5.15am. Drove to my mums, (1 hour) then by train into city. oh by the way a very cold morning, but it has become the best day, crystal blue skies, perfect weather. Met up with 2 other fellow MFPers. They had just finished the 4km run, which I will work towards for next year. One stayed and did the walk with us as well. She is very fit and it was good she pushed enough to keep me going without over pushing and I even ran/jog for the last 100 meters. 1 hour 40min approx. It was a push to do the 8 and my feet and calves are sore and I need a nap. But my next goal is to do the city to surf in August its 14kms. So I will have to keep up my training. My mum enjoyed people watching, and afterwards I bought her a pie and a coffee in a cardboard cup for Mothers Day Lunch. Just too classy.

    Rach, 10km that is fantastic. I hope your family are treating you to some great food for mothers day and maybe a massage would be good.

    Claire, pink hair, gawd girl you give me a good laugh. Haven't looked at the photos yet, I look forward to those.

    Hanna, you are stronger than you think. That was a good jog you had. And love your new profile picture.

    Becci, if you don't talk to us soon. I'm going to come over there and give you one of my stern talking too's and a Big Hug.

    Love you all. :heart:
  • Happy mothers day to all of you celebrating it today. Here in Sweden it is the last Sunday in May.

    I think I've found the key to getting off my plateau... Quit smoking!! I foolishly started to smoke again in February and the weight loss has not been moving fast since then. Quit the cigarettes this Wednesday and the scale is moving... I hope that will be enough for me to keep my fingers off them!
  • oh and my weight for tomorrow is 94.6 kgs or 208.1 lbs...
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Dreading weigh in tomorrow... I've definitely put on this time and I can't hide behind TOM.... Reckon there's some muscle water retention but have to face facts that the scale's gone up!! :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Ah well... No one to blame but myself....
  • Dreading weigh in tomorrow... I've definitely put on this time and I can't hide behind TOM.... Reckon there's some muscle water retention but have to face facts that the scale's gone up!! :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Ah well... No one to blame but myself....

    Don't think you've put on that much, and besides you've been working it this week! So even if you've put on you'll lose it in no time!

    Anyone got any tips on what challenge I could do? I am thinking about starting C25K tomorrow since I now know I am able to jog for more than 90 seconds...
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning All. Weigh in :grumble: 98.8 up another 200grams. I know how it happened. Dinner out Saturday night, will not tell you what I ate it will only set you drooling, it was so good. And I got home way to late to log it. Yesterday, I completed my log in and went to bed early 7.30pm so tired, woke about 8.30pm and started snacking. (unlogged food). Oh well onwards and hopefully downwards.
    Starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred again today. Monday 9th. At ballet last friday in the big studio mirrors, I didn't like the look of my body not that I ever really have, but I really felt it looked better while doing the 30ds. So am going to give it another go. I will send the link to the group I am doing it with it, if anyone wants to join in.
    Claire, I have been weighing in daily but only record my monday weight. Last week I was as low as 97.7 and up to 99.2. I use the weigh in as a learning tool and have decided that our misdemeaners don't always show straight away. :frown: What goes in the body seems to effect it more that the exercise we do, weight wise, but the exercise helps us strengthen and tone and emotionally feel good. Well thats what I think anyways. We will not give up no matter what.
    Hanna, the c25k sounds good. I printed off the treadmill version. I might try it. I also looked at your push up program and noticed there was one for dips which I thought I could try. I wish I dint have to fit in housework and shopping etc even though they are also calorie burning activities just not as much fun.

    :heart: Don't let a bad result get you down, think how far you have come.:heart:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Happy Mother's Day all ~~

    I have been not so good about logging in for a while, but have kept track of my calories and such. Thank you to those of you who have sent me messages checking in on me and encouraging me. You are all greatly appreciated!a

    Graduation went well last weekend. I am at yet another plateau in my journey. Mr. Scale really likes me at the 327 mark. I got down to 325 then back up to 330 and today I am at 327.2. It is driving me insane, but I am hanging in there.

    I will know tomorrow or Tuesday if I get the management job and if I am moving to Phoenix on Wednesday. Have had another major change happen in my life this last week. In 2002 my biological father whom I never knew (he left when I was 2 and never heard from him again) passed away. Through his obituary I found out that I have a brother I never knew about. Well this last week I contacted him via Facebook. He responded by calling me and we talked for about an hour. We are meeting for the first time this week. He has known about me since he was 12 (and is now 34). Due to having different last names he was never able to locate me. Only problem is I want the promotion, but I do not know that now is the time to move 1400 miles away from my brother that I have just located.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Gosh Tami, that is tough. I hope you enjoy meeting your brother. Try not to worry too much about the job, maybe just let life carry you a while, see how it feels!

    Well I've weighed in and am posting a 0.2kg gain, now weighing 82.4kg or 181.7lb. I oddly hopped off the scale this morning and shrugged and carried on, most unlike the old me. I figure it's muscle from boot camp, or my body saying it needs a break from all the losing weight, but I'm happy with what I'm eating and the exercise I'm doing. I'm sure I could carry on like this forever, and I've never felt like that before when I've been dieting! I'm quite happy with my weight/ body atm too, just about at pre-pregnancy weight, and soooo much fitter than I was back then!! I took some measurements today, and will have a look at those if I'm needing inspiration later!

    Hanna, great for you doing the running, my top tip is that it's all in your head. With running if you believe you can do it, you can ...!?

    And Claire, it doesn't matter as long as we're here, we're logging and we're exercising we'll get there in the end!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Yup - as I thought - up 1.4lbs to 268lbs... Not to worry - will take it as a kick up the *kitten* to do better this week... :smile: :wink:

    Tami - good to see you back chick - my goodness what a week you've had... I agree with Rach - don't stress - life has a way of chucking you a curve ball every now and again to keep you on your toes... Follow your heart is always the advice I live by - and if it's meant to be it's meant to be....

    Jenni - I didn't realise there's a treadmill version of C25K... Don't suppose you could fwd it to me? Or let me know where you found it... I'm not a big runner but I think I'd like to try (if the gym is quiet!!)

    Hanna - good luck with the C25K... It's something I'm not sure I could do but may give the treadmill one a go....

    I think I might find an ab crunch programme... I've got a stubborn tyre above my waist that doesn't seem to shift and maybe some crunches would help... I do a bit of ab and oblique work at kettleworx but think I maybe should be doing it daily!

    It's funny how many of the group have fallen at the wayside... Us die-hard losers group are still here though and this makes me happy!

    Love you guys xxx
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry for going AWOL, just needed some time to re-focus and try and get over this latest binge episode and go over all my therapy notes and exercises to try and get over it and while I do that, I can't log calories (part of the therapy treatment was we weren't allowed to weigh or track or diet whilst in the program), hence me going AWOL for a few days. I think I mentioned before I was diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder about 2 years ago so it is always going to have to be something I manage.

    Good news is I have lost 2 of the 3 lbs I gained and its my tom right now as well, so hopefully the other one will go this week along with a bit more, fingers crossed! I am going to the Peak District with my boyfriend at the weekend and have a nice eight mile walk planned (!) so need to hit the gym all week to get fit for that!

    Thanks for all the support ladies, it does mean as lot. Here is to getting back on the horse! Hope you all had a nice weekend.
  • Tami - Welcome back! You've had a tough week indeed. Rach and Claire are intelligent women and you should listen to them. Stress is not good. Just take care of yourself and your family and let each day be a special one...

    Becci - Welcome back to you too! And I am happy to hear that you know what tools to use when you need them. Big congrats to losing during tom that is not something that happens every time...

    Claire - Don't get down because you gained some, you work it like a maniac so it'll soon be gone. And we really are die-hard losers! I love being a part of this :D

    Rach - You are probably right it is water retention caused by boot camp. And you are absolutely right about that the ability to run is all in our heads. If I'm having a great day I find my pace right away and it feels like I could run forever, on a bad day i can hardly run for 50 meters.

    Jenni - As long as you enjoyed the dinner out - what is 200 grams? And besides, you'll work them off in no time at all. Yeah that page has quite a lot of programs. i don't do the situps any more but I do the pushups every third day so I get enough rest in between. I could really need the dips as well but I'll come to that I guess.

    So.... Today was day 1 of c25k and it felt great. We will see how it goes but if i continue like this, 5k might not be impossible... Now i'm gonna relax in the lovely sun for a while, drink loads of water and make plan dinner. Have a great Monday!