Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Tami - love the new pic! So happy that your meeting went perfectly!

    I ran today! ME! Running! And I enjoyed it! A friend of mine saw my fb status and wants to start running with me... Will be much better to do it outside along the canal than in a gym on a treadmill!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Claire, I love your hair and as I was admiring it, it occured to me how much I can see your weight loss in your face and look at your neck. Looking good.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Tami great news about your brother!

    Claire hair looks amazing!

    I lost 3 lbs this week! 1 llb took me to back where I was before and another 2 lbs off my total! Stoked as last week was horrible.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm in total shock.... The scales must be wrong.... I can't have lost 11lbs!!!
  • I'm in total shock.... The scales must be wrong.... I can't have lost 11lbs!!!

    That is awesome Claire! I have gained.... we'll see if I can get the same number as last week at the next weigh in, but I doubt it.

    Been doing day 3 of the C25K today. It felt great! But since I'm an all or nothing kinda girl, I'm daydreaming about races, new shoes and HRMs... not completely sane...

    have an awesome Friday all of you!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I keep getting numb toes and a popping sensation in the arch of my foot so I've been told to stop the running until I've been to get some proper running trainers that are tailored to my feet and gait... Will be taking a trip to the shop in the next couple of weeks so until then will be putting the c25k on hold (will still do a bit of it in the gym though I think...

    Can't believe I've lost over 3 stone now... My dad told me that he thought I looked happier and my skin looks better - and my dad rarely compliments me!

    Got to keep at it though! Need to work on the upper belly pouch that I seem to have... The muffin roll that spills over the tops of trousers... Am going to have to start doing some serious ab work!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Wow, 11 lbs? That is insane! What did you go differently this week? Good work!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Becci.....Great weight loss. Have your hiking shoes arrived yet?

    Claire.... Amazing weight loss. We all want the secret. As for shoes a great investment if you can afford them. I got ones recommended by my podiartist and was fitted for them and i also have special inner soles. I have heel spurs. Shoes and soles cost me about $300. Nearly died at the price but my daughter encouraged me to get them and am pleased and when i think Of how much i have done in them. well worth it.

    Hanna... You may be surprised. You are certainly getting fitter and healthier. I'm loving and hating the C25K treadmill version. Its hard but am so pleased to be giving it ago. But I know we all want to see the numbers go down on the scale.

    As for me weigh in on Monday, and I haven't worked this hard not to see a loss. So I better.:angry: However we have dinner out tomorrow night. At a private home work mate of my husbands, I really don't want to offend but I really hope she hasn't made any nasty temptations.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    don't think I've done anything too unusual... Maybe I'd been retaining water from DOMS? gym twice and 2 classes...

    Think I'd better do my measurements!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    That is still amazing!

    My hiking shoes did arrive and fit fine, we are off out today! Excited for my first weekend away with the boy! We are in a fancy spa hotel so lots of swimming also!

    Have a good weekend everyone, hope the meal isn't too calorific for you Jen!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Lazy Sunday here. Update. As most of you know I exercised like nuts last week, so motivated after my 8km walk. But then yesterday I started to feel one of my hammies twinge a bit, so was forced into taking a rest. My daughter also left yesterday for her first holiday without me. I am happy for her and she has only gone to Townsville (2,000+ kms away). And is staying with my sister. But then i had a moment last night, when i was feeling left out, my mum has gone to a friend in the mountains for the weekend, then it seemed my 'other ' daughters were all going away. Beccy (poorcopies) is away with her bf, Hanna went to the country but phew! it was only for a few hours. I have been up early as is my habit, but then went back to bed, its now noon and I'm up and had an early lunch, its a beautiful day, but think I might be totally lazy and spend the day in bed reading. My husband is just lazing the day away on the couch. Update on dinner out last night, I'm sure i went over on calories, but was served pumpkin soup, I said no to the bread, then we had spinach/feta pie with roasted vegies ( potato, asparagus, brussel sprouts, eggplant, carrotts, mushrooms, pumpkin, tomatoes), fresh orange 1/2 with coconut, and then a tiny slice ot caramel tart. It was great, nice and healthy. Weigh in tomorrow and hopefully back into the exercise. Might try the C25K later today.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Thanks everyone for the compliments on my new pic and on meeting my brother. We talk everyday and it is amazing how close we have already become. I just told him a few minutes ago that I feel closer to him in just a few days then I ever have toward my brothers I grew up with. Maybe being separated and never knowing each other has made that possible.

    My hubby and I went fishing yesterday. I burned over 3000 calories and it felt great. And I caught the only keeper which was a 17 1/2 inch 1.6 pound trout.

    I am down 1.6 pounds (the amt of the trout I caught) and am happy about that. That makes 49.4 pounds lost so far. Now if I could just keep going down instead of fluctuating!! I started back on the hcg protocol today which means today and tomorrow I have to eat 2500-3000 calories each day, then on day 3 drop down to 500 calories. My body is not happy with all these extra calories and carbs being put in my body. I ate some ice cream (first refined sugar eaten in nearly 2 months) and it felt like a cement brick in my stomach. But this is part of the protocol. Can't wait for Monday when I drop back down to the 500 calories for 41 days.

    Good job everyone on the awesome losses. Claire, you are AMAZING~~ and what an inspiration. And you are looking so good. love the new hair!
  • Well I have no clue on what to do. I have gained an enormous amount. I now weigh 96.4kgs or 212.1lbs which means I am almost back where I started 7 weeks ago. But of course I am fitter now than ever before. I know I should be happy I've come this far, but today I just can't see that. And I do eat refined sugars a little bit too much. I'll cut them out as much as possible for two weeks now and we'll see what happens.
    Also something strange is happening with my stomach, don't really know what he is up to yet - but I believe my gain has something to do with that. AND ovulation as started always a blast!:mad: So..... Sorry for complaining, but I really needed to get that out.

    The good thing? Cause there always is... I finished C25K w2d1 today. My hamstrings didn't say a word and actually behaved well. I can feel my exertion asthma, which is not a good thing - but it doesn't bother me much. i reckon it'll get better with time.

    have a happy Sunday everyone!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hanna , its ok to have a whinge and vent your feelings. Its not fair with all the hard work you are doing to gain but I know you will hang in there. I think the good thing is we all know we wont give up no matter what and thats a positive. We have come so far and are feeling the healthy benefits that even with a set back we know we are still in a better place than before. How great are you feeling doing the C25K, imagine doing that 6 months ago. Have uncovered my little book of inspiration. This one is for you my 'virtual' daughter.
    "Good health is a choice - access the awesome power of the body-mind."
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Awww Tami, that is wonderful news. I love the pic, and am so happy for you and your bro. Congrats on the catch and the loss too. Pleased your back on the hcg as I know you were hanging out for that. You are doing really well!

    Hanna, that is just a pain in the bum. It must just be a blip, and it will correct itself. Big hugs, like Jen says focus on the fitness, focus on the running, keep on keeping on. We are all going to do this.

    My new profile pic is me dancing with my little girl. She got a bit teary when the dance teacher corrected something she did and I had to dance with her to kep her involved. My aunty (who is the same age as me) thought it was hilarious, and took some pics. I was amazed when I saw the pics, as I actually thought I look ok, I don't look too fat! Yay!

    I've increased my protein intake. My nutrition goals are now 35% Fat, 35% carbs and 30% protein. This has really helped to reduce my sugar intake, as to eat that much protein my calories are not coming from sugar, after three days I'm already starting to not crave that sweet something in the evening. Hoping for a better loss tomorrow. I'm feeling good though, really feeling fit, still don't 'enjoy' running in the same way that I do swimming and biking, but I'm getting there.

    Have a great day losers, be back for weigh in tomorrow.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oh and Claire, 11lbs is just incredible! Yay to that!!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Good Morning

    Just back from my walk/run with a friend. She's just started out running, so I took her on one my routes at her pace. It was all good! Nice to have a buddy to run with.

    Weighing in this morning at 81.5kg or 179.7lb, which is 0.9kg or 2lb down. That's all good with me!

    Happy weigh day losers.
  • Good Morning

    Just back from my walk/run with a friend. She's just started out running, so I took her on one my routes at her pace. It was all good! Nice to have a buddy to run with.

    Weighing in this morning at 81.5kg or 179.7lb, which is 0.9kg or 2lb down. That's all good with me!

    Happy weigh day losers.

    Congrats on the loss! And to having a friend to run with. It is always easier to push oneself when you run with someone...

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Weigh In and finally the scales have found their map and are now going in the right direction, but it took a hell of a lot of work to get them to turn around, hope I can keep up the pace.
    Loss 1.9kg (4lbs) I think thats my biggest weekly weight loss to date. So I am now 96.9kgs (213.6lbs). I am thrilled but also scared to not let it gain again even a wee bit.

    Well done Rach on your weigh loss. Its nice to have a friend to run/walk with, now and then.

    And now a bit of my mundane life. My husband has now gone away for 2 days. So I have tonight on my own. Yahoo!!! I am so excited not sure what I will do with myself, watch Tv, go to a Zumba class, read, all these things I do when he or Samara are here but it just feels very free to not have a schedule. Meals etc. For you younger ones this may seem strange to you, but I don't remember when I last had a night to myself. Samara is nearly 20 so i'm guessing 20 years.
  • Weigh In and finally the scales have found their map and are now going in the right direction, but it took a hell of a lot of work to get them to turn around, hope I can keep up the pace.
    Loss 1.9kg (4lbs) I think thats my biggest weekly weight loss to date. So I am now 96.9kgs (213.6lbs). I am thrilled but also scared to not let it gain again even a wee bit.

    Well done Rach on your weigh loss. Its nice to have a friend to run/walk with, now and then.

    And now a bit of my mundane life. My husband has now gone away for 2 days. So I have tonight on my own. Yahoo!!! I am so excited not sure what I will do with myself, watch Tv, go to a Zumba class, read, all these things I do when he or Samara are here but it just feels very free to not have a schedule. Meals etc. For you younger ones this may seem strange to you, but I don't remember when I last had a night to myself. Samara is nearly 20 so i'm guessing 20 years.

    Well I totally get you! Just being able to to what ever you want to do, when ever you want do it - that is freedom :) And a big congratulation on the weight loss. That is awesome!

    When i visited my uncle yesterday. Mom and I got a heap of clothes from one of his friends. Now I am walking around in my new dress trying to get used to it. I've never been a girlie girl. But I would like to get in touch a little bit more with the fluffy pink side of mine. I guess being extremely obese isn't the most flattering thing in the world. I just wanna feel feminine for once... I have to work on that part too I guess!

    Happy Monday to all of you lovely ladies!
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