Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oooh, I hear you on that one Hanna. I'm not a girly girl either, but would actually quite like to be a bit more girly! I'm at a bit of an odd size now, all my clothes are getting far too baggy, and a belt on the trousers is just not helping as they're too baggy round my hips and bum! But my box of too small stuff is still a bit too small ... considering buying some more stuff ... I tried on just about every pair of trousers this morning and ended up going for some that are a bit tight ...

    And Jen I love being home alone, the lack of pressure to cook dinner, lack of pressure to tidy up ... just generally doing whatever I want. I had that a couple of months ago when my hubby and inlaws went away for the weekend. It was lovely!
  • Haha, i just realized I have 17 lbs to lose in 5 weeks time to meet my goal for this challenge! Like that's gonna happen! :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm make a plan in my head for this weeks exercise, so than thought maybe I should put it down and maybe I will be more likely to stick to it. I've been trying to do 2 things a day . Ideally first thing in the morning than the evening. But sometimes will just do it when I can. So every day is my Jillian Michael 30 day shred, than
    monday - 30 min bike,
    tuesday - c25k,
    wednesday - zumba,
    thursday - c25k,
    friday - 30min bike,
    saturday - C25k
    sunday - walk
    Studio closed this week so no ballet class.

    What is your plan?
  • Jenni that is a great plan! My plan is:

    Monday: Might take a walk if weather allows it
    Tuesday: C25K w2d2
    Wednesday: Long walk to granny (around 8K). Can really use those calories when I visit her./ DVD if the weather is crappy
    Thursday: C25K w2d3
    Friday: 5K walk
    Saturday: C25K w3d1
    Sunday: 6K walk

    Doesnt look like so much fun.... and no variation. But the important thing is to get moving and C25K workout is amazing. I LOVE it
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Haha, i just realized I have 17 lbs to lose in 5 weeks time to meet my goal for this challenge! Like that's gonna happen! :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hanna I htink I have 16 left to lose. I want to be under 200 when I go home at teh end of June but I don't think that is going to happen. I have been eating pretty bad with all this travel between teh 2 houses and all of my exercise coming from softball or movign boxes. I think you are doing a great job!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I have 13 to lose to make my goal, we will see what happens!

    Congrats on your loses ladies!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well if the scale was right last week and I really was 256.8 then I have 4.8lbs to lose in the 5 weeks left.... However, I have a sneaky suspicion that this will not be the case!
    It remains to be seen!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I don't remember what my goal is for June, but I am thinking it was to be at 298 and if that is the case I have 32 pounds to go. I have been fluctuating for 3 weeks, but no significant loss. And as always at the beginning of the hcg protocol I gained 5 pounds so today I am at 330. It sucks, but it is expected to do so. I should begin losing again in the next day or two so I am not stressing over it. If I could just get below 325 I would be happy!!

    Goals for this week:

    ~burn at least 500 calories each day
    ~ not skip any meals on my protocol
    ~ drink at least 96 oz of water daily

    :heart: Tami
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok so I had the night to myself, lovely, and getting up this morning the house all to myself wonderful. However, last night after logging my food, and relaxing after Tv I started to nibble, I was already over my calories, but I just went into old bad habits and went to stuffing my face, was it because no one was home to see me do it. Would have liked to think I was stronger than that. Anyhow I got to thinking, and having read Hanna's post about maybe not reaching target (me too), and I decided dam it I'm going to do it.
    Remember back on 30 April and I still had all those calories to burn before midnight, and I just got up and did it. I have never yet met a weight goal and for once I am going to. Its not impossible hard yes but I/we can do it. I have my MFP set to losing 1 pound a week. I guess overall I am losing that, but some weeks I gain, then last week was that unusual large weight loss. I am thinking of not eating back my exercise calories, for the rest of this week. Or I could change MFP to 2 pounds a week. I will also drink more green tea suppose to help, have braggs vinegar and hot water of a morning, make sure I get plenty of sleep. What else can I do? I think I also heard something about having chilli with a meal? Does anyone know anything about this?

    Hanna, a big Thank you, for bringing up the subject. I think I have about 14pounds to go. I get confused converting all the time. But I think I was aiming for 95kgs. Would love to be close to 90kgs before I do the 13km walk in early August. Less to push up the hill. So that will be my next goal.

    Want I am trying to say is dam it lets push ourselves to the limit and do this girls. I know I can do better. Who wants to join me and make the next 5 weeks fast and furious. Please if you can see in my diary that I could do better tell me so. I need pushing.
    Don't say well done if it could be better.

    Tip. Set your ironing board lower and do squats while ironing.

    By the amount of cleaning products in my cupboard I should have a clean house I don't.
    By the amount of health/fitness magazines I have, I should be fitter.
    Its about time I put all these things into practice.

    Time now to get my day started.
    Make this tuesday, a super day.:love::flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Opps I think I only have 4lbs to lose, but still want to really go for it. :blushing:
  • Thank you Jenni for that post. It made me chose wisely and not to crawl into bed again after my C25K w2d2. The sun is shining, the apartment needs some cleaning, I need a cup of coffee. There is so much to do. Oh, I will have 5 fast and furious weeks now. I just need to find out how. And I've been thinking on lowering my cals too...

    Well C25K felt a bit hard today.... something is up with my breathing. My legs was not tired at all from jogging, but my lungs were. I did all the jogs, but it didn't feel good. Hope it feels better on Thursday.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I think I have about 14lbs to lose to meet my challenge goal. I could really push myself to try to lose that, but to be honest I'm happier plodding along and as long as the scales are heading generally in the right direction, and I'm doing my exercise, trying to eat sensibly most of the time and logging what I eat, I'll lose what my body's happy to shed! I may upgrade my goal ... 5 weeks, if I lose 10lbs I would be really happy! So aiming for 169lb or 76.7kg.

    I always plan ahead with my exercise, maybe that's to do with having small children? I have a rest day too, someone somewhere must have suggested that once, most likely my husband!

    Mon - Run (10km)
    Tue - Boot camp
    Wed - Swim (1.5km)
    Thur - Boot Camp
    Fri - Rest day
    Sat - Boot camp
    Sun - Bike (at least 20km)

    I'm really enjoying baking and cooking at the mo. Just made digestives, they are yummy. I think McVities are quaking in their boots! I amaze myself that I can bake a batch, eat one, one each for the kids and my hubby and then box them up. The main reason I didn't used to bake was that I would eat the lot!! Any top tips for high protein veggie meals would be good, as I'm struggling to eat 30% protein, and stay under my calories.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Actually, I'm aiming for 168lb, exactly 12 stone! So 76.2kg .... that will be challenging enough for me!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well I did w1d2 of the c25k today... didn't feel tooooo awful after it either though jogging for the full minute is still a bit of a struggle! But I did it anyway! A week after doing w1d1 lol!

    Kettleworx AND gym pencilled in for tomorrow... Morning and afternoon workouts! If the weather's nice I'll try and get in w1d3 on thursday and then boxercise class on friday....

    I think last weeks WI can't have been right (no matter how many times I got on and off the scales and it said the same thing) as today I weighed in at 264.6lbs! I guess my goal of 252 is do-able from that... 2.5lbs a week... If I proper push it! We shall see.....
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Did the C25K week 2 day 1 last night. My legs ached when I went to bed ended up having some paracetamol and rubbing calves with linament. Now I've woken with the stiffest/sorest hips. Any advice? I feel when I 'run' that I am very heavy and am pounding it. :ohwell:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Jen, I've only just stopped feeling like a baby elephant pounding along when I run, I'm not certain of this, but I think doing the leg strengthening training that we do on my bootcamp really helped (squats, lunges etc), or maybe it just comes in time?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Saw my podiatrist today and he is also a runner. He checked my shoes they are fine, probably should start breaking in new ones soon. He said my hip pain is probably just adjusting to the new execise, running. Ice and rest. So annoying I'm really enjoying the exercising. Why doesnt the body keep up with the head. Oh well I will get strong and start again.
  • Saw my podiatrist today and he is also a runner. He checked my shoes they are fine, probably should start breaking in new ones soon. He said my hip pain is probably just adjusting to the new execise, running. Ice and rest. So annoying I'm really enjoying the exercising. Why doesnt the body keep up with the head. Oh well I will get strong and start again.

    Just take your time!! You'll be back on track in no time...

    For me, I am between days so today it'll be a long walk and maybe a DVD, but the weather is so nice it would be a shame staying inside!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Off to kettleworx shortly... Dreading it a little as my friend who was in last nights class said she was doing a lot of leg work so that means she'll do the same this morning probably! Squats and lunges how I hate thee!!

    Going with the same friend to the gym after lunch too...

    I definitely think that really low weight last week was some kind of fluke... Don't think I'll be anywhere near it on Friday!!! Will have to tweak the ticker I think or it will keep saying I've lost more weight than I actually have.... Bummer.... :grumble: :grumble:

    Must say I enjoyed running outside much more than on a treadmill... Didn't feel like I was going to put my foot through the earth and break it for a start! Can't wait to go and get measured properly for my running shoes though... Apparently they record you running and walking so they can see exactly how your foot falls and then find a shoe that fits your gait... fab!

    Happy Wednesday Losers!
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Blimey you lot!!!! - have you all been signed up to Gym junkies anonymous while I have been offline. Your exercise regimes are fab and you are all really going for it! Well done

    Since moving I have decided to take classes, not join a monthly membership and try as many new things as possible - also a good way to meet new folks in the area.
    So far I have been spinning, joined Curves on a 4 week Groupon deal and had my first of 3 Bikram yoga intro sessions last night. I have found a new Zumba class for Thursdays, so need to make time for that.

    My new house mate is wheat and gluten free, so this is great as he is being healthy and watching his weight to. No idea where I am re target, will have a look for my Monday weigh in and post an update/confession then!!!

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