Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • Ladies!

    Today I am struggling with TOM real bad. Hopefully I'll be able to knock him to the floor so I can keep my plan with the C25K. It is the last day of week three and I don't wanna break this good habit of mine... I really enjoy it and I'm trying to get everyone I know to get into running as well.
    Tonight I will taste the lemonade I made for the first time. It has been in the refrigerator for 2 days now. I am super exited. I relative of mine said it was tasty mixed with Cava or Champagne... I might just try that tomorrow cause it is my mothers last chemo treatment at 1.30 pm.
    Today I am just gonna relax and take it easy (except for c25k) cause my uncle is visiting. Maybe bake some more cookies. LOL I am not eating them all - I'm freezing them or giving away to the ppl around me who aren't so well.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm not sure who's bright idea it was to do c25k straight after an hour of kettlehell but I'm shattered! Going to have a well deserved day of rest tomorrow - my muscles need to heal!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Evening! Got my exercise in but now have someone's leaving meal - and it is at the tasty indian all you can eat place ever. Going to be so hard but I have 800 cals to play with. I started taking a sea kelp supplement today, anyone else take any supplements?

    Also, I thought of a challenge for next week (inspired by another topic actually) how about a miles burnt challenge? Walking, running, swimming and cycling? What do you reckon and if you like it, how many do you think?
  • Evening! Got my exercise in but now have someone's leaving meal - and it is at the tasty indian all you can eat place ever. Going to be so hard but I have 800 cals to play with. I started taking a sea kelp supplement today, anyone else take any supplements?

    Also, I thought of a challenge for next week (inspired by another topic actually) how about a miles burnt challenge? Walking, running, swimming and cycling? What do you reckon and if you like it, how many do you think?

    a mile challenge sounds good. For me it would be running/walking and I think 22 miles in a week is doable for me.

    oh and my lemonade is now finished - tastes divine!:happy:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Becci - what does kelp do? I don't take any supplements at the moment... Maybe I should!

    Hanna - What lemonade did you make? What's the recipe?!

    Any challenge is going to be tricky for me next week - It's half term for DS so may go camping again depending on the weather (if it carries on raining we won't be going!) Sounds like a good challenge though I don't know how far I could get!

    I'm so achy today from yesterdays workouts! Going to have a nice rest day today and then get on with the boxercise tomorrow... and possibly a run if the weather clears - it's pretty wet here today!
  • Hanna - What lemonade did you make? What's the recipe?!

    I made Lilac lemonade. Here is the recipe, and if anything is unclear just let me know :D

    For approximately 3 litres

    40 lilac flower clusters
    2 lemons
    30 gram citric acid
    2 litres of water
    2 litres of sugar
    (preservatives if you'd like)

    1. Rinse the flower clusters and take off the flowers. Put the flowers in a bowl or a bucket.

    2. Wash the lemons. Peel them, squeeze the juice over the flowers. Put the peels and lemons in the bowl/bucket with the flowers.

    3. Measure the water and sugar in a pan and bring it to a boil. Pour it while hot over the flowers.

    4. When the mix has cooled put it in the refrigerator to trek for 2 days. Make sure it is covered.

    5. Filter the lemonade. Pour it in cold and clean bottles and store them in a dark and cool place. If you are gonna store them for long it is recommended to use preservatives or to deep freeze the lemonade.

    The more colour the flowers have, the more colour your lemonade will get.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - you day off sounds great, glad you were able to rest.

    Hanna - the lemonade sounds great! And 22 mile sin a week is awesome!

    Beccy - I'm not sure if I miles challenge ois for me i do so many exercise that cannot be measured in miles. My walking uasually only ends up being 3-5 miles a week. But I am in full support of whoever joins.

    Clair - sorry your tired but man you rock for working so hard.

    I'm still struggleing with diet and exercise these days. But I am logging everything even if it's late. Today I get to go to the gym!!!! Going to take an aqua aerobics class. i hope to make it to yoga tomorroew before heading to the new house for the 3 day weekend (Memorial Day , to honor fallan military men and women, here in the US) to paint nad clean and begin unpacking. The big furniture move is getting ever closer.

    So happy Memorial day to all, American or not. I honor all those her serve to protect freedom!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Happy Memorial Day to my American friends.

    Now in case I go quiet for a while. Its because my daughter is leaving home. :cry: :happy: Sad and happy. Yesterday she and i went and looked at a unit in the city to rent. Its old, expensive but best location. She only has a 20 minute walk to work, or can take the bus from just down on the corner. From where we live she travels for 3 hours a day to get to and from work and if she wants to stay in for classes it makes for a tiring day. So with great excitment yesterday she put in an application for this unit and it was approved. Yay. I am very excited for her. Its very tiny (studio unit), entrance opens into kitchen which is quite new, then step into the one room bedroom/lounge big enough for a bed and table, then off to the side (behind kichen) is a tiny old but ok bathroom. She has a couple of windows looking out over the street. It is on the top floor (4th floor) and there is no lift. 100 stair climb. So no need for gym membership. Then another 15 or so stairs takes you to the roof top where there is a laundry with coin operated machines and a lovley roof top straight out of the old movies. The building would be over 100 years old, remember thats old for Australia. There are only 9 units and are above a shoe shop. What a shame after rent and food she will be broke. It is right in the middle of Sydney at the end of out Pitt St Mall which is the main shopping strip of the city. I think carrying all her stuff up those 100 stairs will give me plenty of exercise in the next week or so. Its unfurnished so it will be very light, make do stuff. Sleeping bag on floor might be how she starts out. I will be able to stay with her on my worknight now. My poor husband I think is in shock as it has happened so quickly. but it felt right and everything fell into place.
    So here's to busy exciting days ahead.
  • Kowabunga Losers!!!

    I did it!!! Sou proud of myself at the moment. Even though I thought I'd die the last interval I pushed through.

    Jenni - So great for your daughter (and you on dancing nights) that she gets an apartment in the City. 3 hours is way too long to travel. I (and probably the rest of us) will totally understand your absence. We will miss you but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Jenni - all that stair climbing will be more than enough exercise! Good luck with your daughters move - I'm sure it'll be a bitter-sweet day for you all...

    Hanna - Well done on the run!! You amaze me! w1 still shatters me!!

    Had wonderful boxercise this morning - damn I love that class... Will try and get a gym work out in over the weekend but not sure if I'll have time...

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow, big changes in your world Jen, I can imagine that must feel sad and happy, end of an era, but the start of so many new and wonderful things for your daughter!

    Well done with your C25K Hanna, you seem to be totally rocking it. Well done getting through that last interval, that's what it's all about, just keep putting one leg infront of the other, you can do it. It's a mad thing running, I reckon, I still dislike the thought of it, and don't especially enjoy it when I'm doing it (sometimes I do), but I love how I feel afterwards, and how many calories it burns!

    Courtney I'm so impressed with you staying up with the game when you have so much going on. You're doing great.

    I'm planning a 10km run in the morning, repeating the same course I did for the race the other week, see if I'm any faster. Hope so ... though I'm quite wheezy (I'm asthmatic) atm, hope that doesn't have an effect. Today was my last bootcamp session, though I have signed up for the next one (starts on the 9th of June). We had a mad session today, down on the beach filling bags with sand and racing eachother with them, then doing similar things with buckets of water, as always it was a real laugh! We have our end of bootcamp BBQ tomorrow, I'm sure the food offerings will be healthy, so that should be all good.

    Have a lovely weekend losers x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Emotions hitting me hard. Ate so badly today, hiding behind food. Its almost 1am can't sleep. Hope tomorrow I have it all under control.
  • Emotions hitting me hard. Ate so badly today, hiding behind food. Its almost 1am can't sleep. Hope tomorrow I have it all under control.

    I'm sorry to hear that Jenni. Try not to blame yourself and get some sleep. There is nothing you can do about what has happened now anyway, so just sleep the bad things away. It'll get better tomorrow. I promise
  • OMG I'm so happy! I just came in from my run (w4d2) and I bettered my time with TWO MINUTES (?!?!) since Friday... Really didn't think it would go OK today cause neither my mind nor my body was up for a run. Well, I couldn't possibly be more pleased... So next week I'm running Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and walking all the other days. I have to walk/run 5k every day to get to my goal for next week. I'd like to burn 3500 calories next week as well might come in handy since my mothers end of chemo party is Saturday.

    Here in Sweden it is mother's day today - so to all of you mothers out there. Have the best day!!!

    And the rest of you as well. lol

    Oh and btw - I weigh the same as last week. Since Tom is visiting I am very pleased with that!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hello all,
    Sorry I had gone missing this week! My husband and I have been having some issues in our marriage and he decided he wanted a separation rather than work on things together so he left last night. The 6th of June would have been our 6 month anniversary. Needless to say I have been under an incredible amount of stress over the last week and have gained a few pounds. I slept better last night (after crying myself to sleep) because though he walked out at least the fighting and yelling at each other has stopped. I didn't log my calories, but I did get in a LOT of exercise. I guess being stressed and needing time away does do some good! I burned over 8000 calories this week so I am happy with that!!
    Anyway, I am looking forward to the scale moving back down. I know it will now that my stress level will be less intense (or at least I hope it will be). If he ever decides to be a man and take responsibility for his part of the problem in our marriage then maybe, just maybe, we can work things out. Only time will tell!! Have a Super Sunday everyone!!

  • Tami I am so sorry to hear that! Separations are never fun to deal with, but I do believe things happen for a reason and even if things look dark at the moment the future is bright. With or without your husband. I really hope you guys can work things out so at least you can have a manageable separation. Don't stress with your weight loss at the moment, you have to deal with your marriage first. We will always be here for you when you need us!

    All my love!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Oh Tami - I'm so sorry... I second everything Hanna has said and we'll all be here for you if you need us... xx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning Tami, So sorry to hear about the problems you have been having. But reading your note you sound positive and strong, so even though you will have rough moments I know you will get through this difficult time. We are all here for you and support you always. :flowerforyou:

    Today is the day my daughter opens the page on her next chapter of life. She signs her rental lease at 2.30pm. We have the car packed with just what she needs to start with or so we hope, can't fit anymore in. My husband will come in when he finishes work and we will start the multi trips up and down the 100 stairs. I will be staying with her most nights this week as we sort things out. No furniture going in yet so will be roughing it. Today she works the am and pm shift. 4 hour break between the 2. So in the break it will be time for the agent and first trip up the stairs with some groceries. Then she can go to work at 5pm and I will stay and I wait for Tony to come in. He is putting a safety chain on door, first job. It is cold and predicted showers today, perfect for moving. :tongue: I am still having anxious moments even though I support her move and know its what she needs to do for now. She is the first of her friends to move out, so they are excited and looking forward to crashing at her place.

    I had another binge after hours last night. Weigh in 96.9kgs. Thought it would be worse than that. However this week could be take aways. Agent is putting in a new fridge but may not be till end of week.

    Hanna your running is going great. Claire stick to week 1 till you feel ready to move on. I can't believe we are all attempting to run. I will become stair master.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow Tami, you are an awesome lady. I feel so proud of you facing such tough times with such a positive attitude. I hope that things work out as is best for you, not sure what that might be. 8000 kcalories is VERY impressive. Big hugs.

    Hope the move is going well for you Jen. x

    Hanna, you are just on TOP form with the running! You're doing great!

    Well I came on to share my 1.5kg loss! I'm absolutely over the moon about it, TOM is here and I over ate yesterday. Now weighing in at 78.6kg or 173.3lb. Not bootcamp this week, but the lady who runs it has organised us cheap entry into a few local classes, so I may give some of those a go!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    0.8lbs lost this week... Takes me to 262lbs... Not the loss I was expecting after all the exercise I've done but I've been VERY under with my intake this week - like 200cals under so maybe I'm not eating enough... And TOM is due tomorrow so that's probably playing a part too..

    Any advice peeps?!

    Rach - that's a fantastic loss! Well done chicca!

    Jenni - I hope your daughters move goes well... Think of all the time you and your husband will have now - you can rekindle the couple in you!
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