Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • Oh I am awesome :laugh: Week 4 is over and today I ran 23 seconds faster than last time. But today I am happy there were almost no people out. I was listening to the radio as I was running and they were so hilarious I had to laugh out loud. I have always hated people in DVDs and advertisements who are constantly smiling and yet here I am laughing and running at the same time. People must think I am mad as a hatter - but I couldn't care less. I am working out, enjoying it and losing weight. I feel great!!

    Keep the good work up ladies!!!!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wooohooo! Go you Hanna!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Sorry to hear about your separation Tami!

    Jen - glad your daughter found a place, it will be nice for you to visit her in the city!

    I lost 2.5 lbs last week which takes me down 267.5. Stoked! Had an okish week foodwise, went to Collectormania on Sunday and got my picture taken with River Song from Doctor Who, woo hoo! Dan was over all weekend, we went swimming together on Saturday which was nice. Managed to catch up on my food logging as well.

    This week I am going to try and get in 20 miles of exercise, swimming, walking and cycling. If anyone wants to join me, feel free!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Becci - get you nob-nobbing with the stars! I think the pic should be posted for all to see!!

    Got a friend coming over for lunch - she ALWAYS brings a cakey treat - good job I'm off to the gym this afternoon!

    Going to a clothes swap party on Saturday and want to take cakes with me so have been looking for low cal versions and am going to try making pina colada cupcakes! Will let you know how they turn out!
  • Becci - get you nob-nobbing with the stars! I think the pic should be posted for all to see!!

    Got a friend coming over for lunch - she ALWAYS brings a cakey treat - good job I'm off to the gym this afternoon!

    Going to a clothes swap party on Saturday and want to take cakes with me so have been looking for low cal versions and am going to try making pina colada cupcakes! Will let you know how they turn out!

    Recipe please! :D
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I'm trying to catch up with everyone. I'm still super busy with Stepson's graduation approaching and with moving.

    Jenni - I so happy for your daughter I hope all goes well. i knwo you will miss her a lot.

    Hanna's - great job with your running I am so impressed

    rach - thanks for teh encouragement. You are doing an amazing job with your running a bootcamp

    Tami - i am so sorry you are going through issues with your husband. i hoep you guys are able to work soemthing out.

    Clair -0.8 is a great loss. Are you netting 1200 cals? Have your measurements gone down. i bet those kettle works sessions are building a lot of muscle. Make sure you are getting enough protein after your work outs. You are doing a great job!

    No loss ofr me. I habe been losiong and gaining the same 3 pounds. which is fine since life is crazy right now. I can't wait to ge tback to a routine next week. I'm sur ethe scale will go down again after te move is complete.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Recipe for Pina Colada cupcakes is here - haven't made them yet so don't shoot the messenger!

  • Recipe for Pina Colada cupcakes is here - haven't made them yet so don't shoot the messenger!


    Those look absolutely delicious!!! Will try them some day soon!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home for the night. Have missed being on here. Left message via my daughters iphone but that was just too hard for me to handle, couldn't navigate it. So am now catching up on everyones news. My its like being a way from a little village, and missing out on events.
    Very happy with her little unit, it is in such a good location and easy to get to. Well to the downstairs door, then its the 100 stairs. Monday I lost count how many times I went up and down but my thighs were shaking and legs felt like they were giving out on me. I did at least 15000 stairs. Stopped counting the trips after a while. Did meet 2 lovely french boys who took the last few loads up for me. They are in unit under Samara. (she is excited to meet them). She hasn't met any neighbours yet and I have only seen 2 others come in. Nicknamed them, asian athlete (came back from gym across road), and artist dude (has a goatee and looks artie). Have not seen any other females yet. Tuesday I rested only did 300 stairs. Today, wednesday, 500 stairs and 4 hours out shopping look for light, furniture. Oh then i walked to her work usually 20min but I took an hour as I went the long way, avoiding stairs, and also there is light festival on which caught my attention.
    We are sleeping on a thin mattress at the moment, and I made her shelves out of cardboard boxes. I managed to carry up a microwave for the kitchen, kettle and toaster, and my old dinnerset and cutlery. So its ok. We really miss a tv or radio, have to look out the window to see whats happening in the world. Have made 3 trips to the grocery store across the road and she now has basic food and cleaning products. We have had to come home as she has to do a filming dancing thingy tomorrow, and its easier to get to from here. So she will take the car and go to that, I will catch the train back in after lunch, as we are both due to work in the city tomorrow night. She will drive in and meet me at work. Luckily we can leave the car at work and get bus back to unit. No parking near unit, well not affordable parking.
    I'm getting plenty of exercise but the food, wine ,cheese, chips, chocolate had to celebrate.
    Weekend we will spend looking for a bed and hopefully can get it delivered. Her unit is right in the middle of Sydney City, not the easiest for deliverys. Tomorrow we need to take in more clothes and shoes, thats her priority. At 19 ,of course, 3 weeks and she is 20.
    Well to all my lovely friends, keep up the good work and I will be back soon I hope.
  • Good to hear things are going great with the moving Jenni. You'll have a butt of steel once you're done! And having no TV is a good thing since you have to get up and moving to do things :D

    This morning I did w5d1 of C25K, but got interrupted by the phone a bit - compensated that by running a bit longer the last 5 minutes... Ran home to my friend and then walked home to me... We had a bit of cooking to do here. This Saturday it is a party at my place since my mum is officially off her chemo therapy. So me and my friend made Lumpia (her dad is Filipino) and some other buffet food. Saturday is gonna be a great day!

    And my uncle just sent me a text - he asked if I already did my running, cause he's gonna go for a run tonight and he said he would appreciate some company. I am up for a second run. maybe that'll give me a chance to stretch properly.

    All my Swedish love!!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hanna! You're doing so good with the running! I'm so proud!! It's great when you find an exercise you really love... I think I'm like that with boxercise - wish I could do it more often...

    I'm having crazy TOM chocolate cravings today.... Am trying VERY hard to resist but it's tough... I've had a bounty bar so far.. Hope that will curb the cravings... But it's only 5pm here - a few hours till bedtime and i'm alone in the house....
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - glad teh move is goign well.

    hanna - your running and your attitude rock.

    Claire - I hate TOM cravings mine was honey mustard pretzels this month...weird

    We had a crappy softball game last night. Still waiting for this season to get fun. But I chose the chili salad insted of teh chili and tater tots last night so I was way under my cals. Will hopefull get teh first coat of paint on my new bedroom walls tonight.

    keep up the great work losers!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    yep... ok... messd up yesterday... BBQ this evening so will try to be good - mind you I have boxercise this morning so shouldn't be too tricky...

    Going to a party tomorrow - today is a bake day... Reckon it will be hard not to have a blow out but it will be a controlled blow out and will get back on it on Sunday...

    It's wonderfully hot here at the moment so maybe summer has arrived!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    My personal update ~~ my hubby came back home and we are doing really well. We are working out together in the gym now and are doing more things together. We both want our marriage to work and are dealing with the issues that nearly cost our marriage. Thank you all for your support :heart:

    To the girls dealing with TOM cravings.....I'm right there with ya'll and am going crazy!! I want to eat salty foods and chocolate. Thankfully I have neither in my apartment and don't really want to go out in the rain to get any.
  • My personal update ~~ my hubby came back home and we are doing really well. We are working out together in the gym now and are doing more things together. We both want our marriage to work and are dealing with the issues that nearly cost our marriage. Thank you all for your support :heart:

    To the girls dealing with TOM cravings.....I'm right there with ya'll and am going crazy!! I want to eat salty foods and chocolate. Thankfully I have neither in my apartment and don't really want to go out in the rain to get any.

    Tami that is wonderful news! I hope that you two will have a bright future :smile:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Awww, Tami, that is great news. When I saw Tami and Doug's Fishing as your exercise the other day, I thought, ah yeah ....

    Pleased it's sunny for you Claire, it's sunny here too, but COLD! Got the fire going ....

    I'm feeling a bit flat at the moment. I've had a few stressful things happen, and I'm assuming that's what's bothering me. Our house in the UK is rented out and our tenants are moving out, and though it's not a terrible thing, that's niggling at me ...

    then we're renting here at the moment, looking to buy again, but not seen anything yet. Our landlady is just awful, crap at getting things fixed, the house was really grubby when we moved in ... blah blah ... lots of stuff, anyway, yesterday I contacted her about the dishwasher, which has been playing up for a couple of months and they still haven't made any attempt to fix it. Last time I spoke to her she said to contact Fisher and Paykal next time the error came up and they would talk us through what to do. I did this and they said all they could do was send out an engineer. So I sent her a txt explaining the contact I'd had with Fisher and Paykal, and she sent me a VERY rude reply, basically saying "OK, but please be aware that if your children have blocked it with toys then the full cost will be passed on to you". Which was just odd ... I phoned her, just to say "Do you appreciate how rude that was?", she was just as rude on the phone. She hung up on me as I explained that in my efforts to get the dishwasher working I found a shoe underneath the dishwasher, that didn't belong to us! Grrrrrrrr .... She's just made me really, really want to move out RIGHT NOW! Her problem is that they were trying to the sell the place, and they couldn't get what they wanted (too much no doubt!) so they decided to rent until the market picked up. So she doesn't want to be a landlord, and doesn't want to have to fix stuff ...

    Anyway, rant over, sorry just had to get that off my chest!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home again my Lovelies. Exhausted but content. First it was 1,500 stairs not 15,000, one to many zeros. Oh my god I felt bad after 1,500, can't image 15,000. Samara has her basic needs. Mattress on floor, clothes, iron, microwave, kettle, toaster and television. She can manage now till we find time to get a bed and some shelves etc. Unfortunately after getting down the 100 stairs its only 4 shops to Darrell Leas a chocolate shop. So even though I did lots of stairs, I did have the odd reward or 2.

    Tami, good news. Keep working together.

    Hanna, love your running achievement.

    Claire, boxercise, awesome, and let us know how those cakes turned out.

    Rach, ugg Landlords. Have spent htis morning taking photos of every defect in Samara's apartment. Her agents favourite saying is "no worries". Umm hope that is the way it is, although still waiting for shower and blind to be fixed.

    I will have to work hard now on getting back into my routine.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Fabulous news Tami! Wishing you all the best for the future!

    The cakes so far are AMAZING! very yummy indeed! Haven't made the frosting yet - am going to leave that until tomorrow so they're properly cooled...

    I'm making a batch of oreo truffles too, or Dirty snowballs as we used to call them! Combining crushed oreo biscuits and light cream cheese and then covering them in white chocolate... VERY naughty but EXTREMELY yummy!!!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Glad things have worked out ok Tami! Rach landlords suck, so glad I don't have to deal with them anymore. Also glad to hear your daughter has settled into her new place ok Jen! Claire, those truffles sound FIT. Mmmm!

    Only 1/2 lb lost this week, BOOO! However, its TOM in the next couple of days so hoping it's just water weight, as have been pretty good, although due to TOM impending, I haven't been as hot on my exercise this week. BOO!

    I am getting all my hair chopped off tonight and chemically straightened! Exciting, I will post pics when I am done! Then Dan is over this weekend and there is a free Riverside festival on in Leicester this weekend, so going to that. Dan is also meeting my Mum, step-dad and sister for the first time on Sunday, we are off for lunch, EEK!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Tami - I'm so glad thing are working out.

    rach- sorry your having landlord problems

    Jenni- I hope your daughter gets all the problems itn eh apt. fixed.

    Clair - your desserts sound wonderufl. i can't remember th elast tiem I had an oreo

    becci- I can't wait to see you hair. and I hope you haeb a womnderful weekend.

    I'm doing so well with my diary this week :) Movign furniture tomorrow and them off to the lake with my friend Bridget Sunday. T haven't seen her in months. I can't descrinbe my excitment fo rthis weekend.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!!!
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