Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Okay, so I am up early this Sunday. Just have to report my weight to you lovely ladies. I now weigh 95.2kgs or 209.4lbs... Now I'm gonna feed my crazy cat before she shreds every news paper and magazine in my bedroom. Have a nice Sunday everybody!

    Hanna - you're doing so well!

    I messed up yesterday and went well over my cals (hangs head)... Not expecting a loss this week an like I've said - the madness of 11lbs off last week was rubbish!

    I'm a bit constipated at the moment too I think... So that could contribute to the lack of loss...

    Will be good today and fingers crossed scale will be kind tomorrow....
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Good Morning losers!

    120 days and I'm back at pre-pregnancy weight! I'm really very, very pleased to report that this morning I'm weighing in at 79.9kg or 176.1lb. I feel so proud of myself, I'm come such a long way, my head is in a totally different place now, I feel happier, healthier and most importantly I feel like I can keep this going! YAY! Thank you special ladies for all your support, this journey wouldn't be the same without you.

    All the best with weigh ins.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Good Morning losers!

    120 days and I'm back at pre-pregnancy weight! I'm really very, very pleased to report that this morning I'm weighing in at 79.9kg or 176.1lb. I feel so proud of myself, I'm come such a long way, my head is in a totally different place now, I feel happier, healthier and most importantly I feel like I can keep this going! YAY! Thank you special ladies for all your support, this journey wouldn't be the same without you.

    All the best with weigh ins.

    That's fabulous Rach!! I bet you're over the moon! xx
  • CONGRATS Rach!! You are marvellous!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey all, sorry I've been MIA, had a ridiculously busy weekend and some unexpected drama! Lost 1 lb though! Hope you are all good and your weigh in's go ok!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Congratulations All on your weight loses.
    Rach under 80kg. Fantastic, you must be feeling wonderful.
    Tami, Hanna and Beccy all great weight loses.

    Well here comes mine are you ready...........


    Oh well it is a loss, and I sure know where I went wrong. 200grams is about 1/2pound.

    Weighing in at 96.7kg or 213.2lbs.

    Another week ahead of us. My daughter is home again. Secretly I loved my time at home with her away, or was it because the studio was closed I was home a lot more myself and caught up on lots of little jobs. Feeling tired today, but will think about my plan for this week.
  • Good job to all of you!

    Today I woke up early (starting to become a habit now:grumble: ) and went straight for a run. Not because I really wanted to, but because I needed to. I made a wise decision. The wind I was struggling with on my run is nothing in comparison to the wind outside now. Well well...

    Hope you all are having a fantastic Monday!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to include my weight, 1 lb down takes me to 270 lbs
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Weigh in at 99.5 today, up 1 kg since thurs, TOTM etc so I'm not to dispondent about that.......and I consummed a lot of vino this weekend!!! Curves later and Bikram (hot room yoga) if I can shake my blocked up nose!!
    Have a great week all

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good attitude V.

    Went for a power walk tonight around our beautiful harbour, instead of stretch class. Had a bit of a delicate tummy after having beans for lunch which could be a bit embrassing in stretch class. :blushing: Anyway while walking decided to try running, only being doing it on the treadmill. It felt good so whenever I felt I could I ran/shuffled. I even ran up and down the opera house steps.
    Body feeling it, very tight calves, and sore hips. But my mind feels good. :happy:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    wow so much going on.

    Hann you are doing and amazing job. Rach i'm so excite you have reached pre-pregnancy weight.

    poor copies congrat down 1lb

    V keep up teh good work how do you like teh bikram yoga...seem strange to me. i get hot doing yoga w/o the room already beign hot.

    Met my goals for last week. I got on the treadmill twice and took a yoga classI logged every day. Way too much sodium and eatign out bad for budget and bad fro waiste line. had mcDonald's this morning...what was I thinking???? Burnd some cals moving, painting and mowign the lawn. No loss this week but i think TOM is about to arrive nad my rings are tight the moriong hopfully just extra water right now. Godd to fill my waterbootel as soon as I log off.

    This week my plan is similar. Log everything, play softball wednesday if it doesnt rain and try to get on the ttreadmill at east twice. As long as i keep at it i will eventually meet my goals. No giving up!!!!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Had a manic morning and totally forgot to jump on the scales! Will jump on tomorrow though i'm not expecting anything much as I feel really bloated with TOM a' knocking and I haven't had a "clear out" for days.... Have had a fig and rhubarb cube that is supposed to "support natural intestinal transit" so hopefully that will get things moving!

    Will probably go to the gym again tomorrow, then kettlehell and w1d2 of c25k on wednesday. Possible rest day on Thursday and then boxercise and w1d3...

    That's my plan anyway!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Ok, I have officially eight weeks until my holiday to Vegas / California and I want to get to under 250 lbs if I can, so I am aiming to lose 3 lbs a week until I go away. It's a tough call but I am trying to not eat over 1500 a day, including my exercise calories. It will be super tough but I really want to do it!

    I am going to need lots of support though!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Courtney, you are doing so well, having a plan and sticking to it, with everything else going on in your life.

    Claire, You are working so well with your exercise that I'm sure you will see the benefit if not this week, soon.
    (must tell myself that as well)

    Beccy, here for you. Would love to help you reach your goal. Tell me how I can help. Would you like to post your exercise plan each am and check in of an evening. Maybe we should have a group challenge again soon.

    Hanna, notice you are doing a bit of home cooking. I love that. Share your successful recipes. I have had such a craving for sweets lately. I need to bake and fill the cupboards and freezer with good food.

    Everyone get plenty of sleep. I am a poor sleeper and have definetly noticed that when I get a good nights sleep the scales are kinder. I am also going to take a days rest each week. Thinking of changing my weekly goal weigh loss to 2 pounds rather than 1 pound.

    Wishing you all a successful, health filled, calorie controlled, sweaty exercise, achievable Tuesday.

    "You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance."
  • abknorr
    abknorr Posts: 4 Member
    Here's my entry,

    Current Weight - 172.2
    Challenge weight - 167

    over 2 weeks (up to 06/03)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    well my little cube worked! Weighed in this morning at 262.8lbs... So that gives me 4 weeks to lose 10lbs... Do-able I think, just got to lose more than 1.2lbs a week!

    Becci - we're all here to support you - let us know what you need us to do... Like Jenni said - I think a group challenge is in order... Get your thinking caps on for a good idea (can we not do it next week though as it's a school holiday here and getting to the gym with DS home is tricky!)

    Hope you're all happy losers today xxx
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I would be great if you could all check my diary and let me know if you know of a lower cal option or suggestions of things similar that might be healthier. Also, Mon - Fri I want to burn a minimum of 500 cals a day, so encouragement and asking why I haven't if I don't, would be great!

    Deffo a weekly challenge would be awesome!
  • Hi everyone!

    Yes I've enjoyed some home cooking. I love to cook and to try new things. The lilac lemonade I've never heard of before. Neither my granny who got really interested so maybe I'll bring a bottle to her one of these days :) My plan for this summer is to host a classic coffee party, like they were held in the 1800's here in Sweden. That is loads of calories I know. But it isn't like I'm going to have one every week. :blushing: You are all invited :happy:

    Beccy - It is not impossible! We are all here for you and we'll help you with diary and exercise! I want a group challenge too.

    Claire - You can do this - and if you need some extra support just let us know!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni thanks for teh encouragement.

    Clair you are so great with your work outs.

    Beccy - You can do it! I believe in you and will do what I can to help encourage you.

    Hanna - a coffee party sounds fun. I wish i could join :)

    finished loggin yesterday and it was bad. The habachi for my stepsons 18th B-day woudl have been fine if i hadn't eaten McDonalds for breakfest. Oh well. I'm really trying to shape up my eating this week. We will be completely moved soon so hopefully we will be cooking more often. 12 hour work day today. Blah! I hope i feel like gettign on the ttreadmill when I get home.

    have a great day ladies!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning Girlfriends,

    Well I took a day off yesterday, didn't plan it I just let it happen. I listened to my needs and my body was weary. I did do 30min digging in the garden and 2 hours of ironing, so wasn't exactly what I would like to call resting but it did me good to catch up on jobs at home. I have always tried to keep in mind that this journey for me has to be sustainable, and I had sort of forgotten that and honestly I needed a break. Today is zumba and was going to try a new ballet class tonight. But we will see. I am also trying to do the Jillian Michaels 30DS so far I have taken 3 days break in 13. I like JM even though its tough I feel its making me strong.

    Tried a new recipe last night, Butternut pumpkin (butternut squash) lentils and cranberries. Yum. So much so that I immediately cooked a second pot ready to freeze. Only I thought I had turned it off and went to bed early asking my husband to pack it away when cool, I must have knocked the knob and turned it to high. Burnt offerings. :grumble: Hubby did manage to save some. Will try it today may have a smoky flavour.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday.

    Winston Churchill
    Never, never, never, never give up.
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