Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    You are all so motovational! Jenni thanks fro lighting a fire. I'm goign to do everythtign I can to reach my goal. it will be hard with more time working on the house and less time at the gym but I'm going to work as hard as I can.

    My goals for the week. To log everything, even if I have to do it the next morning. I also want to get in 60min on teh treadmill and 1 yoga class in additon to softball pratice nad games and painting and moving. Also, got to stop eatign pizza while workign on teh new house. Time to keep groceries in teh new house nad old house.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    V! You're back! Missed you lady! All those classes sounds great - vikram yoga - what type of yoga is that then?

    Today has been a big ol exercise day! burned 953 cals! Looking forward to a nice roast beef dinner with ALL the trimmings! Yum yum!

    Going to take a rest day tomorrow and then boxercise on friday morning... Possibly some gym friday afternoon - who knows! Might even start going to the gym on a Saturday morning if my OH will allow... He usually likes doing a bit of betting on the horses on a saturday though and probably won't take kindly to me usurping his "man time"!!

    Should really go for a run tomorrow evening but will see what the weather is like...

    TTFN peeps!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Happy, happy Wednesday all -- and welcome back V!!

    OMG I am so exited today!! I am finally past my 3 1/2 week plateau and below 325!! Yeah!!!!!! I won't post my weight until tomorrow though since tomorrow is day 120 of my journey. But I think you will all be surprised at the loss in the last 48 hrs. I know I was!! I am still striving for 315 by the 28th for my daughter's 16th birthday. I am so wanting to be able to say I weigh what I did the day she was born. I know that 16 yrs ago I weighed 315 and 8 yrs ago I weighed 329, but I never weighed myself in between so I don't know exactly how long ago it was that I weighed what I weigh today. Somewhere between 8 and 16 yrs ago, that I do know.

    Tonight will be interesting - I am going to a taco salad potluck with some friends. I can't eat any of those foods on the program I am on so will be taking my own food. The hardest part will be passing up the diet soda. The only things I miss are diet soda and milk.

    Have a great day all!! Chat with ya later.
  • Great news that you are off the plateau! Congratulations!!

    Oh I did not want to run today. Bad weather, bad night with all sorts of strange dreams and just an over all bad mood... But I ran. I bettered my time with one minute (at the moment my distance is 4.2K) even though it was windy, my work called so I had to stop and talk, it started to rain and I was sweating like never before. So that was the end of the second week. On Saturday I'll start week 3 and I am actually a bit scared. I know I can if I just put my mind to it...

    Hope you all are doing great....

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Verity, so nice to have you back with us. Sounds like a good flat mate to have to keep you on the healthy side of things.

    Coutney, groceries for 2 houses, I have trouble keeping one house stocked.

    Tami, so glad you have broken through your plateau.

    Hanna and Claire, great work pushing on with the exercise.

    I wish my body would keep up with what I want it to do. Then I also need more time to exercise. I see all these wonderful exercise ideas and wonder how can I fit that in. I had a friend visit me today. She came by bicycle, down our steep mountain road. Brave. She lives an hour away by train, caught the train so far then rode down to me. It was her day off work, she then went on into the city by train with her bike and was riding to friends in there. WOW. As she left it looked so wonderful and free her on her bike. I want to do that too. Bit scared of the traffic though.

    Keep pushing on, Losers. :heart:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good Morning All ~~

    I have to share my news!! I am SO excited. Today is day 120 on my weight loss journey and I am down a total of 53.2 pounds!! I beat the scale and finally made it below that dang 325 that kept glaring me in the face. 3 plateaus later and Mr. Scale is befriending me yet again. Monday I weighed in at 330 and today I am 321.8

    I want to say that when you hit a wall or reach a plateau, dig deep within yourself to find the psychological reason your body has shut down to weight loss. For some it may be a need to change the way you are eating while for others it may be within. But whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP!! Waiting for the plateau to end is well worth the wait!

    :heart: Tami
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Big Congrats Tami :flowerforyou:
  • Yes, Congratulations Tami! I know gettin' off that particular plateau was more of a psychological struggle for you than it would have been with any other plateau.

    Jenni. Biking is a truly gentle form of exercise for the joints. And I think you already can do that, but as most things, if we've put up a huge roadblock mentally it is hard to get past it. Just take your bike and run free :happy: traffic can't be that bad, can it?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Tami - that's amazing! So glad you've broken that plateau! You're doing so well! x
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Did my boxercise this morning - loved it as usual! Got a gym session planned for tomorrow morning and then a day off on Sunday... Monday I'm off to the gym with a friend and then going to restart c25k with her in the park after the gym session... Hopefully then can work through it as it should be so doing d2 and d3 after kettleworx and boxercise classes wednesday and thursday...

    Busy busy!

    Hope you all have an awesome weekend! WI on Monday - so Good luck!!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hanna congrats on your running you are doing an amazign Job.

    Jenni - I think bikeing sounds great. I hope to get my bike fixed as well.

    Tami - that is amazing! keep up the good ywork you inspire me.

    Clair - glad you enjoyed boxercise it sounds fun.

    I am still eating pizza leftovers in between painting and tapeing and spackling. But I have logged everythign this week so i hope to see a loss soon. Hopefully we are going to buy a ton of paint not just primer) and order our washer and dryer today. We are celebratoing my Son's 18th birthday tomorrow with friends. I better eat lots of veggies and fewer chips nad wings. have a great weeknd all :happy:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Courtney, you are going so well with all the moving and painting etc and still trying to stick to this.

    Awesome workout plan Claire.

    I haven't quite managed to stick to my plan for this week. But I will keep moving on.

    Happy Saturday Everyone.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Down another 2 pounds today. Have another 4.8 to go to be the weight I was when my daughter was born. Her 16th birthday is in 8 days....I am SO hoping to reach it by then!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Down another 2 pounds today. Have another 4.8 to go to be the weight I was when my daughter was born. Her 16th birthday is in 8 days....I am SO hoping to reach it by then!!
    Tami, you are amazing. I think you stand a good chance of making your target, the way you are going. :smile:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Tami, you are doing so great. I hope you meet that target!

    I've got a pair of trousers out of my 'too small' box today, and they fit! Woohoo! I can fasten up all but one of the other pairs, but they're all a bit too tight to wear just yet! I'm soooo pleased! So I'm on the brink of being a size 14 again! Hurrah! I'm also on the brink of pre pregnancy weight. I don't REALLY know what I weighed before I got pregnant, but I weighed 80kg at my first midwife visit when I was 8 weeks pregnant ... If I was really super lucky I could hit that this week, if not then then hopefully next week ... anyway, 6pm has been and gone here and the world hasn't ended so that's good!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. x :smile:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I've been bad really really bad. Buffet dinner and I was a porky pig. Why did I do it? I've been there heaps of times before and always managed to choose wisely and stay in under calories. But tonight I was without restraint. I even did all my exercise before we went and was feeling fit and proud. What on earth got into my brain? Some little fat gremlin took over me. All the hardwork I've done this week undone during one weak moment. I feel sick and not surprisingly so. Really disappointed with myself. :grumble:
    Bed now and will start again tomorrow.
  • After 25h at work I feel tired. Now I've eaten some.... will drink some water - wait a bit and then get out for my first day on the third week of C25K. Really don't wanna do it, but I know I will feel so much better after I'm done... I need that exercise to get my energy levels up. Hope you guys are having a lovely weekend.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Ovulation time sucks!! I am up 2.2 pounds this morning, but at least I know why. I can't take my hormones while on the hcg drops so I don't expect Mr. Scale to be too friendly the next few days. But I know in about 6 days I will start dropping down again so it is hang in there time. Of course it didn't help any that I had cravings yesterday and cheated and ate at McDonald's. Tasted good, but not so sure it was worth it...lol. Oh well, not going to beat myself up for it, just going to get back on track and stay on track. One cheat day in 2 1/2 months or so is not too bad I guess.

    Hope all are having a great weekend!
  • Okay, during my 29 minutes of C25K w3d1 my emotions decided to have some fun. I was happy (on the verge of crying happy), I was so freakin' proud of myself for doing this, I was exhausted after a long shift and because of the heat, the happy and proud feeling turned into shame when I jogged by a pub with outdoor seating. I almost started to cry because I felt terrible. I didn't even realise my self esteem is so low. But with some logic I know that ppl in their right mind don't get disgusted by a big girl running. I know I should have kept that proud feeling and that mood that the Rocky music puts me in - 'cause I know I'm a winner. I am doing this for me. Not for anyone else.

    I love you peeps for being here with me and for understanding what situation I am in, cause you've been there too at some point. Keep on rockin'!!
  • Okay, so I am up early this Sunday. Just have to report my weight to you lovely ladies. I now weigh 95.2kgs or 209.4lbs... Now I'm gonna feed my crazy cat before she shreds every news paper and magazine in my bedroom. Have a nice Sunday everybody!
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