200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: CALM DOWN!!! You KNOW you didn't really gain all that weight! I'm sure it's a sodium issue. Drink lots of water and keep eating well and it WILL go down. I PROMISE!!!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485

    I've been reading everyone's posts and it always puts a smile on my face. :happy: Sorry if this is a bit on the short side but I have a grumpy and PMSing teacher walking around like a mad woman while we're on the computers. Hahaha, she even admitted to us she has TOM. (Graduation is June 12th, June 12th, June 12th-I can do this!)

    I went to a country music singer's concert, Tracey Lawrence to be exact. No exactly my taste of music but he was playing at a casino the week of my mother's birthday. Therefore, I surprised her with tickets since he is her FAVORITE singer. :)

    I started MFP January of this year, I weighed in at 271/272ish. (Different scales kept giving different weights, now I have one I use for my "official" weigh ins.) Since I work at an athletic club, I try to work out EVERY time I step foot inside of that place. It really does help. Now, in terms of food, I LOVE food! I've learned that proportions are KEY! Drinking lots of water does help me too. At our athletic club we have t.v.'s attached to each cardiovascular machine and may I say it helps time fly! I'm a Gilmore Girl addict! Every day at 4 o'clock before work I turn on abcfamily and I'm watching that show! My mom lost her job so my part-time job is the "bread winnings" for our family. Side note, my parents are divorced and my father is a total A $ $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully, I'll be able to save up enough money to buy the bodybugg one day. I could write so much more on here but I think I should get back to writing this TWELVE PAGE PAPER PLUS WORKS CITED PAGES! Can you say "major headache!?" :)

    On my MFP app diary this is what it says:

    Goal: 2250/Food:3055;Exercise:806/Net:2249/Remaining:1

    Hahaha, that takes major skill to have 1 calorie remaining! :tongue:

    Anyways, I want to keep writing to reply to everyone's post (for a second I put everyone's paper instead of post, oh gosh) but I'm just avoiding my paper at all cost. I need to get back to typing it. Woooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo! *sarcastic*

    Replies to posts will be coming!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday ya'll! :flowerforyou:
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Kendal: You're having it rough and nothing I can say will make it better. I would hold on to the fact that other than taxes you are still a free, indipendent and strong person who clearly cares about her family life. One day all this will be a distant memory of what once was, you may have remarried the perfect person, extended you're family or moved abroad...anything could happen. I hope you concentrate on you and the ones you hold dear. So big smile on and push forward and you'll see that this will eventually get better (sooner rather than later I hope). Thinking of you
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Dang it! I had my post almost complete, when I had to leave for a meeting and I locked my computer, but it kicked me off. Argh!

    Here's my check in from yesterday:
    1265 eaten / 734 exercise calories earned / 669 left over. Now that's more like it.

    Much better eating yesterday. Ran 4.07m at an 11:29 pace with Emma. Felt good to get my body moving again. The scale thanked me this morning with a return to the 170s (178.8). I'll take it! Let's hope it continues this downward trend!

    For today, my food should be pretty much on point. Plan is to do an INSANITY dvd, and another dog walk in addition to the one I did this morning before work.

    Victoria- nice run again! Loved the pace on the shorter one. Way to go!

    Kendal- ARGH! *rages* what the heck, yo? So not cool, and also just doesn't seem right. Also, I'm glad to see you fessed up to the scale. That much of a gain, especially with TOM around the corner isn't bad.

    Lacey- the hardest part, and the largest part of losing weight is the eating, so if you're doing well this week with it, and continue to do so, you'll see losses!

    Kerry- there's no way that number is for real. Don't stress! Your body weight can fluctuate all the time. There's NO way you've eaten enough calories to gain that much weight. It's probably sodium, water weight, hormones, etc. It will go back down. You've had a couple of awesome losses in a row though, so I would not get your hopes up for another huge loss, as often the body will take some time to adjust to larger drops in weight. It will continue a downward trend though. Have faith-- don't focus so much on the number as the result of your awesome eating and exercise. Think about how amazing you feel, how your clothes fit better, and how proud of yourself you are!!

    Hailie- one calorie under is still under!!
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    What a day, the baby has been super miserable and hasn't slept all day! So despite aching and the rain I went for an hours walk and now he's asleep...super frustrating day. I still haven't dropped a dress size yet despite losing 18lbs, i guess thats. due to limited or no sculpting and water. I also have the baby belly (had an emergency c section) and don't have much strength there now. Ah well it will come, plus I'm doing good on the food front so far and kept the walking up which has progressed to a dvd (thanks kristina, you're so right).
    Other than that for the past 2 weeks we've had hell from the inlaws. They want to see our son more despite me going there 3 times a week and giving an open invitation to come here (which they never do despite living less than a quarter mile away). I wont allow smoking around him (my partner and I both have asthma so the poor boy has no chance) but she won't listen, she washed his clothes in bleech when he has eczma and i told her not to and shes a damn bully. So when they kicked off about not being allowed the baby overnight it all came out. They have no respect for us as parents, theyve never helped out, they haven't even bought him a gift. But now they're happy to see Dan and the baby and are excluding me. I've never felt so hurt and I dontcwant this for my son but its all been put on me despite any decision being a family one and i do all the running around. They wont appologise or ever change but they could at least accept some responsibility or understanding.

    Its a classic power struggle, theyre so used to getting their own way and I always cave to keep peace, but this is the welfare of my son. I want us all to have a relationship and a healthy one at that. It's put so much strain on us as a couple. Kendal you've inspired me to be open, thank you. I've been isolated since we moved and had a baby, dont really tslk to anyone else but you guys and my family. God I need friends, I need to get out. There is a baby group but I always make excuses not to go because apparently despite being very academic and a good(ish) person tatoos and piercing =dumb and rough. I get judged a lot at times.

    WOW...I unloaded too much. Hope everyone is ok and so sorry for the above ramblings
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2728 cals burned/2227 eaten/501 deficit. Yeay! Wore the thing on my leg again today. The scale is moving in my favor..the .2 I gained over the weekend is now gone. Hoping it will continue to move downward with some exercise tonight!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Yay! I'm glad the scale is moving for you!!

    Ronnie: I am so sorry you are going through a power struggle with the in-laws. I think that sometimes it's hard for parents to let their kids be parents themselves without wanting to step in and give advice or what-not. My MIL had some issues with that when Gabe was little. Every once in a while, when I blow it big-time in her opinion, she still lets us know about it but mostly she keeps her mouth shut on parenting things. My inlaws are Mormon so now that Gabe's turning 8 next month, they've gotten a bit more vocal about getting him baptized (which is so NOT gonna happen). I just give the phone/Skype to The Hubbs and let him deal with it (these people aren't my parents, I'm not dealing with their crap). Oh- and I TOTALLY feel you on the piercing/tattoo judgment. Most of my tattoos aren't visible in my clothing but I have a very visible tattoo on my wrist that I absolutely LOVE but has gotten more than a few stares or comments. Why do people feel they get to have an opinion on what you wear on your skin? I say, go ahead and go to the parents group and don't let anyone make you feel bad for being who you are. You are an amazing person and if they can't see it, they are totally missing out!

    Kristina: You are a speed demon! WTG!

    Hailie: Wow! Your teacher actually told you she was on her TOM?? That's really weird. BTW - I am also in the father-is-a-total @ss club.

    I made this recipe tonight for dinner: http://naturallyella.com/2011/04/01/chipotle-black-bean-and-sweet-potato-empanada/ I highly recommend it to anyone. Make sure you put some cheese in with the filling and I honestly believe the best dipping sauce is ranch (I used some of that sour cream ranch dip you make with the packet of Hidden Valley). They were awesome!!

    After much research on the best underwear to work out in (I asked the ladies here what they liked a few months ago for ya'll who are new) - the winner (for me) is Under Armour boy shorts. They stay in place, come in cute colors, and they stay in place. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you Amy, really needed to hear that from someone. Hoping I'll sleep better tonight now x x
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ronnie - I've got 8 tattoos and my nose is pierced. My most colorful tattoo is on my left inner wrist. If people don't like them, they can nut off. (Nut off is my new favorite saying btw) I wear a clear nose ring with a tiny stone so its not like its super visible, and i hide my tattoos mostly when I am at work and traveling for work because it is part of my job that I accept. However, that doesnt mean people can treat you badly. Lukcily I live in a town that ist about 65% alternative and boy did I get lucky in that regard. It almost makes up for the fact that it rains here 8 months out of the year.

    Go to the group once. If you are on the fence about it after the first time, go one more time. If you KNOW one way or another after the first time, at least you can say you tried it and didn't like it. I too need to make friends here...my friends are two hours away and I've flat out not made the effort nor had so much time to try to find people here in Eugene to get to know. It makes it really hard to not have a local support system.

    As for in-laws...yeah. I totally I hear you on that front. I have one set of super passive aggressive inlaws...to the point where my Hubbs and I will have plans and then they change at the literal last minute because he can't tell his dad no. They are ****ing oblivious to others and how their choices affect anyone. And then I have my mom who helps us the most but also feels she gest to have an opinion because of it sometimes. Two years ago I got on the phone with my inlaw and unloaded on them...one year ago I finally stood up to my mom for the first time in 32 years and told her no. We didn't talk for two months.

    As long as you are thinking about the welfare of your kid first, you can't be in the wrong. Thats my opinion anyways.

    Amy - where do you guy Under Armour undies?? Maybe I've not paid attention because I am a tried and true thong girl, but sometimes its cold and my cheeks need some warmth you know? LOL
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Ronnie, my hubby has 9 tattoos...I'm still saving for my 1st one...but I'll get it! And I know for a fact we're both pretty darn smart! So I'd imagine you are too! :o) I hear ya on the parents..but it's MY parents that do this to me, so I have to be the one to tell them no. It's hard, but eventually, they did get past it, b/c they wanted to see their grandchildren. Just hang in there. It is your child! There's a good site..circleofmoms.com that has a lot of groups & advice on that stuff too. I enjoy it for getting ideas, or for venting to others with similar situations. Definitely give the group a try! You may find your next best friend there! The C-section thing is something I'm going to have to work on too. Hoping I can figure out how. I had my 2nd child as emergency one, and my youngest had to also be a vertical cut, so yippee! No muscle there now. I've been trying to tighten & loosen the muscles as I sit at the computer, or while reading, and I sit on my exercise ball a lot, so I'm hoping it helps. And my zumba dvd's work that middle part of my body quite a bit, which is where most of my weight is, so here's hoping!

    I'm still hanging in on my calories! Haven't managed to get in any more exercise this week. I'm hoping during soccer practice tomorrow that I'll get a chance! If not, won't be til Saturday! Running off with my 9yr old to a Newsboys/Kutless/Disciple concert Friday night, then off to a hotel in a nearby city since that's where his soccer games are the next morning. Just me & my mama's boy! I'm so excited! I know I don't have many years left that he'll still want to hang out with mom, so I'm gonna take it while I can! :o) OK, off to bed, 430 comes way too early!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just popping by to check in and say that I still live! My abs are currently burning from today's workout but I feel pretty good otherwise. We're supposed to get half a foot of snow tonight so my mood tomorrow is entirely dependant on the outcome of the storm, and the outcome of the Canucks game.

    I'm a huge hockey fan. I'm a huge Vancouver Canucks fan (my home team).

    This is our year :D.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Hi everyone :) I'm new to this group, although I may have posted once or twice randomly in the past. I started MFP on January 24th at 282lbs and at day 80 I've already lost 37lbs which I'm super happy about. I haven't even been exercising much, which is cool for now until the time comes when just the change in diet won't be enough. (not looking forward to that day...) what works best for me is eating as much raw veggies and natural food as possible and the weight comes off super fast. Processed foods and eating out, even if I stay within my calorie goal, makes me gain or stay the same. I'm actually enjoying the new healthy lifestyle and learning about food and what I put into my body. I rarely feel the need to cheat, and if I do, i would cheat with "healthy calories" rather than potato chips or candy. The biggest challenge isn't the diet itself, but the cost of heathy groceries. My bank account is really suffering :(

    Anyway, I look forward to being a part of this group and getting to know members with similar weight loss goals. (all the people who weigh 130 and need to lose 5 lbs are really starting to get on my nerves lol)

    I'll be back on Friday morning to post my weight :) have a good night everyone!!

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Welcome Craft!

    Saranthes - nice to hear from you!

    Yocum - enjoy the time with your son!!

    I found this recipe in my Food and Wine magazine..I'm only half way through and have earmarked a TON of recipes I want to try. The past few issues have been a total bust. Anyways, I want to make it this weekend.

    Cocoa-Carrot Cake (vegetarian)

    I worked out tonight and have a 500 decifit and still 3.5 hours till midnight. YEAY!! I didn't burn many calories at the gym, 350ish according to my BMF, but every bit counts.

    I didn't do any running...I'm afraid that I am going to hurt my shins again. I think I am going to wait for a few more weeks and hope the weather warms up a bit so I can try to do it outside. Maybe that will help.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Wed: 2818 cals burned/ 1889 cals eaten/ 929 deficit. Somehow, even with maintaining a deficit all week, my scale thinks I've gained a pound. I've been watching that pound for the past few days and it really seems to want to stay there. It pisses me off because I've been hovering right at the 200 mark for a few weeks now and it doesn't look like I'm breaking through any time soon. I don't know how to push through it.

    Lacey: That carrot cake sounds really yummy! I might have to try it this weekend. I get my Under Armour undies from the Under Armour website. http://www.underarmour.com/shop/us/en/womens/apparel/underwear-and-socks/underwear/pid1208013-Women-s-Mesh-Boy-Short/1208013-109 I have both the mesh boy short and the active boy short and I really like them for both Insanity workouts (lots of jumping around) and running. I think that giving your shins time to recover is probably the best way to prevent injuring them more. Keep working out, just do something else until they are 100%. BTW - nut off is a fabulous phrase!

    Sandra: Hi there! Welcome to the group!

    Sarah: Yay for sore abs!!!

    Yocum: What will your first tattoo be of? My first tattoo was my name in Chinese that a friend of mine drew for me and it is still my favorite tattoo. I have plans for my 4th tattoo of a hibiscus flower on my right foot. I :heart: tattoos.

    So i have an Insanity Recovery workout, Kettleworx and I was thinking of doing some belly dancing. I got this great belly dancing drills DVD and it is hard. (I find most belly dancing DVDs to be too easy and kind of boring and/or lame) This one is mostly drills so you do the same move (hip shimmy or whatever) for a few minutes and by the end of the segment, your calves are kind of on fire. Of course, I'm not a huge fan of watching myself do the workout because all I see is my belly "dancing" all on it's own (think: jello). Have a great day ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Wednesday 2288 burned and 2297 consumed. We ate dinner with a friend so I had to guess at food weight and cals. So I may have been off more of less.

    Today is my last day of work until Tuesday. I had trouble sleeping as I kept thinking of all I have to get done today... My thoughts are with you all that better relationships happen, that the scales move, that family is well, that we all can be happy, etc...

    Mr scale has been pretty good to me this week but last nights dinner had more salt than I'm used to and I have a meatloaf sandwich for lunch. I'm seeing water retention in my future!!! I may be PMSing - I feel cranky and am craving chocolat / salt...

    Welcome Sandra...

    Ronnie - I have 2 tatoos and love them. I glance at others tats because I'm interested in the art and will ask about the story behind it. You would be shocked how many people have hidden tatoos... I see more of peoples bodies than others being in the healthcare field. Sorry that you've gotten bad vibes from people. Is there any chance they are just curious and you took it the wrong way? I'm a "my glass is 1/2 full" kinda of person on non-PMS days. Sorry the in-laws are a pain but your husband should support you on parenting decisions that you've made and call his parents out on the rude behavior. If he's not supportive, they will not change. I don't have kids but have had the in-law problems. I used to answer the phone when they'd call but now let them leave a message since they c/o they never got to talk to DH. He didn't want to talk everytime they called. With e-mail and Facebook communication has gotten better. I'm looking forward to spending this weekend with them.

    Have a great Thursday and I'll see you for check-in/weigh-in tommorrow.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Don't yet have a chance to read everyone's responses, but I wanted to check in quickly, as I don't know if I'll have any time during the day today. In about 5 minutes I hop on my second conference call of the day. Yes, 9am will be my second one. I am on SIX hours of calls today. ACK! UGH! *dies*

    Check in from yesterday:
    1566 eaten / 684 exercise calories / 318 left over

    Walked Emma twice and did INSANITY pure cardio. Was going to to cardio abs as well, but Emma was whining to go out.

    Today's eating is not going to be stellar-- falafel pita for lunch, and it's cake day at work, which I tend to splurge on as it's once a month. Will try and restrain myself though. As long as the weather holds, 4 mile run with Emma is on the agenda, with possibly an INSANITY workout as well. I think I might be getting sick, as my throat has been tickly the past two days. I hope I'm wrong.

    Hope everyone has a good day! This week is flying by!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    good freaking morning :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: TOM is being mean to me today.

    I've had such a busy week that I still haven't had time to edit my totally amazing lightning pictures yet. And there's a garden in town that has some BEAUTIFUL flowers blooming so I think I'm going there Saturday or Sunday for a little bit to get some more pictures. YAY for more editing! :grumble: lol

    Yesterday after work I went and cleaned my car, inside and out. This is a yearly event for me for the most part, sometimes its a semi-annual occurance. I think I will own my car till it dies because I will never be able to sell it with all the dog hair that is fully bedded in the upholstery. Thankfully I have leather seats so its mainly restricted to the floorboard but d@mn! I could create a whole other dog from the fur lexi has left behind! I was seriously working on my car for an hour and a half yesterday.

    Then I had to swing by the bank and the store so I didn't get home till 8pm. I piddle-farted around for a little bit but started my workout a little before 9 and finished it by 10:05. It was the push up dvd and ab ripper. I can do the push ups easier now (still on my knees) but I still skip the one handed and clap push ups. I did ATTEMPT to see if I could do the one handed pushup and I was able to lower myself about half an inch. WOO! lol

    ETA: I have one little tattoo on my shoulder that I love. Its a blue daisy with 2 purple stars on either side of it. I want more, but don't have the money for anything right now. Plus I'm thinking it'll be more of a reward for hitting a weight loss goal. I haven't looked at designs simply because of the money issue, but using it as a weight loss reward gives me more time to figure out what I want anyways.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Wow. I only missed a day and the posts are huge. Not time top reply to all so picked a few:

    Ronnie: to be honest, if people are going to judge you by ''looks'', it is going to be their loss; however, if you have not tried the group yet, it would be sad to judge them on previous expriences - although very understandable. Good luck when you go. I'm not the most sociable of people - find it hard to put myself out there - so will be thinking of you.
    With regard to the inlaws - mine are so laid back we rarely see them, which is like the other end of the scale. However, my parents are overbearing. Always have been and always think they are right. As their child I have rarely been able t ostand up to them BUT as the mother of my daughter, it has been a totally different story. I am like this whole new being and what I say goes. They certainly did not like it at first but thre was no budging me. Her needs were foremost in my mind and they now get that. I still get loads of grief from them and constant undermining but they do not do it in front of my daughter which keeps her safe/protected. Grandparents (and everyone else) need to get the idea that as parents we are going to do the best we can for our children and our decisions are final. You stick to your guns girl - smoking around a babe is just awful.

    Kendal: what a rot time you are having - and with your TOM piled on top. I left someone (many years ago now) and among the reasons for that was I knew I wanted a child and that he was just not the right person to be the father. Primeaval instinct I suppose but one that needed to be adhered to. I just hope life starts looking up soon. Roll on more happy lawn mower experiences.

    Kristina: I am intrigued as to what you do for a living and yes six hours of calls urgggh.........

    Out of time - daughter leaning over my shoulder wanting attention

    Annette x
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Kendall - I am so sorry to hear about your divorce issues. I know when I was going through my stuff.. my ex dragged it out.. I so wanted him out of my life.. i relocated & went on with my life.. till he realized he was definitely not getting me back in his life! His lawyer called & I showed up, signed & dusted my hands off of him. I do agree with Lacey.. another tactic would be to do it & have control over it yourself. Best of course is to get the lawyer to work his magic so you do not have to pay through your nose:(

    Kerry - I feel sometimes the body needs time to heal, relax & then let go of the weight. If you are stressed & running around... the body also holds on to the weight. I am just speaking from what I have observed with my body.. so no expert in the field.. but I KNOW one thing.. please do not be worried about falling off the bandwagon... you are way to committed & we are here to kick your *kitten*:) Hugs

    Hallie - you sound like a sweet, funny & pretty cool girl:) Seems like you are doing REALLY well. Love your spirit... keep it up:)

    Ronnie - I am not a parent.. but my heart goes out to you. I am sure it is hard. Something I have learnt about family is.. you cannot choose them:( And have no control over them.. so all you can do is control your reactions & TRY( I know it is hard) for it not to get to you... you are only making yourself miserable & impacting your mental welfare... Trust me you can do it.. I have walked the walk.. so speak from experience of being in a miserable state for years till I decided " I' will be damned if I am going to continue letting this upset the environment in my household! That REALLY helped a lot. Things have not changed.. but I live much happier & calmer:)

    Amy - Yum.. that does sound delish.. I will be trying it soon:) Thanks for sharing. Oooo i like the sound of the belly dancing DVD.. I should try one when I am looking for something different to do:)

    Sandra - welcome to the group.

    I know I have not caught up with all.. but wish everyone a great weekend & much happiness & joy... remember water is your friend! I realized I am supposed to be drinking 11 oz/day!!! Yikes:(

    I am still struggling with Bikram.. I like it & I want to go everyday if I can... but my body is too sore & still getting used to the intensive work done there.. so then I drag through the day & feel guilty at night:cry: And the mental journey starts all over again:(

    I love the fact that I am eating more... my body loves it. I also decreased my carb intake & upped my protein... so just need to make sure I am making good choices to make it all happen.

    I was contacted to consult with a non-profit organization that is close to my heart.. to help them with their social media strategies.. moving from an offline business to an online one & drive sales there.. And I had my first conference call with them yesterday.. it was such a satisfying feeling. I felt good that I have skills that can be put to use by them in a way that matters. I just love that.. & just need to make sure I always make something like this be part of my life as it really makes me happy:smile:

    Hugs & :heart: to you all,


    FYI.. all this talk about tattoos is getting me thinking. I have never considered getting one.. but might just give myself a treat as a weight loss goal:):drinker:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Thanks for all the support ladies. I really love you guys. :heart: I've decided to give Joey a couple weeks and if I don't hear anything, then I will have my attorney present him with 2 options. Option 1) Joey files the papers again and pays the filing fees because he is the reason our case was thrown out in the first place. Option 2) I will file papers here (he filed them 3 hours away). He will not like that option though because since this is starting over, I will have my attorney include alimony in my papers. After all the crap Joey has pulled, I'm sure my attorney would LOVE to take him down in every way possible and since Joey doesn't have an attorney, he'd be pretty defenseless in court (plus his temper would probably flare up again and maybe next time the judge would throw him in comtempt :laugh: ). I have already paid more in attorney fees than what Joey would pay for filing twice so that's another reason I have NO problem making him pay filing fees again.

    As far as Taylor, I asked my bff for her opinion. She said she liked Taylor, but she and her hubby had both thought Taylor said and did things to control me when they were around. I'll chalk the tears up to TOM and loneliness and move on. I have a date tomorrow night anyways :smile: