200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Final check in for yesterday: 3015 burned/2218 eaten/797 decifit. Perfect!

    Amy - you've been having a pretty major 900+ cal deficit for a few months and its totally been working...Maybe if you see this no or minimal loss next week you might consider reducing the deficit to 500ish, eating more? I bet it would jump start that. I know the closer we get to under 200 the less the decifit seems to need to be. You are an exercise machine and maybe your body just needs more nutrients or something? Thats my two cents anyways.

    Kendal - I know you are feeling lonely and sad. Chalk it up to PMS and consider the fact about how Strong you would feel if you took matters into your own hands and controlled the divorce proceedings. Joey seems to have done some pretty nasty *kitten* to you and what a way to completely end the relationship on a personal high note for your self confidence and moving on than by single handedly pushing his @ss out the door on your own by filing yourself! EIther way you go, we will be here to support you!!

    Suzie - what does your yoga instructor say regarding taking Bikram every day? I really know nothing about it, but I would think it would take the body quite a bit of conditioning to get used to the strenuous stretching + heat at the same time. If you are dragging through the rest of the day then something might need to change. Either food or changing up the exercise, or both maybe? You can do it girl!! WAY cool on helping a nonprofit!

    Kristina - I'd think with the running and insanity you could afford a piece (or two) of cake!! I too am struggling with some kind of sinus thing. I think its allergies though, tis the time of year and all.

    Victoria - mmmmmm meatloaf!! I'm making some next week for dinner and lunches. I used to HATE my moms meatloaf and never understood the concept of meatloaf sandwiches. But now that I've made my own recipe for meatloaf, LOVE the sandwiches!

    Well as for me, its been a week and it has certainly started off to be (another) one of "those days"!! I woke up an hour late, forgot to set my alarm clock. Got to Gs school and the teacher told me G told some new 3 year old boy who had really latched on to her she didn't want to be his friend and he apparently was upset by it all weekend long. Okay he is probably a bit sensitive but my kid is just like me and can be brash at best sometimes so I feel bad about it. Especially since he is new and this was one of his first experiences at his first school. Grrr.. I'm not mad about it but Gracie is definitely going through a phase right now, I will talk to her about how what she says can hurt peoples feelings tonight. And hope it goes well.
    THEN I get to work and spill part of my nice white chocolate mocha on my keyboard. I flipped it over and I think it will be okay.. But A. thats like two sips of coffee I don't get to drink and B. I don't have time to go buy a new keyboard today, so it has to last!

    Also I am pmsing...so yeah. Good times LOL
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I love when this thread is super busy!

    Kristina, I'm stoked that you are back in the 170s... we all knew you'd be there in no time! I can't believe you had 6 hours of conference calls - YUCK. I really hope you're getting sick, that would totally cramp your workout regime.

    Ronnie, try not to stress about the crap with your inlaws. Remember that you are the parent, not them. You have to do what's best for your family all the time, and the rest will work itself out. That still sucks though. I think we can all relate to crappy family situations. And I agree that you need to give the group a try - make light of your tatoos! Most of the time people are just curious about them, in my opinion. Just look at this thread! Practically everyone on here has a tatoo. I don't, but I did have my nose pierced for a while. I actually miss it like crazy.

    Lacey, yay for the scale moving the right way! It seems like you've really figured out what will work best for you, and that's awesome! I'm sorry to hear you don't have a support group nearby.

    Amy, those empanadas look delicious! I love how you are always finding amazing and new things to cook. I don't know how or why you could possibly be stuck above 200 - you are a machine with working out and eating right. Maybe you should look into calorie cycling or something? I've heard that has helped people break plateaus. Belly dancing sounds fun and interesting, except and I just about the most uncoordinated person on the planet, so the thought of trying to dance at all as a form of working out kind of terrifies me.

    Yocum, I hope you have SO MUCH FUN on your night out with your son. You're right, you gotta cherish those times while he still wants to do it.

    Sarah, you know I live in Michigan right? Obviously I'm a Red Wings fan through and through... so we'll just see what the playoffs bring, shall we? :tongue:

    Sandra, welcome! I've only been with the group for about 2 months but I can't imagine doing this without them now! They are so helpful and awesome! I agree with your frustration on people who need to lose 5 pounds... mostly just because I'm jealous. I know this is tough for everyone at every weight.

    Victoria, I totally feel your salt pain! Did you see my post about weighing 208? Yeah - salt. I drank on obscene amount of water and today the scale is back at 204.6. TOM is next week too so I'm sure that will play into my numbers.

    Kendall, I do not envy you for vacuuming dog hair out of a car. I hate that. I'm a little OCD when it comes to cleaning, and every time we have my parent's dog I freak out at the hair in the car, and its such a pain to get out! I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I'm really proud of you for making all those decisions about the divorce and Taylor. I think sometimes with that really hard stuff the hardest part is not having a plan and being strong enough to make one. Not to say the hard part is over, but you're on your way. :flowerforyou:

    Suzie, thanks for all the positive energy you are always bringing to this thread! That's awesome that you are getting a chance to help a NPO that you support. Stuff like that does so much to "feed the soul" as they say. Good for you.

    Thanks to Amy, Kristina, and Suzie for reminding me not to spaz out over a stupid number on the scale. Thanks to everyone for listening to me vent.

    Today was arms/shoulders/abs. I really felt like I "brought it" :laugh: this morning. It was awesome. I snuck in a walk/run too... went about 2.5 miles overall, and ran about 1.4 of that (straight through... I started walking and ended walking which seems to work well for me for warming up and cooling down). Good times.

    Yesterday is was GORGEOUS out here... Chris and I finally got the leaves cleaned up in our yard and got this prepped for planting, which is awesome. I think its supposed to be kinda chilly and rainy this weekend so who knows if yard work will happen. I'd like it to. I'm sending good vibes for awesome weather for the weekend to all of you. :laugh:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    my day continued: ...and then I find out via FB from Jeffs grandma that my brother got arrested for methadone possession and delivery yesterday...and then my hubbs just called and said he hit a curb in his work truck and popped two tires, won't get home until really late now. I jinxed him, pretty sure by saying what else could possibly happen.

    LOL. My life should be an old school black and white cartoon today! Or a silent movie maybe.

    I'm laughing about it so thats good right?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    omg Lacey! thats a day from hell!! good to know that you are at the point of laughing at it all though.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Since I'm a pain and do my weigh-ins on Thursday, here goes :tongue: :

    235 mark today, which means I made my goal. I'll say since things are slowing down (water weight maybe?) that my new goal is 232 for next week. :)

    Things are going ok. I'm starting to lose some motivation mostly out of sheer exhaustion. Who wants to go to the gym when they haven't slept more than 6 or 7 hours (not in any sort of consecutive nature) in 2 or 3 days? Not I. Anywho, good thing I have that first personal training session tomorrow. I went to the gym last night for like, 15 minutes, haha. The rest of the time there was spent half-asleep in the shower WITHOUT the screaming baby.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Since I'm a pain and do my weigh-ins on Thursday, here goes :tongue: :

    235 mark today, which means I made my goal. I'll say since things are slowing down (water weight maybe?) that my new goal is 232 for next week. :)

    Things are going ok. I'm starting to lose some motivation mostly out of sheer exhaustion. Who wants to go to the gym when they haven't slept more than 6 or 7 hours (not in any sort of consecutive nature) in 2 or 3 days? Not I. Anywho, good thing I have that first personal training session tomorrow. I went to the gym last night for like, 15 minutes, haha. The rest of the time there was spent half-asleep in the shower WITHOUT the screaming baby.

    I remember the newborn to one plus year phase so well I am done with one. Lack of sleep is a killer. Maybe on the days you aren't meeting your PT you can do something mindless, like just cardio. Take the "think" out of it. Also, have you tried meal planning for one week at a time? I LOVE to do that because it takes the daily "think" aka worry about eating out of it. I know what I'm eating for breakfast and lunch because I generally eat the same things for a week and then only dinner is different.

    Good going on the loss!! You are doing great!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I remember the newborn to one plus year phase so well I am done with one. Lack of sleep is a killer. Maybe on the days you aren't meeting your PT you can do something mindless, like just cardio. Take the "think" out of it. Also, have you tried meal planning for one week at a time? I LOVE to do that because it takes the daily "think" aka worry about eating out of it. I know what I'm eating for breakfast and lunch because I generally eat the same things for a week and then only dinner is different.

    Good going on the loss!! You are doing great!

    Thank you! Yea, she was doing great sleeping through the night until she figured out that she can now stand in her crib and cry for FOREVER because she knows eventually I will come get her. Yesterday was too much and it took 20 minutes of straight, solid crying for her to eventually fall asleep. And only because she was over-tired! Little turd. Although I do think she's coming down with something so that could be a major key factor as well. I've thought about the meal planning, I just never have enough consecutive time to myself to make that feasible, lol. I was told though that my personal trainer will be making a meal plan for me? Oh the perks of paying someone else for my weight loss... haha. :tongue:

    Oh, and it was cardio yesterday. My body and entire being was too exhausted for even mindless exercize. Combined with a bad day mentally thinking about the ex, i just zoned out in the shower with intermittent bouts of my own crying. I just had no oomph yesterday. :ohwell:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    When I talked about Bobs Yogs workout, I was referring to what HR did on BL. I just re-watched it with DH and it was brutal!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I should have done Yoga X tonight....I wasn't feeling it. Instead I hopped on netflix and found a 45 min yoga workout. It was mostly the stretching stuff but at least it was something.

    I loaded my lightning pics on facebook! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi ladies. im alive i promise. i have a problem. i am depressed. i dont want to take medicine so im trying find ways to keep my self from dwelling on negative things for too long. sometimes it works but times when im at work, for example, and im alone with my thoughts i get kind of down and in a general icky mood. i know that most of it has to do with my dad and his illness, knowing that i may not have much time with him, but i think other things that i cant pin down are affecting me too. *sigh* is exercising more the key to possibly keeping me off meds for now? i dont know. i did however find a yoga work out designed to help with depression. i am going to try it and see how it goes

    kendal- im sorry to hear about your divorce. i have a friend that has been trying to divorce her husband for over 2 years now. the reason it is taking her so long to get it is because her idiot husband decided, about a few months into the proceedings, to shoot himself in the head. well he missed and now she cant get the judge to sign off on the divorce because is is no longer mentally stable. men are idiots sometimes. and thank you for posting that there were workouts on netflix. that mats getting some of the videos i have been wanting to try alot easier. i never knew they were there

    i cant remember who else posted or what the posted but i hope all is well in everyone Else's world. good night ladies and good luck on your weigh ins
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Thursday: 2714 cals burned/ 2353 cals eaten/ 361 deficit. Yesterday was a bad food day. I was really run down and my ability to withstand things like lemon bars and frappuccinos becomes limited when I am run down. I figured out by the evening that my body was trying to tell me something when I got hit with a full-blown fibromyalgia flare-up. (It was telling me to sit the crap down and rest but I am not good at listening to my body so I ignored it until the pain set in - I'm lame) I didn't really drink much water yesterday and I went way over on sodium so I'm not counting today's weigh-in. I'm gonna attempt to keep it together over the weekend and weigh-in on Monday to see if I can't get a loss this week.

    Amber: I used to be medicated for depression and anxiety. Like. Really medicated. Practically a zombie kind of medicated. The medication "worked" for me for a couple of years and then it became apparent to me that I was pretty much not happy. I wasn't depressed but I wasn't capable of being happy and excited and all that stuff that makes life fun. I am no longer medicated. I self-medicate with lots and lots of exercise. I also try to stay away from alcohol (as it is a depressant and makes misery worse - despite what my father thinks). But I don't want to sound like I'm advocating self-medication. I didn't take myself off my meds. I had countless conversations with my therapist and doctor so that we could come up with a plan to de-medicate me. Then, we followed that plan. I no longer see a therapist and I haven't been medicated in a couple of years. I DO have my moments of being bummed but I don't feel like staying in bed all day. I DO have occasional panic attacks (generally when I am under undo stress and generally when The Hubbs is TDY somewhere else) but I can mostly breathe through them and get back to regular life relatively quickly. Long story short: depression is a serious thing but it can be managed.

    Kendal: Your lightning pics are amazing!

    Victoria: Oh! I haven't been watching the BL this season so I totally missed your reference. Thanks for clearing it up.

    Crystal: When Gabe was little, we had to install a lock on his door and lock him in his room at nap time (he had to be put in a regular bed pretty early has he discovered how to vault himself out of his crib and didn't seem to care that he could break his neck in the process). He would cry and scream and rattle the doorknob for about 30 minutes and then pass out on the floor. After that, I would have to sneak in his room and move him to his bed (much like an explosives expert treats live ordinance - very carefully) so that he would sleep for the full hour of nap time. If I just left him on the floor after he passed out, he'd wake up 10 minutes later and still be tired and psychotic. I DON'T miss having a toddler and I am only having one child. There's no way on this earth I'd want to re-live Gabe's toddler years. Congrats on meeting your weight loss goal for the week!

    Lacey: Your day sucked. I'm so sorry for that. I think being able to laugh about it is probably a sign that you won't go postal on anyone....today. It's a good thing. You're probably right about my calorie deficit being to big. I'm gonna try to eat more and see how that works out. It's just so hard to eat more but keep the sodium in range, you know??

    Kerry: You're doing so awesome with your P90X and running!!

    Today is Friday. I love Friday. (I will not start singing that Rebecca Black song here but DO know it is playing in the back of my head) I have Insanity Pure Cardio (I think) today, the Kettleworx workout I totally skipped yesterday and I already walked the dog. I've also gotta clean up the joint as, somehow, it looks like life exploded all over my house. We'll see if that happens though. The Hubbs leaves Sunday for a TDY to England for a week so maybe I'll just clean next week, while he's gone. :tongue: Have a good one ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Thurs 2262 burned and 2859 consumed. No formal exercise... Sighs. Now it's time to face the scale...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Considering I had ribs and the saltiest green beans for dinner, I'm happy to report I am down to 187.75 today... I flirted with the 186s earlier in the week maybe next week... 1/4 pound here and there will add up eventually.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Wow, busy thread! I don't know that I'll get to everybody!

    Amy-my first tattoo going to be of a heart that's a tribal motif, with roses around it, with a spiderweb in the center, but instead of the spider, like the one I saw, a cross with a heart. I actually have a color copy of the fake tattoo I'm basing it off of saved in a jewelry box at home! :o)

    Amber-I have never been through depression myself, so I can't say I know how you feel. I've helped my brother through many bouts of his own, but I know each person is different, and what helps him won't necessarily work for you. I will pray for you & hope that you find your own path to happiness though.

    Kendall-I hope things get better for you! My mother just went through a 2nd divorce, and it was rather nasty, and I hope that you can find peace where ever you may. *hugs*

    Sandra-welcome! I've only been a member for a couple of weeks, but I love it! Everybody is so supportive! Glad to see you're doing so well! And I SO understand about the big grocery bill! I'm so looking forward to summer where I can grow some of my own stuff & can preserve some of it for winter so that I won't have such a big grocery bill every week! It's big enough with 3 kids!

    Crystal-I am SO with you on not getting sleep & still trying to exercise! That was me last year! My youngest is 2, and she finally in the past few months goes to bed without too much of a fight, though she does cry for about half an hour sometimes when we put her down for a nap that she doesn't think she needs. It's not constant, she'll cry...stop...cry...stop, then finally sleep. It DOES get better! :o)

    And now for my happy news....3 more lbs gone! 236.6 this morning! Woo hoo! I had a better week with keeping closer to MFP calories & eating "enough" to make sure I covered what I exercised. I even managed to get in some time walking around the parking lot during my 9yr old's soccer practice last night while my hubby took the other 2 to the playground. That was so relaxing! I'm so ready for the concert tonight! My bag's packed & Casey is ready for school to be out (for once...that kid HATES missing school!). OK, I'd better get some work done! TTYL!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you all for the hope that someday the sleeplessness will end! Unfortunately I am well aware that it won't be for a very long time as she is only 7 months old right now. It was so disappointing (although expected) when she stopped sleeping through the night because she learned to stand in her crib as she had JUST started sleeping through the night a few weeks prior. It'll be a while yet for me... :tongue:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Just a quick stop by to say hello and (sort of) weigh in for the week... this morning I'm at 204.9... which is up .8 from last week. I'm thinking its hormones, sodium, and maybe a bit of a fluke on the scale last week. I'm going to weigh again Monday for this week and see if I have a loss then. I'm not stressing it. (or at least that's what I keep telling myself) My loss was pretty massive last week and I knew that had to even out at some point.
    Did Yoga X this morning and if I get home in time and it doesn't start raining I'd like to run again this afternoon. Tomorrow we are going over to a friends house for pizza, chinese food, and mixed drinks - yeah I had no say in the menu obviously. I'm just going to rock portion control and call it a day.
    To all of you who are Moms, let me just say that I am SO impressed by you. Doing all of this with just me to take care of is hard enough. I don't know how you manage to take care of those amazing little people in your home and still find ways to do what's right for your body. Its amazing. You are all incredible women.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think the other night when I did the push up dvd, I pulled something in my right shoulder blade area cause it hurts to do shoulder rolls today. My solution- I won't do shoulder rolls today lol. I'm so sleepy but tonight is my date and we are going out to dinner and a club so if I'm lucky, I will figure out an outfit quickly so I can sneak in a nap instead of spending the whole time putting on an outfit, wearing it for 5 minutes and then deciding its not what I want to wear. It's his birthday so I have to go out on my lunch break and get him a card. I wish I could stay at my desk and take a nap instead.

    Amber- I'm sorry your friend is having such a hard time getting a divorce. I don't know why a judge wouldn't grant a divorce to your friend- its like he's punishing your friend more than trying to prevent her ex from doing anything else incredibly stupid. Its not right. If the woman doesn't want to be legally connected to the man anymore, a judge shouldn't be able to stop it. changing subjects- my sister has battled depression for years. One thing that somewhat helps is changing her light bulbs. There are some kind of bulbs that are more "realistic" to actual sunlight and can improve your mood better than if you are in flourescent lighting. Going to a tanning bed, although incredibly bad for your skin, has the same effect. I think its something about the UV rays that make you happier. Otherwise, I would try exercise and friends. I find that if I'm busy, I don't have time to think of how alone, sad, craptasticular my life is. See if you can find a new interest, hobby, tv show, book.....learn something new!

    Amy- I love you. You make me laugh out loud. and even though I've only heard it in it's entirety once or twice, I will be singing that Friday song over and over.....and then switching to Conan's "Thursday" song....and then the black guy's rap in Conan's song...BUAHAHAHAHA
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Have fun on your date!!! And I am with you on the outfit picking. When I have something important to go to (almost always involves some group function for The Hubbs' work) I change clothes about 50 times before settling on something easy, like jeans. I know this about myself and yet I do it every single time. I hope you find something good in your closet with enough time to spare for a nap. BTW- have you heard the Friday ukulele version that's floating around on Youtube? It's almost pleasant to listen to. If it weren't for the words.

    Kerry: I can't speak for all the moms here but I can speak for myself when I say that treating MY body better through eating right and exercising has made me a better mom. 1) I am setting a good example for my son. He's always watching me and he notices when I choose a banana or m&m's and he acts accordingly (by eating whatever it is that I'm eating). 2) When I work out I am less stressed and more patient with not only my son but also his father. The guys in my house know this about me and actively encourage my exercise habits.

    Crystal: Gabe STARTED sleeping through the night when he was 4. Literally...he was FOUR. He wonders why he has no siblings...

    Yocum: Your tattoo design sounds pretty! Congrats on the weight loss this week!!!

    Victoria: I bet you'll be in the 186-zone after the sodium clears your system.

    I've gotten Pure Cardio & Cardio abs done, made the pizza dough for dinner tonight (half wheat, thank you), cleaned my kitchen (it really couldn't wait) and did laundry. The Hubbs left work early for PT time at the gym so he'll actually make it home later. This shouldn't irritate me...but it totally does. I'm not irritated that he's going to the gym and I'm not irritated that he's getting home a bit late. I'm irritated that he has made friends at work and is playing basketball with them and is facebook friending them while my lone friend in this country is almost 8 years old (yeah, that would be my kid). I'm not used to being a shut-in. Before we moved here, I had a job of my very own and real flesh-and-blood friends that I would even hang out with and my own car. Now, The Hubbs drives my car (we sold his before we moved here because the gov't only ships one car overseas), I hang out at home and was never able to find a job here (the prospects are a bit limited for Americans). And I was cool with it for almost a year. Then he had the audacity to make friends and start hanging out with them...and now I've gone insane. I am reading what I'm typing and telling myself I am being petty and lame-tarded. I know this...do I feel any better? Nope. Not at all.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-nothing wrong with feeling that way....it's how you feel! It's how you react to those feelings that make all the difference in the world! Just like with your eating habits, that kiddo will watch how you handle this to use as an example for how he reacts to situations! It's good that you're able to recognize this & deal with it! I don't know what other activites you like to do, but if you can find maybe a library that has advertising for a book club? Or maybe a cooking class? Just throwing randomness out there for ya! :o)

    Crystal-I know I said it gets better, and it does...eventually! My oldest spoiled me. Slept like a dream from 8 weeks on unless he was sick. The 2nd one...still climbs into my bed when it storms...he'll be 7 in 6 weeks! The 2 yr old, just started sleeping through the night when she was 18mo old, unless it storms, then she's OUT! I felt like I couldn't win! And of course, my husband has gotten up 2ce in the past 9 1/2 years. Once for the first one, and once for the youngest. You may want to have your Dr check your iron or B12 levels once you do get some sleep if you're still feeling tired. Turns out I was low on both...and we figured it out about a year ago...so now I finally have more energy. :o)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in from yesterday: 1467 eaten / 287 exercise calories / 20 under (whew!)

    I only took Emma for a walk yesterday and then took her to the dog park in the evening, which she loved, and it's a pretty big park, so I kept walking around the perimeter the whole time she was there, so there was some added exercise. Did not do the 4m run, as I'm still feeling pretty crappy. My throat is still gunky, and I think I will probably leave work soon and nap this afternoon for some sick time.

    I would like to do some form of exercise today though... will get at least an INSANITY workout in hopefully. I'm now on the "recovery week" of core cardio & balance, which I haven't tried yet. If I get a major second wind, I'll do my 4 miles I was supposed to do yesterday today. it's apparently supposed to be hella windy out, so we'll see.

    I'm excited to have a weekend at home after being gone the last 2. Sunday is a long run planned with my friend and co-worker (one of the ones who blew me away in Pittsburgh), but when it's just the two of us, it's okay. My other co-worker is running the Glass City Half (shout out to Victoria!!), but it was full before my friend could sign up, so her long run this weekend is 13 miles (they're training for a full), so she's going to run from her place to mine (4.5m) and then we'll run the rest together.. it'll be 8.5 miles for me-- a bit of a jump, but do-able. As long as I'm feeling the same or better, I want to do it, as I missed the run last weekend.

    Food should be okay today. Leftovers from the soup I made last night... posted it in my status update: red curry soup with brown rice and purple kale. Super yummy! And if I get some form of exercise, should be under. I was at 179.0 this morning, so I'm hoping I'll be down a bit more before weigh-in on Monday. I certainly don't expect a loss from my low of 177something from two weeks ago, but as long as I'm on way back to it, and continue to do so, I'll be happy.

    Will catch up on every else's posts later!
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