200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Here's my stats for Sunday: Calories consumed- 1534/ Calories Burned- 2033/ Deficit 499 - I pretty much took Sunday off from exercise. I relaxed, read a book and enjoyed the sun. It's supposed to rain this week so it might be a while before we see the sun again. I'm back at it today though. I did my dog walk and my Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs plus I have Kettleworx on deck for when The Hubbs comes home.

    Crystal: I'm sorry you've been having problems with your ex. Make sure you keep taking care of you!

    b00b0084: Welcome to the group! Just jump on in and start posting. Let us know about yourself (married? kids? pets? hobbies?). We chat about everything on this thread. It's great to have you.

    Lacey: Your Highness sounded funny but I saw a scathing review for it today. It kind of makes me wonder what the reviewer was expecting.

    Sarah: WTG on the weight loss!! You're doing great!

    Hailie: What concert did you go to? I love listening to live music!!

    Victoria: So far my mom & brother seem to be sticking with the healthier eating. My mom has some kind of degenerative disc problem in her back/neck and she aggravated it somehow so she's been in a lot of pain and isn't walking around like she was last week. I can't blame her though, it's hard to deal with acute pain and she is kind of a wuss when it comes to pain anyway. But she's doing what she can and that's all anyone can ask. Thanks for asking! You like watching golf?? Isn't that kind of like watching paint dry?

    Noelle: You'll bust through to One-derland this week!

    Yocum: I echo what Victoria said. The Bugg is perfect for figuring out your total calorie burn ALL day long. I burn TONS of calories running up and down my stairs to do laundry or cleaning and even cooking. It all adds up and I love that my armband tells me all that!

    I hope ya'll have a great Monday!!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I'll have to look for one of those Buggs! Thanks for all of the advice!

    Crystal, I do hope things get better for you! Healthy habits are always the best! At least you've got the right motivation...YOU! :0)

    I weighed this morning and no loss, but no gain either. Still 239.6 lbs. A little sad, b/c for the past month I've lost every week, but I think I'm finally hitting that plateau that means I'll have to step it up & add the exercise to calorie cutting. I did a little bit better at getting in 1200 (or close to it) calories the past few days after that first one. I kept my food healthy & no junky snacks, but if I felt hungry, I ate! Now that Spring Break is over & I'm back at work, the urge to snack during the day will hit more. Sitting at a computer all day isn't as entertaining as my kids, so I get bored...and snack! Plus with Scouts & soccer practices back in session, it'll be run, run, run in the evenings, so no time to cook, so have to hunt for healthy on the go, which salads are great & filling for me if I can get to a place with one with actual spinach & not iceburg (useless stuff, really). But hard to eat in the car! :o)

    I'm so glad to have found this! :o)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey everybody!

    I am back from a weekend that was probably a little bit too much fun. :blushing: Friday night was pretty low key, just leftover Chinese food and we finally watched Black Swan... have you seen it? It was awesome, but completely weird. Friday cals were 1807 eaten/702 burned/95 left. Saturday I got up and did legs/back/ab ripper prior to packing up to head up to the cabin. Once there all bets were pretty much off food wise. The weather was AMAZING... it was mostly just a bunch of hanging by the campfire, playing horseshoes and catch, etc... but I had too much beer for sure. So cals were crazy... 2580 eaten/347 burned/over by 1033. This is when I know having a bugg or bmf would help. Maybe I was just at my total burn for the day, maybe I blew it out of the water... who knows! Sunday was a little better but not much. We stayed at the cabin until about 5 because it was 85 and sunny.... so we were just out lounging outside enjoying it. When we came home I snuck in kenpo x which made me really proud of myself, and it helped my numbers for the day - 2449 eaten/602 burned/over by 647. So yeah - a bit of a bust on cals, but I knew it going in and I'm trying not to stress it.

    This morning was x stretch and then I had time so I went for a run too. We are supposed to be in the 60s all week and I couldn't be happier about that.

    Amy, I'm SO HAPPY that the gov't pulled their heads out of their a@@es and you guys are getting paid as you should. It shouldn't even be an option to not take care of you. Ridiculous. I hope you had an awesome picnic!

    Amber, its good to hear from you, you've been MIA. Do some P90X! You'll feel so much better after!

    Annette, logging in here daily really helps more than you would think... just getting the motivation from seeing what everyone else is doing and making sure I'm tracking all my cals every day does wonders.

    Yocum, I always try to eat back exercise cals... but I don't get too stressed about the last 150-200 cals of it. I am set up to eat the minimum 1200 cals, and then with my burn from exercise I usually get an additional 400-600 per day, which seems to work pretty perfect for me during the week. Its all about finding out what works for you. If you are doing that and not seeing loss, something isn't working for you, so switch it up and try something new!

    Victoria, you really have been rocking awesome advice on here lately. And I am so impressed by the running still. This morning I think I ran 1.3 miles at 5mph and I was ready to keel over. My neighborhood is SO hilly, and uphill running aparently kicks my butt.

    Crystal, I'm so sorry about all the drama with your ex. That has to be so hard, especially when you have a kid involved. I agree with Amy, just make sure you are taking care of you. I don't want to yell at you, but you CAN'T have days where you only eat 200 calories. That's not okay! We're here to listen and help with whatever you need!

    Lacey, I really want to see Your Highness... I think Danny McBride is hilarious, and I really loved Pineapple Express (they're directed by the same person). Hopefully we'll get to check it out this weekend. Did you have any luck with octopus cooking? Just curious.... I have no desire to eat it. I tried it once at a sushi restaurant (and eel too) and I just couldn't do it. I think its because I saw a video in highschool of a guy eating a live octopus - the octopus kept latching its tentacles onto the guy's face and trying to push itself out of his mouth, and he'd have to peel the tentacles off his face. For some reason, my speech teacher showed us the video. To this day I have no idea why, but it was disgusting.

    Hailie, I also want to know what concert it was. I'm kind of a concert freak - I love them. I have really ecletic taste in music and love little concerts at little dives, but also love the production of something really big and awesome. I hope the ACTs went well too!

    Noelle, you are totally hitting ONEderland this week! YAY!

    Sorry if I missed anyone! Happy Monday!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Monday to everyone... Yesterday was a total bust - I didn't log food and for talked into making crap (poppers, fish sticks and pizza rolls)... I was a slug and only burned 2032... I'm sure I was way over. My body just needed the break. Well, I'm off to see more clients.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Everyone get their weights in and I'll post the chart this evening.

    Morning ladies! I'm alive and back! I'll have to go back and read over everyone's posts. I'm back in the game. Last week overall was just a bust, which I'm not terribly surprised about. 2 long weekend "vacations", with only two days of work does not make for a healthy Kristina. Basically exercise was little to nonexistent and eating was pretty terrible. I mean, there was some good choices I made, but I was way over calories every day. To top it off, TOM hit, so the scale is probably pretty ugly at the moment. I didn't face the music this morning, but will step on the scale tomorrow. Will definitely take a pass this week and hopefully recover for next week's weigh in.

    So, I'm going to fiddle around with my training chart to compensate for the lack of exercise last week. I only had a couple of days of insanity scheduled and the rest of the week was supposed to be the "recovery" week of the program before doing the second month of it. So, this week I'm going to re-do my missed week of INSANITY and just bump everything back a week. I'm planning on doing pure cardio and cardio abs tonight which I missed last Sunday... yes LAST sunday, not yesterday, and then work my way through last week's schedule of it. Running is off as well. I'm not too terribly worried about it, but it'll make for an uglier long run this week. Last weekend I ran 6.5 miles when it was scheduled for a 6-miler. This past weekend, I was supposed to do 7, which obviously didn't happen, so this upcoming weekend, with an 8-miler, will be a 1.5 mile jump, which isn't great, but I think I'll be fine. Next week, my short runs jump up to the 6 miles they'll be at for the rest of the program. Ack.

    So, trying to detox my body and get it back into healthy eating again. I did get a lot of nice compliments from friends on the trip. One was like, it was nice to see half of you again, which was pretty amusing. Makes me more motivated to drop even more weight before I see them again later this summer. The trip was fun. Some pretty amazing winterguard performances, though my butt is a little sore from sitting in the seats for so long.

    Anyways, I'm going to catch up on reading everyone's posts. Happy Monday!

    ETA: y'all were posting machines over the past two days. Congrats on everyone's losses! Victoria, you've been a running machine-- and SO happy to see the scale keeping on moving down for you. I'd really like to see you run your half!

    Oh, and I posted this to my status last week before I left, but my job promotion FINALLY went through! Even more thankful that the gov't didn't shut down, so I could get said paybump. 48% raise is pretty dang sweet. Now if only I had that for the close to 4 months I'd been working in this position.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm mostly caught up on the board. I have a great weekend at the beach. It seriously stormed HARD on Saturday night and I sat out on the balcony and took pictures of the lightning over the ocean. I haven't edited the pics yet, but I should get them done this week.

    Eating.....well, let's not talk about that. It was HOOOOORRRRRIIIIIIIIBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEE. Way too many snack foods for just a couple days, but the one good thing is I had bought a store-made pack of 8 giant swiss chocolate rolls. I ate 2 and then told my friend if she didn't want them, then trash them cause I didn't need to take them home. It was a big deal for me to waste money, I have such a hard time trashing food, but I know its the best thing I could have done at that point.

    I did find a new drink concoction that was delightful. Diet Mountain Dew + Capri Sun (Strawberry Kiwi flavor) + vodka. It was GREAT. Although the capri sun has a crap-ton of sugar in it!!! Seriously, it had 16g in that tiny little pouch :noway: ...maybe it wasn't grams.....but I know it was 16 whatever measurement sugar is measured in....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hola. I don't have time to check final numbers for yesterday and since I didn't track food I am not too worried about it.

    No gym for me tonight. I need to get groceries and I think I am going to try to do some carpet cleaning as well when I get home after dinner. Also my shins are a flucking mess again. I JUST bought those shoes about threeish months ago...so I think I just over did it. Its frustrating. I don't think I am going to be able to do c25k again for a while, though I will try it tomorrow and see. Maybe I will be surprised.
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    S'mai (hello in Welsh pronounced 'shoe mai')

    Hope everyone is well, wanted to catch up on posts despite it only being like a day but unfortunatly it will have to wait till tomorrow when everyone but Amy will be asleep (p.s Amy I think the rain starts here Wednesday and im praying it will clear by weekend so I can sort my garden).

    Anyway for the second day a 6 mile walk and my dvd is here; Davina body buff. It's pretty hard and she's well respected. It has 2 30 min cardio sessions, abs, core, legs and arms all 20 mins with fat burning sections to keep heart rate up. Not forgetting warm up and cool down stretches. Each section has an instructor doing an easier version so great to get you started AND for the adventurous (aka fit) added 5 mins of hard work. out on each section.

    I'm excited and getting into it now, haven't re read the above as off to cook tea so i hope it makes sense and I'm not a rambling idiot. Ha ha! P.s tea is what we call the dinner meal time x x
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks you guys. I really appreciate it. For now I'm just distancing myself from him and the entire situation so that I can make it through and be strong for my little girl.

    On a brighter note, I hired a personal trainer today! The gym I go through has contract plans or non-contract plans. I hate trying to remember auto-payments so I paid $300 up front for 12 sessions that I can use whenever I want. I was thinking about using it twice a week for the first two weeks, then weekly for 8 weeks but now I'm considering once weekly the full 12 weeks to see how much progress I can make in 3 months. :) Not sure yet, we'll see. Either way, there's another butt kickin' to get me in gear. :P I mostly just got it for the knowledge. I go to the gym, hop on the elliptical, and that's about it. Heck if I know what I'm doing, lol. But my brother was my motivator before (he's a gym buff), so if I get the knowledge, he'll be the one to drag me outta bed when the personal training is over, haha. I'm so excited! I start with her on Friday. :)
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hello. Not logging on for a couple of days makes for an awful lot of reading.........

    Am continuing to work on my goals - healthy breakfasts seem to have set in, as has the 'nothing but fruit after dinner. Was supposed to be working on healthy lunches next but it is the school Easter Hols..................having written that I am now questioning the 'but' thinking but what? I need to be able to make these changes for life, not just for parts of it, so - watch this space.

    Have been for two more runs. Having read your advice re how to increase (many thanks); have not got distance up to three miles with view of improving time taken i.e quicker/less walking, more joggin/running. We'll see. When/if that is cracked will relook at increasing distance (I think). A friend has taken an interset in the running part and we compliment each others abilities, which is working out well.

    Laceylala - sorry about your shins, sounds horrible, hope they heal up soon.

    Ronnie - love the comment about wanting it all now - to be fit / able to do everything - am so with you on that one. Patience is such an easy word to say and don't get me started on will-power!!!!!!!

    Glad so many of you are having good breaks away. Haven't been anywhere but the weather here has been so good for last few days it makes such a difference. Seeds all planted in the hope of a flourishing garden a few months down the line.

    Planning to try and log on more often - fingers crossed.....

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone!! MIA again for the weekend, ugh not a successful one either...got paid on Friday so I kind of splurged a little in the food section, especially since my bf was gone all week for work..I was having date withdrawals OOPS.

    Other than that, I actually went out hiking with the bf, I never do stuff like that! I think I will do it more often, I had soooo much fun looking at all the little woodland critters and breathing in all of the fresh air! I was surprised to see that we were gone for over an hour and a half when we got back to the truck. I am actually looking up some trails right now, hopefully the weather keeps up and I can do it again this next weekend!

    I am sorry that I have not kept up with all of the reading

    Crystal- The trainer is going to help sooo much, that is a huge step I am happy for you. I am thinking about maybe doing that this summer.

    Lacey- I am sorry about your shins, I can see how that could be super frustrating trying to get through a program like c25k, I hope they feel better soon! stay positive

    Kendal- MMMM that sounds good, I love me some Dew...well and cocktails in general haha! Any low cal recipes you have will be much appreciated, especially with the weather getting better over here.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    AND... this week's weight loss:

    Name / Starting Challenge Weight / Last Week's Weight / This Week's Weight (difference) (% body weight lost)

    Kristina / 178.4 / 177.2 / PASS
    Victoria / 191.75 / 189.75 / 188 (-1.75) (0.92%)
    Kendal / 216.2 / PASS / PASS
    Lacey / 208.4 / 208.2 / 206.4 (-1.8)(0.86%)
    Amy / 203 / 203 / 201.2 (-1.8)(0.89%) <-- so close to ONEderland!
    Sarah / 229 / 226.8 / 224.4 (-2.4)(1.06%)
    Suzie / 183.4 / PASS / ???
    Amber / 238 / 238 / 238 (0)
    Noelle / 201 / 200 / 200 (0) <--- SO CLOSE!
    Andrea / 252.2 / 253 / 253 (0)
    Kerry / 212.2 / 209.6 / 204.1 (-5.5) (2.62%)
    Hailie / 261 / 261.5 / 261.5 (0)
    Eunice / 200 / 198.9 / ???
    Angela / 305 / 302 / 300 (-2.0)(0.66%) <-- almost in the 200's!!
    Annette / 189 / ?? / 188
    yocum1219 / na / 239.6 / 239.6 (0)
    Ronnie / 231 / 224 / 223 (-1.0)(0.45%)
    Crystal / na / 243 / 239 (-4.0) (1.65%)

    Firstly, i have to say, nice job everyone! No gains this week! (well, I would have, but I passed on weighing in. *grumbles*). What I'm really liking is some of the really consistent losses some of the "oldies" in our group are pulling. Nice work!

    And, without further ado, the biggest loser this week in pounds lost is Kerry with 5.5 pounds lost and 2.62% of her body weight lost. Dang girl! Second massive weight loss week!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    One more thing I forgot to mention earlier...I weighed myself this weekend and didn't gain any weight from what I ate! Yeay!

    Congrats to everyone who lost, stuck with their goals and otherwise!!
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    Congratulations to everyone this week! Ya'll inspire me!

    Could you guys and gals do me a favor and post your starting weight (like when you first started changing your lifestyle), your current weight, and how long you have been working on it? I am just trying to keep motivated for the long haul!

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Angela- I started my journey in October of 2009 at 230 pounds... I'm now somewhere in the high 170's. I've had a couple of bigger loss weeks, but in general, it's been a pretty slow and steady loss for me (1-2 pounds/week), with a couple of plateaus, that I just had to power through. If you keep up at it, you will see results. There'll be tough times and lots of successes. If you view this as a change of lifestyle, with weight loss as a lovely side effect of getting healthier, it's one way to go about it.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Been MIA from here.. so sorry.

    Also late in posting my loss of 0.4 lbs (in 2 weeks!!!):sad: ... so from 183.4 - I am at 183lbs.

    I am trying Bikram yoga.. & after 2 days last week, had considerable soreness... so decided to go today & just did what I was comfortable doing & will continue for a week & see how my body reacts. Also, decided to up my daily total cals to 1400 cals .. irrespective of my exercise & try that for a month.

    I am still trying to figure out what works for my body... so baby steps... a bit frustrating.. but I just need to figure it out.

    Seems everyone had GREAT losses!!!! YAY... Kerry. :wink:

    And Sarah - you are doing great:)

    Have another GREAT week:drinker:

  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all just a check in, busy day with baby and some finance sorting on the side (i like a good clear out). A quick cah up...but to all the ladies with the letter A in their name i MAY have confused you and got mixed up :laugh: sorry if thats the case

    Annette: Cool on keeping to you're goal, it hard at times but so worth it. I just remeber :happy: motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going:happy:

    Angela: This is my 4th week and im currently 223. I started at 241lbs i lost 10lbs in my first week (all water from glycerin stores), 7lbs in my second week (again maybe a lot of water) then it slowed to 1lb this week (better off than on tho eh). Im hoping that it will settle to 1-2lb a week soon. I started off with just walking and have been trying to increase its intesity or speed. I feel im ready for a workout dvd now and will be starting that this week cos despite losing 18lbs i look the same (no shape). Hope this helps and youre in the right place for motivation!! :happy:

    Andrea: I L:heart:VE hiking....thats basically all i do (I live in Wales and its such a beautiful place to do it). I've only just got a work out DVD which im aiming to do 3 times a week, 2 big hikes and at least one walk a day! I love it!

    Crystal: Being open and honest is so couragous, and such a huge step in itself. Just use the crappy situation and turn all effort and energy in to pushing forward and stcking it to him :smile: and now i read about the personal trainer so you're well on youre way!

    Lacey: Sucks about you're knees (owch) but a big YAY for not gaining!! What trainers do you have? Is it important you have the right ones?

    Kerry: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: Congratulations on the loss, plus it sounded like a wicked weekend!

    Kendal: Like Kerry it sounded like a real fun weekend....plus everything in moderation will help with life long goals. We all have horrible food days :blushing:

    Haillie: Oh gigs! I love music (mostly metal, a lot of 70s punk and 80's soft rock rules) How'd it go and who d'ya see?

    :heart: :heart: CONGRATULATIONS ON ALL LOSSES:heart::heart:
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hurrah. I have worked out how to upload a picture - one goal definitely achieved!!!!!!!

    On reading through the last posting realised I typed - not up to three miles - the good news was that we are NOW doing three miles - oops. Also, no exercise yesterday and champing at bit wanting to go today - just need to decide what?

    Angela: found MFP late february and weighed in at 192. Am now 188 so 4lbs down, which may seem only a little but I am over the moon. Have a real issue with thinking weight loss and usually am really intense at beginning, lose heavily then sabotage the whole thing ending up weighing more than when I started. A couple of weeks ago I starteddown this route but this thread and the motivation I am gaining by being a part of it, drew me back - very thankful. It has also got me thinking about goals other than weight loss for now (although am hoping this will be a side effect!!) - so am concentrating on healthy meals and some exercise. It is all so individual. Think of something that will improve your lifestyle, that you feel comfy with and go for it - it soon adds up.

    Suzie: 0.4lbs IS A LOSS - well done.........

    Ronnie: Proper trainers are very improtant - especially for running. Shin splints are excrutiatingly painful and (although not always) can be prevented with well fitting shoes.

    Kerry: WOW with the weight loss - congrats.

    Kristina: is it possible to put me in as a Pass for week two of this challenge - if it takes lots of time, don't worry.
    How is your dog - pleased to be back with each other I bet?

    Annette x
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Angela - I started this journey in Sept 2009 at 237 pounds. The first week, I just logged food and almost had a heart attack at my consumption level. The majority of my exercise was walking 3 miles or doing Leslie Sansone DVDs. 10 pounds came of in the first few weeks then it slowed to a reasonable 1-2 pound a week loss. By May 2010, I was down 40 pounds. I started running C25K in Dec 2009 and was far from a speed demon. I graduated C25K in Feb 2010 but couldnt do 3 miles although I could jog/run for 30 min. I kept adding 3 min a week for 3 weeks until I could jog a full 5K (3.1 miles)... I started training for 10K which I ran in July then on to a 1/2 marathon in Oct. Over this time frame I dropped to my lowest 182. It is a lifestyle change and I slacked off gaining 11 pounds through March of 2011. Over the last month, I've dropped 6 of those pounds. Highlights of my journey - realizing my knees no longer hurt going up/down the stairs (this happened as I carried in 20 pounds of groceries and my knees were aching), emptying my closet of clothes that were too big (goodbye 18s, 20s, and 1xs!!!!), fitting into size 12 jeans, fitting into my goal leather jacket, having people stop me at grocery store and say I looked great and they almost didn't recognize me, the boost to my self confidence, and making great new friends!!!

    I can't thank this group enough for being my never ending support!!! This really is a life journey and changes need to be forever. It's so hard to find the happy medium that allows you to live life and eat better. I have really changed - I rarely watch TV and I don't remember the last paperbook I've read. Exercise is a priorty in my life.

    Time to get up and get moving!!! Enjoy your Tuesday...