200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I FINALLY found the FAQ's on the bodymediafit site. I see that you should wear your thing on your left arm, logo up, lights down and that there could be an 8% difference if worn somewhere else, even on your right arm.
    So I will wear it on my arm tonight and do w2d2 of c25k tonight at the gym and do another comparison of calories burned.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hallie - I think you gave to buy the BodyBugg or Body Medi Fit on-line. Try a google search. Apex or 24 hour Fitness are the 2 sites that support the BodyBugg. Dancing to music doesn't seem like exercise to me - that's what I love about Zumba!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wednesday check-in 3204 burned and 1877 consumed. Exercise 7 mile run plus 30 min of low impact aerobics.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    For anyone that does the C25K, what are you thoughts? Does it work? How do you feel? Is it worth it? I'm not a runner at all, can't run to save my life. I'd rather swim 4 miles than run 1 mile.

    I completed C25K a year ago. It's a 9 week program that takes you from sitting on the couch to running 30 min. There are free programs that will cue you when to walk and when to run. I loved it. Running is free except for the cost of shoes. It's also a great way to cross train for swimming. When I started I was gasping for breath after the 60 sec runs. The first week alternates running 60 sec with 90 sec walks. I felt great running and have continued to run...
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone! So my scales are not co operating, Unlike yours Amy...i hope you hit 199 such a great achievement :happy: ). Im being so good too so its super frustrating!! Grrrr!! :grumble: 2 more days till weigh in and just 1 little pound would be nice cos then i'll be in the 15st region.

    Amy: The cookies sound great, my bf would love love love them! I love hearing about you're workouts, you're the reason i've sent for a Davina Mc Call work out DVD. How is Zumba? There's two local groups running. My mother also has one of those crazy vibrating machines you see in gyms...apparently the Russians developed them for astronaughts to rebuild muscle so i may give that i try when i visit her on Sundays.

    Hailie: Im so glad you like the ticker, I had soooo much fun making mine and got really creative with it :bigsmile: Im glad to hear you're being so positive i think maybe my TOM is due as my weight is being so slow this week but since having the baby they've been all over the place so im not sure. I'd also like to know about the C25K but its all about being able to fit things in. I love swimming too but by the time the bf gets home from work i never get time. So im gonna try a work out dvd and stick with the walking as that will get me started, Once the weight starts dropping and i get a little fitter i'll try to fit more in eeeep!! :smile:
    P.s Hailie im gonna get the UK version of the body bugg used on fat families its called the KI FIT, sounds like a great life long tool.

    Victoria: Thanks for the info on C25K, how do you get the programme is it on you're phone or is it a DVD that you can get in the US? It must be good if you're still running i see 7 miles (i can only dream of this right now) :embarassed:

    I know what my problem is; i want to be able to do everything straight off the bat and just wake up and be fit and thin...but im ready to put the effort in and work hard! :heart:
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey sorry i seem to be monopolising posts....i was just reading Victorias post about starvation mode. Maybe im not eating enough...what do people think of this? Is it a 500cal defecit i should be aiming for? My BMS according to MFP is 1700 and i dont do high powered workouts just walking. Advice muchos appreciatted, i feel so dumb when it comes so all this :blushing:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Ronnie - there are no dumb quetions. I downloaded a free podcast that played on my iPod for C25K. You can also get MP3 versions. Try a google search for free C25K. There are now aps for smart phones. I started my journey with walking and a few DVDs. I've been at this 18 months now. I never dreamed I'd ever be this active when I started (well, I dreamed it but never thought it would really happen)... That's how I've managed to lose about 50 pounds. I recommend aiming for 1 pound a wek of loss. When I started at 237 pounds, I was eating 1800 cals and lost weight. You didn't say how much you are actually eating. If you aim for 1 pound a week, you will lose 52 pounds a year. By taking it off slowly, you are more likely to keep it off. I know everyone wants a "quick fix" but you have to change habits to keep the weight off. Make 1 change at a time. Once you're comfortable with the change, add another. Great places to start - add more water until easily drink 8+ cups a day, increase exercise intensity or frequency, add more fruits and veges until up to recommended 8 servings a day, limit to 1 a day or eliminate unhealthy treats, etc.

    You can read my profile page to see my growth and progress. I know you can do this!!! I think getting married in Vegas will be wonderful!!!!
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Ah thank you Victoria. I was eating 1200 but I've increased to 1500. I really appreciate the encouragement and the great advice, I just feel a little lost. 6 years ago I was 140lbs and I went to college and I don't know what happened, i never thought about any of this before. Thank you :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Ronnie - it took you 6 years to gain 90 pounds. That's 15 pounds a year and .28 of a pound a week = 980 extra calories a week. What's in 1000 calories? 1130 for a big Mac, large fry and a coke... 900 calories in the average 6 pack of beer... 350 for 1 piece of cake... 230 in a Snickers bar... Can you get the picture? It's so easy to over eat when you're not aware of calories.

    In the same way it took you 6 years to gain the weight, you can't take it off in 6 weeks. That would be unrealistically starving yourself. By eating 500 cal less than you need a day, you'll lose a pound a week. Add in some exercise - 45 min walk a day burning 200 to 300 cal and you can lose another 1/2 pound a week. As for eating exercise cals - I suggest eating at a minimum 1200 plus all exercise cals... If you are eating 1500 and only burning 200, don't worry about your exercise cals.. But if you up your workouts, make sure to eat 1200 plus exercise cals - for example I burned 1147 running yesterday so I should have eaten closer to 2300. One or two days being severly over or under won't harm you but prolonged being over - you will gain. Prolonged being severely under and starvation mode will set in.

    It really took a long time to understand as much as I do. I spent many hours reading threads here and searching the web but it's paid off since I feel more knowledgable... Knowledge = Power!!! I encourage you to study and learn for yourself. It will make youba better nurse.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Lacey, I hope you get the bmf figured out... I'm sure once it gets into a routine it will be awesome!

    Kendall, thanks for the heart rate input... I looked stuff up online too and feel a little bit better about all of that. My resting heart rate is closer to 75 (thank goodness). If I were to work only in the target zone I'd be at 153. I'm sure that it fluctuates a ton while I'm working out, and I figure it can't be bad to bust my butt as much as possible. I hate that I am so broke right now (stupid 2 car payments until June), because I REALLY want to get a heart rate monitor, especially now with P90X. And thanks for the Chinese food advice. I did my best to log it.

    Ronnie, getting married in Vegas sounds sooo fun! I have friends that went out for a weekend and eloped and then came back and still had a big wedding here afterward - the best of both worlds! I haven't been to Vegas in forever (and when I was there I wasn't 21 even!). I'd give you all kinds of advice, but I pretty much just agree with everything Victoria said. I have my settings on MFP for 2lbs lost per week, so my base calorie intake is 1200, but I always eat back my exercise calories (or at least most of them). So if I burn 400 cals, I'm eating 1600 that day, if I burn 200 cals, 1400. You'll read on here a bunch that weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise, and that's pretty true. If you just sat on the couch all day but only ate 1200 cals, you'd still lose weight... but you'd end up a flabby skinny person, which who wants that? Exercise is so important because your are building lean muscle, which will burn more calories than fat, plus your body will look so much better because of it. I also started running just about a month ago, and not on any real schedule or regime. I did look at C25K and used its theory a bit... every time I go out, I walk for 5 minutes first to get my body warmed up, then start running. At first I was just running for 60 seconds and then walking for 3 minutes, and slowly I have been changing the ratio. Running is amazing. Its cheap, it gets you outside, and I really don't think any other type of workout leaves my head clearer or my self esteem higher.

    Hailie, eek! ACTs! Just make sure you get a good night's sleep before, have a good breakfast, and just relax! Don't think about the time so much and just focus on each question in front of you. You'll do great, I know it.

    Its kinda rainy out right now, but apparently later its going to be sunny and 55. I am SO going to be out there this afternoon. I'm thinking a run and then some yard clean up. Did shoulds/arms/ab ripper this morning. Good times.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    So I think I've figured out why I over eat when at home. I go a long time eating bland food or leftovers and then I get creative. I buy a lot of new food and my house is stocked with different tastes. THATS when I pig out. I have all these new flavors or something that I haven't had in a LONG time and I can't stop myself from over eating.

    so I need to stop buying such good food lol
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for great advice, I've done a little reading but some things contradict each other...I guess I'll try to focus on reliable sites. I've ordered some dvds, the bug and that will get me started. Losing weight is great but theres nothing like feeling fit and full of energy :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 3077 Calories Burned/ 1885 Calories Eaten/ 1192 Deficit

    Kendal: When I have a lot of new stuff in my kitchen I go crazy and want to eat it all too. What I do is plan my menu out (including what day I'm gonna make cookies or whatever neat treat I might have the ingredients on hand to make). If I didn't do that, it would be a nightmare.

    Kerry: A heart rate monitor will really help you get a better picture of how hard you're working during exercise.

    Ronnie: I whole-heartedly agree with everything Victoria said! As far as Zumba goes: it's super-fun! So many of the workouts I do are just that: work. They're hard and they aren't exactly fun. Zumba is fun and it's still a workout. No, I don't burn as many calories as I do with Insanity or P90X but I still burn calories and I'm moving my body in a different way than its used to. I've done Zumba in classes at the gym (not available here so now I use the DVDs) and it's really fun in a class setting. There's lots of different people and no one really cares too much if you screw up the moves. For me, if I get bored with my exercise program - it's all over. I give up. I know this about myself and so I don't allow my workout routine to become a rut. I have to have fun (Zumba & mountain biking) and I have to be challenged (Insanity and running).

    Hailie: I -again- agree with everything Victoria said about C25K. It's an awesome way to start running and running is the ultimate cheap workout. Good luck on your ACT.

    Lacey: I usually wear my BMF on my left arm like the thing says to do. I haven't seen a big difference from wearing it on my leg at night versus the few times I've worn it on my arm at night. I think it kind of underestimates calorie burns for exercises that don't have a lot of arm swing (biking or workouts with a lot of squats) so I'm sure it all evens out through the day. I think the main thing is to get a "big picture" idea of what your eating versus burning and I'm sure it isn't that big of a difference whether u wear it on your arm or leg. (I KNOW the manual says it is- I choose to do it my way)

    Victoria: You're a running machine! You rock. Oh yeah, and I agree with all the WONDERFUL advice you've been handing out in the last 12 hours! Especially the advice on making small changes. I was JUST saying that to my mom and brother the other day (they want to lose weight but tend to do things quite drastically and then give up because it was too hard). Finally, they are understanding that small changes are easier to handle and still help you lose weight. It's Day 3 for them and they are still on track (which is pretty much a record for them) so maybe the advice sunk in.

    Today is a gorgeous day in Germany! It's sunny and 75 and I'm getting ready to head out for more mountain biking. I did my dog walk and my Insanity Plyo workout already so the mountain biking is just for fun - but it's exercise too!!! I hope ya'll have a lovely day.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 3010 burned/2400 eaten/610 deficit.

    Today I'm wearing the BMF on my arm to see what the cal difference ends up being. I wasn't planning on working out tonight, counseling session after all, but I brought my clothes and I should go just to make sure I am seeing an accurate comparison.

    I did week2 day 2 yesterday of c25k....two days in a row. Two hours after I was fine, but my God it was PAIN walking around for a while. My shins were on fire. They weren't hurting like shin sprints, just those muscles and tendons there that don't ever get used like that...wow!!! I won't run again until Friday. Still not really enjoying it, but I am going to push through (I like the looks I'm getting at the gym he he). I'd like the weather to get better so I can start doing it outside soon. Also I am finding that doing about 5-10 minutes of upper body weights right after that c25k run is amazing! Its like my body is all honed in to the work out more than ever and I totally get way more out of the weight machines than had I not run. So I guess that right there, and the fact that the breathing thing is getting WAY easier will keep me going.

    I saw one of the sisters...Olivia maybe? On BL the other night say that she never before thought that she could do anything like what she's doing now, but she's found that if you just give yourself a chance you CAN do it..and it totally stuck with me all day yesterday which is why I pushed myself to run for two days in a row. If I could get that sound bite and listen to it when I am all woe is me I would!

    Plus work was kind of ****ty yesterday and through most of the training session I had that caveman heavy brow scowl going on and when I was done, it was totally gone! Okay enough rambling...

    Hailie - good luck on your ACT tests...you can do it girl!!!

    Amy and Kendal - while I am a foodie at heart I am in such a "food funk" right now its ridiculous. I don't want to cook, don't want to shop, nothing on foodgawker is inspiring...and that right there tells me something is wrong, lol!! I think I might need to get that veganomicon book or go peruse Barnes and Noble to see if I can find something there to inspire me to want to cook again. BOOO!!

    Ronnie - still to this day I definitely don't have it all down. I think I've been with this group for over a year now and have floundered my way around. I think its about getting out of your own way and trusting the numbers on MFP or on your kifit and keep on keepin' on. You can totally do this!!!! I tried zumba once..it was super fun, but I am the most uncoordinated person and have never been able to pick up dance moves quickly. So I laughed a lot at myself in the class and had a great time turning to the right when everyone else was turning to the left. I think I burned more cals that way because I had to keep correcting myself. LOL

    Kerry - go running girl!!!!

    Victoria - thanks for the stretch advise you gave me last night lol. I've been doing them off and on since and its completely helping!!

    I just saw that Japan got hit with another earthquake. I know this is cliche, but WTF! How is that fair in the world??!?!?! Those poor people!
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    So I've cleared out my pantry and freezer and my lord what a load of s!#t, 2 full bags of sweets and chocolate went to the bfs work for them to share...I didn't want to waste it but don't want it here either lol. Baby has grown into yet another set of clothes and my Mam and dad are off to Thailand (which I really wish they'd cancel with half the country under mud and water atm). Anywhoo I'm not fretting about the lack of loss as I've not cheated and its just water connected with my glycerin stores which is why I lost 17lbs in two weeks. Apparently I didn't lose much fat just water but now as my body gets used to healthy eating its glycerin is re fuelling...I've learnt something new but I still need to get my a## into a good work out regime to get a nice shape and as long as I'm healthy the weight can take as long as it wants as long as its leaving...for good!
    Lacey: I hope work gets better I did giggle at the caveman frown and wondered how often I've had a face like that. Good job on the c25k too, awesome! How did your bug data differ too from leg to arm?
    Amy: You are such a huge inspiration to me, you always give great advice on workouts...I will get there and once I start who knows where it will lead. I love dancing and the group is in the evening so the bf will be home to have Mabon. It's literally across the street!
    Time for bed now, nos da pawn (good night everyone in welsh) :)
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Kendal: I'm exactly the same i buy good food and just want to try it all
    Hailie: Good luck x x
    Kerry: I'm so excited, we're gonna do some epic dress up! That hit home about flabby skinny...I want a nice shape and be able to run around with my son when he's older and teach him good lifestyle habits, thank you :)
    Right seriously 9.30 and baby is asleep so I'm gonna grab the opportunity to throw out some zzzz
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey ladies, I am happy that spring weather is starting hit over here in Haverhill, MA! Definitely going to get out and walking in this beautiful weather! I have not been really exercising or working out lately, but have been watching my calories and drinking nothing but water..I dropped two inches from my waist and hips so far, my neck seems to stay the same, but my double chin is almost gone!! hahaha.

    I actually got a complement today from a girl in one of my classes, saying that she noticed I look slimmer...which caught me by surprise since people usually don't notice that I am losing weight until I hit the 15 pound mark, so that definitely made me feel really good.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    It's Spring Break here & I have SO not had time to get on here to post! I'm doing good to get my calories & exercise logged! I weighed in on Monday and was 239.6...now I have to weigh again tomorrow to catch the weekend! I know once a week is better, but weighing on Friday motivates me to keep going when I'm sitting at home amid all the food I normally don't have access to while at work! Now if I can just convince my boss to let me get a exercise ball chair! We need new chairs & we're ordering them...the darn thing is over $100 cheaper than what they're looking at & I'd burn 4 calories an hour sitting on it! Not much...but it's an extra 32 a day...and I'd use some muscles that need it!

    Ronnie-I just started using Zumba DVD's and our local church has one that my mother loves! It gets your heart going! The best part is all of the calories it burns! I've researched & it's 500-900 an hour! I'm using 500 for this, just to make sure I don't go hog wild when I feel I've had a good day! It doesn't feel like exercise, but fun! And it works the parts of my body that need it the most...the middle! I've been researching nutrition for awhile now, trying to eat healthier, but it wasn't til I combined it with the cutting calories that my body just seemed to take off! I'd been using "diet" stuff most of my life. Now I don't use any artificial sweeteners and I stopped all sodas. I eat more veggies than meat at each meal, and if 10 extra calories per serving means my bowl of oatmeal each morning has more fiber, I'm less likely to run for snacks an hour later! Prevention.com has a lot of nutritional info and good advice, and some good recipes as well!

    The C25K is sounding more & more awesome the more posts I see on it. But I'm trying to be realistic to myself. I have bad knees & ankles that I know will get better with the weight loss, so when (not IF) I get to 200...I'll reset my goal for something lower & start running too!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm finally here to catch up with the thread, since I've not been around much the past few days. I should technically be playing World of Darkness, but I'm known for being the spacey one in the group so I can get away with reading and catching up.

    My grandfather is doing much, much better. He is still at the hospital but in long term care and they're working with him to get physio--he needs to be able to transfer himself in and out of his wheelchair before they'll discharge him. My grandmother has also asked my dad to start looking into assisted living for them, preferably the kind where she and my grandfather can still live together.

    My husband Chris has been pretty stressed about grad school as it's project and paper time, not just for him but for his students as well. However, a big part of that has calmed down and he's been doing a bit better the past couple of days. I'm pretty sure he's lost a bunch of weight and he really doesn't need to (he's borderline underweight) so I'm encouraging him to fatten up a bit.

    I'm personally doing really well. I've been feeling really good about myself. I dunno where all this confidence is coming from--maybe just knowing I'm wearing smaller clothes and stuff is fitting me better, plus having a husband who tells me I'm cute a few dozen times a day is all it took. Work's going okay. They did some management shakeup stuff last week but I'm feeling pretty positive about that. I did discover something extremely unexpected during an audit on Monday and it may cost someone their job, but that's management's call and not mine. I was busy investigating further the past few days and now I've turned it over to the lab manager. The person(s) implicated should just be glad we're in Canada--depending on the severity, in the US what they did could be charged as a felony.

    I'm really pleased with the way my body's responding to the exercise and healthy eating. Slow and steady seems to be how I'm going and that suits me just fine. TOM is visiting but I've been maintaining and even dropping a little bit so I should look pretty good on Saturday/Sunday.

    Great job on the losses I've seen from everyone this week! Everyone is doing so well!

    Suzie: I love reading your posts--you always encourage everyone so much :).

    Ronnie: Just keep trucking and being patient. When I first started I dropped a whole bunch at once, then gained a bit, and I've been losing steadily ever since. The important thing is to make sure you a) eat enough and b) don't eat too much. It sounds like you've got the right mindset so I'm sure you'll do great.

    Kerry: I'm envious that it's warm enough for you to do stuff outside. It's still hovering just barely above freezing here and the snow is finally melting, but there's a lot of ice everywhere.

    Kendall: I'm the same way. Food is so good! But we tend to stick to routine meals and such and I find I have trouble eating enough when we're doing that. Then I get something special and can't stop eating!

    Amy: I'm jealous of your nice weather too! Mountain biking sounds like fun!

    Lacey: You'll have to keep updating on how C25K is going. I'm thinking of trying that once it gets a little nicer out here. I do a fair bit of running in place with the workouts I do normally but I suspect actually running is a bit different.

    Andrea: Way to go! Losing inches in some ways feels even better than seeing a scale loss because then you can buy new clothes. At least, that's how it works for me!

    Yocum1219: I don't weigh in only one day a week. I weigh in daily just so I can keep track of fluctuations and I compare them vs my water and sodium intake. Whatever works for you! The exercise ball chair sounds like fun. Wouldn't work for me but it'd probably be better than what I have right now!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Some comparisons for the bodymedia fit for my work day:
    Between 8-4 yesterday I burned 1088 wearing the thing on my calf
    Today between 8-4 I burned 945 wearing the thing on my arm
    Resting calories burn comparison between the two days while I'm at my desk is negligable...1.2-1.4 both days
    However, the walking back and forth between buildings is much different...yesterday spikes when walking were between 6.7-9 cals..today 4.2-6.2.
    Now I can't remember if I was walking slower today than yesterday all day..I do know at times I was hoofing it because I was stressed and super busy yesterday but its hard to tell right.

    I think at the very least I need to wear this thing on my arm when I work out. The crappy thing is that I don't think there is a way to put a distinct start/stop marker on the work outs, so I have to remember times from a clock..Amy??? Is this right or did I miss it somewhere? I've been on the site reading the FAQ's and my manual.

    I've got to watch some boobtube now. Cheers all!!