200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just a quick check in while I'm on a conference call at work... I'll post the chart this evening when i get home.

    Amy- Yeah, I don't mind running with people who are faster, because they will usually slow down for me, and I'll speed up for them... it's a good push, but they didn't even try. *grumbles*

    So, I'm trying to get back on track today with eating and exercise. My weight this morning (as I needed to fess up to myself) was 179.0, up 1.8 from Friday. Now, I don't think I'm truly up that much. I don't think I've been drinking enough water and eating too much salt, so with better eating and hydration over the next couple of days, I should be on the downward trend again.

    So, eating is back on track today. Should definitely be under calories. For exercise, I really should do my group run tonight, even though I really just want to hang out with Emma. I wouldn't be gone for long, but I feel super guilty getting back home at 5:15ish, only to leave again around 6 for my run. Poor thing. She will not want to go back into her crate. 4 miles are on the agenda. I also should do an INSANITY workout as well. My days are off on that. Technically, I should be starting the recovery dvds (core cardio & balance) tomorrow, but I want to catch up with my missed workouts on it.

    I leave in 2 days for Ohio for my trip to see friends (yeah winterguard championships!). Think I can lose another 20 pounds by then? 10 pounds a day is realistic, right?
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    And here's this past week's chart. Again, apologize for the delay on it!

    The format is as follows:
    Name / Challenge Starting Weight / This Week's Weigh in (-Pounds lost/gained)(% body weight lost)

    Kristina / 178.4 / 177.2 (-1.2)(0.67%)
    Victoria / 191.75 / 189.75 (-2.0)(1.04%) - welcome back to the 180s!
    Kendal / 216.2 / PASS
    Lacey / 208.4 / 208.2 (-0.2)(0.1%)
    Amy / 203 / 203 (0)
    Sarah / 229 / 226.8 (-2.2)(0.96%)
    Suzie / 183.4 / PASS
    Noelle / 201 / 200 (-1.0)(0.5%) SO CLOSE!
    Andrea / 252.2 / 253 (+0.8)
    Kerry / 212.2 / 209.6 (-2.6)(1.23%)
    Hailie / 261 / 261.5 (+0.5)
    Eunice / 200 / 198.9 (-1.1)(0.55%)
    Angela / 305 / 302 (-3.0)(0.98%)
    yocum1219 / NA / 245
    Ronnie / NA / ? (-7.0) - you said how much you lost this, but no actual numbers
    Crystal / NA / 243

    Those who did not weigh in:

    This week's winners: In terms of number of pounds lost, Ronnie wins with 7, which is pretty amazing, with Angela in 2nd with 3 pounds lost. Also nice!

    In terms of body percentage lost though, this week's winner was Kerry with 1.23% of her body weight lost last week. Nice job girlie!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hip Hip Hurray!!!:noway: Congrats for the amazing losses this week. It is so encouraging to see everyone's numbers & see what is possible & REAL people are achieving these results! I am sooo jazzed!!!!:drinker:

    I know this is hard & people have good & bad days.. go through good & bad times.. but staying the course & working it a a day at a time IS REALLY WORKING! Even though I passed caz of my TOM last week & do not lose as much as everyone else.. it is amazing how much I am learning about what is good for the body & why!!!! I am more aware of every choice I make & also more aware of things I sneak in & sabotage myself with & why!!!!

    I am still not sure why I have peaks & valleys & so crave to fall off.. but I am sure this is like peeling an onion... with every layer that comes off I learn more. Either from my mistakes/successes or from others. So thanks for being along for the ride:)

    :heart: Suzie
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm going to check in early since I'm actually under in cals!!! So far 2400 burned with more hours to go in the day. I'm not expecting much more since I'm already in bed. 1875 consumed with 30 min of dancing to the oldies with Richard Simmons. Good night ladies!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm over 3000 cal burn, and there are more hours left in the day...2100 cals eaten. So I'm doing good. However, I ate sushi today and that and running is not a good combo. Run, burp ginger, run, burp ginger. Ugh. GROSS. And my stomach was upset. Won't be eating that again for a while. In fact now that I think about it, that happened the last time I ate sushi too. WTF?!

    Kendal - keep going with P90X girl!! You can do it!! Yeay for a new raincoat! That totally sucks about your new guys dad having a heart attack...maybe you can comfort him? teehee!

    Kerry - I've made quinoa before and its just meh. But in soups its great! Have you tried www.foodgawker.com yet? Thats like foodporn and you can search for quinoa recipes on there, I know there are lots.

    Ronnie - having a new baby can do that, stress you out. I ate my way through pans of english toffee the first three months I had my daughter. Yikes. Thats awesome your boyfriend is going to buy you the kifit. I see on your profile that you're going to be a pirate bride? That sounds totally rad!

    Victoria - way to get back on track girl! Woo hoo!! So I've worn my BMF on my calf and on my arm at rest periods and on both I seem to get about an average of 1.2-1.4 cals per minute burn when I'm sleeping or sitting on the couch on either place...what do you think then? It seems that it would be okay to wear it on my leg for the most part? I suppose I still need to pony up and wear it on my arm at work one day to see if theres a difference there and at the gym. Interesting though.

    Amy - he he he, thats funny about the bug. I've inhaled gnats before a few times.. I figure its protein lol. Thats a whole ton of working out in one day!!! Cool about the mountain bike riding too!

    Kristina - ahhhh being a pet owner..guilt! She will be just fine if you go on your run! Thats a whole lot of traveling but fun too!!

    Suzie - every day you keep pushing yourself to make the change to a healthier life the better you will feel about it. It is definitely hard and you will have days where you eat the mountain of food, but its the best feeling in the world when you realize that the next meal you got back on track and didn't do it two weeks later like you used to!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG, I just made the best cookies on the planet. They are Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodles from the ppk website. You can find the recipe here: http://www.theppk.com/2009/09/mexican-hot-chocolate-snickerdoodles/ and they are TOTALLY worth every single one of their 116 calories. (They are also vegan, if you swing that way) I cut the cayenne in the recipe in half (as my Hubbs and Kid are kinda wussy when it comes to spicy things) and I think it was perfect. Anymore cayenne and I think it would have overpowered the cookie. You could probably cut some fat by using applesauce, if you so desired. Anyway, I just wanted to share because they are TOO good to keep to myself. Make them when you are craving cinnamony-chocolate goodness.

    I'll post more later, I just wanted to share the recipe with ya'll.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    So here's my stats for yesterday: 3242 Calories burned/ 1800 Calories consumed/ 1442 Calorie deficit.

    Lacey: I can think of worse things to burp up than ginger. Do you take a fish oil or krill oil supplement? I do, I burp up fish taste for about an hour after I take that bad boy if I do any kind of exercise. Gross. I miss sushi. They just don't have it in this country. The only sushi I've had in the past year was in Cambridge, England and that was last August!

    Victoria: Good job with your calorie burn yesterday! You rock!

    Suzie: Just keep on keeping on, girl. I'm not one of the big losers here either but I am losing more now than I was for the first 6 months of this. I'd lose a pound and then gain it back and then lose 3 and gain it back. It was a miserable experience but the weight eventually started coming off. I don't know if my body just had to get used to what I was doing to it or what but it DID eventually get with the program and start losing. Keep at it it.

    Kristina: I'm sure you didn't gain a "real" 1.8 pounds. After a couple of days of eating right and pounding water, you'll be right as rain. On a doggie note - I don't think dogs have the sense of time that we do. They know you've been gone but they don't know if it was for 10 minutes or 10 hours - they're just happy you're back. Don't feel too bad about Emma, she has you and she loves you.

    I did the dog walk, Zumba and a Kettleworx arms & shoulder workout (to replace my Insanity Cardio recovery day) and I have a Kettleworx Resistance workout to do when The Hubbs gets home. Congratulations to all the losers this week! If my scale keeps cooperating (the way it has the past 2 days), I'll be right there with you for this weigh in. I'm soooo close to 199 I can taste it. Have a good one ladies!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I worked out last night and put 100% into it (although I admit I did skip the prison cell push ups). It was CardioX night and I think thats my favorite workout now. Its just enough of 4 different workouts so that you don't get bored or aggitated doing the same things over and over. Plus I only turned the dvd to play Tony's cues and I turned on my ipod with a penguin speaker thing. (See the link below to get the visual)

    The only draw back is that my penguin is possessed. You are supposed to be able to turn it on by pressing the beak and off by pressing the tail, but no matter how many times I turn it off, it turns itself back on. Its the kind of toy that dances and makes "penguiny" noises and its belly lights up, so its kinda freaky when it starts "talking" to you 5 minutes after you thought you turned it off. (It also makes an angry sound when you turn it off). I finally had to take the battery out of it last night, and that compartment is screwed closed, so to make the effort to find a screwdriver and take out the battery proves how annoyed I was.


    My friend and I are going to the beach this weekend and I'm leaving Lexi with my sister. She's been comtemplating getting a dog but has been back and forth on the decision. She's more of a cat person but we grew up with dogs, so it wouldn't be completely foreign to her. I'm not stressed about leaving Lexi with her, I just hope Lauryn will be able to control her like I can.....recognize where she needs to be firm and what commands to give when needed. The good news is that Lauryn's 5yo daughter will be visiting her dad this weekend, so there will be a lower energy level in the house. I told Lauryn that that will definitely help the situation. I want Lauryn to see how great it is to have a dog and not just be annoyed at having to take care of Lexi.

    Amy- loved the bug story and yes, that has happened to me plenty of times and its SUPER GROSS cause they always get stuck in my throat. It always reminds me of the movie Overboard where they are taking Goldie Hawn's character home from the hospital in the back of the truck and she hacks and says "I think I just....ATE A BUG" and she really enunciates it.
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    I didn't get to the gym yesterday and had a CRAPPPPY eating day BUT.. I'm starting C25k and it is a NEW DAY! :smile:

    I don't really like the taste of quinoa but maybe if I eat it enough, I'll begin to enjoy. I used to hate mushrooms too but I'm having a mushroom affair lately! I :heart: those fungi .. fun-guys.. ahaha. :laugh:

    Is there any way to get the C25k on my shuffle? I have the app on my iPhone but I'd rather run with the little shuffle. I wonder...

    I bought the new Mio enahancer for water.. I like the strawberry watermelon flavor. It tastes like VitaminWater to me.. but cheaper! Have you guys tried any of the other flavors?

    For those of you who use the monitors, did you see a BIG change in weight loss after you started using them?

    Enjoy your day ladies!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning!! Today should be another great day - my 7 mile run this morning will help. Dinner plans will be high cal but who can resist Jimmy John's Vege wrap - all 650 cals of it. Yummy!!! I have the morning off to go get my taxes and shop. Mr. Scale and I are having a fling again (*blushes*) I haven't gone over back to the 190s even for a day. I'll take any loss even 1/4 pound at a time!!! Eunice - getting the Bugg and Kristina's whip got me to start logging again. For 5 months I was at a plateau then slowly gained 11 pounds in 4 months. The Bugg givese a better awareness of the cals o should be eating. I don't think I ate enough during my plateau - I was training for a 1/2 marathon and doing some intense workouts. Then I stopped running and got into bad habits eating too much and not logging it. I seem to be back on track and feel the Bugg had helped. I'm eating more while training for this 1/2 and seem to losing weight again....

    Wasn't BL good last night? They talked about starvation mode and finding non food rewards... All the things we talk about.

    Kendal - glad you got a workout in. Lacey - way to get back on track and if you wear a long or 3/4 length top, no one will know the Bugg is on your arm... Amy - still drooling over those cookies!!! Kristina - have fun this weekend and give Emma a pat for me...

    Have a great hump day!!! The weekend is almost here...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    This made me smile..

    Words for Women to Live By

    1. Aspire to be Barbie - the ***** has everything.

    2. If the shoe fits - buy them in every color.

    3. Take life with a pinch of salt... A wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila.

    4. In need of a support group? - Cocktail hour with the girls!

    5. Go on the 30 day diet. (I'm on it and so far I've lost 15 days).

    6. When life gets you down - just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

    7. Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS and this is just your personality.

    8. I know I'm in my own little world, but it's ok. They know me here.

    9 Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

    10. Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny.

    11. When life gives you lemons - buy some Coronas.

    12. Forget about the perfect man - he's living in San Fran with his boyfriend.

    13. Keep your chin up, only the first 40 years of parenthood are the hardest.

    14. If it has tires or testicles it's gonna give you trouble.

    15. By the time a women realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she's wrong.

    'Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there'
    'Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live for today'. Now smile and send to any girl wasting time at work, suffering from a hangover, or just suffering from life , they might need a reason to smile!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    7. Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS and this is just your personality.

    15. By the time a women realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she's wrong. (applies to my sister LOL)

    my favs LOL
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Final numbers for yesterday: 3369burn/2100ate/1299 deficit. I will give this another two weeks of eating around 2100 cals. If i don't start seeing a loss I am going to bump up my cals to around 2300ish or so.

    I have no time to talk this morning, I will get back on later and respond to everyone!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Cals for yesterday 1713 consumed/671 burned/158 left. Yesterday when I got home I decided to squeeze in a run.... walked for 5 minutes/.3 miles and then started jogging and didn't stop to walk again... I only ended up going a mile because I was running through our neighborhood and Chris drove up next to me on his way home from work, so I had to let him pick me up. It was cute. But I'm super happy that I can run a mile without stopping and without feeling like I'm going to die. I think distance will be my first concern, then speed.

    This morning was Plyo, and I loved it more this week than last week. I downloaded an app on my phone that uses the led light to read your heartrate, so I checked my heartate at every 30 second break in the workout... It was always somewhere between 160 and 180. Is that too high? Or too low? I think my resting heartrate is around 85 or 90. I have no idea. All I know is that is an amazing workout.

    Lacey, I'm still cracking up at the thought of you burping up ginger throughout your run. For some reason sushi does not sound appealing to me at all after that, and I LOVE sushi. I always end up really super hungry not long after I have it though, which is weird. Oh and I checked foodgawker.com this morning and just searched for quinoa - you are totally right, food porn. That site is amazing! Thanks for letting me know about it! They have a quinoa recipe with leeks and brussel sprouts that I totally want to try.

    Amy, you are totally going to hit 199 this week. I can feel it. Its gonna be amazing.

    Kendall, awesome that you rocked out to P90x... good for you! I haven't seen CardioX yet since I'm on day 9. I really like Kenpo actually... apparently I have frustration that I like to work out via kicking and punching. :laugh:

    Eunice, if I find a good quinoa recipe I'll let you know. I'm the same way with a lot of foods. I used to hate cabbage, couldn't even stand the smell of it, and now I love it. Same thing with tomatoes.... used to hate them, now they are pretty much my favorite food ever.

    Victoria, that list was super cute. Thanks for sharing it! I hope your run went awesome this morning and enjoy your wrap tonight!

    Kristina, I feel your pain with Emma. Chris and I don't have a dog, but my parents have a yellow lab who is basically my little brother. We joke that we have joint custody of him... I'll steal him from my parents and then we have him for a month or 2, and then we give him back. When we do have him, I can't stand leaving him at home. I always feel terrible coming home on Friday and then going out to dinner without spending a bunch of time with him. I think that's one of the biggest reasons we haven't committed to getting a dog all to ourselves - I'm just not ready for the responsibility. Amy is right though, they really don't know how long we are gone for. Plus you seem like an awesome doggy mama... you are always doing stuff with her!

    We are picking up Chinese food for dinner tonight. I'm figuring I can't really do much to control quality of what I'm eating for dinner, so quantity will be the name of the game. Unless you guys have healthy Chinese takeout options that you get. I'd be curious to hear them. Have a good day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kerry- 160-180 heart rate is great. Thats where mine is when I'm really kicking butt. I think your absolute maximum heart rate should be 220 minus your age. They say while you are working out, you should try to keep it around 60% of your max for best weight loss results. But that doesn't feel like anything for me so I keep it at the "cardio training" level of 80%. The formula is something like (220-age) * .8 If your heart rate is over that number, take a breather and let it come down a bit.

    And try to focus on veggies and no rice tonight with Chinese. Sodium will still be crazy, but cals won't be AS bad.
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey I never win anything, I always lose a lot the first 2 weeks but then it slows down. It seems I haven't anything this week, i hope its just water retention. So my starting weight for the challenge was 231 and my current weight is 224. I'll be weighing in on Saturday. I'm not sure about the %. Sorry about the confusion, I'll use the "in new" excuse. Thanks for all the great advice guys x
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all i hope you are all well! I've been reading through all your posts and everyone sounds so fit!!! I wish i could reply to everyone individually but my phone would take me forever! I love reading the success stories...it has motivated me to buy a Davina McCall High Energy 5 DVD, which is a step up from walking. I cant wait to get the bug, it sounds awesome and i will finally have a better understanding of what i burn. Its so confusing the scientific side of slimming especially when youre re educating yourself about food. I dont know if im eating too little and thats why im not showing a loss yet this week or because....well it could be anything really (Noelle: I weigh almost everyday since i bought a scales but i think its more of a compulsion which i dont think is healthy).

    About the pirate bride thing....we'll be getting married in Vegas on the ship at TI, we wanted to do something fun. Then we'll walk the canyons again (how i did those walks at Bryce & Zion i'll never know) and then Disney world for the little one. So we have a bit of time to save now. Im soooo excited, we're also having a blessing at home for my nan and gramp as they may not be able to fly that far.

    Oh before i forget, I know Amy does Zumba and im wonering what its like as a class has opened next to me?! I love dancing but my confidence is low and people are not as friendly in this country where you could make friends. The other thing that opened here recently was Krispe Kreme....they were giving away 12 yes 12 FREE doughnuts to each customer as a promotion and everywhere i looked people had them! Who needs 12 doughnuts (says the girl who could have nailed two boxes two weeks ago)...and to make matters worse my partner was in my ear "wheres my doughnuts, everyone has doughnuts, i love doughnuts" SHUT THE ****UP DUDE SERIOUSLY :-) so i told him to be quiet, avoided the devilish delights and continued with my day!! How i do not know but my loss this week has been slow and i didn't want to be dissappointed.

    Anyway....i hope everyone is well, the weekend is almost here and the weather has been ok. Had a lovely healthy picnic (instead of gravy and chips which i guess means a completly different thing in the USA...its big fries with a sauce made from fat and colouring) in the parc. I will sign off with this....little pickers wear bigger knickers!

    Cariad Mawr....Ronnie xx
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ronnie - that sounds fun, to be married on the ship at TI!!! I was just in Vegas and from my window at the Wynn I could watch the pirate show there. Not a fan of the new Sirens show with all the kids around, I just flat out liked the old one better..but I get its appeal.
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Oooh Wynns looked so nice, I loved Vegas and I've only seen the show once about 2 years ago and it was pretty racey! My parents are out there once a year at least. I'd love to live there Austin Tx was my fav. Maybe if I qualify as a nurse we'll move. My sisters bf is in the British Army and he's thinking of transfering to the states. I really miss it, britain is such a mess now but I guess that's a global thing. X
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Hey Everyone! Ah, it's so amazing to hear how everyone is dropping their weight, staying the same, or even dealing with the setbacks. This community is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Ronnie-I made my own ticker! - Thanks for the idea! :)

    Kendal-I think that's amazing that you keep pulling through no matter the outcomes of the dates with those guys. Thanks for the help on the signature part; I don't consider it nerdy, just observant. :)

    Victoria-What do you like about Zumba? I loved those quotes you shared with us also. :)

    Lacey-Ah, your post about Mexican food made me crave some Mexican food. Why does it always have to give us that "cruddy, shouldn't of ate Mexican food" feeling afterwards? Hopefully, you got back on track the next day. :)

    So TOM is almost ready to leave me! YAYYYYYY!!!!!! Plus, I've stayed at 261.5 the entire time, which I'm happy that it didn't go up. It would be even better if the number would go down. Lately, I've been at my grandparent's house and they have a "sitting" elipitical machine, it's weird but I try to watch a movie and work out for a hour. I miss being at my work (never thought I say that) but on the bright side I work all day tomorrow so I'll be able to workout! Whhoooo hoooo!! :) I can't seem to find that bodymedia fit bug thing everyone is talking about. Where exactly could I find it? As I was writing this I decided eventually I'll want to average the magic number of calories during workouts. Once I burned "1234" calories in an entire workout, that's why it's my magic number of calories to burn during workouts. I'm a bit stressed because I have the *sarcastic* wonderful *sarcastic* ACT on Saturday. I'm horrible at timed tests and I tend to eat A LOT when I'm stressed. I've been attempting to control my munchies with drinking 3-4 nalgenes/day. Wish me luck for Saturday on the ACT, I'm going to need if I want over a 20.

    For anyone that does the C25K, what are you thoughts? Does it work? How do you feel? Is it worth it? I'm not a runner at all, can't run to save my life. I'd rather swim 4 miles than run 1 mile. I'm a swimmer all the way. :)

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! The weekend is almost here! Spring is in bloom!

    P.S. Sorry that my replies/post is a little behind.