200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in from yesterday: 1571 eaten / 156 exercise calories / 215 over. Yes.. over! Ugh.

    I did update it in my status thread, but I got home yesterday from work and my body was just tired, and all I wanted to do was lay on the couch on bond with my dog. (i'm still feeling guilty about leaving her for 4 days). So, I didn't exercise other than do my normal dog walks... and didn't even do an evening one, as I took her to the dog park instead (though I was walking around there as well). Food wasn't horrible. Just too much. I was having one of those evenings that even though I wasn't hungry, I just wanted to put food in my mouth. Luckily, I don't have any "bad" foods in the house, so just ate more than I needed to. But, a calorie is a calorie and I'm a bit pissed at myself. It's just one day. But now I'm going on a trip, and the eating won't be fab on that either. Let's just hope for some good exercise there. The weather's supposed to be crappy all weekend, so I don't know if we'll be able to get our long run in.

    Just a reminder that I'm leaving this afternoon and will be gone through Monday afternoon, so, while I'll bring my laptop, if the internet's not free at the hotel, I probably won't be posting much/any, but will still log foods. I'll still plan on posting the weigh in chart Monday evening when I return.

    As I'll be out of town, I stepped on the scale this morning for the weekly weigh-in. The verdict? 177.2. Down 1.2 pounds. I'll take it.

    Amy- you're just moving so much. Proud of all that exercise you're doing!

    Hailie: ugh. how frustrating! though, I have to say, while it's fine to have a splurge meal every once in a while, try not to frame is as congratulating yourself for losing the weight. you don't want to give yourself food "prizes" think of other ways to treat yourself because you do deserve something--- like a pampering, a new outfit, etc. Just my two cents!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- I agree with Kristina....don't tell yourself that you "deserve" bad food. Food is never a reward; its supposed to be the fuel your body needs to function. Eventually you will get to a point where you realize that bad food will make your body feel bad too. Yesterday I had a chicken gyro and french fries dipped in ranch for lunch. It made me feel fat, bloated and incredibly tired by the afternoon. Try to connect the dots about how your body feels and what you are eating. Not trying to scold you or anything, just speaking from experience. :flowerforyou: And no, that still didn't give your grandparents the right to say anything about your choice of food. They may think they are encouraging you or reminding you to make better choices, but the way it comes across is condescending and judgemental. Trust me, again, I speak from expierence. You are not alone in this.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hailie: I agree with Kendal & Kristina that you need to find non-food ways to reward yourself. I reward myself with little things - a manicure or snuggling up with my Kindle (guilt-free) as well as bigger things like: getting new clothes or shoes or my hair done. It was hard, at first, to not look at food as a reward because that's how my mom rewarded us ever since we were little (she'd bake cookies, cupcakes, make a special meal or whatever for a job well done). I still have tendencies to want to reward myself with food but I make a conscious decision not to do that. I like to make room in my daily calorie intake for a treat every day (some dark chocolate or something) but it's not a reward for anything, it's just part of my day. I also agree with what Kendal said about certain non-healthy foods making you feel cruddy. Too much grease or salt or fat really does make my stomach feel upset as well as bloated. But I totally feel your frustration on someone pointing out that you are on a "diet" - that irritates me to no end when that happens. I'm not on a diet, I'm eating healthier and - sometimes- that includes pizza. You're doing good, girl- keep at it!!

    Kristina: Congratulations on your loss this week! Pretty cool!! I hope your trip is safe.

    Kendal: I hope you're doing better and I hope the sun has come out for you. Get back on your P90X!!!!

    Today has been a pretty ok day so far. I think I'm way under on my calories, so I'm gonna have plenty for pizza- Friday (it's homemade and is a whole wheat crust, never fear!). I did my doggie walk and ran for 35 min on the treadmill. The first mile was just a steady run but the second mile and a half was alternating sprints and slow jogging. It was AWESOME to be able to sprint at 6.5 miles an hour for a minute and then go down to a 5.0 on the treadmill to "recover". A year ago, I couldn't even jog at 5 on the treadmill and now it's my recovery jog!!

    Wishing everyone a lovely Friday!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hailie - You totally rock for logging that meal! I have a hard time logging meals like that. MFP is hard to estimate cals on for meals out. If you made a cake, use the recipe function and log all the ingredients and see what a serving would be. You pick the serving size too. It really helps. As for eating out food, you have to estimate. I find the best way to do that is to break the meal down into pieces...bread, butter on the bread, cheese, fries, etc. I have a feeling that your lunch alone was more than 1000 cals.
    Just remember that this is a learning process..its what makes it a lifestyle change, and that the more you learn the better at it you will get. A good way to eat the foods you want is to make them in a healthier way...such as a baked open faced "grilled cheese sandwich" using only one slice of bread, no butter and low fat cheese. And baked sweet potato fries or baked regular fries that you cut yourself. Look online for healthier version recipes. There are a ton of them out there. And remember we can help you too :)
    You are doing great, so keep on learning and moving forward girl. These lessons are something we ALL had to go through and they will help you out so much when you graduate from highschool and move on.

    Kristina - have fun on your trip!

    Amy - good job on the run!

    Kendal - I'm cracking the MFP whip at you girl!!! I know you can do it! Keep moving!

    I can't see any of the other posts and I need to get going for the day.

    OH final numbers for yesterday: 2788 burned(I guess this isn't too bad for not working out but...)/2600 eaten (I actually bet I ate more)/188 deficit. I will just call today a bust.
    I think I am going to try to keep my eaten cals right around 2000 per day and see how that treats me.
    I will weigh in tomorrow morning and see where I am at.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    1st day back on track and so far so good - hurrah.

    Kristina - hope your trip goes well and congrats on more weight lost. Try not to be too down on yourself for needing some rest, you are pushing yourself really hard and body does need to recover.........which isv ery different to not working out enough.

    Amy - how wonderful, 5mph to recover is great, what a lift.

    Hailie - have ummed and arred about responding to your post, especially as others have but here goes. Having read through most of last thread and all of this one, you are doing so, so well with your change of life style, with your prom as an apparent goal. Part of changing life styles is finding alternatives to food as the 'upper' in life and rewards for doing good. Again, from experience, it can be really hard to come up with alternatives but with your prom in sight, maybe trying some facials/manicures etc to find the one you want for your special night would be 'reward'. Choosing food which will be not so good for us in the long term should be seen as just that, a choice for that specific day.

    As for grandparents / parents / friends / any others who join in, they always seem so good at adding to our own 'sabotaging thoughts' and it is easy to slide back to old ways in repsonse. Maybe letting them know how what they say makes you feel would encourage a change of vocabulary for them. ?Worth a try maybe
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Lacey, I hope everything goes okay with the councellor. It doesn't sound fun at all, but if in the end it improves things, then it will totally be worthwhile. Still, I'm sorry you're dealing with that. No fun. And thai food is amazing! Yum!

    Amy, I pretty much guarantee that next week you'll have some ridiculous loss, since this week has been stagnant for you and you haven't stopped busting your butt or eating right. Plus your attitude towards everything is so good. And that is so awesome that you are at a 5mph recovery for running. 5mph for me right now is me huffing and puffing! I know I say it all the time, but you really are an inspiration. Thanks!

    Hailie, I know everyone else has hit on this already, but I couldn't NOT chime in too... this is a lifestyle change... and with that being said, you have to change the lifestyle! Food can't be a reward, it can't be something that you say "oh I've been so good so now I'm going to eat a big mac and fries and a shake and that's ok." You have to think about it as what you are doing to better your body, to allow you to function the best you can. So just remember that. No matter how good you've been, french fries are pretty much always bad for you. :wink:

    Kristina, aren't you still under on cals from yesterday though because that is the amount that you're over the deficit? That's how I track my cals and I think you do too. So yeah, your deficit wasn't what it should have been, but its still a deficit. And at least it wasn't donuts! :tongue: Have a blast in Pittsburgh and good luck on the 7 miler! You'll do fantastic, I'm sure.

    So I got up at 5:45 this morning to do P90X yoga. Nobody told me it was an hour and a half long. Nobody told me it was gonna be crazy awesome and hard. I made it through the vinyasa moves (42 minutes in), and my leg muscles were spasming (sp?) like crazy... so I figured meh, I don't have time to finish before work anyway, so I'll stop here and do the rest when I get home. And that's exactly what I plan to do. I'm having one of those Fridays where I do not want to be at work. I'm thinking about trying to sneak out early and that way I can yoga and maybe run too. I'd really like to run today. (in secret, I'd really like to drink some beers tonight, and I'd really like to have the cals to do it. :blushing: )

    Weighed in this morning at 209.6. :drinker: Adios 210s! Last night I tried on my size 14 banana republic jeans (which I haven't washed so they are totally stretched out currently) and, tah dah! They fit! Pretty tight on my legs (I have tree trunks and lots of bootie, what can I say?) but they are perfect on my waist. Woot! I put them in the laundry this morning, so I'm sure that they'll be way to snug after that, but it still felt good.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    My thoughts about eating out.
    On Day 2 of MFP Journey we ate out. Ordered Chicken Piccata with asparagus and spinach. (Sounds healthy right). Well, the plate was swimming in butter. We know that we can research menus online but that's not always an option. But I have realized that you don't have to order right off the menu. Mix and match what you want. Baked potato with salsa and a grilled chicken breast. Or big garden salad and a 6oz steak. (my tummy's growling). If it's on the menu you can order it however you want it and the wait staff will figure it out.

    Hailie. (girl! Shoot you got us all up in arms.) You just worry about you. You will be great.

    I still had the headache this morning so I went to my chiropractor and it's finally easing off. C25k this afternoon.

    Have a great weekend ladies. I weigh in tomorrow morning. Excited !
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm saying it now. I am passing on the weigh in this week. I've put the scale away and it won't come back out till the end of this "month" of p90x. I work harder not knowing where I am.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Just found My Fitness Pal! Was using Lose It to track my stuff & it was helpful for a start, but just didn't have the community I was looking for! I started March 1st at 259 and am now 245 with cutting calories alone! Would love to join your group! Thanks!
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Yocum1219 Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    Anything goes, as you will soon find out.

    I just finished Day 1 of Couch to 5k. It went pretty good. A little wierd because my girls were at the park and I was running round and round the playground. But it's finished and I didn't die or even puke. So . . . .(booty shake) WhooHoo!

    Time to make supper. Shrimp stir-fry tonight. mmmmmm
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Just wanted to pop in & say hi to everyone. Just had a busy week.. though got a lot done & off my to do list. Next week is probably going to be another crazy week.. & if I need to do the interview Friday.. that will make is even crazier (with the flying across the country bit thrown in there:sad: )

    My focus is on planning & learning & listening to my body. Am scheduling appointments with my Dr as well.. so will get a slew of tests done along with my physical & then go to the back Dr as well.

    All else is well.. had a scary "I want to eat everything in sight" kind of day yesterday, but going to work out just lifted the blues, so am on track & working at eating my work out calorie's back & see how my body responds.

    All in all.. I am focused & working.. one day at a time.. and it is a LOT of work, but well worth it.

    I am sorry for not being here much or playing catchup.. hope everyone is doing well & I am sending good & happy vibes everyone's way:flowerforyou:

    Weigh in for me in Mon... Will touch base over the weekend.

    :drinker: Suzie
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    For me today: I had to estimate cals eaten but think I did an okay job of it. I am already at 3100 cals burned today and its not even midnight. I should have a 1000ish deficit and I ate over 2000 cals. That blows. My. Mind.

    I ate fried sweet potato fries at lunch...seriously. What is the point of those? I should have just got regular ones. Fried food is fried food. Hailie you can TOTALLY call me out on this one!
    I also did over 12k steps...pretty cool. I finished c25k w1d2 today. Yeay. I will go Sunday and do d3. I also went to the councilor. It was good. It was some pretty random conversation because once I opened my mouth and started I could stop and I just went where my mind took me. It was pretty therapeutic, and then running afterwards topped it off. A good way to end the long week.

    Kendal - I don't blame you for not stepping on the scale..I think its awesome that you are waiting for a monthish before you do it again!!

    Yocum - welcome!!! Jump right in!

    Noelle - I completed week 1 day 2 tonight. I am NOT looking ahead to see whats coming, just hitting start on my iphone app and running when it tells me! Good job!

    Suzie - good job listening to your body. That sucks about your flight but I hope you get the job!!! What industry do you work in?

    Hailie - I sure hope we didn't scare you off girly!! We are here to help you and support you.

    Kerry - woooohoo on the loss!

    Amy - wow on the sprinting and running recovery! I doubt I will ever like running but it just seems to be the bes way to get into shape and get your body moving n the right direction you know? Maybe once the weather turns I will hit the street and see if it is more enjoyable that way.

    I think I will step on the scale the next couple of mornings and see where I am at. I'm super anxious to see if eating more and working out is going to be what i need to be doing or what.
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning all, can't believe I missed the start of the challenge. My son has been poorly with flu and went into hospital so ive been super busy/panicing mammy mode. Food week has been ok all things considered, one high fat and cal day bit still managed to lose 7lbs, this is only my second week though and I tend to drop more before it settles. I'm still refusing to cut fatvoff lamb racks, oh its a vice but I did get a huge George foreman grill off the bf. I hope everyone is well and having losses. I think I'll join challenge despite being a week late...here goes;

    *Drink more water
    *Keep walking and extend my distance and speed
    *Add a new form of working out like a dvd or swimming
    *I would love to lose 24lbs and get into the 100s (an ambitious goal for me so to come close I'll have to work out)

    I'll give the posts a good read later, x x
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey Hailie, just a quick note to you. I'm exactly the same with the whole treat thing and what people posted was enligtening for me. So while the baby was in bed this morning I made a ticker at home with funny and serious quotes about food and motivation, pictures of healthy food and workouts all on coloured card. I used 3 different colours to represent my three goals (i. just devided my final goal weight by 3) and put a big gold star for the half way mark. It was fun to do and I've displayed it at home. I'm using an old button on some blue tack to move ticker down. Theeeeen I for each of my goals I set a treat like a facial, or bath bomb and face mask, something a little more luxurious than i normally get. For my final goal I'm gonna get a makeover with a new outfit, get my nails an hair done etc. I'm saving the money from not buying junk food. Its a bit of fun that will work for me and I already got to move the ticker 17lbs cos I made it from my start weight which was a kick. Anyway I hope you're staying positive, I'm sure family were trying to help deep down and tomorrow is always another day x x
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    bump for tomorrow
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Friday stats: 2985 calories burned/ 1680 calories eaten/ 1305 deficit - my deficit was too big but I felt full all day and I see no point in eating when I am not hungry.

    Ronnie: I love your idea of doing a ticker with your goals! That's so cool! Good job with your weight loss this week!

    Lacey: I'm glad the counselor thing went well and Way to Go on running! Awesome!!

    Suzie: I hope everything works out with your doctor.

    Noelle: Way to go with starting C25K!

    Yocum: Way to go on your weight loss so far and welcome to the group! Just jump on in and start posting!

    Kendal: I applaud you for hiding your scale and for doing P90X!!

    Kerry: YAY for the 14 jeans!!! Awesome!! BTW, you got the hard part of the YogaX DVD done. After the moving poses is a bunch of balance stuff and some abs. I like the second part of the DVD a lot better than the first part but an hour and a half of yoga is rough!

    Today is looking like a mountain biking kind of day! The sun is shining and it's already 50 degrees. Have a great Saturday ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just a quick post to let you know I'm alive. Thurs 2632 consumed and 2595 burned with 50 min low impact aerobics and 10 min stretches... Friday 2985 consumed and 3420 burned with an 8 mile run at 15 min pace outside in glorious 45 degree sunny weather!!! Check-in for the week 189.75 (down 1/4 pound!!!) that makes 3 weeks in a row of losing for me.... TWIRLS..... I will respond to everyone later today.

    Only 15 days until my race... That weekend will be Grouponized... Stopping at Frankenmuth Brewery on the way there and the way back with our Groupons. Have massage scheduled for Fri afternoon and mani/pedi for Sat with Groupons... The race is Sunday. I'm a bit too excited.

    On the home front DH and I are communicating well this week. We actually turned the TV off and played Trivia last night.

    Have a great Saturday. I'm hoping to do some Yoga and Zumba plus walk mom's dog for exercise. Tonight is movie night with the Bro coming over.
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    I weighed in today at 302. I have worked out 6 days in the last week. So it has been a good week. For some reason I am retaining water today. My hands are so swollen I can't get my rings on. I am not sure what that is about. It's not my TOM, so I am guessing my sodium intake yesterday was high.

    Also, I am not losing inches (could be the water retention), but I am on day 12 of 30 Day Shred, I guess I am adding muscle? Any thoughts?

    I am only 3 lbs away from my first goal of 299lbs. And I still have 23 days to get there! I am hoping I am a good bit under my goal by then.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Final numbers yesterday: 3419 burned/2300 eaten/1119 deficit. I think I ate more around 2500-2600 but I logged everything generously. Either way I've got a good deficit going. I hope that in the next couple of days I show a loss. I weighed in at 208.4 today, which is the same as last week....ugh. I still might need to eat more, but am not going to start packing it in until I know I'm not losing weight again. Hopefully that isn't the case!!

    I will check in later today with everyone.
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Hailie, just a quick note to you. I'm exactly the same with the whole treat thing and what people posted was enligtening for me. So while the baby was in bed this morning I made a ticker at home with funny and serious quotes about food and motivation, pictures of healthy food and workouts all on coloured card. I used 3 different colours to represent my three goals (i. just devided my final goal weight by 3) and put a big gold star for the half way mark. It was fun to do and I've displayed it at home. I'm using an old button on some blue tack to move ticker down. Theeeeen I for each of my goals I set a treat like a facial, or bath bomb and face mask, something a little more luxurious than i normally get. For my final goal I'm gonna get a makeover with a new outfit, get my nails an hair done etc. I'm saving the money from not buying junk food. Its a bit of fun that will work for me and I already got to move the ticker 17lbs cos I made it from my start weight which was a kick. Anyway I hope you're staying positive, I'm sure family were trying to help deep down and tomorrow is always another day x x

    That's a cute idea!!! I'm considering doing one now! :smile: