200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    I feel your pain.. I had ice cream last night :-/.. but I figure I got it out of the way and now I can just work hard for the rest of the week. LOL.!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Amy: THANKS!! :D

    My reason for being friends with ms. scale (yes, my scale is a female because she is pink! Hahaha, and I hate the color pink!) a few times a week is because I like to see my progress. It also helps me feel accountable.

    This is going to sound really strange but.................
    This morning I weighed myself and I'm at 260.4! HOLY BUCKETS! I HAVE NOT BEEN THIS LIGHT SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL!! *twirls and jumps up and down* Hahahaha, this morning I was so happy I wanted to dance around the house naked (good thing I live out in the country so nobody would see). I was so out of it this morning from being overjoyed I put deodorant on my toothbrush, let me tell it didn't leave my mouth minty fresh. Also, I almost ran into a locker this morning because I was day dreaming about 250's. It's so close, I can feel it! :)

    Anyways I should probably get off the computer and get back to writing my English paper. It's not like I'm on Facebook or anything so I shouldn't get in trouble. :)


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    p.s. I always forget to put my ticker on my posts but I think I figured out how to make it automatically show up! :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning all...Thanks for the kind words about my dog.
    Final numbers for yesterday: 2871 burned/1835 eaten/1036 deficit. No freaking wonder i wasn't losing weight. I am I seriously not eating enough or what? I am so confused. I guess this thing will at least let me play with the numbers and see what works best for me. Ga!

    This is my first day back at work with the BMF and I am interested to see how many cals I will burn today. I am going to sync at work in the morning and right befor I go home to work out for the night and thats it.

    As for weighing yourself each day. I've stayed away from the scale but once a week but am considering weighing myself every other day for a while to see how that helps. Maybe it will help me. Who knows.

    Hailie - YEAY! You ARE so CLOSE!!!

    Kristina and Emourato - icecream is my weakness food. Donuts are a second, thank GOD that I rarely ever see them.

    Noelle - good goals!

    Kendall - I think it was a good choice to weigh yourself for the challenge start.

    Saranthes - good job on starting a new or upping the intensity so your body doesn't get used to anything!!

    Amy - I have a hard time with activity on the weekends too...I even thought about setting a specific weekend goal this challenge to see if helped or not.

    Victoria - your marathon is coming!! Are you excited?

    Kerry - I don't blame you for hesitating to add anything else to your exercise schedule.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hailie: How freaking cool are you?!?!?! Congrats on getting into the 260's!! BTW, I have TOTALLY danced around my room naked filled with joy from a weight loss victory - so I feel you on that, girl! Awesome!

    Kristina: Everyone has lapses. You are successfully and consistently losing weight though, so it's good your reigned it in. With your workouts today, you'll be fine - I'm sure it won't make a difference in the "big picture".

    emourato: I feel your TOM pain. I bloat up during my TOM and gain a couple pounds that week but I don't let it freak me out cuz I know it's not "real" weight gain. The cravings, however, occur for me the week before my TOM. I am just a ravenous salt and chocolate inhaling tornado.

    Noelle: I, too, weight myself every day. I'm like Kristina, I do it to keep me on track. I don't let it set the tone for my day. I just watch for trends and don't freak out if there's a sudden jump up of a pound or 2 and I can usually find the reason behind that jump if I cross-reference with my food log. Salt bloats me like whoa.

    Kendal: I'm glad you saw a loss, just keep doing the P90X and I KNOW you'll get a bigger loss sooner rather than later. You're doing great!

    Kerry: P90X is a major Butt-kicker!! Congrats on starting it! I also plan all my dinners out every week. I think it's fun. I like cooking and trying new recipes. I've gotten into a vegan trend with dinners lately partially due to a chef friend of mine going vegan for Lent and wanting to compare recipes. I am finding that I like vegan food a lot more than I thought I would!! Yay for meal planning!!!

    Victoria: I am ALSO a slug on weekends. I'm right there with you shooting to move more on weekends!! We can do it!!!!

    Today has been a good day. I did my dog walk and then Zumba and started some Spring Cleaning on the boy's room but totally lost interest. I'll pick it back up tomorrow, I guess. We were invited over to a nice lady's house in our village this afternoon. I normally run into her on our dog walks (her dog & my dog play together a lot out in the woods) and she wanted Gabriel to come by and meet/play with her 7 year old son. So we walked (a 10 minute walk - not too bad at all) over to their house and enjoyed a visit out on her deck in the beautiful sun. It was 60 degrees and gorgeous today. We had a lovely visit (I had some German marble cake but it totally fit into my calories and how the hell could I say no to it when she specifically baked it today for ME?!?!) and Gabe finally has a friend in the same town as us (it only took a freakin' year!). The trees are all starting to bloom around here so I'm pretty sure that winter's over - finally. Hope everyone is having a great one!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: You must have been posting at the same time as me! HI! I think playing around with your BMF will help you figure out if you need to eat more or not. I'm currently trying to keep my calorie deficit at about 1000 calories a day (per what the BMF site says will help me lost 2 pounds a week) but there are some days it's a bit more and some it's a bit less due to the exercise. I'm just hoping that it mostly evens out over the week.
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    LOL I just realized I never told you guys my name.. Eunice! =) Nice to meet you alllllll!!! :smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi Eunice!!

    My lunch was the bomb. Just thought I'd share that.

    Seared tuna on lettuce with tomatoes, avocado and a ginger garlic dressing I threw together this morning. YUMMMM. And a piece of banana bread.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Can I just say that I think avocados are the greatest food ever put on this earth? Seriously, I love them soo much. This morning for breakfast i chopped up avocado, tomato, basil, red pepper, and onion, sauteed it a little and ate it over a piece of toast with an egg. Yum. Plus it was a super welcome change from oatmeal, which is my go to breakfast when I'm in a rush.

    For all of you who have done P90x, do you have a pull-up bar in your house? I don't have one, so I was either using weights or bands and feel like I didn't get what I should have out of the pull up portion.

    Work has been ridiculous lately. We have new manager so, of course, a bunch of people have gotten fired, which in the end means that those of us left over end up having to pick up the slack for everyone else who is gone... which means pretty much every day I'm doing my job and the job of about 3 other people. I'm over it. :grumble:

    Noelle, I don't weight myself daily. I did for a bit, but it psyches me out to see the scale fluctuate the way it does daily. I find that my mood is more positive if I just do it the same day every week. For me, then its a goal I work towards... I think about what I'm eating and how much I'm exercising because I know I'm gonna have to get on the scale on Friday and I want to be suprised and happy with the results. But I also totally understand everyone who weighs daily, and the benefits of being able to track in your foods what maybe made it spike. I think in the long run you just have to do what's going to be most motivational for you!

    Kristina, how DARE you eat donuts?!?! :tongue: Seriously, not a big deal... did you love them? Was it worth it? Are you still gonna be under cals for the day? If you can say yes to all of those, then I say so what. Especially since a splurge like that is so few and far between for you. My girlfriend that was over on Friday night brought us some sea salt brownie niblets that are AMAZING. And I've totally had some... I've just made sure to log them!

    Hailie, YAY!!! :drinker: Congrats on being so close to the 250s! That is awesome, you'll be there before you know it! Just keep working hard!

    emourato, TOM is the worst, for every reason possible. Its so hard not to feel bloated and awful and then there's the stupid emotions to go with it. I actually get really horrible migraines from it, so my doctor has me taking the pill for 3 months straight so I get to skip out on it more than most people.

    Kendall, I'm happy you saw some loss since... I think weighing in was a really good idea, that way you have a starting point and a bar to hold yourself to... you gotta weigh yourself to push yourself to lose more!

    Amy, your lunch sounds awesome... it also sounds like the weather is getting incredible out there! I'm jealous. That's very cool that Gabe has got a buddy to play with now... I'm sure he's pumped about that. Does Gabe speak German or is he learning? Are you going to be in Germany for a while or is it temporary?

    Have a great rest of the day! :smile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: Gabe is learning German very slowly with Rosetta Stone. I think that having a German friend will motivate him to pick it up a bit but I haven't really forced the German on him. We will be in Germany until somewhere around 2013 (so 2 more years) so it's pretty temporary. Although, the longest we've ever lived anywhere is 5 years so EVERYWHERE we go is pretty temporary. You're breakfast sounds sooooo good. I love avocado. I'm making guacamole tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to show a bit more restraint than last week.

    Lacey: Your lunch sounds fabulous.

    Eunice: Hiya!

    Well, it's bedtime here. Hop you all have a wonderful day/night!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hi Eunice! :happy:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I want to respond to everyone, but I've been out and about all day, and after exercising and such, it's 8pm and I'm just sitting down to dinner. ugh. Did 4.07m in an 11:06 pace... my legs actually weren't tired, which I couldn't believe! Then did INSANITY, like I needed to after my donut fiasco.

    Here's my check in for the day:
    2016 eaten (yeah... I know) / 1111 exercise calories / 295 left. whew! I really had to guess on the donut calories, as I nibbled on several... I tried to over than under estimate. Either way it was ugly, and even though I compensated with exercise, all I could think was I would have had such an amazing deficit today if I hadn't. Boo. Hiss.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hi Eunice!!!

    Just wanted to check-in before BL. I plan to exercise for 30 min during the show. I really need to stretch. My IT band is sore and tight from my run on Sunday. Foam roller here I come. My highlight of the day was getting my Runner's World Magazines!!! It's almost as good as Vegan Times (which I need to resubscribe to). Not only did it have running advice and stories but some pretty good recipes and weight loss info. I'd never heard of Brocolini before (hybrid of brocolli and Kale)... I can't wait to find some and try it. The cauliflower mac and cheese sounded good.

    I made taco cabbage soup and pulled pork in the crockpots today. I think I'm obsessed with food. Sorry.

    Gotta run, the show is starting...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm on my way out of the gym and have some food for though for you all.

    Have you ever tried to peel a potty protector offyour super sweaty @ss? I just did.

    Think on that for a bit. Hope I made you laugh!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi all,

    Been MIA.. but have a lot of stuff that I need to take care of both professionally & personally, since I have fallen behind... so this week I am trying to catch up on life:-) Will try to get here a few times though. Seeing the results... seems like everyone is doing AWESOME!!!! Keep it up:flowerforyou:

    Goals for this challenge:

    1) Try a loss of 10 lbs (1.5lbs/wk) - I averaged about 1.25/wk last challenge... so want to see if I can make this happen)
    2) Exercise 3+ times a week & address my sciatic pain with a Dr advice & better shoes
    3) Continue to religiously log all I eat here.
    4) Try to get a major hike in every weekend:smile:

    Thank you all for your guidance & support.. I know I could not have done it without you... & not be still here to take it further:heart:

  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, all! My name is Angela and I am new here and just jumping in. I have been heavy all my life and have decided it is time to change the way I live and eat! I am going to get it off and keep it off this time. My starting weight in January was 336. This week's weight is 305! I am excited to find this thread and look forward to getting to know all of you.

    My goals -
    1. Lose 15 more lbs in the next 6 weeks.
    2. Work out 6 days each week.
    3. Finish 30 Day Shred - I am on L1D9
    4. Continue to decrease my daily calorie goal.

    I had a good day today. I walked for 40 minutes and then did 30DS this evening. Calorie intake was good today, with several hundred left to spare this evening.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Welcome Angela!

    Suzie so nice to hear from you again. I hope that all is going well.

    Victoria - brocolini and broccoli rabe are the same things I think. Trader Joes carries it. The leaves can be quite...sour...but we love it here!!

    I ate a huge dinner and am a bit too full. I hate that feeling any more. So far, I am at 2971 burned/2290 eaten/681 deficit.
    I am at 9068 steps taken..thats pretty cool!
    And AND I completed day one of c25k. The ipod app is awesome for that!! I love that you can listen to music and it chimes in when its time to run/walk. WAY better than any of the free playlists I've downloaded. The running was pretty easy because Ive been running off and on and I didn't really get super winded or anything which was nice. I am not going to look forward to see whats coming, I am just going to do each session and go with it as it comes.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Stats for yesterday: I ate 1879 cals/ I burned 3016/ 1137 calorie deficit

    Lacey: Congrats on completing Day1 of C25K!!! I LOVED the ipod app for exactly the same reason as you. It's great! Just keep on truckin', girl!!! BTW - I have TOTALLY gotten a toilet seat protector stuck to my sweaty @ss!! LOL.

    Angela: Welcome to the group! We have a fabulous group of very supportive people here. Congrats on your weight loss so far- you're doing great!!

    Suzie: I hope you get your sciatic pain taken care of. It's no fun to be in pain!

    Victoria: I LOVE Runner's World!! It's such a great magazine. Is the Vegan Times different from Vegetarian Times? (I get the Vegetarian Times - which I also love but I'm always on the lookout for another source of yummy and healthy food) BTW - I absolutely ADORE brocollini. It's tender and delicious and has apparently not gotten a foothold here in Germany because I haven't been able to find it anywhere (not even in the organic grocery store).

    Today has started out beautifully again. The sun is shining and it's supposed to be in the 60's again. We did our dog walk already and I've got more Spring Cleaning going today. I also got a big care package from my chef friend in the States and I am going to attempt to make a BabyCakes NYC cupcake recipe (it's vegan and gluten free so we'll see how it turns out). And if that ends up tasting like saw dust, there's always guacamole! I've got Insanity and Kettleworx on the agenda today. Have a great one!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    A quick check-in before getting up to run. 2557 burned and 2403 consumed. Total exercise for the day 50 min low impact aerobics and 10 min stretches.

    Welcome Angela!!! Great job on C25K Lacey!!! Have fun cooking Amy!!! You're a speed devil Kristina - impressive!!! Everyone else - keep up the great work...
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Oh holy crap, I did Plyometrics from P90X this morning. That was awesome. I finished about 2 hours ago and my legs are still a little wobbly, not to mention the chest and back soreness from yesterday. It feels AMAZING. I noticed yesterday I was hungrier more than usual, and I'm guessing that's because the workout has been stepped up a little bit... so this morning I added some protein powder to my oatmeal which will hopefully help out.

    Chris and I have plans to go out on Friday night with friends that we haven't seen since Christmas... which was before I had started on MFP, so I'm curious to see if they will notice my loss. I know none of my clothes fit anymore, which is awesome, but I still look in the mirror and see the same person. I'm also a little stressed about the visit because our friends have been going through some really hard stuff (she found out in October that he had been having an affair for 4 years... they've been married for 10... they're trying to work through it... its not going well) and I'm sort of at a point where I don't know how to help them anymore. She's still so angry about everything and can't forgive him, and he refuses to own up to what he did (hasn't told anyone but Chris and I and is still working with the woman he slept with). So grr. That's my rant for today.

    Kristina, I'm glad to see you busted butt and recovered from the great donut fiasco of 2011. :laugh: I knew you'd pull through.

    Victoria, I love love love broccolini! Usually I just steam it and throw together some sort of balsamic vinagrette (I like lemon dijon a lot) on it to spruce it up. Yay for your magazine too... sounds like its just up your alley.

    Suzie, its good to hear from you... I like your goals and remember we are all here for you!

    Angela, welcome! I actually just finished 30 day shred on Monday and started P90X on Tuesday... you'll do great! I think its a really great way to get started towards higher fitness goals. There is no way I could have done the workout I did this morning without shredding first. And its awesome that you're walking too so that you're increasing your daily burn. Chat with us about anything, we're happy to have you.

    Lacey, omg I cracked up at the potty protector comment. Since I workout at home, I don't have that experience under my belt, but its still HILARIOUS. That's sweet that you started C25K, and even sweeter that there's an app for everything. :smile:

    Alright, I should probably do some work. Talk to you guys later!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Final numbers for yesterday: 3309/2290/1019 deficit. I am noticing that the thing must come loose off my arm in the night because there are always a few spots that don't have readings in the activity manager.