200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Monday Ladies

    I have been out of the loop over the weekend but I am back!

    Weighed in on Saturday morning at 200. (I'm melting, melting . .. melting) Next week I will be on to Onederland! Whoopwhoop. Loving it. Shaun says he can see the difference.

    Ok so I started Couch to 5K on Friday and my muscles are still sour today. I am going to exercise at home today. winds gusting 40-50mph. But I need to move and loosen these muscles up.

    My Calories have been right on. It's actually getting easier.

    HAve a great day and I will get caught up on post soon.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey everyone! Well I'm back from the weekend... wasn't a total bust on calories, but wasn't perfect either. I ended up only having a beer on Friday night with dinner, but we got ice cream afterwards. I reigned it in and ordered a kiddie sized cup, so I was still under... came out to 1463 eaten/554 burned/291 remaining. Saturday was a little worse. I did p90x legs and back and also yardwork including chopping wood (which my hands still hurt from). I logged P90x but not the yard work. But then we just hung out and watched movies and drank beer. So I was at 2781 eaten (ouch!)/ 507 burned/ 1074 over. Sunday was better... made an awesome veggie stuffed omelette and did Kenpo X (and loved it... punching and kicking like crazy!) and then kinda hung all day too. Whole grain spaghetti and a big old salad for dinner, so I was at 1946 eaten/515 burned/ 231 over. I would have been under had it not been for the wine with dinner. I can't eat italian without wine. But I'll take it for the weekend. Plus I weighed myself this morning at it was 206.6. WTF? (Kristina, don't count that as my weigh in... keep Friday's number for this week and I'll weigh in again on Friday). How the H did I lose 3 pounds over the weekend? Its awesome, but it doesn't make sense!

    Yocum, welcome! Way to go on your loss already... this group is great and has helped me sooo much. We're happy to have you!

    Noelle, how's C25K going? I'm so excited that you have hit 200... that's awesome. ONEderland here you come!

    Suzie, good luck with the interview process. Hopefully it goes well and doesn't drag out for too long.

    Lacey, I'm happy to hear the councelling session went well. Are you going back? Sweet potato fries might not be any better for you, but I actually just like the taste of them more. Oven baking is where its at though... little basil, little olive oil... yum! Sorry about the Mexican food debacle, but it happens to all of us. Mexican and Chinese food are like cyrptonite to me.

    Ronnie, I thought we had lost you! Glad to see you joined and I really do love your ticker idea with the goals on it.

    Amy, I have mountain biking envy! We're getting close to it not being to cold/wet/muddy/awful here that I can get mine out. That's one of Chris and I's favorite things to do. We are looking into getting a hitch rack for our bikes for the Escape so we can take them camping with us this summer too. Should be fun.

    Victoria, awesome that you've got 3 weeks of steady loss going! I can't believe how close your race is! That's so exciting. I'm actually really liking P90X... I like the variety that comes with it. I do feel weird still on strength days not doing any cardio. I really want to do the full 3 months, just to say I've done it, and then I'll probably do like Kristina and Amy and switch it up with some cardio. I'd like to be tough enough to do p90X in the morning and run in the afternoon, but right now there's no way my body is up for that!

    atucker_mom, way to go on 6 days of working out! It always feels so good to get those workouts in on the weekend for me... like its a much bigger accomplishment than during the week. Don't stress too much about the inches lost or pounds lost thing right now... it'll take your body a bit to adjust, and we all lose differently. My arms are still basically the same size as when I started, but my legs and waist have gotten smaller. I mostly just pay attention to the scale once a week and then really its about how my clothes fit.

    Sarah, congrats on the loss! You've been so consistent in loss and that's awesome!

    Kendall, I'm glad the sun started shining again and you were able to get outside. I'm almost 28, been married for 2 1/2 years, and no kids. I'm not necessarily sure if we will ever have kids, so I'm probably not the best source of advice on this, but I agree with Lacey and Amy that you have nothing but time. You'll find the right guy, and if kids are meant to be, they will.

    Crystal, welcome! Glad to have you!

    Phew... I think I got everyone! Sorry if I missed you!

    Today was X Stretch, and oh man did my body need it. Seriously, that was the best hour of stretching ever. It felt AMAZING. My buttcheeks are still so sore from legs and back and kenpo. I found a recipe for greek yogurt marinated chicken with quinoa, redskin potatoes and mushrooms that I'm going to try out for dinner. I picked up quinoa for the first time last weekend, so I'm excited to try it!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I took some advice and put my original start weight on my ticker, it's a good reminder to me for what I've truly achieved and not just the MFP stuff! I was excited on Friday to see that 3lbs...and even more excited when I did my normal Monday weigh in and saw another 2.5lbs gone! The longer I do this, the easier it gets! I'm already down to less that I've weighed since before my oldest son was 6mo old, and he's 9!! My husband is proud of me and has even joined in the party to get in shape! For my kids, it's just eating healthier, as they're all tall & skinny. I've tried losing weight most of my adult life, and my mom has been on me about it since puberty hit & it started going up. I think it's now that I'm at peace with who I am as a person and have finally put God first, that He's given me the strength to keep going and the tools and motivation from others to help me along the way!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    Oh boy.. what a week last week was!!!
    I'm relieved it's Monday because I really did not behave last week! =(
    I'm ready to get back to it though! I'm starting C25K this week.. Probably on Wednesday..
    No weight lost.. I'm at 198.9 still.

    Hailie-I struggle not "rewarding" myself with food also. I know I need to change my thinking and want to make the ticker this week!! I think my gift to myself will be a new pair of heels! =) I got a $100 giftcard to Aldo for my birthday.

    Ronnie-Hope your son feels better! He's a cutie!!


    Lacey- Just get back on track! You can do it! =) We all have our bad days! (or weeks.. LOL :grumble:)

    How do you all burn so many calories?! :noway: I never end up burning more than 600..

    It's a sleepy Monday over hereeeee.. and a long one too!! I'll be at work until 4:30 and then off to school until 10pm. I'm graduating with my Associate's in May so I went to go look at a school I was accepted into yesterday. The campus is hugeeeeeeeeee so I know I'll be getting plenty of walking in. LOL. The only thing that sucks is the commute.. at least 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. But I guess it is what it is... a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! :ohwell:

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks again everyone! So, question... Every other forum I've been a part of, there has been an easy way to land myself at the most recent unread post. Is there a way to do that here so I don't have to start at page 1 every time and *try* to find where I left off?? Lol.

    So, I started my diet last week but yesterday was the official beginning of calorie counting and it's SOOO hard for me to battle the mentality that I should be pushing food into myself to get ENOUGH calories. How annoying. I suppose when you cut out the McD's and BK, it's harder to get to that goal vs. be over it. :tongue:

    Not only that, but I don't have time to make "meals" or be constantly snacking having a newly crawling 7 month old and working. Rarr.

    Well, I posted that I was 245 in my welcome but that was the beginning of my diet last week. End of the week I was at 243. So I'll set some week goals for myself:

    SW: 245
    CW: 243
    GW: 240?

    Also to continue making it to the gym as I can with my little one and *TRY* to eat small, frequent meals as able, haha.

    The whole calorie thing confuses the crap outta me. I spent a VERRRRRY long time browsing different sites researching my BMR, calorie needs, etc. and every site said something different. I figured I would just go with the default MFP gave me of 1380 considering all others were higher and I can barely meet the 1300 mark anyways.

    *EDIT* - I've heard people mention the Couch to 5K... It sounds interesting - what exactly is it?? :happy:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hailie - glad we didn't scare you off!!

    Ronnie - I looked up the kifit and it looks like the same thing to me!! Good price!

    Final check in for yesterday:
    2896 burn/2800 eaten (gross estimate)/96 deficit
    Unfortunately I don't have time for more.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG, I just started week 2 of kettleworx and it was HARD! I was so surprised at how difficult a 20-ish minute workout could be. I'm hoping to be sore tomorrow!

    Lacey: Looking at your numbers for yesterday - it really wasn't so bad.

    Crystal: Go to Message Boards and then click on "My Topics". It will show the last 25 threads you have posted in and then u can click directly to the most recent posts from there. The Couch to 5K program is a program that is designed to ease you into running. You run 3 days a week and you start out mostly walking with some running and as time goes on, you end up running for 40 minutes or so. I started running with it and it's great. You can find an app for it in the app store if you have a smart phone.

    Eunice: The calorie burns that Victoria, Lacey & I post are calorie burns for an entire 24-hour period as reported through our BodyBugg/ Body Media Fit Armbands. I can't speak for them but for me, I still burn about 600-ish calories through exercise a day but my armband gives me a better idea of what I'm burning doing non-workout things (playing outside, walking my dog, cleaning, sleeping, etc). I really LOVE mine!

    Yocum1219: You're doing great! My ticker includes weight I lost before MFP too. I figure, I lost it so it totally counts!

    Kerry: I LOVE quinoa!!! It' such a great and hearty grain. I also thing that the X-Stretch video is the BOMB for stretching out those sore muscles!

    Noelle: You're so close to One-derland! Awesome!!!

    Ronnie: The Ki Fit sure looks just about exactly like the Body Media Fit Lacey & I have. Once you figure in the exchange rate from US Dollars to British Pounds, it looks like the price is about the same too. I LOVE mine and I think it's totally worth it. It gives me a "whole picture" of my calorie burn every day. I never realized what a lazy slug I was on the weekends until I got mine. Now I make a point to get up and MOVE on the weekends.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My back is not well enough to do any exercise today. I have a long overdue errand to run and grocery shopping I didn't get done this weekend so I will do that instead. My calories are looking good so I should be just fine. I was back up to 208.2 this morning, but considering the gut bomb sodium laden mexican food I ate, I am not surprised. I am hoping the water chugathon I'm competing (against myself) in today along with some rest will bring it back down to 207ish.

    And tomorrow I WILL run the week 2 day 1 of c25k come hell or high water!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm alive and back from Pittsburgh! It definitely was hilly-- the hike up to the medical center was INSANE. Did my long run yesterday... about 6.3m at a 11:30ish pace, which I'm pleased with. I already vented it my status, but I was feeling a bit crankypants about doing it because 1)the weather was crappy 2)my pace is significantly slower than my co-workers 3)I was running up to 2 miles farther than I had been, but I went. I was happy I went in that I didn't have to do the run today, but my co-workers didn't even try to lag back for me. So it wasn't exactly a group run.. they ran together.. and I fell further and further back till they were at least 3 blocks ahead of me. So far ahead that when I tripped and fell (I've got a nice skinned knee and a megabruise on an arm), the didn't even see it. And they wondered why I was wasn't all happy happy when I got back. Plus, saying "great job!" felt sort of patronizing to me (but it was probably just my crappy mood) when you didn't even try to make it a fun run for me. Definitely wished I had someone to vent that out to yesterday.

    Eating was not great... no surprise. I'm sure I gained. I'm pretty exhausted today, so while I had planned a 3mile recovery run and an insanity dvd, i'm on crack. I'm not going to want to do anything other than bond with Emma (I felt super guilty leaving her, even though they said she did well. I know she didn't get a lot of attention).. I'm leaving again on Thursday for Ohio for the winterguard championships and won't be back until Sunday, so I only have 2 days with her, till I have to ship her off again. Luckily this weekend, she'll be at the "bed and biscuit" where she gets to run around like crazy at a lady's house.

    I'll post the chart probably tomorrow, as I didn't get a chance to post a last chance to post reply. So, this will serve at it, and I'll post the week's losses tomorrow. These people have no weighed in:


    Sorry if I missed your post somehow.. I skimmed pretty quickly. Back on the wagon for me tomorrow morning! Try and undo some of the damage of the weekend.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm home for a quick dinner, workout with mom and then off for 1 more new client. DH is bringing dinner home. A normal 30 min low impact workout = 220 cal burn, 1 mile dog walk (20 min) = 150 burn, but my long runs take me 190 min yesterday for 9 miles with warm up and cool down included is where I get crazy cal burn 1436 but I earned evey one of them... I think the Body/mediaFit/etc was well worth the investment. I too try and move more on weekends now that I've realized what a slug I've been compared to work. It's amazing how grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning really add up the cals. I can't wait to see my burn with yardwork. Hope that helps clarify my burn numbers. Dinner has arrived - Ham & Harvarti sandwich from health food store.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I too think the bodymedia fit was TOTALLY worth the money. I am loving seeing how many steps I take each day, what I really slept like, how much total exercise I get in a day...and it aint that much!!!
    Yesterday for example I think my overall exercise for the day was at like 2.5 hours or something..isn't that nuts?? That in a 24 hour day, only 2.5 I was moving!!??!?
    Its also insane that just walking back and forth between the two offices at work can burn over 10 cals per minute! NUTS!

    Today i set my MFP goals to eat 2100 cals per day. I think I am eating more than that, but even on days I don't work out I should be around a 400+ deficit.

    I'm tired as all hell today. I don't know why. Low energy and all. I know Jeff made the coffee way less strong than usual, not sure if that was it or not.

    Kristina - grr. I'd be upset too about the girls who did that..but just know that you don't need people to do it and they aren't worth your time.

    Victoria - ohh that sounds like a delish dinner!!

    Eunice - I second Amy..I burn around 600ish cals working out, but with the BMF I get to see what I burned in a 24 hour period and it helps so much. Time will tell, but I think I wasn't eating enough good to lose weight before.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    sorry I posted on our old thread. I lost 2 pounds and weighed in at 253
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Ops I thought is posted, darn cyber ghosts :P I lost 7lbs!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ronnie: WOW! What a great loss!

    Andrea: Great job!

    Lacey: I've been dragging today too. By the time 10 pm rolled around last night, I was practically a zombie and a good night's sleep really didn't help me out too much. I hope you are perkier today! I hope your back is healthier today and you can do your C25K workout!

    Victoria: Havarti is pretty much my favorite cheese - yum!

    Kristina: I'm sorry your "group run" was more of a solo effort. I think it's pretty crappy that they didn't even try to stick with you. The Hubbs is a much faster runner than I am (but I can go a lot longer than he can) and so when we run together he slows it down a notch so we can run together (it's still faster than my usual run and I like that he pushes me). I would be Uber pissed if he asked me to run with him and then proceeded to leave me in the dust.

    Here's the numbers for yesterday: 2833 Calories burned/ 1926 Calories eaten/ 907 Calorie deficit. The scale has finally moved out of the 203-area and downward into the 202's. It's just going soooo slowly! I was doing do well for a while, I thought I'd be able to keep it up.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    We had major storms here last night. Its still coming down. Power is out all over the city and it made for an INCREDIBLY stressful drive to work. lots of major intersections without stoplights and no cops to direct traffic. Of course we have power here at work cause they have a couple generators the size of a house.....and within 5 minutes of getting here, a telecommuter sent me an instant message and told me to call her. She's known to be a big complainer so I replied "I'm busy, just got here" and then she told me that she wanted to complain about how they are doing our PTO. I plan to apologize later today, but right now, I just can't handle it.

    I'm starting to get bored with P90X. :frown: I spent too much money on it to give up...it might just take me 6 months to get this 90 day program done lol.

    I need a new raincoat!!!! The one I have is about 2 sizes too big and its not as waterproof as it once was.

    The new guy I'm talking to, his dad had a heart attack yesterday.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Cals for yesterday... 1455 eaten/237 burned/18 over. I baked cookies this weekend and foolishly didn't bring all of them to work on Monday. So I ate 1 cookie and a glass of milk at 9 last night. I still have a good deficit for the day, especially with such a low burn from exercise, but still, I feel kinda guilty about that stupid cookie. Grr. Oh and that mysterious 3 pound loss from the weekeend? Gone. Back up to 209s this morning. This is why I don't weigh myself daily. It gets me all grumpy. So I'm not stepping on the scale again until Friday.

    Amy, I need quinoa recipes STAT. Do you just eat it plain? I rinsed it like crazy and then brought it to a boil, then simmered until all the water was soaked up... then I added roasted walnuts, fresh parsley, olive oil, and sea salt. I was not impressed. I think the base flavor of the quinoa is something I could like, I just need some good ideas for sprucing it up, since my combo didn't work for me. I think it was still too bland and the parsley was overpowering.

    Lacey, I hope your back is feeling better and you are able to get out and get moving.

    Kendall, sorry about the crazy weather and drive to work and general stress you've got going on. Who's the new guy? How did you meet? Sorry to hear about his Dad. :flowerforyou:

    Kristina, that really sucks that the run didn't go better. Totally obnoxious that they didn't even try to stick with you, and I'm so sorry you fell! Not cool!

    Victoria... mmm havarti. We have an amazing city market with the greatest cheese vendor in it, and they have a peppered havarti (like red peppers) which is my favorite thing ever on a sandwich. So good!

    This morning was chest/back/ab ripper x. I bought a band last week which made the workout significantly better since I'm not so much capable of an actual pull up. I definitely feel like I got more out of it this week than last week, which is awesome. I would like to try and run this afternoon if I get home in time and the weather holds up, but we'll see how it goes.
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey thank you for the great advice, the bf has said he'd get me one for my birthday next month and I'm sure that will give me motivation to kick start the real work outs and I guess knowledge is power.
    I hope everyone is having a great start to the week. It's crappy weather here with that fine rain that soaks you through, grrr! My sinus track has flared up so can't sit it walk but hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon. It seems im always stressing lol, great to here all the positive stories though and that despite lifes ups and down success is still achieveable. Take care all x
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Final numbers for yesterday: 2745burned/1980 ate/765 deficit. I maintained my 208.2 this morning and also caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror I didn't like so I am having a fat feeling day. I don't really get them too often, but damn. I am going to turn the day around here though and not let it bother me in another five minutes. Its discouraging to not be able to lose weight. I don't know if I should eat more, move more or what.

    Okay, moping over!

    I will get back on here later and reply to everyone. Have a good day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It mat be Tues but feels like Monday!!! I left the house at 8 am - nice and sunny but cold. By 9 am the world was white with an inch of snow... By noon it was all gone. The weather here is crazy too. Monday check-in 2483 burned, 2513 consumed, 25 min low impact aerobics... I'm off for 3 more clients today.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Your are a strong, confident and lovely lady! :flowerforyou: (Do you feel less fat yet??) I think you're doing great. Just give yourself some time with your BMF to figure out how many cals in you need versus your cals out and I'm sure the scale will be working for you soon! Keep at it!

    Ronnie: I think that's a great birthday present! I hope your sinus problems die down soon!

    Kerry: I agree that seeing the scale jump up is a cause for grumpiness. Put it away and only use it once a week. I'll have to look for some quinoa recipes for you. I use it as a rice replacement mostly. So I just cook it and eat it with stir frys and such so I don't do a lot too it. I have made a quinoa rice-style pudding and used it as a base for salads. I'll get back to you with more specific recipes.

    Kendal: I can see how you could get bored with P90X. You kind of do the same things over and over and Tony starts to grate on your nerves after a while (at least he did for me). BUT, I've gotten better results from that program than from any other workout program I've EVER done. Ever. You should stick it out till the end and see what kind of results you get. It could be just the thing to kick-start your weight loss. And it will definitely make you stronger and faster. Try it with your own music- when I started doing that, it made it less repetitive cuz I had new music to jam to each time I worked out.

    So I worked my butt off today! I walked my dog for 45 minutes, I did Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs AND I went on an hour-long mountain bike ride with the fam this evening. I LOVE that Spring is here and the trees are blooming and beautiful. I LOVE that I can go outside and enjoy the weather. And I LOVE that I am strong enough to power up the most ridiculous mountain I've ever attempted and not die. I don't love that I TOTALLY ate a bug on my bike ride. I was going up a hill so I was breathing hard with my mouth open and the little dood flew straight down the back of my throat. I tried to wash him out with some water but it was WAAAYYY too late for him. Gross.