200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    I REALLY need to take soe time & catchup with you all... try to do so tomorrow:)

    Just an FYI.. the interview did not happen AGAIN!!!!!:sad: Aapart from working & all other stuff I was prepared, packed & ready.. and the manager who was out & just got back was swamped & could not do it this week... so I asked out right.. are you guys still interested in interviewing me.. or is a no? Caz I would rather just not drag it out.. She quickly quipped... we are Definitely interested.. just been crazy around here. Oh well!!!!

    So I regrouped, relaxed a bit today after work & will get back on track & try to check out roles with other companies next week caz I do not want to keep waiting for them.

    Tried Bikram Yoga today & LOVED it.. so am hoping to try that out for a bit & see how my body responds to it:-)

    I have to say.. everyday I work out.. my body feels more alive & energized & I love it... so hopefully exercising is something that will now finally stick with me:)

    Wishing you lots of GREAT weight loss as I know people will start weighing in tomorrow:):drinker:

    Will come back & play catch up tomorrow.

    :heart: Suzie
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning everyone...scale showing 1lb loss so yay will weigh in tomorrow tho.

    Anders: I never check my inches I should get a tape, that sounds like a big boost and compliments are great.
    Yocum: Thank you I will check website out. I'm the same with breakfast and meat and veg but diet soda is my vice (used to be full fat) right now I'd pig out if it wasn't for soda but I have cut it right down.
    Sarah: Hope you're grandad gets fully well soon and work sounds a bit manic. It's great you have a supportive hubbub tho :)
    Lacey: It's interesting about bmf, will make sure I read mine when it comes.
    Susie: Hey hope you're interview is soon but at least now you know they're interested which is awesome!
    Right time to get ready for day, have a Good one all x
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thursdays check-in 2203 burned and 2081 burned... Exercise 30 min of low impact aerobics... My burn was lower since I spent 2 hours not wearing the Bugg - charged it, shower, and some hot tub fun (*winks*)... I'll weigh in later this morning...
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Up early this morning! No weight gained, I remain at 253
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Twirls - I'm back down to 188!!! My prior post should have been 2081 consumed... Now I'm off to run 2 miles on Mr Tready.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I only have to work 4 hours today and then I'm off to the beach!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: However, I'm MUCH more productive in the afternoon than in the morning so I'm going to have to make a real effort to get something done before I leave today.


    Ever since I took Lexi for that run last weekend my knees have been more sensitive than they used to be. I've been cranking up my "Club Dancing" playlist at home and booty dancing around while doing stuff and I'm having to stop because of the shooting pain. (Its the kind of booty dancing where you kinda-squat and rock your hips back and when I try to "get low" like the song says, it hurts my knees to try to squat lower) This sucks. I want to run! I want to dance! I want to have knees that don't loudly creak when I go up stairs!

    Anyways, gotta get back to work. Lots to do and not much time.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Well, this is my 1st weigh in that I've not lost...but I haven't gained since Monday either! Still 239.6!! And I had Taco Bell on Tuesday and Applebee's on Wednesday for lunch and Salsarita's yesterday! I stayed under my calorie count, but I think my body still doesn't like it when I go unhealthy! I feel kinda blah!

    I can honestly understand the knee thing! Mine creak even if I'm just sitting & straightening out my leg...big motivation to get some weight off of them! They don't hurt so much yet, but my ankles do! Gotta love genetics! I know the only true relief I'm going to get is lose weight.

    Well, it's my last "slow" day for the week! My 2 older kids come home from my parents' tonite & my youngest is going to a babysitter today so I can get some major spring cleaning done without a 2yr old under my feet! Then tomorrow it's a soccer game 90 miles away and thankfully mom is taking the middle one to baseball practice so I can get there! 6 more weekends of double sports, then soccer is done! Still have baseball, but it'll be a break! :-)

    Thanks again all for your support! I even found an easy exercise I can do when I'm at home on a "lazy night" that burns 360cal an hour, just bouncing on my exercise ball, while I'm on the computer or watching TV! OK, let the cleaning begin!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Back down to 206.4 today..yeay!! So if I saw 207.4 last week on Wednesday and 206.4 today, perhaps eating 2100-2400 cals per day is working for me, and the difference in cals between wearing the BMF on my leg or arm isn't that big of a deal. I will still wear it on my arm for a few days and see what the diff is..

    Check in for yesterday: 2376 burned (no work out)/2125 eaten/251 deficit. Tonight is week 2 day 3 of C25K. Yeay!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Happy Friday! This weekend we are headed up to a friend's cabin... should be a weekend of campfires, beers, and board games. I'm super excited. Plus I'm only working 6 hours today!

    Kendall, I feel ya on going crazy on food when you've got the good stuff in your house. Its always so hard after a big grocery shopping trip to not just eat all the awesome stuff. I agree with Amy, it helps to plan out the meals so you have a structure to adhere to. I'm sorry your knees are bothering you... have you tried icing them? I have beach envy as well - at least we have 60 degree weather coming up here!

    Amy, you have been biking up a storm! Awesome!

    Lacey, I really loved that thing from BL about being amazed at what you can do now that you couldn't before. Even just little things like being able to take my stairs 2 at a time without using the handrail feels amazing. I think that will stick with me too. I'm also dealing with some shin pain from running today... thank goodness the weekend is here! I'm planning on just doing P90x tomorrow and Sunday and starting up running again Monday. I'm so excited for your loss this week!

    Ronnie, wtg on cleaning out your pantry of all the junk! That's a really big step!

    Andrea, congrats on both the inches lost and the complement - doesn't that feel GREAT?

    Yocum, hopefully all those good food decisions you are making start to pay off! Keep it up!

    Sarah, I'm happy to hear that your grandpa is doing better, that's awesome news. I didn't know you were in Canada... whereabouts? I'm really only familiar with Ontario, but I've always wanted to go to Vancouver. Back in the day I really liked snowboarding and hopefully I'll get back into it, and then maybe a trip out there will be in order. Sorry its still cold, though. It just got warm this week and I feel like it took forever to finally get here!

    Suzie, that has to be so frustrating that you still haven't had an interview. Ick. Bikram yoga has always sounded fun to me. I really love yoga in general. I'm glad you liked it!

    Victoria, YAY! 188!!! :flowerforyou: So exciting! It doesn't suprise me considering all the running and eating right you've been doing. So exciting!

    I did sneak in a run yesterday after work... I went 1.6 miles in 18 minutes, which was pretty awesome.
    So this morning was yoga x and since I didn't have to be to work until 10:30, I had time to do the full hour and half. I can't really do all the warrior 3/half moon transitions... my legs start shaking like a maniac and I pretty much fall over, but oh well. I was able to do a proper shoulder stand today, versus last week where no matter what I did I couldn't get my legs straight in the air... so I'm hopeful that means core strength is coming. I still had time before I needed to get ready for work, so I ran again... my legs were a little more dead, so I ended up going 1.3 miles in 16 minutes and then walked myself home (hangs head in shame)... I really wanted to push home, but seriously, my house is at the top of a hill and I just didn't have it in me.

    Ok, stats and then I'm done... yesterday I ate 1819/burned 632/13 left.

    And my weigh in... this morning at 204.1 (!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm SO EXCITED about that. :love:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I weighed in at 201.2 today (I think it's a 1.8 pound loss for me this week). I was hoping for 200 but I'll take it. I'm taking today as a rest day. I've been busy going to the commissary and making sure money is available for rent and bills. Due to the impending gov't shutdown, we won't be getting paid until those a-holes in Washington pull their heads out and hammer out a budget so that means we are on our own for things like rent, bills and food. We're doubly screwed because the military commissary will be closed for the duration of the shutdown so we will be forced to go off base to buy groceries at the super-high German prices (all without receiving our pay). Did I mention that Trav STILL has to show up for work every day, even though he won't be getting paid? Did I also mention that through out the gov't shut down the a-holes responsible for this mess WILL be getting paid?? I'm pretty sure it goes without saying that this is a uber-stressful time for us. If any of you inclined to write your Congressperson to tell them to do their freakin jobs, I'd appreciate it.

    I'll be back tomorrow and in a better mood, I promise. Sorry I didn't respond to everyone - I'll get to it.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around in the last two weeks. My dad has been sick lately. So for an update on how im doing. I has hit 238 and holding. I was 238 at.the beginning of the challenge an I was 238 this.week and last week. Grr its so frustrating. I haven't had time to do p90x lately so I am going to restart it this week. I know we are 2 weeks into the challenge but I still need to set my goals. I only have 3. 1) lose 5 pounds by the end of this challenge 2) log all my food everyday and 3) do p90x or some other form of exercise at least 5 days a week. I will catch-up on all the posts tonight but for now I have to get back to work. See yall later!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Really need to get into more of a routine with logging on each day.

    Have been a bit 'timid' this week - so bad last week and saying I was going to get back on track, didn't want to frighten it away!!!!
    Anyway, weighed today (for obvious rasons not last week) and am 188.
    Have started to work on the goals - breakfast has been healthy, only fruit after supper. Need to log in daily for improved individual responses and good/bad days are running equal thus far - but still several weeks of challenge to go.
    Have managed a couple fo runs - you lot are so inspirational with the exercise you manage - that WILL be me one day.
    Have one specific response for Kristina - it always amazes me how mean people can be, hatever happened to treat others how you wish to be treated? But, good on you. You did it, despite a fall. Well done.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Anyone know how to make grilled octopus??? I had grilled octopus that was so tender and amazing at lunch today..with safron potatoes, grilled green onions and a champaigne vinagrette sauce..OMG. My mouth is watering for more, but octopus is one of those things that is a scary kind of food to cook.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    How do you deal with a day where you burn so many calories that your normal food intake isn't enough? I don't feel hungry, not even mildly deprived! But I'm making myself eat a sandwich b/c I cleaned my house for 5 hours today (spring cleaning time) and it burned a lot of calories! I've eaten just under 1200, with the sandwich! My hubby convinced me that since I'm not much on snacks, than a few mnm's wouldn't hurt, so I ate 10 (with almonds), just enough to make me get in some calories! I feel as if I cheated, but I still came in way under!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning ya'll! Today is looking much better than yesterday (mostly cuz The Hubbs will continue getting paid on a regular basis). I was so stressed and irritated yesterday that I didn't post my Thursday stats. Here they are: Calories eaten: 1848/ Calories Burned: 3071/ 1223 deficit. AND Here's yesterday's stats: Calories eaten: 2495 (Yeah, there might have been some stress-induced mojitos going on yesterday)/ calories burned: 2538 (aside from the dog walk and bowling, I didn't do much)/ somehow there is a deficit of 43 calories. I didn't log anything yesterday but I went back in this morning and logged it all to see the damage (I am really good at pretending it didn't happen if I don't log it and it doesn't change the fact that I ate all that so I really NEED to see it). Logging it also helped me to see that while it FELT like I was eating everything in sight, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

    Yocum1219: Eating some M&M's doesn't equal a cheat. If you've got the extra calories for them (which you did) it's more than ok to give yourself a treat. I believe that if you tell yourself you won't eat sweets/chocolate/chips/whatever, then you are setting yourself up for a binge. So - good job staying under your calories and giving yourself a treat! Make sure you are eating enough calories to make up for your exercise though or you might find yourself hitting a plateau.

    Lacey: No idea how to grill octopus. I'm kind of skeeved out even thinking about eating octopus. About the BMF- if you don't want to have to remember when you started and ended working out to get your calories burn, you are gonna have to get the thing to pair with your iPhone via bluetooth. It seriously took 2 days of screwing around with it for me to get it to pair but I haven't had a problem with it since. With the BMF App on your iPhone, you can see your calorie burn/ steps taken/ minutes of moderate and intense exercise right there on your phone while you are working out. You can also set a goal for your workout - like workout until a specific amount of calories are burned or a specific amount of moderate exercise (etc). It's really helpful to get the app and get your BMF paired with it. Otherwise, you're gonna have to keep remembering the start/stop times of your exercise and get the info when you sync your armband with your computer.

    Annette: Good job getting some runs in last week!!

    Amber: I'm sorry your dad's been sick. I hope he feels better. Get cracking on the P90X when you get time, it will make you feel better.

    Kerry: The Warrior 3/ Half Moons in YogaX were the HARDEST for me! And then he goes in to all that balance stuff afterward and your legs are all shaky so just standing on one leg is hard. It. Is. Awesome. Good job getting through it. Enjoy your weekend! Congrats on your loss!!!

    Kendal: I hope you're enjoying the beach!!!!

    Victoria: Yay! for being down to 188!!!

    Andrea: Hi there! Keep on keepin' on and your weigh-in next week will show a loss- I know it!!!

    Suzie: I'm sorry the interview didn't happen but at least you know they are still interested in you!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yocum - this is a lifestyle change rather than a diet... You can't go back to past eating habbits and you can't ignore all the worlds temtations forever. You need to learn how incorporate treats (chips for me) into your lifestyle... I tell people that I can eat everything just in moderation. I will have a slice or two of pizza with the family but now have a salad/veges to with it vs my old way of eating 1/2 the pizza 5 or 6 slices. If I have extra calories, I will eat a serving of chips and savor each bite. My old way was to eat the whole bag of chips. Ideally, I'm eating the way I will forever so that once I reach my goal weight, there won't be much difference... That way I can keep the weight off.

    I gave advice to Ronnie to eat 1200 plus exercise cals. you can get away with lower cals for a time but you will burn out physically and mentally by not eating enough. I've been there and failed on the past.

    There are good ways to add more cals to your day - put avocado or hummus on your sandwich, eat a serving of nuts, add regular dressing to your salad, add cheese to salad or sandwich, etc...

    Don't feel guilty about the M & Ms. If you had the cals left and you want to incorporate them into your lifestyle then enjoy them.

    PS read Laceys post where she admits eating more is helping her to start losing again... My ave food consumption is 1900 to 2000 (even more on long run days). I've learned my average total daily burn is 2500. I'm aiming for a pound a week while I plan to enjoy life and food...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Friday check-in 2720 burned / 2610 eaten... Exercise 2 mile run plus 1 mile dog walk.

    I uploaded the Bugg to the computer and am now ave 2700 a day for my burn - it must be from the long runs. Speaking of which - I'm doing 10 today - this will be the longest before next weekends race.. I'm really going to run 13.1 miles next week. I found a new app Runners World Smart Coach... It rocks. I put in the planning to run a 10K on June 11th and it's got my plan to stay there (yeah I could gave guessed run 2, 5, and 6 miles most weeks) but it's still cool.

    I'll report back after the run. Enjoy your weekend..

    Kendal the beach looks awesome!!!
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everyone just a quick weigh in 1lb lost so my current weight 223lbs. Will hopefully catch up later its a glorious day here.
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Amy: Glad to hear you're feeling better today, seems like hubs news is a relief.
    Yocum: Victoria gave me some great advice a page or two back. After that i found some great info online but make sure its reliable. I was struggling with dos and donts and what's best for me....I think ill be learning a long time.
    Amber: So sorry about you're dad, I hope he gets well soon and you're feeling positive.
    Lacey: I've seen some cooking shows about squid and octopus, there are loads of ways to prepare them unless you have a fish monger. Watch out for the beak but gutting seems simple enough. I wouldnt like to give you wrong advice so try www.BBC.co.UK and search food section...its a great site and have recipies for everything the last time I looked.

    Some inspiring quotes from my home made ticker;

    The greatest wealth is health

    A day will never be anything more than what you make it

    When thoughts become action success is attainable

    Choice not chance determines our destiny

    And my fab little pickers wear bigger knickers.;)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well. I tried running my week 2 day 3 last night and had to stop a minute into the first run. My getting all BL inspired did NOT work in my favor running two days in a row earlier in the week has completely wrecked my shins. They've felt fine durning the day but then when I got on the treadmill I could totally tell something was wrong. LAME. So I will pick it up again Monday and keep stretching in the mean time. Also I was still a bit too full from that lunch and that probably had something to do with it. I just couldn't push myself.

    Check in for yesterday: 2772 burned/2709 eaten/64 deficit I think. I did good till I got home and didn't want to cook. So I did take out cheeseburgers, fries and then I bought us all a pack each of m&m's while we had movie night. At least I was right in there!

    I am going to Medford, our hometown about 2.5 hours away, today for the night with the fam. We need to pick up the rototiller so we can get our veggie garden going soon and we haven't been down since Christmas. It will be a short trip and thats okay with me as it is hard to eat healthy while I am with my family. I've got my iphone and I WILL track all cals and if I can just maintain cals burned/cals eaten I will be happy but of course will try my hardest to get some sort of a deficit.

    Yocum - I can flat out garantee that if you aren't eating the numbers MFP is giving you plus your exercise cals on a regular basis you will not lose weight for long. I think if you aren't hungry one day its okay to not eat everything, but try to. I know its been hard for me to eat more cals...I've found that the past two weeks I've been eating filler calories, not healthy food...and so I have to change what I eat, but I am getting them in. It is surprisingly hard to eat between 500-700 more a day!!
    At the beginning of the year I did exactly what MFP told me, ate on track, worked out and ate those too and only lost 4 lbs in about 8-10 weeks...I bought this bodymedia fit thing and now I find that even then I wasn't eating enough to lose weight. No wonder.

    Amy - I am SO glad to hear that Travis will continue to get paid. I feel for everyone in this circumstance but the military not getting paid is wholy unacceptable. I :heart: mojitos!! Oh, also I've seen a lot of posts on the FB bmf page and a few others where "they've" said to wear your bmf on your calf when you're doing biking because it doesn't read right on your arm. Food for thought anyways.

    Victoria - That is so awesome you are running that much! So are you doing two half marathons in two months then? Is that what I am reading?? One in April and one in June? Or is the June one just a goal you set for yourself in the app? Thats really cool!!

    Ronnie - yeay on the weight loss!! I will check out that site, thanks! I've dissected octopus and squid before so I think I could do another one to cook it...but i think I could also buy the legs too maybe?