200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Ok so I have a question. I notice some of u ladies are using body bugs and body media and finding out how Munch u bin versus how much u consume. My question is can this be done with any HRM or does it have to be one of those? I have a watch HRM and I van afford a BB or BMF right now
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - thanks for the biking tip... No clue on the octopus. the June race is a 10k around Mackinaw Island...

    Amber - the Bugg or Body Media Fit are well worth the cost. Mine was $200 for one to sink to my smart phone and includes 6 month on-line subscription. They are not HRM... Amy, Lacey and I all found we are burning much more on a daily basis than we had thought. Prior to wearing the Bugg, I had my MFP set to lightly active but now have moved it to very active. Over the last few weeks, I've burned an average of 2700 cal a day. That blows my mind.

    I got my 10 miles in this morning and am still feeling the residual runners high :) Time to watch the Masters...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    FYI I hate auto correct on the iPhone - I typed on sync and it self corrected to sink (*sighs*)
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks for the input victoria. My HRM has a calorie burned feature an I want to get one with a chest strap. I have been wearing mine for about 4 hours and I have only burned about 600 calories. But I didn't put it.on first thing this morning either. I don't know if this is accurate or not. *sigh*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My research on HRM says they do not accurately measure cals burned unless you are exercising. When I snag my computer, I'll post a link to the best blog I found on HRM by Adzark (?so). Unless your HRM has a programable VO2Max and you frequently reset it as your cardio status improves, HRM are no more accurate than using MFP database. That means through studies, people have come up with best guess formulas and that's the number they give you. I've actually found for all but running, MFP is within 50 cals often closer to the Bugg. HRM are great for making sure you stay in a target HR range during a workout so you don't slack off. Normal ex range as Kendal noted last week is 60 to 80 % of your max HR (220 - age).

    Ronnie - I love your quotes!!!

    Amy - so jealous of your biking and high temps. At least I saw 50 today...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amber - victoria is right, hrms are only for exercising. I don't know how much weight difference there is between us but I seem to be burning on average 1.2 calories per minute sleeping, watching tv or at my desk during the day. That might give you an idea of what a "base" daily burn would be if I wasn't doing much of anything. I got my bodymedia from costco for $150 and a "free" 12 month subscription to their website. Do you or sOmeone you k ow have q Costco card?? I think the deal is only online but they might have it in stores too.
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    OK, my weight for this week is 300 lbs. I have lost 2 more pounds. However, my scale is bing flaky and varies betweens 290 and 310, depending on how I stand on it. But I did get 3 consistent readings of 300. I will be buying a new scale this week. Anyone have any suggestions for a CHEAP and ACCURATE? I have also lost 1/2 inch everywhere! I had several days where I was slightly over calories this week! I am almost to my first goal of 299 and I still have 2 weeks to get there. I am slightly scared that the scale may be off bad and when I get a new one my weight is not going to be where think it is. :-( I am thinking about stopping by my DR's office and weighing on the scale there, so that I know I have an accurate weight.

    I am also having a hard time convincing myself to eat my exercise calories. When I do I feel like I am overeating. Should I just not exercise as much if I can't eat the calories back?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Annette - there are several theories on eating exercise calories back... Congrats on your loses so far. Next week I hope you hit your goal. What is your base cal amount? If you are eating 500 to 1000 less than what you need to maintain and have a significant amount to lose (over 100 pounds to lose) you can get away without eating the exercise cals. If you are severely restricting cals and only eating 1200, then you need to eat your exercise cals. As you get closer 200, you may need to re-eval what you're doing and change your plan... The lighter you get, the more it's necessary to eat the exercise cals back. Banks1850 (aka SHBoss) offers very sound advice and is one of my inspirations one MFP!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Saturday check-in 2379 consumed, 3528 burned and exercise 10 mile run...
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Well its Sunday the weather is glorious and I'm ready to push the baby up my parents via the taff trail (inbetween a mountain and river) its around 6 miles (not quite a 10 mile run, that's awesome Victoria) but there's pleanty of hills and ground variety and the buggy adds to it. Anyway have a peaceful Sunday all s
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Here's my stats for Saturday: Consumed:1852/ Burned: 2771/ Deficit 919

    It's a gorgeous day here. We're gonna ride our bikes down to the valley (with a cute little creek/river) and have a picnic. I hope you all have a lovely Sunday!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice on the calories! I was usually sticking to around 1500-1600 a day easy, sometimes getting really close to the 1800 MFP suggested. It's just the past few days I've had trouble eating 1200...but I only exercised on Friday, well, I did major spring cleaning all day, but it burned calories. Normally, I have my snacks of what I want. If I have a day where I want some chocolate, I eat a piece, if I want queso/cheese (my weakness) I portion it, instead of eating a jar of it or a whole block of cheese like I used to. I'll have to remember on days that I exercise to get in those extra calories, and make sure they're good ones. I know a handful of almonds can do it...they're just in my desk at work!

    Would one of those buggs be good for someone who doesn't get to exercise much but does a lot of stuff around the house/playing with her kids & isn't sure how to count the calories? I can play in the floor with my 2 yr old for an hour & feel like I got a workout, but I don't know how to measure those calories!

    Annette-I bought a biggest loser scale online through Amazon & got it for $25 & with their free super-saver shipping, it was nice! It supposedly can measure body fat, but that feature only seems to work for my husband, not me, but it does let you have up to 12 users on it & seems to be pretty accurate & consistent!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there all

    I am holding steady at 200 this week.

    I've been busy quilting this week. I am working on a piece. Did a bit then took it all out, Started over. All the little muscles in my back are protesting.

    My eating has been right on all week but I think there is too much salt in my diet. So I am being more thoughtful and focusing on drinking more water.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yocum - yes the Bugg or BMF would be great for getting cal burn all day which would include time playing with little ones. It amazes me how much it jumps up when I cook/clean in the kitchen for an hour. Even better than a ball chair would be taking a 5 min break every hour to get up and walk, do jumping jacks, etc. Call it thinking on your feet and you'd burn even more cals. I started C25K when I was 225 and really feel it helped me to lose weight.

    Amy - have fun biking and picnicing!!! Glad your hubby will still get paid. Are your mom and brother still sticking with it?

    Ronnie - enjoy your hike. Trail walking is great exercise - pushing the buggy just adds more cal burn. Congrats on your loss this week.

    Annette - good luck getting a new scale. I have a doctor's model scale with sliding weights and love it but it's pretty big, accurate but not cheap. I'd never tell you not to exercise. I think exercise is important for mental health. Great job on your loss this week. Remember small changes so that you can make them stick and in time, life will be full of good days.

    Andrea - it's so nice when people notice. Congrats on losing inches and pounds!!!

    Amber - It's nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear your dad is sick. Dad's are super special - treasure every moment with him!!! I'd give anything for another day with my dad.

    Kendal - hope the beach is great and cant wait to see the lightening pics. If your knees are going past your toes while squating, it puts huge stress on your knees. I'd avoid low squat, twisting moves forever - SORRY... Can you find a way to still dance and modify the move to put less stress on your knees?

    Kristina - that's funny that all the color guard groups are doing the same new move. Hope you're enjoying yourself.

    Hallie - hope the ACT test went well!!! When's prom? What I like about Zumba is that it doesn't feel like exercise - it's dancing and dancing is fun. I also like Dancing to the oldies with Richard Simmons. Dancing is dancing as long as the music is good. You can look info up on the BodyBugg at this site - http://my.apexfitness.com/index.php or the BodyMedia Fit at - http://www.bodymedia.com/

    Lacey - have fun with the fam!!! I don't plan to log cal next weekend. It's just too hard with eating out and family cooking. Yeah for losing weight!!! You're doing great. Sorry your shins are sore. Have you looked at your shoes? You may need new ones.

    Sarah - glad you're gaining confidence. Sorry to hear about all your life stresses. Glad your grandfather is doing better and that they are being realistic.

    Suzie - hope that interview happens sooner rather than later.

    Kerry - hope you had a great weekend at the cabin. Campfires and board games - fun, fun, fun!!! Onederland is in your near future - I can feel it!!!

    Eunice - you can get MP3 versions of C25K downloaded to iTunes and put those on your shuffle. I used Robert Ulery (?sp) which was some bizzarre techno music that I actually liked. I've heard about ?? Brown having more current music. Search the ITunes store for them or do a web search.

    Noelle - good luck getting to onederland with this weeks weigh in!!!

    Crystal - congrats on your weight loss. Keep up the great work.

    Now that I've taken an hour to catch up on everything - it's time to Zumba!!! I need a short workout then off to paperwork before this old fart starts watching the Masters at 2...
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Victoria: Thank you! My brain still hurts after it! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Prom is little over a month- May 14th! It's a little later for us but it's still very exciting! I must admit I do like Richard Simmons! :) Ah, that link is very helpful for the BodyBugg!

    I'm going to a concert tonight and I'm very excited! WHOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

    I'll catch up on posts later tonight/tomorrow. :)

    My weigh in is 261.5. Ahhhh, didn't go down BUT DIDN'T GO UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and have a good week!! :)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Wow, this thread got busy this weekend!

    Friday night my husband and I went to Boston Pizza for dinner. There is absolutely *nothing* on their menu that is remotely healthy. So I had pizza and just watched my portion size. Finished off my leftovers today.

    Yesterday we went over to a friend's house for dinner - had a really nice time visiting and getting to know our friend's kitten.

    I weighed in yesterday morning at 224.4 for a net change of -2.4 lbs. I have now lost over 10% of my body weight! Woohoo!

    Anyway, it's gaming night so I'd best get back to paying attention. The neighbours rocking out to 80s hair metal is awfully distracting, though!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm totally slacking on this topic but still keeping up. I promise to check in here more. O:) Haha.

    I ended up at 239 last week so that will be my starting point. (YAY, lost one pound more than my initial goal! :D )

    So looking to be at 235 end of this week. I have a meeting with a personal trainer at the gym I go to tomorrow. Depending on cost I may try that, although budget is an issue being a single mom and all. I'm hoping they have a deal like they did when I joined (5 sessions for $100, no contract) but we'll see what comes of it. Otherwise I'll just keep up my 4-5 days a week on my own and walking now that the nice weather has hit! I started 30 Day Shred too so we'll see how that goes. The first day kicked my butt!

    *Sigh* I want nothing more than to be in a bikini someday... :P
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm back home. It was a short but sweet visit. Food was okay but not great. Could definitely been worse.
    Jeff and I snuck out and watched the movie Your Highness. If you like highschool potty humor and spoof movies then you will LOVE it. I don't normally care for spoof movies because they are so obvious, but this one totally spoofed everything from Little Mermaid to Tangled to other adult movies I can't even remember in a way that was subtle but you got it. It was dirty fun and boobs and cussing straight from the beginning and we cracked up the whole movie.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I would love to join this group! I am 260 something pounds and need to lose over 100. My only problem is..... I do not have a scale nor do I know where to go to get weighed. I am also looking for friends on this site for motivation.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I suppose I could add that I don't think I'll ever remember to do the daily check-ins of calories, but I've been doing good. If I find myself even remotely tempted to fall off the bandwagon, I'll start and keep it up just to make sure but otherwise I usually have my hands full. :P

    Also, my ex (father of my daughter) and I had been trying to work things out between us since December. Thursday night he decided that he ultimately couldn't do it (D-bag). *Sigh* So after lots of crying and a sleepless night I managed to get over it...mostly. It's for the best anyways and if it's meant to be, it will happen when the time is right. In the meantime, I've been working on getting my appetite back. I have an anxiety condition and previous anorexia issues so when big traumatic things happen, not only do I not have an appetite (and sometimes I'm even nauseous at the thought of food), but I feel that not eating is an adequate punishment for "not being good enough". I didn't hop on a scale but I do know that my body loves losing weight and considering I was only able to force a 200 calorie slim fast meal replacement bar down on Friday and Saturday, I'm sure I'm down some. (For some reason my body has never been the type to "rebel" to starvation like everything says it's supposed to. Although when I lose motivation and willpower and eat thousands of calories per day afterwards, of course I'm headed to gain it all back.) But I managed 1103 calories today, so I'm doing better. When I lose it this time, I want it to be permanent. I want healthy HABITS to keep it off. :)
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