200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    So this morning.. I weighed myself.. and Ta-Da!!!!!!! 198.4:noway: .. WHOOP WHOOOOOOOOOP. LOL :glasses: I'm hoping that means I really DID have that 3-pound loss last week!!!! I have a dance and tone class tonight so I'm guessing I'll be in pain tommorow.. It's a good pain though. LOL. Have a wonderful day ladies!!!!

    Hi AMY! 60's... you're so LUCKY!!!!! Can't wait to have that again.. :grumble:

    Hi KERRY! Your dinner should be interesting.. sounds like a drama-filled Friday! LOL Hopefully all will go smooth!!!

    Hi VICTORIA! Broccolini sounds delish.. I'll look for some next time I'm food shopping... How is it usually prepared?

    Hi ANGELA, my fellow newbie! =)

    Hi Lacey, I have never tried.. and will never try.. Thanks for the info! LOL :wink:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- I've totally been obsessed with food recently too.... not really BAD food per say (let's pretend the donuts didn't happen), but just any food sounds good. Like, I'm already thinking about my mediterannean lunch tomorrow, and I want it so bad, I might "pre-game" for lunch today (I'm not excited about my lean cuisine) and get some hummus and pita, and perhaps some lentil soup for lunch today. Yum!

    Angela- welcome!

    Suzie- nice to hear from you!!

    Lacey- nice work completing day one of c25k. You'll do fine at it, with your running before.

    Amy- I totally subscribed to Vegetarian Times as well. Oh the pictures kill me! Love Runner's World as well. Good luck on your workouts today!

    Kerry- sometimes you can be the last person to know the loss difference. I mean, you might notice it in your clothes, but not see physically when looking at yourself in the mirror. I know periodically I'll be like, whoa-- I look smaller there, but it's such a slow process, it's sometimes hard to tell. And yikes.. hope things go well with your friends.

    As for me, things are okay. I dropped Emma off at a trial doggy day care run out of a women's home out in the country. Looked really cute. I hope it works out okay, as I'd like to be able to board her. Today is a "light" exercise day with only INSANITY pure cardio & cardio abs. It's a sad day when just under an hour of INSANITY is a light workout. Food should be okay today overall and should come under calories.

    No surprise that the pound that mysteriously came off yesterday is back on this morning.. the exercise only did so much after the Donut Incident of 2011.

    I've got a long weekend coming up in Pittsburgh with my two coworkers who are both running the same half as Victoria.. they're long run is 7 miles this weekend.. Mine's only 6, but I might try to run it with them. A bit nervous as 1) it's a 2-mile jump from my longest this time around and 2) One of them is a speed demon. So, we'll see. I'm hoping to keep the eating reeled in as much as possible, but it certainly will be not as good for eating for me as I normally would.

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Today was almost a calorie disaster. I made the vegan, gluten free cupcakes from my cookbook and they were a bit too tasty. I had 2. There was a lot more protein and fiber than a regular cupcake has (cuz they're made from garbanzo-fava bean flour) but there's still calories there. I made up for it by cutting back on the guacamole (sad) and by doing an additional Zumba DVD. So I burned about 900 calories today with my exercise but I TOTALLY ate most of it back.

    Kristina: I am totally obsessed with food. This isn't really a new thing for me but being obsessed with cooking is kind of a newish thing for me. Enjoy your "light" cardio day (Ha ha- u are such a rockstar!).

    Eunice: WTG on the 3 pound loss last week!! Awesome!!!

    Lacey: I wear mine on my leg at night and it stays put really well. I was wearing it on my arm but I started to get a rash and I am SOOOO not down with that. So I kind of move it around so it doesn't irritate my skin.

    Kerry: The P90X Plyo workout is my favorite! It's sooo hard but sooooo good!!!! It really stinks that you are in the middle of you're friends' relationship problems. That's really a no-win situation. I hope it all works out.

    Victoria: WTG staying under your calories!!! You're doing fab!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    still lurking.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    For you food lovers, I present to you the most bestest food book in the world. Seriously. I hear angels sing when I open it. The Flavor Bible.


    Everything you could ever think of and what spices, foods, etc. etc. etc. pairs with it. It is flucking a-mazing. It is a cross reference of flavor combinations.

    Hands down still the most exciting food book I've come across.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal hows it going??

    Amy - I've mostly just worn the thing on my leg except for at night. I don't really like it on my arm its uncomfortable..but then at night I don't like it on my leg, so yeah. lol.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Kerry: Great job on the workout. I love it when I can still feel it hours later. Not the 'ouch I want to die' kind of feeling it, but the 'wow, that was awesome and I'm sore but energized' kind of feeling.

    Eunice: Way to go! I'm looking forward to the day I'm in Onederland as well.

    Kristina: Insanity sounds... well... insane :P. I'm thinking of trying it once my fitness level is a little bit higher. How are you finding it?

    Amy: The cupcakes sound tasty but good on you for making up the extra calories and still staying within your goals.

    Lacey: I totally just ordered that book you recommended, along with a breads book, for my culinary-inclined husband. I'm excited for him to start experimenting with it!

    I'm doing pretty good. Generally staying under on calories and up on exercise. Work is just nuts and I really should be putting in overtime but when I do I don't finish working out until almost 8 PM, so I guess I'll have to try going in early instead. I might work this weekend, too.

    I'm also looking forward to Saturday because that's when I finish my current workout program (EA Sports Active 2 - 9 Week Program with Easy intensity). I have to say I'm impressed with how well the program has worked so far. I did a 3 week program followed by the 9 week and, in combination with exercise, that has helped me lose 21 lbs so far. In addition, I've gone down from a size 24 pants to a size 18/20 and a 3X top to a loose 2X. My 'gut' has been basically cut in half! I'm really pleased with the results and I'm going to try doing the 3 week short program on Hard next.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    So this morning.. I weighed myself.. and Ta-Da!!!!!!! 198.4:noway: .. WHOOP WHOOOOOOOOOP. LOL :glasses: I'm hoping that means I really DID have that 3-pound loss last week!!!! I have a dance and tone class tonight so I'm guessing I'll be in pain tommorow.. sounds like a drama-filled Friday! LOL Hopefully all will go

    Congrats and great job Eunice!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yesterday was a bad day... 2683 burned and 2697 consumed... I guess it could have been worse. Today will be a better day...

    Enjoy your Thursday!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Here's the low-down for yesterday: I burned 3126 which is made slightly less amazing by my eating of 2154 calories for a deficit of 972 - which really isn't too bad for a 2 cupcake-day.

    Today I have a headache from Hell. Seriously, my head feels like it's being pounded on from all sides and I keep getting a bit light headed when I stand up. The Excedrin isn't touching it. Maybe I should get Botox (LOL).

    I did Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs and MAN am I tired! I forgot how hard Insanity abs was. Shaun T ain't messing around with that! I also did the Wii Fit for a little bit and was so stupid-happy that my Wii Fit age is 28 (which is 4 years less than my actual age). That dumb game has been calling me 36-39 for YEARS!!!

    Victoria: Props to you for posting your cals even when there was a slight overage (and it really was only very slight). Today will be better!!!

    Sarah: You've had such great success!!! Way to go!! I bet you'll do great on the "hard" setting!

    Lacey: I totally ordered the Flavor Bible from Amazon. I LOVE that it isn't really a recipe book but more of an idea book. Awesomeness!!! Thanks for the recommendation.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Yesterday was a very strange day for me all around.

    First, I was wide awake at 5am. Very strange for me. So I got up. I started my morning breakfast routine two hours earlier than usual. So I had lunch at 10am. Then last night I had a migraine which totally throws off my whole mojo.

    Calories . . .well, let's just say I didn't keep my goal. I did eat the right foods just too, too much of the good stuff.

    I slept like a rock and am back on my normal routine this morning. I actually enjoyed having those two hours all to myself. So quiet. ahhhhh. But 5am probably won't become the norm.

    Today is a new day.

    I am going to do my second workout of the week this afternoon. It has been raining (ugg) but at least it's not snowing anymore (yea!)
    So I will be doing a punching bag workout today. Hopefully, the C25k will start this weekend. Thank you for mentioning the IPod app that chimes. I was trying to figure out how I was going to know when to switch up the pace.

    Have a great day ladies. I am always amazed reading about your workouts. Keep it up. You inspire me.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- how are things going for you?

    Sarah- INSANITY is well, pretty insane. It's a whole lot of cardio. The warm-up alone is pretty crazy. Even the people doing the video often have to take breaks, so I often have to as well, but is getting easier. Some moves I still can't do properly, or very many of, but I'm working on it. I liked it cause it was a shorter program than p90x, and was more cardio cardio cardio.

    Victoria- proud of you checking in with your calories! What sort of food did you eat that cause you to be over? Just curious! Try and make today an even better day with the eating than usual to compensate!

    Amy- we're insanity twins! I did pure cardio and cardio abs yesterday. I'm not able to do that last move when you hope up from lower plank to regular plank, so I just omit it and do bicycle crunchs. I'm still working those abs for a minute! My arms and shoulders are a bit sore today. All those insanity moves are catching up with me!

    My check in from yesterday:
    1512 eaten / 577 exercise calories / 265 left over. Not too shabby-- wish it could have been a bit better

    The pound that came off on Monday, then reappeared yesterday, has fallen off again this morning and then some. I was 176.8! I think this week, as I'll be out of town through Monday afternoon, I'll probably count my weigh in tomorrow as my week's weigh in. Emma was completely tuckered out after her day care experience. The lady said she was running around pretty much all day and had just crashed not long before I picked her up, so she was dead to the world last night, so no additional long walk with her.

    Today's a double workout day for me again. 3 mile run and INSANITY cardio resistance and power. Fun? I will be home early this afternoon, so I should get an early start on it. That is, if I don't decide to get a nap in. haha. My workout schedule is going to be off this weekend as I'm traveling, but my plan is to do my scheduled INSANITY workout tomorrow, as planned before leaving for Pittsburgh, do the long run with my co-workers over the weekend 7 miles, instead of the scheduled 6. I'll skip the cardio recovery workout, and will not work out the other day of the weekend. I'll have my Monday (which is scheduled as a rest day) to do the 3-mile run and INSANITY workout. So, my schedule should stay pretty full. The only workout I'll miss is the cardio recovery, and dude, I'm running 7ish miles that day. I think I'll be okay.

    Busy day at work today... but will try and check in again this evening.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I haven't worked out in a week. I'm in such a funk. I need sunshine to pick up my spirits. :frown:
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    I haven't worked out in a week. I'm in such a funk. I need sunshine to pick up my spirits. :frown:

    Same hereeeee :-/ I'm blaming it on TOM. LOL!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hello All.

    Not been around for a couple of days - have been unable to drag myself away from food consumption. The good news, I am back and thinking I shuold share weight and goals for the next six weeks.

    I could cheat and give todays weight - way heavier than Monday but have decided that would be wrong so going with 189.

    My goals for six weeks (although I am aware have eaten my way through half of week one)

    1. To have more 'good days' than bad
    2. In first two weeks to eat a healthy breakfast and only fruit after dinner
    3. For remainder of weeks maintain (2) and ensure eat a healthy lunch with meals planned for dinner.
    4. To exercise three times each week
    5. To add photo to my profile.
    6. By the end of six weeks to be able to respond to your postings more individually

    Am aware that these may seem like strange goals when you all looking at weight loss but mine issues are always around my general behaviour with food and I need to change this first and 'control' as I always go way off course when trying to lose any weight, add controls.

    Thanks for all being there. You've made me come back and have been on my mind over the last few days which I am sure has made this 'binge fest' as short as it has been.


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Annette - I think it is wise for you to focus down on what you think is more important because you are more likely to stick to your plan that way. It is what I have to do too.

    It is NUTS here right now at work. I haven't synced yet but know I burned over 3000 cals yesterday. I need to wear it on my arm one day and see if there is any difference but honestly I don't want to deal with the people at work about it.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Annette, no goals are weird! Its good that you know what you need to work on to be able to maintain this permanently. So much of eating and exercising is emotional, so its awesome that you are trying to get to the bottom of that and build from there.

    Kendall, I'm bummed that you're in such a funk... weather is always pretty crappy for that. You gotta bust yourself out of that... just going for a walk or doing something will help!

    Noelle, sounds like you did have a bit of a weird day. At least the night after you got up at 5 you slept like a rockstart, that's always good. I pretty much get up at 5:30 every morning during the week. This morning I tried to sleep until 6:30 and just tossed and turned.

    Amy, boo for headaches. Its so hard to even think about accomplishing anything else when you're head is messed up. I hope it gets better soon.

    Victoria, we all have bad days. I agree with Kristina, just be extra good today to make up for it!

    Sarah, congrats on all the progess! You really are doing great, and I'm sure results will keep on coming!

    Kristina, seriously, you are an inspiration. 7 miles? 176.8? You're practically to 160s.

    Eunice, wtg on the 3 pound loss! Now make sure you're keeping up with it! :wink:

    This morning was shoulders/arms/ab ripper x.... I tried to do a 15 minute cardio on demand afterward, and let me just say, plyo sufficiently kicked my butt yesterday. My legs are toast right now. I'm kinda loving it. I'm worried that the scale and I aren't going to be very good friends tomorrow since I'm sure I'm retaining all kinds of fluid in my muscles, but I'm not going to let that get me down. I've been under on cals all week and haven't missed any workouts, so I'm okay with it.

    This weekend should be good... we decided we're not going to Ikea on Saturday and instead are going to grocery shop and maybe tend to the yard a little. So I am planning on pushing through the weekend with p90x without a rest day, and I should be able to control my food since we're not going out to bars with friends. Still have to get through dinner tomorrow night though. I'll probably try to double up on workouts tomorrow so that I'm covered for cals.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Woah...slow day in the thread.

    Today is a food bust. It would have been okay that I ate a personal pizza for lunch with some girl scout cookies, but we had thai food out for dinner..so yeah. No working out.

    Tomorrow I go to see my husbands councilor for the first time. Thankfully I've been busy enough that I haven't had time to dwell on it. I know its for the best but bearing your soul to some random who has already talked to your spouse ain't gonna be easy. So I have apprehension but it will be okay.
    And then after the session I WILL go to the gym and do c25k day 2. I have the urge to get on the treadmill and I expect that no matter how I feel after the meeting I will have a great need to get some exercise in and torch some fat - maybe both literally and figuratively...bodily and consciously if you get my meaning.

    OK....time to check out. Peace out.

    edit, jeez my spelling blows tonight...but i've corrected this post twice, what else is left stays lol.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Low down for Thursday: 1632 cals eaten/ 2781 burned/ 1149 deficit.

    Well, today is my weigh-in day and I have nothing to report.:grumble: I'm right at the end of my TOM, so I guess I'll have to blame my lack of movement on that. Honestly, I've been up all week so to weigh-in at 203 (last week's weight) is actually improvement.

    Lacey: I love Thai food (and Girl Scout cookies). I hope it was delicious! I also hope that seeing your husband's counselor goes ok. I definitely agree that going for a run afterward will be great for you!

    Kerry: Don't freak out if the scale is not too nice to you for the first couple of weeks of P90X. I didn't start losing until I was into my second month but my body was changing shape the whole time I was doing it. Just keep it up and you will be happy.

    Annette: I think your goals are great! Everyone should tailor their goals to their own needs and I particularly like your goal of having more good days than bad! I think I'm gonna adopt that goal.

    Eunice & Kendal: You will both feel better if you get a little exercise in you. The exercise will help lift the funk. Just go for a little walk or something. I promise that the sunshine will come soon.

    Kristina: WOW! Your workout schedule this weekend is making me exhausted! lol. Keep it up, you're keeping me motivated..."must be like Kristina...must be like Kristina..."

    Noelle: Good luck with C25K, it's awesome!!!

    Today is a rest day for Insanity, so I have my Kettleworx workout with The Hubbs and I think I'm gonna run a couple of miles if the weather holds out (been kinda rainy all week). If the weather is crappy, then I guess I'll suck it up and use the treadmill. I hope you all have a beautiful Friday!!! Keep at it!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    I have been reading ya'll's post daily and it puts a smile on my face! So encouraging!


    Yesterday, I went to my Grandparent's house to see them for the day (they live a hour away, keep this in mind because it's important later on, ha.) We went shopping and then went to Baker's Square. I got an adult grilled cheese w/ french fries and a side of honey mustard. I decided since that was such a heavy calorie meal (I deserved it since I've lost 11 pounds.) I got ice cold water. My grandparents laughed at me and said to me "Shouldn't you be eating healthier since you're on a diet?" URGH! I'M NOT ON A DIET! I AM "ON" A LIFE CHANGE!! So that irritated me, I was going to go work out but then my mother called and said I needed to get home since it was getting dark out (I still had a hour drive and she doesn't like me driving in the dark.). So, that ticked me off but I did walk around my house some when I got home. (It's better than nothing.) The food database ticked me off yesterday too because I couldn't find my lunch w/ my grandparents on the food database. Urgh. Also, I made homemade cookie cake the other day with my friend, it was SOOOOO GOOD!! In terms of database for food I put "10 chocolate chip cookie @ 100 calories/cookie" which equaled 1000 calories. I figured that would cover my Baker's Square lunch and the cookie cake pieces. :)

    Anyways, sorry for the venting but had to get that off my chest.
    I weighed in this morning at 261.5 and decided I am close to TOM since I feel like hell and breaking out. My goal is to never go below "10 pounds lost" on my ticker. Hopefully, I'll get working out in today and everything will be much better!

    Hope everyone is doin' well on our first week of the challenge!! :D


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