200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! My calorie cutting has been working all on its own so far! Keeping it under 1800 since March 1st! I've only gone over 2ce! I just bought myself a scale for the first time in my life! I normally only weigh on Mondays at work...but I had to play with it when I got it on Friday...I was excited to see 3lbs! I'd already lost 14 when I started MFP! My initial goal is to get down to 200...which is even beyond pre-kid weight! Thanks so much in advance for all of your support!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Sat - 2537 burned and 2436 consumed. Exercise 40 min Yoga, 1 mile dog walk and 20 min Kettlebell workout.

    I made wonderful roasted chickpeas yesterday. Add 2 Tbs olive oil, salt and pepper to taste to 2 cups chickpeas and bake at 400 for 15-20 min until crisp. Nice snack - DH quote "better than fries"...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I've already eaten 600 cal this morning - on purpose!!! I have my 9 to 10 mile run in 2 hours. I needed to fuel up - salmon patty, chick peas and guacamole... YUMMY... 2 to 3 inches of snow are expected today - BOO, HISS!!! :cry: It hasn't started yet.

    Now I finally have time to respond to everyone this week (*wink*)

    Yocum - welcome to our group:flowerforyou: You can get to onederland and will feel great along the way. Feel free to make your ticker say 17 pounds lost. I'd include your pre-MFP loss and be proud of it. Great job on your loss so far.

    Eunice - Congrats on getting to onderland:flowerforyou: Keep up the great work.

    Lacey - you're a calorie burning machine!!! Your numbers are wonderful. That scale should start moving soon. I agree that you probably weren't eating enough before.

    Angela - nice job on getting 6 workouts in. If you changed your workout this week, you could be having water retention in the muscles as they are healing (are your muscles sore?) I'm not sure about your question - are you losing weight but not shrinking? I think you'll make your goal... Now that I've gone back more posts, I think I have the answer to your question - you are losing weight but not inches. How many spots are you measuring and are you doing it yourself or is someone helping. You may not be getting it back in the exact spot each time or shrinking in areas that you are not measuring. It is very hard to measure yourself. I take notes such as 7 inches above the top of the knee cap for the thigh measurement. Look at the big picture - are your clothes fitting better? Do you feel better? In time the weight and measurements will both go down.

    Amy - How was the biking? I can't wait to get mine out this summer. Vegan times should have been Vegetarian Times - sorry it's the same one...

    WIChelle - hope you met your goals this week...

    Amber - we miss you.. Thanks for popping in but don't forget to let us know how you're doing!!!

    Ronnie - your ticker poster sounds fabulous!!! Hope your son is feeling better...

    Kerry - 14s - SWEET!!!! I'm impressed that you're doing P90X. I gave up after a month since I missed running too much. P90X is a huge time constraint but it works - how could it not work if you're exercising 60 to 90 min a day... I just purchased a Yoga DVD with 20 min workouts that's much easier than that 90 min one.

    Andrea - hope you're recovering from your vacation.

    Hallie - as to treats. I started out with food treats too. I still eat a serving of Kettle Chips (salty not sweet foods are my weakness) at times because I crave them. The more weight I lost, the more I realized non food rewards were better. My biggest motivation was buying a leather jacket that didn't fit. I hung it in my closet and drooled every time I got dressed. I was so happy the day it finally fit. Due to the warmer weather this week, I got to wear it and received tons of compliments. I keep joking with myself that I need to buy a "little black dress" and hang it up to kick my tush into losing more weight. Sorry about the trouble with your grandparents not understanding. I try to tell people that I can eat anything but watch portion size.

    Lacey - I love sweet potato fries made in the oven. You're right that there's no dif between reg and sweet potato fries if cooked in oil. Nice job with C25K. I'm glad the counseling session went well. You're book link inspired me to pull out an old Vegetarian Cook book with info. I must have spent an hour reviewing it yesterday.

    Suzie - good luck with the interview. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Noelle - great job with starting C25K. If I finished the program, anyone can!!! keep us posted on your progress. Another eating out option is to share a meal. It makes the calories much more reasonable. We often do that and order an extra side salad.

    Kendal - I hope your blahs are better. Hopefully you can get out in some sunshine to get a sun pick me up. I'd suspect some depression from breaking up with Tyler and the crappy/snow weather you've been having. I have soooooo have Cabin Fever here. Did you get back to the P90X this week?

    Annette - hope you're staying on track. I think your goals look great.

    Kristina - how'd the run go? Hope you're having fun in the mountains of Pittsburgh. I spent 5 weeks there on a school clinical 20 years ago. I'm sure it's changed. What I remember most was the hills and getting lost. We could see the movie theater and couldn't get there - you just can't go around the block since the hills get in the way... I'm sending Emma some good thoughts and hope she's doing well without you.

    sarah - awesome job cleaning out the closet!!! You are doing so well. Good luck on the "Hard" program - does it start today?

    Sorry if I missed anyone... I tried to go through all the posts but something may have slipped through. I enjoy having all of you to keep me accountable, to make me laugh and to pick me up when I'm down - Thank You all for being my super special friends!!! I now have an hour to go until I start my run. I'm doing 6 alone then friends are joining me for 3 to 4 more. My whole goal is not to puke this week - that's why I ate extra early this week... Have a great Sunday!!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey all! Just going to check in quickly with my weight: 226.8 lbs as of 30 minutes ago, for a weekly loss of 2.2 lbs. I'll catch up on everyone this afternoon as I have to go in to work for a bit first.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My bff let me buy her Nike+ Sensor and 3 cases off her for only $15 so I've synced that up with my ipod and am going to give lexi a good walk/jog today. The sun is shining and I SOOOOO needed this. You may be right Victoria- maybe this funk is the realization of breaking up with Taylor and being lonely all over again. I had a date last weekend and I thought it went well but I never heard from the guy again. :frown: A friend had a kid with his girlfriend about 3 weeks ago and we went last night to meet the baby. He's the most content little thing in the world. I've always wanted to have kids and its just another reminder that I'm alone.

    My bff from high school's grandmother passed away Friday and the viewing is tonight. BFF and I are going.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    So anyone interested in an Xbox Kinect?? I won it at my work Christmas party and I bought one game, played it once and there it sits. Brand new. Gonna get rid of it. We have a Wii too but I think we will keep it.

    I'm down to 207.2 this morning. Can't wait to see where I am at tomorrow, and hope to hell that I've finally got it figured out!

    Kendall - I know this is cliche and people probably tell you this all the time...I know from experience what its like to have always wanted to have kids, as many people do. I grew up thinking I'd be married at 18 and four kids by 22. I am SO freaking thankful that didn't happen, that I didn't have G until I was 29. You are still young and have a ton, a TON, of time to have children. My bff and ohter close friend are both due within a month of each other and will be 34 when they give birth.
    Dating kind of blows, but I did enjoy the online thing. That is how Jeff and I met...match.com!
    Good for you for getting out and walking/running. You will feel so much better if you do it.

    Victoria - wow thats a long run this morning, can't blame you for eating that much. My breakfasts are always around 400-500 so to me that doesn't seem like all that much..gotta fuel your body! I've made roasted chick peas before and they are good.

    Sara - yeay on the weight loss!!

    Yocum - you can do it, keep with us girl!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: What do you want for your Xbox Kinect? Trav keeps ALMOST buying one and I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. Good job on getting the scale to move - u rock!

    Kendal: Dood! I wish I had waited longer before having my son. (I was 24) I'm glad I have him and all that but it would have been nice to spend a bit more time being kid-free before being tied to an ever-present shadow. (I know I sound like a terrible mom right there but I'm being honest). I agree with Lacey - dating sucks. I was never good at dating. I met my husband at work. BTW - you are young and strong and beautiful and I am 100% sure that you will not be alone forever.

    Sarah: Great loss this week!

    Victoria: Holy cow, I hope that run was good! I'm pretty sure I'd die. You rock! My bike ride was AWESOME - thanks for asking. We rode around the nature park near our house for an hour and a half. Up and down hills, past creeks and ravines, through the woods - it was freaking awesome. I'm soo grateful that The Hubbs bought me a new wheel and then figured out all the steps to actually get it on the bike (it was the back wheel with all the gear stuff and chain stuff on it). He's my hero!

    Today was a rest day (which I really need as I am sooo sore!). I ate pretty good - mostly. I ended up making some blueberry vanilla cream turnovers that were pretty calorific but looked to good NOT to make. (I've had a blueberry jones going for about 2 weeks now) I'm making The Hubbs take the leftovers to work to get them out of the house. Anyway, the day got past me so I'll check in with ya'll tomorrow.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Just an FYI.. I will not be weighing in this week as my TOM started today... & is bound to through me off.

    Lacey - You are doing amazingly well... with your food, workout & calorie defeicit.. Great Job!!!!! Hang in there.. the weight has to shift sooner or later.

    I work in the software industry in silicon valley... product management/marketing is the work I do.. but am in the interview process (seems like an extended one) with one of the big five consulting companies, though it might mean travel every week.

    Kerry - Congrats for the size 14 jeans:-) So exciting & great achievement.

    Ronnie - great goals:-)

    Victoria - I will be rooting for you on the sidelines:) Do you use a Zumba dvd? Any you can recommend? Love your chick pea snak as well as your breakfast today:-)

    Yocum - welcome... its a great group of people & you will find good support here:)

    Noelle - Yay for your commitment to the C25K!

    atucker_mom - you seem to be doing really well with getting to your goal weight! I am not sure about the swelling & the reason thereof.. so no thoughts on that.

    Sarah - awesome loss!!!!

    Love & hugs to all.. you all are doing soo well. Have a fabulous week:-)

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Victoria - I will be rooting for you on the sidelines:) Do you use a Zumba dvd? Any you can recommend? Love your chick pea snak as well as your breakfast today:-)

    Yes, I use the Zumba set DVDs... http://www.amazon.com/Zumba-Fitness-Total-Transformation-System/dp/B002HZ4XMC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1301864647&sr=8-1 Cost now about $65 on Amazon or $85 from the zumba.com site. I really like the videos since I cant get to any classes... Good luck and wiggle that Booty
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy I will sell the Xbox kinect whole thing with a Sonic game that's like air skateboarding for $275. I can even ship it from wOrk for a better freight rate since we ship to germany all the time.

    Well I did garden work today and threw my effing lower back out. It's hurting like a mother. I hope it's better by tomorrow so I can run. Poop.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi there! I'm Crystal and although I wasn't able to browse through all posts, this looked like a good place to start being new to MFP and all. :happy:

    I'm still a little confused about the check ins. I love the idea given accountability and such but is it more of a weekly weight check in, or is it net calories daily submission?

    Currently 245, dreaming of the 150/160. :smile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Crystal (*flowers for you*) we check-in weekly with weight sometime between Friday and Monday morning. Several of us have "slipped up" and gained a few pounds back (*hangs head in shame - I gained 10*) so we decided to post for accountability cals consumed vs cals burned daily... It had helped or at least logging food again has since I've lost 3.25 of what I'd gained (*wipes sweat off brow*)... This group has been going strong for a year and a half. Some of us have been here the whole time and others are newer. We love the energy of new people and are happy to help with any questions. 3 of us are wearing BodyBugg/Media so cal burned are noted for a 24 hour time frame.

    To everyone - have a great night and a wonderful Monday...
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome Crystal (*flowers for you*) we check-in weekly with weight sometime between Friday and Monday morning. Several of us have "slipped up" and gained a few pounds back (*hangs head in shame - I gained 10*) so we decided to post for accountability cals consumed vs cals burned daily... It had helped or at least logging food again has since I've lost 3.25 of what I'd gained (*wipes sweat off brow*)... This group has been going strong for a year and a half. Some of us have been here the whole time and others are newer. We love the energy of new people and are happy to help with any questions. 3 of us are wearing BodyBugg/Media so cal burned are noted for a 24 hour time frame.

    To everyone - have a great night and a wonderful Monday...

    Thank you for the welcome and the info! I'm so excited to get this going and loving the site! :) I'll probably end up "weighing in" on Thursday and posting on Friday (since I use the scale at the clinic I work at for accuracy :tongue: )
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ah that reminds me....for yesterday: 3081 burned/2500 eaten/581 deficit.

    Today, well after my back went out I didn't want to cook or go grocery shopping so we went to mexican restaurant down the road. Generally I get molcajete which while high in calories is a decent choice...today I got enchiladas crema. A gut bomb of chicken and cheese enchiladas in a spicy sourcream sauce, and ate the whole platter, beans and rice and all..and chips and salsa. I can't even begin to guess what the meal was calorically though I am guessing the plate was around 2500 cals. The good thing is that I won't even be close to being hungry for dinner or a snack later, but I will be a bust on cals today thats for sure.

    And I forgot the churros. Something we never ever ever get. Damn me.

    Crystal - welcome!! Its nice to have a group you can talk about your daily life with since life is what gets in the way of weight so much. Jump right in!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I'll talk to The Hubbs about the XBox & see what he says and let you know. I'm sorry your back went out on you. I've totally done the eat-the-fatty-Mexican-food-platter thing. You'll probably be feeling a bit cruddy tomorrow but, honestly, it's just one meal. Get back on track and don't beat yourself up about it.....mmmm...churros. The Hubbs makes churros from scratch.

    Victoria: You keep doing what you've been doing (logging your food and running your butt off) and the rest of those 10 pounds will be history - and then some more to boot! I love roasted chickpeas! You can also play with seasonings (garlic salt, cayenne, etc or even use some cocoa powder and stevia to make cocoa roasted chickpeas.

    Crystal: Hi there & welcome! You'll find that the ladies around here are great! I'm like Victoria, I find that it's better for me to post my daily calorie consumption/burn to keep me accountable. I also wear a Bodybugg type thing (called the Body Media Fit) and so I post total calories burned in a 24 hour period - not calories burned just through exercise.

    I forgot to post my calorie intake & deficit for Sat & Sun: Saturday was 2731 burned/ 1627 eaten/ 1104 deficit
    Sunday was: 2462 burned (rest day, I was a bit of a slug) and I have no clue what my calories were as I didn't log a single thing *hangs head in shame*. I didn't go around eating everything in sight but I am pretty sure I ate a lot of calories. This is why I need to keep posting this stuff every day as it will keep one day of being lazy from turning into a week of being lazy. Thanks for being there guys! Today is a rainy day in Germany but we took Sofie on a walk in the mud and I've got Insanity and Kettleworx on deck for today. I'm also trying my hand at making homemade seitan to accompany the curry rice bowl we're having for dinner tonight. Wish me luck! Have a great monday ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sunday check-in 2587 consumed and 3177 burned.. Exercise was the 9 mile run...

    Lacey - it's only one meal. Hop back on track today...

    Amy - Keep up the great work.
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    I weighed myself this morning and I'm 261.5. Urgh, TOM how I love you so much. :(

    I set a mini goal for myself during TOM, to keep my weight around the same, give or take a pound and a half.

    Well, I'm off to dread high school. (I can't wait until I graduate.)

    I'll reply to everyone else's posts later tonight.

    P.S. Earlier in the week thanks for all the encouragement, I wasn't pissed at anyone for telling me that "food rewards" aren't the best. I'll consider it tough love. :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hey Hallie. If you choose the "community" tab and then "signature" at the top, it will automatically post your ticker and name in every post without having to do a thing. (When you have a signature, it forces the font color green so thats how I figured you weren't using it. I can be a bit nerdy like that. :glasses: )
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I've done my walk and my Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit and will be doing my Kettleworx shortly. I also made seitan cutlets to go along with tonight's dinner and I cannot believe how easy they were to make! I'm not a big fan of tofu (normally) and tempeh is hard to get around here for some reason so I was super-excited to have a protein replacement food that can be made from ingredients I have in my pantry! Yay!

    Kendal: You are going to have a good day!

    Hailie: I'm glad that our "tough love" didn't scare you off. Don't freak out if your weight fluctuates more than a pound or so during TOM. Mine can go up as much as 3 or 4 pounds despite eating well (generally) and exercising. It's not real weight gain and it will go away when TOM is done. I hope you have a lovely day!

    Victoria: Nice burn! I can't even imagine running 9 miles - u are my running hero!
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    hey all just a quick post about the bugg some of you guys wear....the uk and i guess this side of the atlantic has the ki fit from £99 not including subscription. apologies for the lack of punctuation, little one currently wriggling around in one arm! i think they are made by the same company and im wondering if it is worth the money?