200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - awesome pics!!! I love the lightening!!! Enjoy yourself on your date...

    Amy - I feel you on the friends. I have exercise friends but no one to just come over and talk. I a admire your workouts!!!

    Kristina - give Emma a scratch behind the ears for me. I'll wave in a few hours when we pass by. Right now we're stuck in traffic. Gotta love construction and the orange barrels. Congrats on getting the raise to match the job. I'd be bald if you put me on 6 hours of phone calls.

    Amber - depression sucks. Everyone has given some great advice - lights, exercise, sun, vitamins, etc. Treasure every moment with your dad - tell him all the great things you've ever wanted to. I went into a 2 year funk after my dad died. I know he's in heaven and I talk to him. Part of the reason I'm making this lifestyle change is so I don't end up with a heart transplant at 51 and dead at 61. If I'd started before he died, maybe I could have influenced him to change. My prayers are with you and your family.

    Kerry - way to go with all the exercise!!!

    Yocum - your tatoo design sounds awesome.

    Crystal (I love your name) - good luck getting some sleep. Have fun on the movie date with your son.

    Lacey - enjoy the weekend.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Karen - thanks for putting your name in your sig... I'll try to remember it... I love your quote.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Siuzie, Ronnie, Annette, Hallie, Sandra and anyone else I may have missed... Keep up the great work and enjoy your weekends. It's so hard to respond using the iPhone rather than the computer and seeing as I'm on the road the next 4 days, I'll just promise to do my best.

    I'm do happy this group has so many people posting and keeping us active.

    I'm going to log today but will probably skip Sat and Sun. I know I'll be over with all the eating out and beer. We stop at our first brewpub in 15 min for lunch!!! I've offered to be the DD most of the weekend which should keep me in check. I can't chance a hangover for the race on Sunday.

    I just discovered string cheese - what a great snack!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My brother got arrested for methadone, not methamphetimine. They are different, according to my father, in the eyes of the cops. One is not as bad as the other. I got corrected by both my mom and dad on the nuances yesterday of his arrest and issues. I am wrong as ever. :huh: So very glad to live two and a half hours away from that. My parents want to move closer to us. While I am excited about having family support here, I am also having ginormous reservations about it too.

    Check in for yesterday: 2725 burned/221 ate/514 deficit. Scale holding out at 206.4 again this morning Sigh. I ate bacon eggs and toast for dinner last night so the sodium is high. I've only worked out once...so if I don't lose this week I won't be surprised. Especially considering I've had to de-sodium myself from last weekends foodfest.

    Revelation last night:
    I get to eat 2200ish calories now where previously I'd been eating 1500-1800. All this week I find myself with hunger zings in my stomach and wondering WTF is going on. I'm eating WAY more than I used to, this shouldn't be happening. Well...I've not wanted to cook and have been lazy on the food front, so these extra calories have been CARBS I NEVER eat on a regular basis. DUH. BIG duh right!?!?!?!
    So today I'm making my menu and will do grocery shopping and food prep this weekend so I can get back on track with that. I bet it will help the weight come off too...better food and all.
    And start back at the gym tomorrow with no excuses. I need to go a minimum of four work days next week. Thats my goal!

    Crystal - my daughter didn't sleep more than two hours at a time for the first three years of her life. Granted she was sick a lot so that was part of it, the other part of it is that she is just like my mom and just flat out had a hard time with it. Its only been the past year and half that she's finally sleeping through the night. The lack of sleep is 100% why I'm not having another kid. That and the fact that I did NOT adjust well to having a newborn. At all. Wow. LOL..

    Amber - I get depression too. I never used to until I had my daughter and my hormones changed so much. Vitamin D helps some when I remember to take it. Exercising helps a lot and also eating nonprocessed foods I think is the most vital for me. I find too that when I am like that I don't listen to music that is negative in any way and I don't watch tv shows that have anything negative in them..like CSI, etc. No death etc. Have to stay away from it. So I listen to upbeat songs and watch comedies and that helps. Anything to lighten the mood. And even just walking around a store like Target where there are other people helps. It is so very easy to get in that hole and stay there. You can do it girl!! Keep up with the exercise and food and check back with us, we are here to support you!

    Victoria - good luck and enjoy your race! We will all be waiting to hear how you did!

    I will jump back on here later and finish up responding to the rest of our lovely group!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'd like to be able to italicize.

    Just sayin. LOL.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks for the tips girls. I am going to try to keep my spirits up today. But its not starting off well. I had a stupid argument with my parents this.morning pretty early. I am going to keep on track with food today and exercise tonight when I get off from work. I'm going to try a salsa d.ance work out. It looks fun. And also I am going to try to take a new hobby on. I want to learn photography. Specifically nature photos.

    Sorry for all the rambling. Im going.to stop now and get ready for work. See yall later.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'd like to be able to italicize.

    Just sayin. LOL.

    type [.i] before the word you want to italicize and [\i] after it and it should work....just take out the . in the first part

    see? I told you I'm a nerd!! lol :glasses:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Thanks for the tips girls. I am going to try to keep my spirits up today. But its not starting off well. I had a stupid argument with my parents this.morning pretty early. I am going to keep on track with food today and exercise tonight when I get off from work. I'm going to try a salsa d.ance work out. It looks fun. And also I am going to try to take a new hobby on. I want to learn photography. Specifically nature photos.

    Sorry for all the rambling. Im going.to stop now and get ready for work. See yall later.

    omg I LOOOOOVE taking nature shots! Especially flowers and the sky....I am drawn to bright colors cause they make me happy. Do you have a camera?

    you know, it probably helps that I'm outside in the SUNSHINE when I'm out shooting....giving me all that vitamin D to make me even happier

    ETA: Scott Kelby's book ("The Digital Photography Book" volume 1) is what I have and it has FANTASTIC information about setting up your camera to get a good shot. Just be sure you also use your camera's manual cause Kelby just tells you what settings to use, you need your manual to tell you HOW to change those settings lol


    lol now you've got me rambling
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Speaking of photography...I'd like to learn enough to take pics of my food so I can have a blog. However, I suck at photog, but I can plate a perdy thing of food!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Lace a friend told me when it comes to doing something well it takes practice to get there. Just get a camera and practice photographing your food.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks kendal. Your pics are great. I have a 5 mega pixel digital camera by HP. Its nice but I would love something nicer with better quality. Maybe next year I can get one with some of my tax money. I'm going to try to save up for it before then though.

    Well today is going ok so far. I'm keeping my mind occupied in different ways. Singing, playing games with the way I do my work. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to go to the park and play with my camera some. Maybe it will do me some good. So I'm having trouble losing again so I upped my daily calorie goal. Maybe now I will lose some more. Well back to work for me. See you guys later
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Speaking of photography...I'd like to learn enough to take pics of my food so I can have a blog. However, I suck at photog, but I can plate a perdy thing of food!!

    look at lots of pictures of food other people have taken and try to copy them. What's in focus? What colors are in the picture (food, plate, table, background)? How close is the item to the viewer? What angle is the picture taken from (up close of the side of the dish, a sideways/angular view, straight from overhead)? Did they spruce up the plate by adding a few extra ingredients on top for extra color? Pay attention to the lighting, it probably won't be incredibly harsh. Does it look so good you want to lick the screen??

    my 2 cents :smile:
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Ugh I'm so ready to go home. Hurry 10 o'clock and get here so I can be done
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal I've got loads of perspective and color experience with my two degrees...its lighting I have a hard time with. Especially the way my house is positioned to the sun. 90% of the time it is in the shade, and in Oregon we just flat out don't get a ton of it anyways.

    Amber - while I've loved the fact that today has been, for me, a much needed chill day at work, its taking for-ever to get done!

    I have to get some babywipes and toilet paper at Target on the way home so I am going to browse. Maybe I will find a cute swimsuit there and not have to pay a buttload for one at Macys!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Good luck finding a swimsuit lacey.

    Yay! Only 3 more hours till I go home then I got be back a 7 am timorrow. Ugh.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    bad bad bad bad weigh in.....255..thats 2 pounds gained. Got to get my butt back into the game.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Have finally caught up on the posts - love you all for your honesty and openess.

    Weighed in yesterday - 185 - have decided my first weight goal will be to get to the 70's.....

    I'm with you all on only having the one child - many reasons but lack of sleep near the top - it does all change though - she is now 11 (she'd be correcting me - nearly 12) and I have been up for a while now and she is still giving it zzzzzzzz'z in bed.

    Kendall - would love to see your photos - how do I find you on face book. I also enjoy photography - perhaps as a group we could start sharing somehow?????

    Off for a run - attempted yesterday but we flunked at 2.5 miles. Hopefully we will achieve today??

    Have a lovely weekend all

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yesterday was interesting, we had the long drive and lunch at the Frankenmuth Brewery. I had salmon po-boy. DH had chicken nachos. We shared. I had 1 beer and food didn't sit so well. Then on to my full body Swedish massage. It was relaxing but age did some weird things which I think stimulates innards. Off to dinner. I started getting nausea and eventually threw up at the resteraunt. I feel asleep at 8 pm. Work up with loose stools at 10. I still don't feel great. Not sure if it's a bug, the massage, or bad food. Sighs. I didn't keep track of cals yesterday. I burned 2174 but had the Bugg off for 2 hours for charging and massage.

    Not sure whats going on today...
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Just stopping to by to tell Victoria good luck on the run and I hope you are feeling better! Thinking of you!
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