200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- best of luck at your half this weekend!!! I'll definitely be thinking about you, and wishing I was running it with you... I've got another month and a half to go before mine!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    FInal check ins for yesterday: 2686/2068 burned/618 deficit. I'm not losing, just maintaining...I'm wearing the thing on my leg and I think I need to subtract about 300 cals per day from the total burned to make up for the difference. That and its been a carb filled week. I've got a menu to buy groceries for and plan to do a ton of cooking for next week tomorrow so that will help and I will be all back on track with exercise and better food choices.

    Victoria - That is odd..could it just be nerves for your run tomorrow maybe? I know that I can't have a massage right after I eat. Like for three hours after or it can make me feel bad. At any rate, I hope you kick major @ss on your run!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    bad bad bad bad weigh in.....255..thats 2 pounds gained. Got to get my butt back into the game.
    You can do it girl!! It is part of the deal that some times we fall...its all about getting right back on and moving forward!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks everyone!!! I'll run like wind (at least on my dreams)... I'm feeling much better this afternoon. Got a mani/pedi with a pretty pink "Jewell of India". I'm such a girly girl. My outfit tomorrow is pink. We're off to get some awesome chilidogs at Tony Packos.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    good luck victoria!

    I tried to turn my week around. My date last night went fantastic.

    I woke up to news that my cousin died in a motorcycle accident last night. He and his sister were the ones I grew up with, playing outside, climbing trees, building bike ramps, playing in treehouses, exploring creeks.

    And now I just got a text from a guy who I "hung out" with a couple weeks ago and never heard from again after that night. Figured it was a one night fling and moved on. It wasn't sex, I don't want yall to think I'm a complete w4ore, but we did fool around a little. But yeah, he wants to hang out tonight and I am just completely emotionally drained. I cannot function.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I think I'm crazy - I just signed up for a trail run 1/2 marathon in Sept in Wisconsin... My cousin, his wife and sisters are running it. Trail runs are much harder than reg 1/2s... But I'll have a blast!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. My bff's younger brother died in the same way. It was horrible. Hang in there girl!! You CAN get through this. It is nice to hear the dude called again....maybe you can see him in a few days when you've had time to recover a bit from an all around crap week and get some smiles in.

    Victoria - I watched some harcore trail running triathalon on tv not too long ago. It looked awesome! Way to go for signing up for another one!! Triple yeay for mani and pedi and wearing pink tomorrow!!

    No working out today, but I did get groceries and have a list full of delicious items to make for dinners, so tomorrow my exercise will consist of cooking for a few hours to get as much food prep done as I can!
    Tonight I made this: http://www.bonappetit.com/recipes/2011/04/roast_salmon_with_sweet_chipotle_glaze_and_hominy_puree

    Seriously amazing! I used carrots, parsnips, leek and pearl onions instead of hominy and roasted them in the same glaze as the salmon. It was restaurant worthy and something I will keep in my mind in the event we ever have company over. The bestest thing was that it only took 20 minutes to prep and get it into the oven.

    My lovely little daughter is on a phase of being a PIA in a major way. Whining and crying and being mean for no apparent reason. She is grating on our last loving nerves today and I have found myself wishing a few times that it was June and I could ship her off to a grandparents for a week or something. She is clearly needing something we can't give her right now and maybe a grandma would be good for her.
    I am sure its mostly just a phase but we've got lax on her diet again with the white carbs that don't react well for her stomach and ears so yet another reason to get my butt in gear with the cooking again. Here's to hoping tomorrow is better.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Victoria: Good luck - hope you continue to feel better and that your run goes well.

    Lacey: Love your organisation. Don't know how old your little one is but I do kow that we have trerrible times when I fail to watch the food intake of mine. Picking it up quickly is so important, so good luck with the improved diet and hang on to those last loving nerves - she's worth it.

    Kendal: how much cr*** can one girl have in one go. Good on you for keeping those spirits up. Really pleased to hear you had a good night out. And, if you had fun with the other guy, make him wait a few days until you're feeling better, then go have so more.......

    Managed full three miles yesterday. Not sure if wil do any today as struggle with concept of exercising on a Sunday - we'll see.

    Enjoy your weekends

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Still holding out at 206.4 today. The scale keeps flirting with 204 but always bounces up to 206...I'm just like Come On! LOL...tme to get my butt back into the gym! Tom is on its way though so hoping I can keep up with the fresh food and keep the sodium intake down.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I finished and survived my race... It took 3 hours to run 13.1 miles... I'm off to get food!!! Mexican steak fajitas - yum.
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    Weigh in for this week - 296! Hooray for being out of the 300's. I don't ever want to be there again!

    We are going to my parents next weekend for Easter, and it makes me nervous. I have decided to shift to maintenance calories for the weekend. I am still planning on exercising, so that should help as well. My family has always celebrated by eating. That is such a hard habit to break.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm still here. I spent the weekend doing absolutely nothing useful and eating whatever happened to throw itself together in my kitchen. I didn't exercise or even go outside and enjoy the sunshine. I holed up in my living room with the shades down watching the first 2 seasons of 30Rock while The Hubbs and Gabe played video games. I feel like a bloated slug. I'm totally passing on weigh in this week. I went grocery shopping today and will pull myself together tomorrow.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Rarr. Had to reschedule my 2nd personal training session from tomorrow 'til *hopefully* Wednesday. I'm pretty sure I broke my ankle today. I had my arms full with the baby in the carseat in one arm and the diaper bag, my purse, everything else in the other and I didn't catch my footing coming down the front step onto the sidewalk and contorted in an unhuman-like way and heard a "snap." It is now swollen beyond belief and I'm really really hoping this doesn't throw everything off. You can still lose weight by dieting alone, right? I'm just horribly worried I'm going to have to be casted and be required to postpone a lot of exercise... :/
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Amy: Yes, she did say she was on TOM. She's very blunt plus a dumba$s kid in my class asked her because he thought she was being a PIA. I am taking college courses at the University of Minnesota so I guess "anything goes" in college.

    Victoria: HOLY COW! CONGRATS ON THE RUN!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    My weigh in is 261.5........yayyyyyyyyyyyy for gaining weight! yay for not losing any weight. :/

    I know I am missing on replying a lot of posts right now but I am about to go on a date. Whooooooooooo! Hoooooooooo!

    Everyone have an epic week! :)
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Yesterday was a bit of a binge as I went with friends after shopping for workout clothes to an Indian Restaurant.. I quickly ordered a salad & drank down a lot of water before the rest of the food arrived.. so I did better than I would have otherwise! I also ordered some take out of lamb curry & tandoori chicken.. two of my favorites that I have not had in a long time. Of course I have polished off the lamb curry & also ate a BIG portion of the tandoori chicken!!!! So thought.. ok I will go do Bikram yoga to pay penance for this deed:flowerforyou:

    Operation Bikram yoga...was a BIG failure! Yup.. could not even breathe properly to be able to do the basic postures.. forget sustaining them! Serves me right for thinking I could binge like that & continue on!!!! A heavy price to pay & so not worth it:( I am so upset with myself:mad:

    On a positive note my body kinda shrunk & I actually could feel it:bigsmile: So, restaurant curries out.. home made food in & portion control back in:) Lesson learnt. Not looking forward to tomorrow weight in.. can't believe how stupid I could be!! :sad:

    I will still weigh in tomorrow & see what damage i have done :grumble:

    Victoria - CONGRATULATIONS:drinker: What a great feat!!! SO proud of you.

    Wishing everyone else a GREAT week ahead & know I am thinking & rooting for you:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Suzie

    FYI.. I got cheap yet fun workout clothes.... so am energized to work out this week! Yay!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Update: it's a bad sprain. But the gym and personal training are out for probably about 2-3 weeks according to the doctor. :frown: I hope dieting alone can keep me headed in the right direction...

    Hailie - I just noticed your post something about the University of Minnesota. I'm in Minnesota! Just thought I'd say hi and since I don't have too many friends in the same weight loss situation, let me know if you'd ever want a workout buddy! Maybe we could walk Calhoun or something when the weather is a little better. :happy:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- you are an amazing woman.

    So my cousin's husband is a professional photographer and has offered to take boudoir pictures of me. I'm terrified but accepted. He has a bride who wants to do them and he always goes to this one hotel cause they have amazing rooms. He normally schedules 2-3 people in that time frame, but since she wanted it on such short notice, he figured he'd ask me. (:huh:) So this Saturday I'm going to put on a couple of my bedroom outfits and let my cousin's husband take pictures of me. It's such an odd situation. lol Like I said, I'm terrified, but its something I've thought of doing before...just not at this weight. The outfits I've chosen hide my belly, which is my most hated body part (for real, my belly hangs over my belly button. All I want is to see my belly button when I stand up straight! Is that too much to ask!?). He has shown me pictures from previous clients and nothing is shown, and it even looks like he had one "bigger" girl but I honestly can't be sure because I think he hid it well in the pictures. So we will call this my super extreme motivation for working out hard and eating right this week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for all of your support!!! Cal burn for yesterday 3768!!! So close to 4000. How do they do it on BL... my energy was zapped last night even after a 2 hour nap.

    Do ulcers make you have nausea? After the Mexican at 1 pm, I got an icky feeling and couldn't eat again the rest of the day. Not sure if it's eating "bad" food, if my body's rebelling, or what's going on. That's 3 time in 2 weeks I've gotten nausea - twice I've thrown up... I guarantee I'm not pregnant... This never happens to me. I feel like I'm going crazy. I'll have to look up whether menopause can do this. The first time I attributed it to eating an hour before a long run, the second happened after the massage (yes, this can be a side effect), the third was after the half... Sorry if too much info...

    Kendal - the pics sound fun. Glad they guy called. You've got options and a great personality. I know you'll find Mr. Right someday.

    Crystal - glad your ankles not broken!!! I'm sure it hurts like he!!... Rest, ice, compress, and elevate...

    Suzie - we've all done the crazy eating thing. Pick yourself up and start over!!! You CAN do this...

    Hallie - hope the date was fun!! We all have good and bad weeks the goal is to have more good than bad with overall trend of losing.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Angela - TWIRLS!!! Yeah for getting to the 200s!!!! Good luck with the family. Portion control is key. Take small amounts of the "bad" stuff. Fill your plate with veges and fruit. If they aren't planning to serve these - make them your contribution. I've also planned for a good breakfast and lunch then enjoyed the bad dinner meal when with family. Try adding an extra walk - make it slow and leisurely and maybe others will join you. Play tag or something active with the kids. Anything to burn more cals. Maintenance for the weekend is a great plan.

    Amy - ((((((((((HUG))))))))) I'd climb into a hole if DH was leaving for a week as well. Today it's time to get back on track!!!
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey...Cant stop and talk. 6lbs loss this week for me...mainly stress has made me lose so much or maybe its because im working hard. Either way its off. 223 Previous weight, current weight 217lbs. Hope everyone is well will talk soon, may not be on for a week or so as im going away for a vacation.
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