30 Day Shread Challenge



  • Gonzalezkrystle
    the side lunges with the weights and arm raise is a *****!!!

    LOL!! So true!!!
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm definitely in! Wooohooo! Let's do it!

    I'm currently on day 7 of LVL 1 ....I skipped this weekend to recover. I think I will continue this as well since I also do my elliptical and Pilates.

    waist: 32 inches (Down 3 inches since Feburary 20th)
    hips: 39 inches (down 2 inches since Feburary 20th)
    upper arms: 12.5 inches (down 1.5 inches since Feb 20th)
    chest: 34 (down 2 inches since March 1st. YAY! and 3 inches since Feb 20th)

    I wanted to get my measurements in now since the 1st is a really busy day for me and wanted to be sure I got them in. :happy:

    Sorry I forgot to say
    cw as of April 1st: 172
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    So I finally got my dvd through yest! Day 1 level 1 (4.4.11) so I'm 4 days behind most of u guys! Well what can I say... That was tough, consdierig I workout as much as I do during ur average week, I still found that incredibly hard! On the plus side, I'm not feeling the aches and pains this morning as I expected to, and I did it after an hour of intense body combat! I must admit though if I didn't have my partner there "cheering" me on, I prob would have had the urge to quit after 5 mins! I hope it gets easier I'm looking forward to seeing some results at the end! The end is just in time for my hols so ill be mad as hell if I don't see any at all! How is every1 else getting on?
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I did shred fri/sat/sun and then went to the gym today and did some weights and ran. Back to shred tomorrow! I worked out my running days and decided that I will be doing shred 24 days this month so 8 days on each level. So 3 down 4 to go on level 1!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Guys I have slacked!!! I didnt do it Sun as I thought I would make sunday my day off but now I didnt do it last night either (monday) I wasnt feeling too great have a sore throat and feel like I have a cold coming on. After I had got home from work and cleaned and made dinner and done my push ups I just didnt feel like I had the energy - I have kettle bells tonight and after not being for 2 weeks (class cancelled) Its gonna kill me and feel like week 1 all over again so who knows if I am gonna manage the shread after wards or not as still not feeling great! I feel like I am letting u guys down! :( xx
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    I am doing a personal challenge and will not be weighing myself for another 5 1/2 months. So not sure what my starting weight is or what my weight will be when I am done with this challenge. Hope that's ok.
    I am however keeping track of inches!!! :smile:

    That is no problem hunny! Well done on going for that personal goal :) xxx
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    So I finally got my dvd through yest! Day 1 level 1 (4.4.11) so I'm 4 days behind most of u guys! Well what can I say... That was tough, consdierig I workout as much as I do during ur average week, I still found that incredibly hard! On the plus side, I'm not feeling the aches and pains this morning as I expected to, and I did it after an hour of intense body combat! I must admit though if I didn't have my partner there "cheering" me on, I prob would have had the urge to quit after 5 mins! I hope it gets easier I'm looking forward to seeing some results at the end! The end is just in time for my hols so ill be mad as hell if I don't see any at all! How is every1 else getting on?

    Hey Im glad ur DVD finally arrived :)) and glad u got going on it! I think it defo will get easier for all of us! I think I may be on level 1 for the whole month though haha xx
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I think i might be on level 1 for the entire month too ! lol ! Are you guys doing this every day or taking a couple days off in between ? I was just wondering ?
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    My plan was everyday! But I just dont think its possible! I think Im just gotta try and do it everyday and if something gets in the way then it gets in the way! U know?

    Its all a learning curve for all of us :)

    Lets just help each other as much as we can :) xxx
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Hi All

    That PP has a lot to answer for! Ha-Ha :laugh: This "Shred" program is an absolute killer. I managed only 15 minutes yesterday morning so after a late tea I decided to have another go, but I made the mistake of asking my son if he had any heavier dumbells as the ones I have been using must only be for children i.e. about half a pound each. He gave me these huge things about 8 inches long with circles on the ends about 3 inches diameter, they must of weighed in excess of a kilo. I had to swing them to do the biceps and legs front and back section. I was exhausted and only managed about 75% of the repetitions I usually do? I must say the cardio sections are getting easier and not out of breath as much but still sweating buckets. The real killers are the push ups and I am still doing the Anita version, where you kneel to do them. Anyway I finished my 30 minutes (thats 45 minutes in total for the day? I must be mad? don't answer that) and that makes 3 days in the row so dead chuffed. Like PP I just hope it is gonna show a difference for when my wife comes back from Oman on the 12th and of course for the end of the month. My weight is creaping up a bit and I keep saying it's cos I am building "heavier" muscle, but I think it is cos I am eating more to give me the energy to get through the exercise? Onward and upward (or downward as the case may be) Ha-Ha :ohwell:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Yea thats what i am going to do also ! I am going to try to do the 30 day shred every day but you are right if something gets in the way then thats ok too ! We are all here to support each other and we will get through this together !
  • Hizzle85
    Hizzle85 Posts: 49 Member
    I've done this twice over the weekend, I'll post measurements, etc after I get them from home.
    I have a hard time with the push-ups.
    I'll check in again soon, one of our friends was in a bad wreck so we've been super busy helping him out.
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    So I finally got my dvd through yest! Day 1 level 1 (4.4.11) so I'm 4 days behind most of u guys! Well what can I say... That was tough, consdierig I workout as much as I do during ur average week, I still found that incredibly hard! On the plus side, I'm not feeling the aches and pains this morning as I expected to, and I did it after an hour of intense body combat! I must admit though if I didn't have my partner there "cheering" me on, I prob would have had the urge to quit after 5 mins! I hope it gets easier I'm looking forward to seeing some results at the end! The end is just in time for my hols so ill be mad as hell if I don't see any at all! How is every1 else getting on?

    Hey Im glad ur DVD finally arrived :)) and glad u got going on it! I think it defo will get easier for all of us! I think I may be on level 1 for the whole month though haha xx

    AHH i hope it does, I'm going to go for it again tonight, before i go to zumba. It's defo tough, but we've got to keep ploughing through, i think i may use the same method, and aim for everyday but if something gets in the way then so be it. But i'm gonna try to not not do it due to lazy (just can't be bothered) reasons. haha if that makes any sense.
  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190
    I'm not as sore this morning as I thought I would be, but the thought of doing it again while I am sore is not sounding appealing. lol I will do it though!
  • Gonzalezkrystle
    Day 4/L1 completed! (I took yesterday off) A little scared to begin level 2.
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    Day 3, Level 1 is done... those darn side lunges...oooweeeee!!! i was hoping to do one week of level 1 and onto level 2...idk!!!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Well guys! Im home from Kettle bells and Im knackered but I am gonna hit the 30DS now! :) Day 3 of level one! :) Wish me luck xxx
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Good Luck PP

    Dead chuffed just finished my 4th consecutive 30 Day Shred and although pretty tired I feel really good and just hope it will get easier soon? please? Ha-Ha :laugh:
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    I did level 1 of 30 DS today! I did it on the 1st, 4th and today the 6th! I am want to be WAY more consistent!!! I have had some problems with my teeth the since Monday evening, so I have been a little off my normal schedule!:ohwell: But I am back today! :happy:
  • Fenyx
    Fenyx Posts: 87 Member
    Ugh, doing 30ds every other day now, twinged an old injury in my knees and ankle =( but I found some modifications for the exercises that are high impact on them, so hopefully I will be able to get something out of it still =(