April 30 Day Shred Team Challenge



  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Yay! Just got the dvd today.Would love to join the challenge seeing as i have 60lbs to go. I hear it's tough but i happen to enjoy harder workouts.:tongue:

    Feel free to add me as a friend! Its loads easier when you do it with pals

    -Max :wink:
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I'm going to throw in the peanut galleries 2-cents worth (I'm the peanut gallery, BTW :tongue: ). I would love to join this group, but my time is very tight - I'm just getting some down time right now but wanted to post some inspiration for all those about to do this.

    I ordered JM's "30-Day Shred", "No More Trouble Zones" and "Six-Week Six-Pack" from Amazon a couple weeks ago. I started them all (not at the same time... except for the first day since I needed to know what I was getting into!) since I really notice a difference in my body when I mix up my workouts (everything from Cardio, Dance & Strength, to Yoga, Tai'Chi, Kickboxing & Tae Bo). I have only done JM's DVD's a few times & ALREADY have seen a difference... in only 1 week!! Not necessarily "weight" loss, but how I look, feel & how my clothes fit (I don't trust the scale since I'm building muscle as I lose fat & the scale does not seem to understand this :wink: !).

    If you keep up with her program you will DEFINITELY see a difference; push past the fatigue that comes in the first 10 mintues & your second wind WILL kick in & you suddenly feel great, on top of the world, like you could keep this going forever! OK, maybe not forever, but at least till the end of the DVD :laugh:

    Good luck to you all - I KNOW you will see FANTASTIC, Fab-You-Loss results. Don't ever give up, keep this in your mind that you CAN & WILL do this & KNOW you will look even better when you are done :flowerforyou:
  • haypartyof5
    OOOhhhhh, I want in!! I'm so new to this weight loss thing I had to google it to see what it was! I'll buy the video tomorrow and start feelin the burn before the weekend : )
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    I'm in! I just finished the my first 30 days yesterday, but I want another run at it!
  • mylissa9
    mylissa9 Posts: 2 Member
    im in!!!! hello april 1st!
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    I have the 30DS dvd and I have had it for months. On day one I was only able to do 10 minutes if level one. It kicked my @$$. Day 2, 13 minutes of level one. Has anybody else have this issue by not being able to get through the 1st level at all in the first 2 or 3 days?

    BTW I am going to retry this. I dont have measurments yet but I will get them.
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    I am new here, and I love the motivation and accountability this sight gives you! I bought this DVD tonight, when I got home and seen this Challenge-- I took it as a sign! I am so in. I will post pics and measurements tomorrow and start the workout in the P.M. :smile:
  • yuli23
    yuli23 Posts: 89 Member
    I have the 30DS dvd and I have had it for months. On day one I was only able to do 10 minutes if level one. It kicked my @$$. Day 2, 13 minutes of level one. Has anybody else have this issue by not being able to get through the 1st level at all in the first 2 or 3 days?

    BTW I am going to retry this. I dont have measurments yet but I will get them.

    YES!!! I've done it one and off for a week and I'm finally able to finish with little breaks here and there ....don't give up its so worth it ...when you first finish its like I DID IT !!! Its a nice feeling of accomplishment .... u can ...if I can u can ...I'm not fit at all never worked out b4 and don't really claim to ... its not easy but it gets better
  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    I'm for sure in!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Day 1 done!

    Starting weight: 109.2
    waist - 27 (goal 26)
    hips - 33.5 (goal 32)
    thigh - 21 (goal 20)
    bicep - 10.5 (no loss needed, will even take a gain there!)

    Did it at about 5:30 AM with 3 lb weights all the way through, no stopping, modifying moves ONLY on the second set of pushups (I put my knees down for the second set).

    However, I never work out in the morning on an empty stomach and I do NOT like it. I think I will stick to the afternoons. I feel nauseas. I usually have a nice breakfast before work, egg whites and multigrain toast, or oats with fruit...now I feel like I don't want to eat! But I know I have to or work will suck.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Im in :)

    My Starting weight is 144.5lbs

    Chest - 39
    U/neath Chest - 34
    Upper waist - 33
    Lower waist - 37
    Hips - 38
    R thigh - 22.5
    L thigh - 22

    I've taken some before pics but im not too sure how to add them.

    Im going to aim to do this every day... I have started the shred many times and get to about day 18 and stop. I think its because level 3 terrifies me. I have actually tried level 3 now. I got up the other day and stuck it on and its not as bad as i imagined (hard but no where near as scary as I thought) and I completed it so Im confident this time round i will be able to stick to it. Please feel free to add me as a friend and hound me if i dont check in lol ;) xx
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    I just finished todays work out on L3 and man it was hard bc I haven't done it in 3 days. It is so much easier when you do it everyday! I hope this challenge motivates me to stick with it 7 days a week! I mean seriously its 20 min. Im done making excuses for myself.

    I also used my elliptical afterwards.
    My weight today is 180.5 I haven't done any measurements yet.

    Hope everyone else is having a good first day!
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    Going to buy a tape measurer, take a long walk, and come back to do day 1. Will post info when I get back in a few hours! Looking forward to all our successes!! :happy:
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Here are my measurements:

    Weight: 163
    Bust: 40
    Waist: 35
    Abs: 39
    Hips: 42
    Thighs: 23
    Arms: 12
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    Got cardio in for the morning. I go to the gym at 4:30am or so. Need to be at work by 7am. Getting together with Kristin this afternoon to do our 1st day of this 30DS! Yahoo...I'm excited to see results. Using this website and seeing so many people doing this challeng together is very empowering! Let's getter done!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Nice Comment Deb! See ya around 430. If IF I have to go to mankato I will call you by 3. Later girl!

  • em80
    em80 Posts: 91
    Just completed day 1
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Day 1 completed at 5:30 AM, very sluggish this morning. will post measurements later
    Keep up the good work and motivation everyone!!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    I just completed Day 1, Level 1 and I didn't die!! Honestly, ladies... if it hadn't been for this group, I probably would have slept in this morning and not done it. I'm so glad you were all here to motivate me to get out of bed and sweat. :)

    But, I agree with robin52077 - AM workouts are not for me, afternoons are better for this gal

    How'd everyone else do today?

    BTW - if you are just starting or are already into it, you can definitely join! The more the merrier.
  • soultrain1913
    soultrain1913 Posts: 33 Member
    I did Day 1/Level 1 a few hours ago. It was challenging but not impossible to me. I have to buy a tape measure some time today. I will post that info tomorrow. Starting weight is 166(but I was told I wouldn't see a lot of pounds dropping because of this but more inches). I'm also starting a distance walking training program on Monday so that should cover the pounds! Hope everyone else gets it in today! :-)