Before a bad food habit you'd like to admit...



  • Oh man, looking back... it's disgusting. I would sit and watch a movie and eat an entire bag of chips or cheetos or whatever... I would eat an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream... I would stuff my face even when not at all hungry. I never even noticed... I would just eat all of that and then not eat anything healthy for the day thinking it would balance out the calories. Ugh. So bad.

    I'd also pour extra sauces and butter on things and not even judge their nutritional info... I would just over-indulge on anything and everything.

    Even after I started MFP I would snack on candies at work all day... thinking oh there must only be about 5-10 calories... then I looked it up: 100 CALORIES EACH!! I was inhaling 500 extra calories in a matter of minutes.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    every habit i had was bad lol... eating half a family size bag of chips at the computer... chips and queso dip.......... eating two to three big bowls of cereal at a sitting supersizing a combo for the fries and dipping them in bbq sauce ( bbq not ketchup) ... i could go for days with this
  • ReadyMom
    ReadyMom Posts: 59
    Iced veinte peppermint mocha with whip cream every single day, sometimes twice a day. Can't believe all the sugar and calories I was pouring in like water! Can't even drink them at all now, way too sweet!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Order takeout at least 3 times a week (usually consisting of chinese - the bad kind, pizza, and one of those two again) lol
  • zoecas2125
    zoecas2125 Posts: 27 Member
    I love Pizza! And I would usually eat about 4 slices eat meal. Uhm, Pizza! But now, if I eat pizza I have 1-2 slices at the most and a salad on the side. But now adays I rarely eat pizza since I've lost 21 pounds.
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    I would eat a whole bag of Lays Potato chips with dip.
    Another really BAD snack I used to eat was Doritos with half a bag of cheddar cheese melted on top and then dip each piece in Sour cream-talk about FATTENING!!!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    When Wendy's had good fries (their new ones actually taste gross and I seem to get a lot of black, not burned, ones) I would eat a single 1/4 pounder with cheese meal no problem. After joining this and seeing how many calories that is, I get sick just thinking about how I used to eat that.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I think my worst overall habit was simply "pigging out" too often at "special" events - and turning too many events into "special" events, so that I COULD pig-out. :laugh: Probably my worst individual habit was on the occasions when I would eat lunch or dinner at home, by myself, and polish off close to a whole bag/box of Doritos, Taco Chips, Wheat Thins, etc. as my "side dish". Usually with most of a container of chip dip too. I would do this because, on the days I eat alone, I would ready the newspaper or a magazine, and just sit at the table and eat until the bag or box was gone. :frown: A very bad habit, that I have given up entirely since using MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Cookies! There's a few dozen in my kitchen right now and they're sooo hard to stay away from! :P
    along with birthday cake, the store bought kind. If we had any of that here my whole diet would be off (x
  • skfj5
    skfj5 Posts: 70
    PIZZA!! Total trigger food...I don't care how crappy it was, how greasy, or whether it was frozen stuff or delivered...I can EASILY inhale 4-7 slices all by my lonesome. No matter the fact...the more bad stuff, the BETTER!!

    So now I have to be VERY careful...order only cheese, and stick to ONE SLICE as a treat. But lemme tell caaaalllsssss to me...
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    Cake, sheet cakes we would get for the kids birthday parties. I would have left overs for breakfast, lunch and supper, until it was gone! :blushing:

    YEP, you got me there!
  • 0oKareno0
    0oKareno0 Posts: 14 Member
    I used to sit down and eat a whole one of those stacks of saltines in one go. Ugg. What a waste of calories. Oh yeah, I used to be able to eat 5 slices of pizza in one sitting. Now with two I'm feeling plenty full.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I would get 2 of any fast food burger/sandwich every time.....

    2 supreme croissants from Jack in the Box (with 2 hash browns)

    2 hot-n-spicys and fries

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    :laugh: I can literally eat an entire bag (family size, not mini pack) of chips by myself and not even feel sick.
    I like sweets too, but for some reason I love all fried potato products: chips, fries, latkes as well as fried cassava/yucca, etc.
    Any sort of deep friend root vegetable product :laugh: !!!

    more recently I have gotten into a bad booze habit - I often drink back my exercise calories in alcohol. :noway:
    It's definitely something to work on...:embarassed:

    ETA: Oh - another thing. I always like to buy those interestingly, but often over-packaged snacks from the Japanese grocery store. I would eat an entire bag/jar/pack of seaweed or gummy snacks or rice crackers and then be surrounded by all this plastic packaging. GUILTY! Plus that gross 'too much MSG' feeling.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Cake, sheet cakes we would get for the kids birthday parties. I would have left overs for breakfast, lunch and supper, until it was gone! :blushing:

    Oh yes...cake and frosting. Ugh. For my kid's b-days I have always eaten the leftover cake and when I make the homemade frosting I would eat it by the spoonfuls and even put some in a bowl once and ate it like soup. Oh my... and I wonder how I got so big!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    You know you used to be able to buy 'extra' patties at wendy's for 89 cents each.

    I ordered a quadruple bacon cheese burger (with everythinng) Biggie fries and drink and a Chocolate frosty and ate it all for lunch. Still went out to dinner that night.

    I ate a whole pecan coffe cake ring in one sitting.

    I ate both sleeves of Chip ahoy cookies dunked in milk

    I ate a box of Capt' Crunch without milk at work one day

    You may have seen my post where I microwaved a tub of Cool Whip and drank it.

    So many stories so little time...
  • I had 2 that were very bad. Very bad indeed.

    1: Nutella. Eating it out the jar with a spoon, like the ENTIRE JAR! I do still eat it but 1 spoonful and after a hard workout. I aint denying me my Nutella. lol

    2: Cheez It. Holy crap! These should be BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought a box once and ate them in ONE SITTING! Eek. The thought just bloats me beyond hell. :sick:
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    PIZZA, all homestyle breakfast items coated in TONS of salt, FAST FOOD... I swear I gained all 85lbs by eating fast food.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Snickers and Big! My 2 fav very bad foods. I did eat a 1/3rd of a snickers over the weekend and treated myself to a Big Mac a couple weeks ago. But my days of eating them on a regular are long gone. :drinker:
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    Cake, sheet cakes we would get for the kids birthday parties. I would have left overs for breakfast, lunch and supper, until it was gone! :blushing:

    Same here...then I would feel extremely now I give all the cake away after the parties! Let someone else get fat off of it cuz it isn't gonna be me. I also love pizza I could eat almost a whole frozen pizza by myself:blushing:
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