Before a bad food habit you'd like to admit...



  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I still have days where I eat way to much of unhealthy foods, occasionally fast foods and that probably won't change. My every day bad habits have changed for sure. I used to drink way too many of my calories...Pepsi, Hawaiian Punch and juices. Now I barely have any of those. I used to have lunchmeat sandwiches with cheese and tons of mayo almost everyday for lunch. Not anymore. I used to love to make tuna salad or chicken salad with tons of mayo. Potato chips or Doritos was always eaten with this sandwiches, now only occasionally. I used to eat TONS of processed foods...Rice A Roni, Pasta Roni, white bread, frozen pizza etc. Now I eat mostly whole grains. I know I do still eat too much junk on the weekends, but when I think back to how I used to eat on a daily basis for so many years, those bad weekends seem like nothin!
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    haha, what a thread! I use to eat an entire big bag of sensations thai sweet chilli crisps to myself. I would feel sick afterwards but I didn't care! I was a total emotional binger. Now I've not touched crisps in over a year! I don't miss it either. So not worth the torture you feel afterwards.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    My husband would go get me 2 krispy kreme custard filled donuts and either a large pumpkin spice cap. or a large wild cherry pepsi fountain drink from our mini mart. I don't even want to think of the cals. And he would get these for me 2-3 times a week around
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Before MFP, I could eat a whole medium pizza (doesn't matter where I got it).
  • gallegosmagaly
    Soft Drinks I would have 5 20 oz per day only at work, not to mention the 2liter that were waiting for me at home. Cheese Fries, Whoopers, Eggs 5 in one sitting with fryed tortillas (4-5 of them) Bacon lots of it.
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    I would eat the entire block of Sharp cheddar cheese with Triscuits all in one sitting!!! there are like 10 servings in one block!!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    2: Cheez It. Holy crap! These should be BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought a box once and ate them in ONE SITTING! Eek. The thought just bloats me beyond hell. :sick:

    OMG yes! I love them and could eat so many. That's why I don't buy them anymore.
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    french fries with mayo...french fries with gravy...french fries with cheese...french fries with cheese and gravy and ketchup...french fries with ranch dip

    Need I continue??
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    This is kind of embarrassing but here's a typical day's food diary for me before I smarted up last January:

    Either no breakfast or something horrendous like a chocolate donut, a bagel with butter or huge muffin

    Lunch was a huge sandwich with mayo and cheese along with a bag of chips and a soda.

    Afternoon snack was cookies, chocolate, whatever else I could get my hands on

    On the way home, I might stop at the store for more cookies/candy or go to an ice cream stand

    Dinner tended to be reasonable since I was full from my snacking earlier.

    DH used to ask me why I ate so little since all he witnessed me eating was dinner. Little did he know just how much I'd eaten before then! I finally fessed up to him around the time I started losing weight.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Eat an entire frozen pizza (Tombstone, Digiorno, Freschetta,etc. etc) late in the evening. I often bought them with the intention of making them one night for dinner, and thus sharing them with my wife and daughter. Quite often they didn't survive a single night in the freezer.
  • Shed4Wed
    Shed4Wed Posts: 25
    Late night runs to Steak n Shake! Turtle Milkshakes were my favorite!!
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    When Wendy's had good fries (their new ones actually taste gross and I seem to get a lot of black, not burned, ones) I would eat a single 1/4 pounder with cheese meal no problem. After joining this and seeing how many calories that is, I get sick just thinking about how I used to eat that.

    Wendy's!!! Are you ready for this one? I used to order a triple baconator with a large order of fries and a large coke. I think it's like a pound of food all together
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    At least 1, if not 2 2liters of Coke, every day. I also loved pb and Mircle Whip sandwhiches (miss them) and about 1/2 container of ice cream for my serving sizes :(
  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
    Cheesecake Factory - crabcake sandwich, thought it was healthy but to the tune of 1157 calories (not including the fries)
    Fridays - Jack Daniels Sampler - 2330 calories (knew this wasn't good but didn't think it was that bad)
    Qdoba Mexican Grill - Chicken Queso Burrito - 970 calories (not that bad but more than half of my calories in one meal)

    I must admit that I still have the Crabcake and burrito but I workout, run and watch my other meals that day....
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Reading all these reminded me of more of my old bad habits. Breakfast used to be Pop Tarts or sugary cereals. I used to drink Starbucks Iced Mochas all of the time, full fat and sugar version. I eventually learned to chill out on those and have skim milk with less syrup when I do have them.
    I would(and still could) eat so much cheese. Just eating chunks of it alone or with crackers. Cheese and crackers are still a weakness of mine if they are in front of me.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    McDonalds is the bane of my existence!

    Sausage McMuffin with egg meal, with two extra hashbrowns from the dollar menu and a DIET COKE.

    EVERY day on the way to work. That got my day started with 900 calories and 54g of FAT. OMG!!!!!!
  • ari_27
    ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
    NUTELLA!!! and Peanut butter...I could literally finish entire jars in a day. I would buy crackers or cookies and finish entire packages topping them with either nutella or peanut butter. Can't believe I'm admitting to this, it seems as if I were speaking about someone else.

    I remember one of my worse binges ever was when I stopped by the McDonald's drive thru, bought a Big Mac along with a McFlurry and ate it all in one sitting in the parking lot, hating myself for it. cream. Cherry Garcia used to be my obsession, I would eat a whole pint by myself, then go off and buy Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocolate bar or twix and M&M's with popcorn

    Condensed milk...I could go through a whole container (and often did) dipping chocolate and cookies in it then finishing it off.

    Caramel as well.

    This is really sad, even reading this I realize what a huge problem I had (and honestly continue to have b/c it's a daily struggle that I have to take day by day) but it's gotten better and I'm achieving my goals slowly but surely. Done hurting my body in such gluttonous and disgusting ways.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    chips and salsa, which I swear I could (still can, even) eat endless chips and salsa.

    If I eat them now it's still very hard to portion control. I have to eat them very, very rarely. ...but that's okay because it really, really feels like a treat when I get to have them now. :)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    So many things! I used to life off of like 40 fun sized snickers, a cheesy bean and rice burrito and a couple tacos and a huge mountain dew from taco bell, and several bowls of golden grahams a day... these were all staples for me. Sick. :sick:
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    I pretty much lived on salty carbs for awhile: I loved chips and fries. My fiance and I would always get two large orders of fries almost anytime we went somewhere they were available. Mac and cheese was like my favorite late night snack. I would eat most of a box of mac and cheese all by myself sometimes. Disgusting.