Before a bad food habit you'd like to admit...



  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    The question should be, what habit did i have that WASN'T bad! At my highest (296) I would hit the McD's drive through and get a few of those dollar burritos for breakfast or go to Jack in the box and get TWO of those ultimate breakfast sandwhiches. At lunch Id go through drive thru @ McD's again and get either a large big mac meal or large dbl qrtr pounder meal with a SIDE of 10 piece nuggets. At dinner I'd come home and wait for hubby to get in, and while waiting on him I'd munch some chips or icecream. Then we'd go back out for dinner (usually around 9 or 10 pm), drive thru again. If we stayed home and ate then it was something fast, two boxes of hamburger helper split between the two of us, or two frozen pizzas....not to mention we were well stocked with tons of snack cakes, chips, dips, cream cheese (in case we ran out of dip) hi-c, and soda. It was truly disgusting the amount of food I ate and how yucky I felt afterward.....
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Lets see..
    McDonalds cinnamon melts
    Checkers fries with a banana shake
    a whole bag of these white cheddar puffs at a time
    Subway cookies
    Dominos pizza with cheddar cheese topping

    I ~think~ these were the most popular ones I ate on a regular basis
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Well...I will add mine on:)

    I used to drink Turtle Mocha's from Caribou coffee....some days I would have two! (Medium sized!)

    When I would eat donuts-I would eat a cinnamon roll plus a chocolate covered donut and couldn't have those without Coke! Talk about sugar overload!

    King Size candy bars.....oops!

    Fritos and bean dip-I could eat the bag!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I had loads - have realised that I had double portions of almost everything I ate. My major vice I had at this time of year was Creme Eggs (are they just UK sweets?) - I could easily eat 6 in one go and had been known to eat a box of 12 in one day. Makes me feel ill thinking about it now.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I'm not a snacker or a sweets person but when I get really hungry I can't control my portions. And the food choices I made were just horrible. My typical day went like this:

    Breakfast - Sausage, egg & cheese on an everything bagel (God I miss everything bagels...haven't had one since December)

    Lunch - a slice of pizza and a 12" cheese steak with fried onions & mushrooms

    Dinner - Outback bloomin onion, cup of potato soup, 2 loaves of bread (with butter), cheeseburger with loaded baked potato

    Yea...I had a lot of days that looked exactly like that. Or I would eat an entire 16" pizza with sausage, ground beef, pepperoni, and onion....or go to On The Border and eat 2-3 baskets of chips with queso, a chicken quesadilla, and then an order of fajitas.

    I have no questions about how I got to where I was. I'm just surprised I wasn't even bigger than I had gotten.

    *Edit...I left out the beer and drunk food. Weekends consisted of a 6 pack of beer each night and then late night food of 2 double cheeseburgers and a 10 piece nugget from McDonalds. I was actually in a beer club where the goal is to drink as much beer as possible...the bar was right next to a 24 hour McDonalds. Total loss there.
  • TonyTrinch
    Wow reading through this thread, I was shocked at how many folks did the same things I did. Portion control was the worst. One box, can, bag of anything was one portion to my mind. I'd justify it because, afterall it was a box of wheat thins, they're healthy!

    One of my worst habits, was getting a loaf of Artisan Bread, then sitting at the computer and tearing off big hunks of it, dipping it in hummus or softened butter, and eating the entire loaf in about 1/2 an hour. Again, justifing myself as eating healthy because it was "Artisan" bread, not that crappy Wonderbread, and Hummus is good for you, and Real butter doesn't have all the fake artificial chemical garbage in it.

    It'd be bloated and miserable, stomach pulled tight, but feel rightous because it was "all natural" foods. It's just scary to think about what I packed away and rationalized.
  • supersarah14
    Well, before I started working on myself, I used to binge. A lot. I'm talking severe emotional binging. When bad things happened (or even if I was just having a sad day) I would grab a large bag of chips, a liter of soda, a bag of cookies, maybe even those stouffers french bread pizzas and eat the entire thing. I'm talking easily a few thousand calories within a 30 min period. I would be sobbing the entire time, knowing that it wasn't helping but it was something that made me feel better for like .5 seconds. Then of course I'd feel horrible afterword, which would grate on me, which would then lead to another binge...etc. I'm now working on that part of me and I don't binge as nearly as often as I had. I still have my episodes but it's a work in progress and I'm getting better.

    However, that doesn't mean I don't have trigger foods now. I recently, without realizing it, ate an entire jar of nutella. As soon as I realized how much I ate and how many calories it was, my a** was right on that eliptical. Haha! oh well, no ones perfect. :blushing:
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    eating as much as my 6'5 200 lb husband ... at every meal
  • tinalina81
    I would get Cookie dough ice cream from edys and eat half the container in one sitting, mostly at night.:noway:
    The other addiction I had were dora posicle, the slow melt kind. I started eating them at night watching tv after I quit smoking. It took me a year to quit that habit!:embarassed:
    And the one other thing9 and I am really embarrassed about this one) is that I would eat Nutella by the spoonfuls! sometimes half a glass in one sitting. I know those habits are the reason I gained all of this weight!!! I can't believe I did those things to my Body!!!
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    I love soft drinks and candy. I gave up soft drinks really easy because I was drinking diet, however candy is another story. I did really well for the first 2 and a half months then all the Easter candy started filling the shelves and my addiction to Starburst jellybeans resurfaced. I also have a passion for gummy bears and things like Bottlecaps, Smarties and Sweet Tarts. YUM.

    Starburst Jelly beans!! I sooo love them. I refuse to buy them now I could eat a whole bag at one time!
  • tinalina81
    However, that doesn't mean I don't have trigger foods now. I recently, without realizing it, ate an entire jar of nutella. As soon as I realized how much I ate and how many calories it was, my a** was right on that eliptical. Haha! oh well, no ones perfect. :blushing:

    Haha the other day I caught myself sneaking a finger full of nutella, and I haven't done it since.
    Nutella is to blame for my weight gain.... well and me shoving it in my mouth LOL
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Candy = breakfast, lunch, dinner and both snacks. I would live on hershey kisses and ice cream.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Cheesecake!! LOVE cheesecake!!

    I bake them and honestly could sit down with a cheesecake (not a slice- the whole thing) and a fork and be the happiest camper around. And there are so many different kinds...I haven't met one I didn't like. Never really did eat a whole one, but have eaten 2-3 slices at one time. I shudder to think of the fat/calorie content!
  • klasicm
    klasicm Posts: 4
    Eat take out about 3 times on the weekend... still do it. Still trying to kick it :0)
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    My weakness is ice cream and it doesn't help that I can literally walk to Dairy Queen!!! My family and I counted the steps one day it's was about 100 steps from our front door to Dairy Queen...soo good! LOL

    I couldn't handle being only 100 paces from all the Crunch Coat I could handle... so good on a DQ banana split blizzard- how I miss those
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    Cheesecake!! LOVE cheesecake!!

    I bake them and honestly could sit down with a cheesecake (not a slice- the whole thing) and a fork and be the happiest camper around. And there are so many different kinds...I haven't met one I didn't like. Never really did eat a whole one, but have eaten 2-3 slices at one time. I shudder to think of the fat/calorie content!

    I have :blushing:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Order a pizza. Eat at least half of it, but not the crust edges. Then when you have place full of crust edges left over, get out some peanut butter and eat them with peanut butter spread on.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Wow! This thread has really taken off. I guess it is along the lines of taking a picture of yourself and really looking at it!

    None of us are perfect, and all have trigger foods. It is how we handle those triggers that has changed. I won't say I still don't want (and sometimes eat) McDonalds, but I get a Happy Meal instead of a value meal. :)
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Lets see..
    McDonalds cinnamon melts
    Checkers fries with a banana shake
    a whole bag of these white cheddar puffs at a time
    Subway cookies
    Dominos pizza with cheddar cheese topping

    I ~think~ these were the most popular ones I ate on a regular basis

    Oh my gosshhhh, I could eat checkers fries for days!