can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Hi all! I'm not really here to vent...I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 17 and am 37 now, so I've had LOTS of time to make my peace with it. However, I can offer support and answer questions for people! I've been taking Metformin for around 12 years now. I've also tried actos and the extended release Met. I've also tried every infertility treatment known to man (Clomid, IUIs, injectibles with and without IUIs, and IVF with and without ICSI) and am the proud mother to three adopted children. I am a 'resistant' PCOS person - I never had regular periods (only one a year from the age of 14 to 35!) and my body suddenly started cycling somewhat regularly at the age of 35 (which frankly, now that I don't want to get pg is highly annoying LOL).

    Anyway, I just wanted to offer support and knowledge to all of you here. PCOS sucks but it truly can be overcome - mentally at least.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    my chin hair is going crazy....thanks alot pcos......I also need to stock up on sheesh
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 178 Member
    I am learning a lot about PCOS the older I get. I was diagnosed with it when I was 14. I am going to be 24 next week. I just found out from my neurologist on Friday that I have really bad headaches and migranes from PCOS. . .and now she has me on a special diet (which includes no caffiene, chocolate, peanut butter, no nuts, no pasta, only certain fruits, certain cheeses, etc). It freakin' sucks and it's only day 3 for me.

    Also I hate that I have that hair under my chin too. I makes me feel pretty darn odd.

    Also I hate that my Aunt Flow visits are always different, never the same. Sometimes she is hardly visiting and other times she is really pounding at me which I really hate.
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    Yep, PCOS here too...I've been on MFP now for about 3 months, have lost 23 lbs and now I"m STUCK. Making me extra super grumpy (opposed to the regular grumpy that I usually am)...The Uterus Fairy most often shows up with a mariachi band in tow, I have chin hair that would make any pre pubescent boy envious, and if I even THINK of eating something I'm not supposed to, I gain 3 lbs. While I'm not trying to have a baby, it's still impacting my life and it's getting more and more difficult to get around it. I take metformin and I've just started taking cinnammon supplements (too early to tell if they're working or not)...

  • regentin
    regentin Posts: 60
    HI ladies,
    I've been reading up on PCOS as I think I may be a victim. My weight has been plateaued for about a year now. I might lose 5lb but then it comes back and I consistently eat very healthy. I have had problems with acne, but now have it under control by using Proactiv. I have also noticed several wirey hairs on my chin and I have two cysts on my right ovary. I go back tomorrow for a follow up ultrasound to see if the cysts have changed in the last 6 weeks. Im 31 years old with two children and have not had problems up until a few months ago (however I was on the pill for about 12 years prior to having children). It started with my period being a week early, pain on my lower right side (which I found out was the cysts), bloating, pain during and after intercourse, another irregular (and painful) period accompanied with headaches, backaches and thigh pain. Do these symptoms sound like PCOS? Maybe I'm reading into it too much???
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Amen! I hate you PCOS. You made me have 2 miscarriages, hair in odd places, weird and painful periods in my teens, no periods for 8 years then show up out of the blue. I workout 2 hours a day to lose and gain the same few pounds over and over again. And forget tequilla, a couple of shots and I gained 4 lbs. Migraines, acne, mood swing etc. If you gave me anything, you gave me strength. Other than that, your welcome to either leave or get.out of my way!
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    YES! It's the MOST aggravating thing. Think about carbs = gain 10 lbs. I swear it does. I've had a hysterectomy, but they left my ovaries due to my age. It was the only way to make the insane periods stop. So now, I swear I have PCOS plus perimenopausal belly fat forming. Driving me absolutely INSANE! Thank you for the vent thread. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I feel like I look like im in menopause years....and im 26 years old.....its just the worst! how embarrassing and im quite ashamed that I can't do the one thing I was put on this earth for....make babies. its basically the only thing that will make my heart complete...and probably the one thing I will not accomplish. but I will not stop trying.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hope all of my wonderful Cysters are doing well out there! Just checking in:)
  • mmmandax
    mmmandax Posts: 5
    The hair. The acne. All I'm going to say lol. Hello all! I'm Amanda, fairly new here. (:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    The hair. The acne. All I'm going to say lol. Hello all! I'm Amanda, fairly new here. (:

  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    im feeling less symptomatic lately. still tweeze constantly, but my other symptoms seem to be at bay for the moment. I think I have finally started regulating my body! its exciting!
  • bcopeland2005
    bcopeland2005 Posts: 20 Member
    Does anyone else on here have this issue: I started Metformin in early July and never have my own periods.. it's always pill assisted. SO.. I start the Metformin, and about 35 days later I start on my own.. VERY EXCITED!!! Lol. But now I'm on the second month and it's day 32.. and.. nothing. Am I just too nervous hoping that it wasn't just a one time thing?? OR is it possible that it helped me one month and not the next??? Experiences?? Suggestions??
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Does anyone else on here have this issue: I started Metformin in early July and never have my own periods.. it's always pill assisted. SO.. I start the Metformin, and about 35 days later I start on my own.. VERY EXCITED!!! Lol. But now I'm on the second month and it's day 32.. and.. nothing. Am I just too nervous hoping that it wasn't just a one time thing?? OR is it possible that it helped me one month and not the next??? Experiences?? Suggestions??
    it is quite possible that the metformin helped you! my own experience: metformin helped me, with MANY side effects... I kept taking it felt like poison to my body...but I figured because my DR. told me to take it for my PCOS that it would help.(i see it as a starting point looking back on it...and it really did help my oh so effed up metabolic system get shocked into working again) so I just kept taking it and taking it....while SLOWLY(.....I mean 3 lbs every oh....6 months or so...yeah felt like NOTHING), this the whole time Working out cardio elliptical 45 mins a day/ walking/jogging/ strength training 3-4 times per week! ). IT DID HELP me lose weight over time.....but in the long run I figured out that Low carb/ low sugar was the way of eating(FOR LIFE) I was destined for. The only way of TREATING PCOS (naturally pills)without covering up sypmptoms.It's been the ONLY way of life that has truly made a difference in my life/cycles and so on.....when I say low carb I MEAN LOWWWW carb. I can only speak for myself....but lowcarb to me and my PCOS issues over the years means....NO starches NO sugars. Im sorry if this sounds harsh....but it is the truth. My Drs are astounded and speechless....and embarrassed for not seeing the true solution to this problem. I know I might get many conflicting different views in rebut to this post...but I just had to share my own personal story. Please, if you have questions/comments ...Friend request me:)
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I hated metformin so I stopped taking it. For me, I kept the carbs but my former love affair with bread had to end. I loved nice, soft bread, I could eat just bread. I've started adding sweet potatoes again and I feel the help me. Birth control pills were what helped me regulate my periods but it didn't help with many of the other symptoms.
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Grr. Though I've been lucky enough to have my five beautiful children my pcos still drives me insane sometimes. After posting yesterday that I haven't had any symptoms lately I feel like a bit fat "Meh" today.
    I had a low-carb sandwich thin for lunch an hour ago and already bloated and sleepy, I have that niggly migraine coming feeling, and my lower belly feels tense and swollen, stabby pains on my left side, very swollen, my boobs are sore and looking at my calendar my last AF was back in June. (Definitely not pregnant.)

    I have the motivation of microwaved cat poop and we have lots of visitors coming tomorrow for my son's birthday party.

    My husband's very happy though, my "drive" is going through the roof this week. It's the testosterone according to my OB/GYN. Same reason I've had to wax TWICE in a fortnight, =(.
  • CrazyHorse_06
    CrazyHorse_06 Posts: 6 Member
    I never knew PCOS was a common thing. I was told I had it when I was 14 and I didn't know anyone else had this until last year at my work. I have been on the pill since i was 14 and started metformin last year. This year my doc put me on a water pill of some sort to help with the symptoms of PCOS. I think I have regulated my levels out now and am just needing to loose the extra padding. any suggestions on what to or not to eat since I have this?? I know carbs aren't the best and pasta isn't good, but that is pretty much all I want some days!! oh, and for the little extra hairs ... I have found that that new NO!NO! hair remover works very well. I recommend that for anyone!!!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    I have PCOS and my cycle has NEVER been regular. Matter of fact about 5 years ago they thought I had cervical cancer due to the fact that I never had a cycle. Thank God I did not but I did have huge cycts that had to be removed. The cyst was so big that it mangled my falopian tube and it had to be removed. My other tube is blocked and they think it is scar tissue. Last year I lost 80 lbs and just like that my cycles came back every month though always a week or so later than the month before. I got sick and had an emergency surgery and I have gained 40 lbs back........cycles are gone again although I get all the symptoms. My poor breasts have been very sore for almost a month. I get the symptoms and they last forever!!!. I obviously cannot have children and I struggle with that everyday. We have looked into adoption but I just don't have that kind of money. I really wish I did. Knowing that I will never be a mother is more than I can handle some days.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Grr. Though I've been lucky enough to have my five beautiful children my pcos still drives me insane sometimes. After posting yesterday that I haven't had any symptoms lately I feel like a bit fat "Meh" today.
    I had a low-carb sandwich thin for lunch an hour ago and already bloated and sleepy, I have that niggly migraine coming feeling, and my lower belly feels tense and swollen, stabby pains on my left side, very swollen, my boobs are sore and looking at my calendar my last AF was back in June. (Definitely not pregnant.)

    I have the motivation of microwaved cat poop and we have lots of visitors coming tomorrow for my son's birthday party.

    My husband's very happy though, my "drive" is going through the roof this week. It's the testosterone according to my OB/GYN. Same reason I've had to wax TWICE in a fortnight, =(.
    all I can say is you are LUCKY! LUCKY to be able to have been diagnosed with PCOS and stil have kiddos... good for you dear! no....Seriously! YAY!...........
    but for the rest of us ....annovulating doesnt matter how many relaxing sounds I listen to.....or how many good parents i would have for that baby......I willl never be ...ultlyimately good enough.....or old enough...or young enough.
  • wickedboots
    Lovely lovely lovely PCOS! I am 47 and have suffered for more years than I can even admit (started my cycle early). I did well on Metaformin, lost a few pounds, had my period and felt great. Once my cycle was regulated, my doc took me off. Well guess what, i gained weight and my periods SUCK again.

    As for hair...oh my god. They didn't have laser years ago so I did electrolysis. My hair growth was so rapid, I had to shave daily and pluck my face two or three times a day. i had a fantastic wax lady that waxed me from stem to stern. I also adore my hair loss (could be my thyroid too),

    A few years ago, my doc put me on Aldactone. Hello! I barely have any hair left on my body and the hair on my head is so much better.

    I need a new doc so I can go back on metaformin...that stuff rocked my PCOS.

    Love my cysters. XO!