can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • i'm not sure what is or isn't working... I do know that my body HATED generic metformin. To the point it didn't even break the pills down anymore. (I'm on a brand extended release now... not sure it's done anything useful). Pretty sure the spiro's not making things better :/
  • AmyBoogie
    AmyBoogie Posts: 91 Member
    Xtina have you tried cutting out wheat and gluten?? Doing that has helped me heaps, every now and again I lapse and go on a massive wheat-binge and I really notice it - bloating, significant weight gain, acne breakout, bad sleep, more pain etc etc

    This is the same for me. I dont' eat white sugar either anymore and try to avoid most processed sugars too. Also if I eat too much fruit, I will have bad effects. I can only eat it in tiny portions and not every day. So far, I'm not on meds but some days it really is a bummer to not eat what the rest of my family is.
  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    I just want to be able to go 3 days without having to TWEEZE most of my face =/ I'm pretty sure I remove facial hair more frequently than my boyfriend!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I have PCOS too and have lost 180 pounds...admittedly it took me 6 years....but it CAN be done. In relation to carbs i have good carbs at breakfast and lunch but most nights try to avoid them with my evening meal - best of uuck everyone :)

    Also I took no medication :)
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    I totally agree with so many things that have been said on here!! It is so frustrating when it seems like the situation is out of your control. I think I should try metformin again but it made me sooo sick when I tried it a few years ago. I am insulin resistant as well. Fun fun!
  • I feel for everyone on this post.
  • I have PCOS too and have lost 180 pounds...admittedly it took me 6 years....but it CAN be done. In relation to carbs i have good carbs at breakfast and lunch but most nights try to avoid them with my evening meal - best of uuck everyone :)

    Also I took no medication :)

    WOW Kazzsjourney! That is amazing. Truly inspirational. I weigh in at 306 pounds and have been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds for the last year, it seems. I didn't have a big weight problem until about 8 years ago when I proceeded to double my weight in a little over two years. Devastating. I tried to lose on my own but it's just not working. I've just now found this website and signed up. I've never done something like this. Still, to see that you have PCOS and have succeeded in finding balance is the boost I needed tonight. If you are so inclined, I would love to hear more about your journey. :)
  • Went to see my doctor yesterday. All my numbers (cholesterol, sugar etc) have me at optimum health (better than normal people) she said. Which is awesome- then she said your just a "Fit Fat" so its up to you if you want to lose the lbs but your insides are great. FML My body truly is playing a sick joke on me. any minute Ashton Kutcher should be jumping out of my *kitten* to tell me ive been Punked. lol She put me on Metformin too- for the weight loss aid and told me i could take phentermine with it later if it didnt give m bad side effects
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I have/had PCOS and had a difficult time getting pregnant but I have two children of my own now. The first was conceived after the second round of Clomid. The second child was a happy surprise! they are only 22 months apart.

    It's strange but after my first child I started getting a normal cycle so there is hope for those with PCOS. I still think the PCOS, hypoglycemia, gestational diabetes, and hypothyroidism are all related and if "they" knew what was causing the one then I could be rid of them all. But unfortunately not enough research and education is being done in the endocrine field, in my opinion.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    am happy to announce that we now have 2 children! 1 month old Ronan and his big sister 19 month old Callista! I am truly blessed to have been able to conceive at all! My switxh to a ketogenic lifestyle is really the only thing that treats my symptoms completely, its amazing! Pcos can be beat and i have won twice now! You can too! Never give up! Im sure you may hear it all the time, but find something that works for you and stick with it! Please check out my group Winning the pcos battle for more future info on my keto progress and journey, and also to discuss other natural ways to treat pcos! Sending all my cysters love, light, and prayers.
  • kelseytmurray1
    kelseytmurray1 Posts: 15 Member
    I just wanted to share that I too have PCOS - I struggled with recent miscarriage and weight gain, emotion stress etc.
    I'm continually writing about the struggles and accomplishments. Wanted to share my story to everyone knows your not alone.
    Check out my blog for my story and updates.
  • lisamyershb
    lisamyershb Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing and venting, PCOS continues to affect so many of us women.
  • isthisrespekt
    isthisrespekt Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2015
    I was diagnosed with PCOS eight years ago at age 17. I was given the combo pill, which didn't help any of my symptoms, and triggered Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, which almost destroyed my late high school and early college years. I took Metformin for about a year after getting off of the pill, but a new doctor took me off of it. I was not on any hormonal contraceptive from age 19-22, during which time I was basically told that there was nothing I could do but suffer through it. For unrelated reasons, I started on Depo at 22 and was on that until last year when I got the Nexplanon put in.

    I have long suspected that my doctors have not been paying proper attention to my PCOS... I guess I am just wondering if it is typical for doctors to be so blase about this? I am overweight, but my doctors have never once recommended weight loss, which is so weird to me. Not that I am blaming them for my not losing weight (that is alllll on me), it just makes me feel like this is such a non-issue to them. I've spent a lot of time dealing with the hair, acne, cramps, irregular bleeding (though I have been period-free for about two years due to Depo/Nexplanon), and weight problems, that this just sort of seems like the way things are going to be.

    Then I get this dropped on me at my last gyn visit: doctor told me that I will probably be unable to have children ever if I don't start trying to conceive in the next two years. After telling me that, he scoots me out the door before I can properly process what that means for me. Losing weight seems to be my best bet but are there any, any, ANY other things I should be looking into? Thanks all!
  • wahoostampingirl
    wahoostampingirl Posts: 11 Member
    Melroxsox wrote: »
    Im sure you may hear it all the time, but find something that works for you and stick with it! Please check out my group Winning the pcos battle for more future info on my keto progress and journey, and also to discuss other natural ways to treat pcos! Sending all my cysters love, light, and prayers.

    How do we find your group? I was diagnosed with PCOS over 2 decades ago and the battle continues!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hold on ill try to invite you
  • wahoostampingirl
    wahoostampingirl Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks. I just saw the invite and joined.
  • jrenfrowilliams
    jrenfrowilliams Posts: 8 Member
    I was told I couldn't have a baby without being on metformin. I had ran out of it and waited a long time to get more. The day I went to get more I found out I was 21 weeks pregnant. I got pregnant without being on metformin. There is hope. Losing weight can reverse PCOS. Don't give up!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Honestly, PCOS is the least of my medical worries.

    I was diagnosed about 20 years ago. It would have been handy to know then that perhaps I could have had a baby with Clomid. Someone could have mentioned the need to eat low/moderate carb too...I had to figure that out on my own by tracking.

    Silly doctors.
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    Im starting to wonder if I might have PCOS. to be honest I didn't have a clue what it was until I just googled it. My periods are never regular - i'm lucky if I even have five within a year or less. I don't have everything everyone is listing. but I do have hair that likes to grown under my chin. just like little random strands of it. my mom thinks its cause i'm so obsese and thats what i chalked it up to as well.

    I have not tried conceiving yet. I honestly do not know if I would have problems with that - in the back of my mind though I assume I would since my periods aren't regular.
  • maryjane28
    maryjane28 Posts: 25 Member
    So, I was diagnosed with pcos by an ultrasound, i gained 10 lbs this year, my skin breaks out and i grew facial hair. However, they said it didn’t matter if I got my blood glucose tested or my triglycerides in my blood because I am at a healthy weight,Im an athlete though I track my caloric intake workout 6 days a week and am generally active. So do insulin levels cause pcos or does pcos cause the insulin problems im so confused why my doctor wouldnt want me to get my insulin tested after diagnosing me if they are so closely related