Postnatal- April 2011



  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Try using the bottle b-4 she get to use to the breast ! For my last child I never pumped it just seemed to take to much time also I had three other to take care of ! So if I had to try and use the bottle I gave her formula. I do not think my Taresa ever really used the bottle more then 5 times. This would explain why we are still nursing ! I bet my body is trying to hold on to some weight for breast feeding this is why I have been having so many issues losing over the past 2 & 1/2 weeks !

    I read some where on here some of you are worried about BF in public. I had this issue too , but when a baby has got to eat they got to eat LOL. Carry a blanket & be proud of what you are doing. I remember with my first she is now 8 I was at EatnPark resturant and this old man came up to our booth & asked" What I got under the blanket?" I was like ummmmmmmmmm umm:noway: baby ! Oh well it makes great stories:laugh:
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    I was wondering if anyone can tell me how long it takes to not have perineal pain after a baby? Mine was born 8 weeks ago, and I did have bad tearing, but it still hurts badly if I stand more than a few minutes or sit wrong ect. It has made me worry about excercising too...
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Jamie- Thanks for your kind words…. I guess I didn’t help matters yesterday by going to a Chinese buffet with the kids after a day of walking. I didn’t do real bad there but felt so gross afterwards.

    Megan- I would continue with the 2 hour feedings, I do not interrupt Brooklynn’s eating schedule. There are times when she will go longer in between feedings and I feel uncomfortable, that is when I usually pump or the times when she will only feed on one breast. 2 ½ weeks until I return to work so the milk supply in the freezer will be used soon. Also don’t wait too long to introduce a bottle, have daddy or someone else do it. You definitely want to make sure Annabelle will take to a bottle when you return to work and it seems like when a bottle is introduced too late most babies will not take to it. Maybe 2-3 weeks or so? You can ask at her 2 week appointment and see what her pediatrician recommends, you just have to make sure she will eat when you can’t feed her.

    Tiffeney- I get what you mean totally, yesterday we went to the train museum and I found a spot in a corner all alone at the furthest point, safe right? Nope! Some creepy guy came my way and kept giving me a strange smile. Come on buddy, you have a kid with you so you should know what is going on under the blanket.

    Hazelbliss- If you are still in actual pain I would call your ob, I am almost 3 weeks postnatal and I only feel slight discomfort when I walk too much. Otherwise I only feel tender down there. I did have pretty significant tearing because I had stitches from front to back. Definitely make your doctor aware of it because 8 weeks seems like a long time to still have pain.

    AFM: We had a hard time yesterday with latching, seems like we are going through a cycle of really good nursing then bad and then back to good. I think baby has gotten lazy and is only nipple feeding at times, it is super painful and feels like someone has cut my nipple with a razor. Today seems somewhat better so I hope it is temporary, I was reading up last night on how to get baby to latch better. I pumped so daddy could feed her and my nipples could get a break but got really discouraged because when I first started pumping I would get 1 ½ oz per breast, then it went down to 1 oz per breast, yesterday I only got ½ oz per breast and had a total breakdown. I told my hubby that I was a bad mom because I can’t even feed my baby and with this being our last I really wanted to nurse for a year. I know we are both learning but I hope we can come to an understanding soon.
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Jamie- Thanks for your kind words…. I guess I didn’t help matters yesterday by going to a Chinese buffet with the kids after a day of walking. I didn’t do real bad there but felt so gross afterwards.

    Megan- I would continue with the 2 hour feedings, I do not interrupt Brooklynn’s eating schedule. There are times when she will go longer in between feedings and I feel uncomfortable, that is when I usually pump or the times when she will only feed on one breast. 2 ½ weeks until I return to work so the milk supply in the freezer will be used soon. Also don’t wait too long to introduce a bottle, have daddy or someone else do it. You definitely want to make sure Annabelle will take to a bottle when you return to work and it seems like when a bottle is introduced too late most babies will not take to it. Maybe 2-3 weeks or so? You can ask at her 2 week appointment and see what her pediatrician recommends, you just have to make sure she will eat when you can’t feed her.

    Tiffeney- I get what you mean totally, yesterday we went to the train museum and I found a spot in a corner all alone at the furthest point, safe right? Nope! Some creepy guy came my way and kept giving me a strange smile. Come on buddy, you have a kid with you so you should know what is going on under the blanket.

    Hazelbliss- If you are still in actual pain I would call your ob, I am almost 3 weeks postnatal and I only feel slight discomfort when I walk too much. Otherwise I only feel tender down there. I did have pretty significant tearing because I had stitches from front to back. Definitely make your doctor aware of it because 8 weeks seems like a long time to still have pain.

    AFM: We had a hard time yesterday with latching, seems like we are going through a cycle of really good nursing then bad and then back to good. I think baby has gotten lazy and is only nipple feeding at times, it is super painful and feels like someone has cut my nipple with a razor. Today seems somewhat better so I hope it is temporary, I was reading up last night on how to get baby to latch better. I pumped so daddy could feed her and my nipples could get a break but got really discouraged because when I first started pumping I would get 1 ½ oz per breast, then it went down to 1 oz per breast, yesterday I only got ½ oz per breast and had a total breakdown. I told my hubby that I was a bad mom because I can’t even feed my baby and with this being our last I really wanted to nurse for a year. I know we are both learning but I hope we can come to an understanding soon.
    I feel for you all BF is so hard , but yet so different with each child. I am pretty sure the docters say no pumping for the 1st months because you will not be happy with how much you get out & how long it takes to get just that much !:mad: It sounds as if she is fine ! This stuff happens you will be able to make it if you keep it up . Pumping makes more of it come it just will take time. Did the hospital give you any cream for your cracked nipple? I always kept a frozen washcloth in the freezor for after.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I feel for you all BF is so hard , but yet so different with each child. I am pretty sure the docters say no pumping for the 1st months because you will not be happy with how much you get out & how long it takes to get just that much !:mad: It sounds as if she is fine ! This stuff happens you will be able to make it if you keep it up . Pumping makes more of it come it just will take time. Did the hospital give you any cream for your cracked nipple? I always kept a frozen washcloth in the freezor for after.

    My pediatrician said to introduce the bottle so that she would take to it, he did said that bf gurus would be absolutely against it though. The hospital gave me medela cream which is actually more soothing than the lanisol. A frozen washcloth sounds appealing though.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I feel for you all BF is so hard , but yet so different with each child. I am pretty sure the docters say no pumping for the 1st months because you will not be happy with how much you get out & how long it takes to get just that much !:mad: It sounds as if she is fine ! This stuff happens you will be able to make it if you keep it up . Pumping makes more of it come it just will take time. Did the hospital give you any cream for your cracked nipple? I always kept a frozen washcloth in the freezor for after.

    My pediatrician said to introduce the bottle so that she would take to it, he did said that bf gurus would be absolutely against it though. The hospital gave me medela cream which is actually more soothing than the lanisol. A frozen washcloth sounds appealing though.

    What I did yesterday (for engorgement, not cracked nipple..but i think it will help...) is I wet a diaper and put it in the freezer and then afterwards but the diaper around my breast for reduce swelling and pain. OMG it was amazing!! I would have never thought to use a diaper but it was a perfect fit and I could just put it inside of my bra around my boob. That may help some.

    The engorgement is going down some today ....Praise the Lord!! I have the next 4 months off (I'm a teacher so I get my 6 weeks mternity leave and then 2 months summer vaycay) so I'm not introducing a bottle yet. Not sure when I'll start pumping...I didn't give in last night and try...I was afraid if I did it too much I'd make the engorgement worse. I did hand expression for a little bit before she ate so that she could latch. If I didn't she could couldn't get the nipple in her mouth. I do like the idea of having an emergency stash in the freezer just in case, but not sure when I'm going to start.

    Annabelle is only 6 days old, so we're not going out yet...but it does scare me and make me nervous to think thta she will have to feed while we're out! I had to do i t at the pediatrician's office on Monday but it was the dr's office...I'm ok doing it there, they have a room lol. Think it will probably be a while before I go to the mall or places that I may get stuck, haha. I guess it just takes getting use to pullng your boobs out in public! I also need to practice with my cover to make sure I know how to use it (I mean how hard could it be...? but when I get nervous I tend to make things harder than they are suppose to be..:laugh: )

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions and help!!! :flowerforyou: THat's why I love these forums!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I dont know if it is weird but the lactation lady told me you can donate breast milk to feed sick babies in the NICU. if I end up with extra I may look into that.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I dont know if it is weird but the lactation lady told me you can donate breast milk to feed sick babies in the NICU. if I end up with extra I may look into that.

    it does sound a little weird, BUT think of how amazing it could be to help out a hurting baby....:love:
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    MWilson >>>> You will be fling them out like a pro in no time ! I am so good at it I do not use a nursing bra anymore !
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    MWilson >>>> You will be fling them out like a pro in no time ! I am so good at it I do not use a nursing bra anymore !

    LOL I hope so!

    Bethe - I love your new picture!!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I dont know if it is weird but the lactation lady told me you can donate breast milk to feed sick babies in the NICU. if I end up with extra I may look into that.

    it does sound a little weird, BUT think of how amazing it could be to help out a hurting baby....:love:

    my thoughts exactly Megan....I would love to give the best nutriion to a sick baby
  • zahratees
    That's amazing that you dropped 40 so quickly! I wieghed in yesterday and I am down another 5....but I don't want to get too excited!! I can't start walking yet, I have a stitch that popped out today, I have to go to the dr tomorrow, I know I have just been doing too much. My husband and mom yelled at me for baking and putting on coffee for our visitors.....and I keep cleaning the house because people are over...I'm Italian, I can't help it!!! I am going to stick with my fitness pal, it really would be dumb for me to join WW, all my favorite foods are already in here any way! That's awesome we had our kids on the same day, like you I have about 20 lbs to go, so maybe we can motivate eachother! I go back to work on May 31st and I really don't want to wear maternity clothes.....I'm a teacher, so I only have to go back for a few weeks, I guess I just have to suck it up if I have no other pants that fit....I'm more nervous about our show on May 14th! I did a set with my band in February when I was 35 weeks pregnant and I didn't feel awkward....maybe I just need a t shirt that says "I gave birth 6 weeks ago" so people will cut me some's so much harder when you're a girl!

    have a great day :)
    Hi Ladies,
    I really enjoyed reading all of your posts, made me feel normal! I would like to join this thread. My name is Zahra and I just had my second son (Rc/s) on March 29,2011. Iike my first pregnancy, I have lost a mere 10lbs and not an ounce more. I worked out my whole pregnancy and watched what I ate and still managed to gain 40lbs. I know it will come off like it did with my first, I am just not one of those people who loses 20 lbs after giving birth....and I was really beginning to think I was the only one! I have been contemplating joining weight watchers, but I have been using MFP for about 2 years now, so I figured I would recalculate my goals before I go spend $65 on WW!!! I can't wait till I can work out again, but with the c/s I know I have to wait till my 6week check up. Plus a part of my incision came open 2 weeks ago and I pulled a muscle last week (accidently lifted my 40lb 3 year old a few times) Kind of dreading weighing in tomorrow as I have not seen the scale move since the day I came home from the hospital, but I am being optimistic. My band has a show on May 14th (I'm the lead singer) I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds by then....we'll see :) Have a great day!!!!

    We had our babies on the same day, I had a C/S too. YAY... I don't get what's up with baby weight. Why it stays around so long. YUCK. I didn't lose an ounce with my first, not even the baby's weight. But with this one, I dropped 40 lbs in 10 put on the brakes because I havent' lost another ounce. And I have 20 more to go to prepreggers weight. That is s o awesome that you are a lead singer in a band, so jealous of that.
    WW has gotten way too expensive. I remember thinking $8.95 a week all those years ago was alot of money. But I've discovered I don't need a middle man to lose the weight just the dedication and hard work. You can do this.

    This was my 2nd section, i didn't do anything with my first, but I've started slow 20 min mile walking now with this one. I started aiming for just a mile last week a couple of days and now am aiming for 1-2 daily this week. I'm not going back to really working out until 6 weeks like you.
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    My t Shirt would say " Just had too many babies in the past 7 years" LMBO
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    My t Shirt would say " Just had too many babies in the past 7 years" LMBO

  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Well now that the weather is better been getting out more with Ashley. She is getting so big and smiling more. She loves her carrier and falls asleep which is great cuz I went on a 3 mile walk yesterday and she slept through it all. Yeah for summer!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Jamie- Thanks for your kind words…. I guess I didn’t help matters yesterday by going to a Chinese buffet with the kids after a day of walking. I didn’t do real bad there but felt so gross afterwards.

    Megan- I would continue with the 2 hour feedings, I do not interrupt Brooklynn’s eating schedule. There are times when she will go longer in between feedings and I feel uncomfortable, that is when I usually pump or the times when she will only feed on one breast. 2 ½ weeks until I return to work so the milk supply in the freezer will be used soon. Also don’t wait too long to introduce a bottle, have daddy or someone else do it. You definitely want to make sure Annabelle will take to a bottle when you return to work and it seems like when a bottle is introduced too late most babies will not take to it. Maybe 2-3 weeks or so? You can ask at her 2 week appointment and see what her pediatrician recommends, you just have to make sure she will eat when you can’t feed her.

    Tiffeney- I get what you mean totally, yesterday we went to the train museum and I found a spot in a corner all alone at the furthest point, safe right? Nope! Some creepy guy came my way and kept giving me a strange smile. Come on buddy, you have a kid with you so you should know what is going on under the blanket.

    Hazelbliss- If you are still in actual pain I would call your ob, I am almost 3 weeks postnatal and I only feel slight discomfort when I walk too much. Otherwise I only feel tender down there. I did have pretty significant tearing because I had stitches from front to back. Definitely make your doctor aware of it because 8 weeks seems like a long time to still have pain.

    AFM: We had a hard time yesterday with latching, seems like we are going through a cycle of really good nursing then bad and then back to good. I think baby has gotten lazy and is only nipple feeding at times, it is super painful and feels like someone has cut my nipple with a razor. Today seems somewhat better so I hope it is temporary, I was reading up last night on how to get baby to latch better. I pumped so daddy could feed her and my nipples could get a break but got really discouraged because when I first started pumping I would get 1 ½ oz per breast, then it went down to 1 oz per breast, yesterday I only got ½ oz per breast and had a total breakdown. I told my hubby that I was a bad mom because I can’t even feed my baby and with this being our last I really wanted to nurse for a year. I know we are both learning but I hope we can come to an understanding soon.
    I feel for you all BF is so hard , but yet so different with each child. I am pretty sure the docters say no pumping for the 1st months because you will not be happy with how much you get out & how long it takes to get just that much !:mad: It sounds as if she is fine ! This stuff happens you will be able to make it if you keep it up . Pumping makes more of it come it just will take time. Did the hospital give you any cream for your cracked nipple? I always kept a frozen washcloth in the freezor for after.

    I never get much milk EVER when I pump, no matter how long I wait post birth. Annabelle on the other thread made me feel better. Because she said "just because you don't produce for the pump doesn't mean you don't produce for the baby." After 6 hours with no feedings last night, I pumped this morning and had a grand total of 4 ozs. But even if I nurse him right after pumping he can breastfeed for 20 minutes and I still see he is getting something from me! This makes my day. Pumping is just not my friend and I rarely get that "full" feeling and I never need to wear nursing pads. But I have successfully nursed 3 babies so far even though I sometimes need to supplement. Everyone is different when it comes to nursing and what they produce. My friend tried to exclusively pump and ended up drying up. I believe that would happen with me too.
  • Elixer
    Elixer Posts: 5 Member
    I am so full of issues when it comes to breastfeeding. My first child was a disaster. She never really got the hang of it. Now baby number two seems to be doing well. However, I still worry. Thankfully, it seems most moms have similar problems. It is great to read posts and really relate.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I never get much milk EVER when I pump, no matter how long I wait post birth. Annabelle on the other thread made me feel better. Because she said "just because you don't produce for the pump doesn't mean you don't produce for the baby." After 6 hours with no feedings last night, I pumped this morning and had a grand total of 4 ozs. But even if I nurse him right after pumping he can breastfeed for 20 minutes and I still see he is getting something from me! This makes my day. Pumping is just not my friend and I rarely get that "full" feeling and I never need to wear nursing pads. But I have successfully nursed 3 babies so far even though I sometimes need to supplement. Everyone is different when it comes to nursing and what they produce. My friend tried to exclusively pump and ended up drying up. I believe that would happen with me too.

    I have to try and get myself to produce well for the pump because I worry Brooklynn will not have enough to eat once I go back to work. 4 oz is really good, how long did it take you to get that much? She usually nurses on one breast per feeding and from what I was told it is good for her to have a long feeding on one to get to the high milk. I offer the second breast but since she is the one that drops it she is done at that point. If I am at home I will pump the other breast and the offer that one at the next feeding. Hopefully she will only need 2-3 bottles while I am working during the day, our pediatrician said we do not limit the amount of milk so I will just have hubby offer her 2 oz at a time. She usually takes 2-3 oz when he does give her a bottle, she looks so funny drinking a bottle though because she turns her head towards him like she is nursing and can't latch to it....she smacks her lips. I wish I didn't need nursing pads, I would love to have a night of sleep without a nursing bra and pads...I just leak everywhere!

    Today we spent the day at a museum and in 6 hours my beautful baby girl decided to eat 4 times! The first time I found a spot where not many people were going. The second time all I cared about was having a place to sit and sat behind the stroller with my 2 shirts and blanket. The third I nearly lost my blanket and had a full exposure :blushing: ! I caught it thank goodness, a lady came up to me and said hats off to me because she just whips it out. Her forth time we were in the gift shop and the boys were indecisive about what they were going to get. I undid my bra, put my blanket over my shoulder and whipped it out. Hubby said I wasn't kidding when I told him that it wouldnt be long before I would whip it out. Sorry but I could not stand hearing her cry for food when I have it under my shirt. Funny how quickly you can learn to walk and nurse :bigsmile:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I dont know if it is weird but the lactation lady told me you can donate breast milk to feed sick babies in the NICU. if I end up with extra I may look into that.

    it does sound a little weird, BUT think of how amazing it could be to help out a hurting baby....:love:

    my thoughts exactly Megan....I would love to give the best nutriion to a sick baby

    Now I'm gonna get busted for lurking :blushing: :laugh:

    I also plan to donate some of my breastmilk if I have enough in supply. A friend of mine has 11 adopted children, the last 2 were adopted as infants, and she had milk donors and was able to give both of them breastmilk exclusively. I had never even thought about the fact that adoptive moms can't breastfeed. Her children are older now, but she is friends with a woman who just adopted newborn twin girls, and she is looking for "milk mommas". I thought this was a great way to help a family, so I'm really hoping to be able to do it.

    Can't wait to join you guys over here, really miss all of you!!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    I wish I didn't need nursing pads, I would love to have a night of sleep without a nursing bra and pads...I just leak everywhere!

    Today we spent the day at a museum and in 6 hours my beautful baby girl decided to eat 4 times! The first time I found a spot where not many people were going. The second time all I cared about was having a place to sit and sat behind the stroller with my 2 shirts and blanket. The third I nearly lost my blanket and had a full exposure :blushing: ! I caught it thank goodness, a lady came up to me and said hats off to me because she just whips it out. Her forth time we were in the gift shop and the boys were indecisive about what they were going to get. I undid my bra, put my blanket over my shoulder and whipped it out. Hubby said I wasn't kidding when I told him that it wouldnt be long before I would whip it out. Sorry but I could not stand hearing her cry for food when I have it under my shirt. Funny how quickly you can learn to walk and nurse :bigsmile:

    OMG me too - I HATE sleeping in a bra!! :sad: AND since I"ve been engorged my boobs are too big for my nursing bras... ouch!

    LOL I hope I get to that point - I'm afraid to go out in public at this point :laugh: