Postnatal- April 2011



  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    I hated the smell of the pads ! I would leave them laying around and forget about them ! :embarassed: It all goes away you will not have to carry the pads for the whole time you are BF.:love: It got to the point when I started to leak I could just tap ( puch them in ) and I would stop leaking !:laugh: I remember soo many times being at the grocery store hearing a baby or thinking about mine they would start to leak & I would just do a taptap ! There where many times I had leaks on my shirt and my oldest would point it out. Point is this all will go away after 4 -5 month or much earlier. I wish this would still happen every once in awhile too me so I would no if I am producing or not :indifferent: but Oh well hopefully she will give up soon I about to lace them with lemon juice so she does not like the taste anymore !
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Lynn- Lurk away, I am sure you will be here the day after Joshua is born :laugh: I miss all of you and that is why I still lurk on the pregnancy board. I think that is AWESOME that her babies were able to get breast milk from milk moms. I would love to help out others as long as our supply is there.

    Megan- You will get there at some point, remember that Brooklynn is 2 weeks older than Annabelle so you will have to get out at some point. :wink:

    Tiffeney- glad to know that I will not have to wear a bra forever....I really hate bras and would normally take it off as long as I was home.

    We went to JC Pennys to take photos today and I felt like the odd one out. There were 2 other babies and all of us were feeding our babies yet I was the only one with my boob popped out (well under my blanket). I have noticed that not many people nurse their babies, sometimes I feel like I am strange for doing it but I know it is the best for her.
  • jess4ava
    jess4ava Posts: 7
    Love this thread!!! My daughter was born 6 mos ago, have been back on the health kick as of jan, joined mfp last week and still have a ways to go!!! This was my first baby but the weight is coming off this normal for your body to change like that after having a baby??
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Jessica >>> OMG yes ! Here is to the new you bigger feet & boobs !:bigsmile:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Spring break brought lots of outtings and eating out. Not happy with this weeks loss, I have got to get back on track. Cant wait to get cleared for exercise other than walking!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member

    I wish I didn't need nursing pads, I would love to have a night of sleep without a nursing bra and pads...I just leak everywhere!

    Today we spent the day at a museum and in 6 hours my beautful baby girl decided to eat 4 times! The first time I found a spot where not many people were going. The second time all I cared about was having a place to sit and sat behind the stroller with my 2 shirts and blanket. The third I nearly lost my blanket and had a full exposure :blushing: ! I caught it thank goodness, a lady came up to me and said hats off to me because she just whips it out. Her forth time we were in the gift shop and the boys were indecisive about what they were going to get. I undid my bra, put my blanket over my shoulder and whipped it out. Hubby said I wasn't kidding when I told him that it wouldnt be long before I would whip it out. Sorry but I could not stand hearing her cry for food when I have it under my shirt. Funny how quickly you can learn to walk and nurse :bigsmile:

    OMG me too - I HATE sleeping in a bra!! :sad: AND since I"ve been engorged my boobs are too big for my nursing bras... ouch!

    LOL I hope I get to that point - I'm afraid to go out in public at this point :laugh:

    I honestly have to say I am jealous of you both because I just don't produce enough to need pads. :( I nursed Wade at 10:30 last night and he ended up drinking 6 + ozs of formula and 4 ozs of breastmilk before going to sleep finally at 2:30am. He is my first baby that isn't getting enough from me alone.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member

    I wish I didn't need nursing pads, I would love to have a night of sleep without a nursing bra and pads...I just leak everywhere!

    Today we spent the day at a museum and in 6 hours my beautful baby girl decided to eat 4 times! The first time I found a spot where not many people were going. The second time all I cared about was having a place to sit and sat behind the stroller with my 2 shirts and blanket. The third I nearly lost my blanket and had a full exposure :blushing: ! I caught it thank goodness, a lady came up to me and said hats off to me because she just whips it out. Her forth time we were in the gift shop and the boys were indecisive about what they were going to get. I undid my bra, put my blanket over my shoulder and whipped it out. Hubby said I wasn't kidding when I told him that it wouldnt be long before I would whip it out. Sorry but I could not stand hearing her cry for food when I have it under my shirt. Funny how quickly you can learn to walk and nurse :bigsmile:

    OMG me too - I HATE sleeping in a bra!! :sad: AND since I"ve been engorged my boobs are too big for my nursing bras... ouch!

    LOL I hope I get to that point - I'm afraid to go out in public at this point :laugh:

    I honestly have to say I am jealous of you both because I just don't produce enough to need pads. :( I nursed Wade at 10:30 last night and he ended up drinking 6 + ozs of formula and 4 ozs of breastmilk before going to sleep finally at 2:30am. He is my first baby that isn't getting enough from me alone.

    try there is tons of help there to increase supply and all things bf
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Just wanted to say hello!

    We have been really sick here, especially me. The baby is two weeks and has been sick too. He is already on an antibiotic and decongestant. It has been a rough two weeks here. I think I am getting too old for this. He is up every night until 2 am and sleeps until 6 am. So the lack of sleep hasn't helped nor does a 2 year old who has been sick too. Thankfully, I believe my two oldest are getting better.

    Hope you all are doing well.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Just wanted to say hello!

    We have been really sick here, especially me. The baby is two weeks and has been sick too. He is already on an antibiotic and decongestant. It has been a rough two weeks here. I think I am getting too old for this. He is up every night until 2 am and sleeps until 6 am. So the lack of sleep hasn't helped nor does a 2 year old who has been sick too. Thankfully, I believe my two oldest are getting better.

    Hope you all are doing well.

    Oh no! You poor thing, I hope all of you get to feeling better soon :flowerforyou:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Just wanted to say hello!

    We have been really sick here, especially me. The baby is two weeks and has been sick too. He is already on an antibiotic and decongestant. It has been a rough two weeks here. I think I am getting too old for this. He is up every night until 2 am and sleeps until 6 am. So the lack of sleep hasn't helped nor does a 2 year old who has been sick too. Thankfully, I believe my two oldest are getting better.

    Hope you all are doing well.

    Oh no! You poor thing, I hope all of you get to feeling better soon :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Sheri! This is the first baby I haven't been able to get right back to sleep after nursing. He was up from 11:45 pm until 4 am last night. Today we have been laying in bed together.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member

    Thanks Sheri! This is the first baby I haven't been able to get right back to sleep after nursing. He was up from 11:45 pm until 4 am last night. Today we have been laying in bed together.

    That is awful, Brooklynn plays games with me...she pretends to be asleep until I put her down and starts fussing than crying right away. Lately she has not been wanting to go to bed at night but she is up for a long time so you would think she should fall right asleep but NOPE she fights her sleep like a pro. I dont know how we could survive without a cup of coffee in the morning, I hope we can get this changed before work starts!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Bethe - I'm soryr it's been such a rough 2 weeks! And I hope you all get to feeling better soon!! I know that has to be rough on you :cry:

    Sheri - Annabelle does that same thing...she looks asleep after nursing, and as soon as we pick her up she's like SURPRISE! and wants to be held again. She was doing great all last week of soothing herself to sleep when we put her to bed awake but groggy, but this week wants to be held. She slept in the bed with us the majority of the night last night, but I don't want to make that a habit. It does feel really good and sweet, but I know in the long run for us it will be better for her to be in her bassinet.

    The past couple of days it seems like she's wanting to eat every hour...maybe she's hitting an early growth spurt? It seems to be more in the morning time though, then in the afternoon she's back to 2-3 hours again. At night mommy is having a hard time waking up and she goes 4 hours sometimes... :ohwell: :embarassed: But she doesn't wake herself up, so it's easy to sleep right through that alarm... That's probably why she's so hungry in the mornings...

    I haven't checked in the past couple of days. Been taking it easy and resting. Yesterday hubby, Annabelle, and myself didn't even get out of bed except to eat and go to the restroom :laugh: It was great!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies... just wanted to poke in and say I am being a lurker as well :smile: Just about 100 days till I join you all! Enjoy your LO's!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Megan- growth spurts are from 10 days-2 weeks , 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and again at 6 months. No need to wake her to eat , she will wake if hungry. Brooklynn always wants to be held and sadly ends up in our bed everynight at some point. I know it will be tougher in the long run but the little fire cracker knows how to get her way. I cant believe she will be 1 month old on Sunday :cry: it is going too fast.

    AnneElise- cant wait til you join us!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    That picture of Brooklynn is adorable!!!! I can't wait until I get my newborn pics back. We had them taken Saturday and she did awesome! Got fussy right at the end but after an hour and a half of doing everything we wanted her to do, I was ok with that!

    Well that would be about right that the growth spurt is from 10 days -2 weeks with when she started doing that.

    She started getting fussy this morning but it had only been an hour since she ate, but I finally was going to nurse her and she took like 2 gulps and fell fast asleep. I guess she just needed it to calm down? She won't take a paci most times so mommy is the only option! lol

    I weighed in yesterday and I have lost about 26 pounds in just 12 days postpartum. I only have 13 more to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight! I can't believe that. However, it definitely is not proportioned the same way lol. My tummy is quite jiggly! :bigsmile: :blushing: Haven't found the energy...or start walking yet, but I hope it continues to come off.

    Can't wait for the rest of the pregnancy ladies to switch over!!!
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    My Tesa seems to be weaning ! YEAH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    That picture of Brooklynn is adorable!!!! I can't wait until I get my newborn pics back. We had them taken Saturday and she did awesome! Got fussy right at the end but after an hour and a half of doing everything we wanted her to do, I was ok with that!

    Well that would be about right that the growth spurt is from 10 days -2 weeks with when she started doing that.

    She started getting fussy this morning but it had only been an hour since she ate, but I finally was going to nurse her and she took like 2 gulps and fell fast asleep. I guess she just needed it to calm down? She won't take a paci most times so mommy is the only option! lol

    I weighed in yesterday and I have lost about 26 pounds in just 12 days postpartum. I only have 13 more to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight! I can't believe that. However, it definitely is not proportioned the same way lol. My tummy is quite jiggly! :bigsmile: :blushing: Haven't found the energy...or start walking yet, but I hope it continues to come off.

    Can't wait for the rest of the pregnancy ladies to switch over!!!

    Thank you! I am definately having fun trying to use all of her adorable dresses and I am glad that we got some great pics with her in it (I cant believe something so little could cost $40...sucker huh?) Brooklynn is not a big fan of the binky but if you hold it there for a couple seconds and rock her she will take it. Mommy ALWAYS has the magic touch though :happy: You are doing great with weight, I am only down 24 with 8 to go and it seems like it is going slower and slower. I know I need to do more of a work out but I just cant yet, and no I have never gotten my prepregnancy body back things just changed along the way. If weather is good try a little walk around the block, if she is anything like Brooklynn she will LOVE it. Sometimes that is all she needs to calm down :tongue: It will be fun to see pics of all of their little ones.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    My Tesa seems to be weaning ! YEAH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    nice!:happy: now you wont have to put anything on them :laugh:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok so I am feeling like a big fat whale! I know that I just had a baby but the reality is I was heavy to start with. Yesterday some crazy preaching guy praised me and hubby for having our little man, our newborn and me being pregnant...he said we are doing as god wants!!! Seriously dude? I just gave birth 3 1/2 weeks ago and have not done the deed. I think normally it wouldnt bother me but I have just been feeling terrible about my weight and want to see quick results which is not possible.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I feel the same way, Sheri. I had lost a good amount of weight before getting preggo, and even though I have lost way more already than I thought I would, I definitely feel different than before. We just have to keep telling ourselves that it took 9 months to put the extra weight on, it's going to take time to get it off too. Then we can start working on those other pesky pounds! That's what we're here for - support! I will be more supportive on eating and exercise when I can get in that mind set. Hopefully it will be soon!

    Annabelle's 2 week appointment is tomorrow, and I am so glad. I have some questions for the doctor! lol I can't believe I haven't called in the middle of the night yet... :laugh: During this past week she has had some major spit ups. They're really big (like wet mine and DH's entire shirt if we're holding her). I thought at first they were spit ups, but now I'm thinking they might be vomit?? She's not upset when they happen, but they freak me out. We thought it only happened when she was moved around alot after eating, but today when it happened I had just changed her position while holding her and it was like a flood came out. Any advice? It has happened about 5 times so far.