The 17 Day Diet



  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
    Have been following the post for a few days have got the book and read most of it and already to start on monday.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Am finishing up day one with fish sauteed in spices & crushed tomato. total calories for today didn't even hit 1k, but I forgot to eat the fruit portion (had a tiny bit of mango in my cup of kefir to compensate) until it was after 2pm and only had one portion of the probiotic - but will drink some milk later tonight to make sure i get it all in.

    not hungry at all. mind you, i woke up fairly late and was distracted by biking for half the day but hopefully this will hold well when it comes to the work week!''

    hope everyone else is doing well.

    oh, wait, boyfriend just added a big chunk of butter to my dinner. well, great. SO FREAKING ANNOYING.
  • forgiven4life
    Well I totally went off plan this weekend. Saturday wasn't THAT bad, but today I have enjoyed Easter and just eat entirely too much candy. Darn it! Will be glad to start back tomorrow. I do not plan on weighing for at least 2 days as I am sure I will be up a little from today's festivities. I ate a very small breakfast today, didn't eat lunch and then ate a pretty good Easter dinner. What killed was all the candy!! :mad:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Day 10 done... whooooooo, really working too, this diet is so easy to follow, and I am actually LOSING for a change, mind you , I started MFP with 1200 calories for a MONTH and lost ONE pound, then got frustrated, and found this 17 day diet, and it's working folks, finally found something that works for me...
    Anyway, we played canasta tonight, and I did not do well.
    Tomorrow we pack, and leave for ILL for the summer...
    Have a good night..
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Made through Easter weekend so far and the only hiccup was that I had red meat tonight, which I'm not supposed to in cycle one. Otherwise I've been perfect (since I didn't lose today, I had to be). I opted for squash instead of mashed potatoes and skipped everything else carb-y. Hopefully I make some headway in the next couple days because I can't wait to have "10 lbs lost" on my ticker!!!!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    welcome to mondayyyy!

    everyone take it a day at a time... i have breakfast & lunch ready, my 2 fruit snacks, and my two yogurts planned out. will try to remember green tea: is it 100% necessary to drink it WITH your meal? dinner is leftovers from yesterday. weighed in and gained a pound... ah, well, so much for instant gratification :laugh:

    drink your water!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    Another Easter weekend survivor. I had to stuff peeps, M&Ms and other goodies into Easter eggs and I didn't cheat! Woohoo! Easter dinner was fine. I had taco salad with ground turkey (the recipe from the book). I find the diet so much easier now. So easy that I feel like I'm not dieting sometimes. It's great. I do miss red meat, but soon soon....

    Day 8 starts today. For breakfast I had yogurt, grapes, green tea and now I'm having a cup of coffee.

    I feel great!
  • lillydlc
    lillydlc Posts: 162 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been following all your posts for a few days now, and am beginning the diet today! Really hope I can stick to it as I'm great at self-sabotage :grumble:

    Hope it's going well
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    Well, tomorrow is the day. Any last words of advice? I was pretty excited about it a few days ago, but now I'm feeling a bit anxious. I think the first few days is gonna be a real struggle, well mostly days 3-4 have me worried. I can manage a day or two without bread and cereal but 17 is looking like mount everest right now =)

    You can do it! Just remember the first few days can be rough. Don't be suprised if you have headaches. But I promise you it will get much better. Don't give up!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I am down 3 pounds the first two days! Unreal. Love, love, love the greek yogurt. Really have to shop carefully though - the yogurt should not have more than 12 g of sugar per cup. Didn't realize that at first and was inlove with Chobani strawberry (20 g). Oops. I guess I will be adding Truvia and fruit to the plain stuff. :D

    Proud of myself - I cancelled Easter brunch reservations and cooked a brunch at home for the family. I ate lots of fresh fruit, eggs, coffee, and yogurt. I figure I will go back to work 5 pounds lighter tomorrow while co-workers will go back a couple pounds heavier from Easter candy/Easter brunches. Not me!

    *Note: I had a monster headache and nausea Day 1 and almost quit. Totally gone Day 2 and 3!

    GREAT! Good for you! The weightloss has really inspired me. I lost 3lbs after the first day. That helped me deal with the 2-day headache I had afterward.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been following all your posts for a few days now, and am beginning the diet today! Really hope I can stick to it as I'm great at self-sabotage :grumble:

    Hope it's going well

    It's wonderful to have the support of people here. Easier not to sabotage yourself. :)
  • Ladyap28
    Ladyap28 Posts: 43
    Today is the day...C1D1...just got back from the supemartke..picked up all my goodies for the week. Let the pound shedding begin... So excited and anxious.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Today is the day...C1D1...just got back from the supemartke..picked up all my goodies for the week. Let the pound shedding begin... So excited and anxious.

    You will be amazed how fast the pounds drop! I've lost 7 pounds in 10 days, and I even cheated quite a few times! I would recommend sticking to the plan though. :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Made through Easter weekend so far and the only hiccup was that I had red meat tonight, which I'm not supposed to in cycle one. Otherwise I've been perfect (since I didn't lose today, I had to be). I opted for squash instead of mashed potatoes and skipped everything else carb-y. Hopefully I make some headway in the next couple days because I can't wait to have "10 lbs lost" on my ticker!!!!

    I am not a big red meat eater, but I am counting down the days until I can have a steak! :)
  • forgiven4life
    Today is the day...C1D1...just got back from the supemartke..picked up all my goodies for the week. Let the pound shedding begin... So excited and anxious.

    You will be amazed how fast the pounds drop! I've lost 7 pounds in 10 days, and I even cheated quite a few times! I would recommend sticking to the plan though. :)

    Lucky you! I cheated on Easter and I didn't dare weigh in today! LOL I was afraid I would see a gain and get disappointed. I'm not going to weigh until Wednesday morning. :smile:
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Today is the day...C1D1...just got back from the supemartke..picked up all my goodies for the week. Let the pound shedding begin... So excited and anxious.

    You will be amazed how fast the pounds drop! I've lost 7 pounds in 10 days, and I even cheated quite a few times! I would recommend sticking to the plan though. :)

    Lucky you! I cheated on Easter and I didn't dare weigh in today! LOL I was afraid I would see a gain and get disappointed. I'm not going to weigh until Wednesday morning. :smile:

    Well, I have gained when I cheated but 7 pounds is my net loss. :) I did good at the dinner, had turkey and green beans, then afterwards starting picking at the dressing and ate 3 rolls! ugh!!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    HI! C1D11 - just wondering for those of you on Cycle 2 - what to expect for weight loss? Right now I'm losing a pound every couple of days and just wondering if that will keep up? Please share!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Very happy today, think I might have lost more, not weighing until Thursday, but you know how you just know, I think its going in the right direction... doing a happy dance...

    Things were good last night, I took my yogurt, in a container with some ice to keep it cold, and ate it as a snack while others ate their dessert, I can do this, and I will..

  • AMBERE26
    AMBERE26 Posts: 18 Member
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    HI! C1D11 - just wondering for those of you on Cycle 2 - what to expect for weight loss? Right now I'm losing a pound every couple of days and just wondering if that will keep up? Please share!

    We are on exactly the same cycle and day. I will have to remember this! Have you stayed on plan for the most part? I have cheated here and there and haven't done the green tea much or the exercises. Hope to kick it back into full gear this week!