The 17 Day Diet



  • raksha
    raksha Posts: 30
    Bump, I may have to give this a try!!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    At end of day 2, little tougher today. Most of you said the first 3-4 days were the toughest? Need to plan better meals that taste good. Brought a can of vegetable soup to work and threw in some chicken but wasnt very good. :cry: Will do better tomorrow.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I HIT DAY 17 TODAY! Cycle 2 and I lost a total of 9 pounds! Wow! I am 1.8 pounds from my goal so I am gonna go to Cycle 3 tomorrow with tons of exercise. The weight is not the best part the inches are! My pregnancy pooch is almost some and I see a waist. I am happy that I found this diet. I have much more energy. Man the people doing Cycle 1 have to be losing much more than this. There is no FAD to this it can be a way of life and yes I had major cheat moments.

    Hang in there people this really works! I learned to love the Green Tea in MINT - go figure. That paired with grapefruit were major metabolism boosts before 2 pm! Wendy's Pecan Chicken Apple Salad was my fast food treat. I ate salads with every meal except breakfast. Natures Own Double Fiber Bread is the best. I ate breakfast within 15 minutes of waking up. Exercise wise I did 17 minutes of something even if it was just dancing or playing with my kiddo.

    Wendys Pecan chicken salad is ok to have on this plan?
  • BlueMindi
    BlueMindi Posts: 17
    Bump.. Just started Day 1 today (wasn't so bad) so happy to find you all and very excited to get some quick results!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Day 8 on the second cycle.

    I'm finding I have to eat MORE to get my calories for the day, because before I started the 17DD, I was already working out for 30-60 minutes a day, and I sure wasn't going to cut back to 17 minutes a day. I dropped a good six pounds during the first week of the first cycle, and then I just kind of hung there. I kept pinging between 173 and 174, after first hitting 172.8. I posted in on MFP last week about it, and the general consensus was that I wasn't getting enough calories, was drinking too much wine (yes, I cheated on that part), and my sodium was WAY too high.

    I had a drop to 172.0 on Sunday, then ate Easter dinner (ham=sodium).

    I am struggling with this diet/eating plan/way of life, because unless I load up on proteins (and extra carbs on carb-day) I don't hit my calorie goal/net calories.

    I don't think you need to worry too much about hitting a calorie goal. If you are eating enough and and aren't hungry, then I doubt your body will go into starvation mode. I can't imagine "starving" if you aren't even hungry. In my experience, wine and alcohol will sabotage things every single time. So, have you not really lost at all since the first week of C1?
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Day 8 on the second cycle.

    I'm finding I have to eat MORE to get my calories for the day, because before I started the 17DD, I was already working out for 30-60 minutes a day, and I sure wasn't going to cut back to 17 minutes a day. I dropped a good six pounds during the first week of the first cycle, and then I just kind of hung there. I kept pinging between 173 and 174, after first hitting 172.8. I posted in on MFP last week about it, and the general consensus was that I wasn't getting enough calories, was drinking too much wine (yes, I cheated on that part), and my sodium was WAY too high.

    I had a drop to 172.0 on Sunday, then ate Easter dinner (ham=sodium).

    I am struggling with this diet/eating plan/way of life, because unless I load up on proteins (and extra carbs on carb-day) I don't hit my calorie goal/net calories.

    I don't think you need to worry too much about hitting a calorie goal. If you are eating enough and and aren't hungry, then I doubt your body will go into starvation mode. I can't imagine "starving" if you aren't even hungry. In my experience, wine and alcohol will sabotage things every single time. So, have you not really lost at all since the first week of C1?

    No, I've lost a couple since the first week. I have been working out (strength training and an hour of cardio on alternate days) since before I started the 17dd and wasn't even hitting close to a net of 1200 lbs. Since I started, I've lost six pounds, 8 since I started working out about a week before I started the 17 DD.

    I KNOW my sodium is to the moon this week, based on the stress eating of the dreaded sunflower seeds and the extra glass of Vino.

    I know it's no excuse, however, our household is going thru a fairly tumultuous time right now. (The hubs was involved in an accident a couple of months ago and we've been dealing with doctors and multiple diagnoses(es) for the last few weeks and are spending more than a small fortune on co-pays, which really makes me angry because the accident wasn't his fault (he was sitting at a red light and got plowed from behind - and it resulted in some damage to his spinal cord/column).

    I'm going to give it a go without sunflower seeds, processed meats, and *sigh* red wine for the next week to see what happens. :)

    Thank you for all of your input! :)

    x's and o's....
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Salads can get a little tiresome. Try roasting veggies with a little olive oil or doing a "stir fry" with veggies, chicken, olive oil and a little soy. My co-worker made a yummy spinach dip today with greek yogurt - I'll get and post the recipe. It was sooooo good - dipped veggies in that!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Okay, I bought the book, read it, and plan to start sometime soon (need to grocery shop and clear certain foods out of kitchen) but I have one more question:

    Does everyone actually drink the warm water with lemon in the mornings? :sick:

    I can't stand warm water, it makes me gag just gurgling it when I have a sore throat, and while I drink plenty of water, I never put lemon in it because I hate the taste. Is this something that many people don't necessarily bother with, like the green tea, or is it more critical than that?

    Thanks! I'll be joining y'all soon! :flowerforyou:

    I put my lemon juice in my cranberry pomegranate green tea. Much more manageable that way for me!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    just started today,earlier noon was hardest.but im ok now.will do my best ,i have to.

    You can do it!
    Good luck!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I HIT DAY 17 TODAY! Cycle 2 and I lost a total of 9 pounds! Wow! I am 1.8 pounds from my goal so I am gonna go to Cycle 3 tomorrow with tons of exercise. The weight is not the best part the inches are! My pregnancy pooch is almost some and I see a waist. I am happy that I found this diet. I have much more energy. Man the people doing Cycle 1 have to be losing much more than this. There is no FAD to this it can be a way of life and yes I had major cheat moments.

    Hang in there people this really works! I learned to love the Green Tea in MINT - go figure. That paired with grapefruit were major metabolism boosts before 2 pm! Wendy's Pecan Chicken Apple Salad was my fast food treat. I ate salads with every meal except breakfast. Natures Own Double Fiber Bread is the best. I ate breakfast within 15 minutes of waking up. Exercise wise I did 17 minutes of something even if it was just dancing or playing with my kiddo.

    Wendys Pecan chicken salad is ok to have on this plan?

    Not exactly . . .
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Bump.. Just started Day 1 today (wasn't so bad) so happy to find you all and very excited to get some quick results!

    We'll be waiting for your updates.
    Good luck!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    At end of day 2, little tougher today. Most of you said the first 3-4 days were the toughest? Need to plan better meals that taste good. Brought a can of vegetable soup to work and threw in some chicken but wasnt very good. :cry: Will do better tomorrow.'s a little rough...but it's worth it. Hang in there. You can do it!
    Did you see the Chicken-Vegetable Soup recipe in the back of the book?
    Pretty darn good.
    Good luck!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    No, I've lost a couple since the first week. I have been working out (strength training and an hour of cardio on alternate days) since before I started the 17dd and wasn't even hitting close to a net of 1200 lbs. Since I started, I've lost six pounds, 8 since I started working out about a week before I started the 17 DD.

    I KNOW my sodium is to the moon this week, based on the stress eating of the dreaded sunflower seeds and the extra glass of Vino.

    I know it's no excuse, however, our household is going thru a fairly tumultuous time right now. (The hubs was involved in an accident a couple of months ago and we've been dealing with doctors and multiple diagnoses(es) for the last few weeks and are spending more than a small fortune on co-pays, which really makes me angry because the accident wasn't his fault (he was sitting at a red light and got plowed from behind - and it resulted in some damage to his spinal cord/column).

    I'm going to give it a go without sunflower seeds, processed meats, and *sigh* red wine for the next week to see what happens. :)

    Thank you for all of your input! :)

    x's and o's....

    So sorry to hear of your life challenges right now.
    Sending good wishes for you...and your DH. Stay strong.'re gonna have to give up the seeds and wine...haha..'s just for a little while.
    Try more protein...veggies...and drinks lots of water.
    You'll be back on track in no time.
    Good luck!
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
  • mmussetter1972
    mmussetter1972 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought he book about a month ago - the first 2 weeks went really well, but I had to force myself to eat yogurt twice a day (im not a yogurt fan!!) But I followed the diet and lost 12 lbs the fist 10 days!! It really helps you cleanse your body of sugar, fats and all that other good stuff. By the 14th day I was getting tired of salad and yogurt and more yogurt. I have to tell you that I was a Diet Dr. Pepper junkie but since starting the 17-day diet I am Pepper-free! Cant even stand the taste of diet soda anymore. As a diabetic,, the diet dp made me crave sweets and more sweets, now I crave fruits. It has introduced me to a better way of eating - 17 days is a short amount of time but i was challenged to find ways to prepare chicken and turkey (hate fish)- so I looked forward to Cycle 2, which I havent really stuck with to the T, but I am eating some pork and beef now and an occasional potato! - thats when I joined myfitnesspal and it has helped me eat better and track calories and more importantly - sugar. I am more conscience of what Im sticking in my mouth and am amazed by how much crazy eating I used to do. The 17 day diet will get you off to a good start and if you can stick with it through all 4 cycles - GOOD for U!!! I couldnt but dropped a quick 12 lbs. and developed more conscience eating habits. I may do it again if I dont lose more weight soon. Another good thing about it is that you arent ever hungry - you eat alot, actually, but alot of stuff thats good for you. Best of Luck - the book is worth the money!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Just finished day 13 of C1... I made some chicken thighs and green beans tonight, was very good, gave DH a potato to go with his meal...
    Am looking forward to adding a little carbs back in my diet... will weigh in tomorrow and see what I have lost from last Thursday..
    I know I have lost something, not big like some of you, but something..
  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    I bought a book today and I will start the diet tomorrow, but I have a question to the people who have finished the diet long time ago and the still keep eating clean. Didnt you have a jo-jo effect or do you keep the weight ?
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    Hey everyone. I bought this book about a week ago but havent started it yet. All of you have seriously inspired me and i am ready to start on monday. Gonna go food shopping this weekend and start on monday. TIPS and ADVICE would be very nice, everyone on here have really inspired me. I was doing good when i first started my weight loss joiurney and have recently hit a wall and havent loss anything for about 3 weeks so hoping this book really helps, feel free to friend request me too, could always use the motivation in friends, GREAT WORK EVERYONE =]
  • darece
    darece Posts: 34 Member
    BUMP!! for later
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm on day 3 and I have lost 4 pounds so far but woke up with a headache today but it shall pass. I will exercise for 2 hours today (spinning and kettlebell) therefore will eat more than yesterday but still veggies and lean meat. I have been drinking so much water that I spend my day between my desk and the restroom but it's all good.
    Keep up the good work ladies I'm aiming for 10 pounds at the end of the 17 days I know I can do it.