Sharon's Getting Ready for Swimsuit Season challenge



  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Same here , need to lose 7 more, have a great night everyone :flowerforyou:
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Cookie- The last 5-10 are always the hardest. They just don't want to come off. Annoying.
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Ok so I can say about my first day of month 2 is Holy Hell :grumble: !!! This was crazy!!!! I made 2 crucial mistakes today.
    Mistake 1- I thought waiting 2 hours after dinner would give me enough time for my food to digest before the workout, ummmm not so much :sick: .
    Mistake 2- I didn't take a break between my fitness test and starting the max interval circuit workout so I was tired before I started.

    Fitness Test Results #1, #2, #3
    Switch Kicks - 30, 45, 51
    Power Jacks - 44, 55, 60
    Power Knees- 82,127, 132
    Power Jumps-22, 27, 37
    Globe Jumps -6,9,10
    Suicide Jumps- 9, 11, 12
    Push-up Jacks- 16, 23, 23
    Low Plank Oblique - 33, 44,50

    I improved for the most part not drastically by far (especially with push up jacks) but I'll do better next time. I hope everyone had a great workout today.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Great job for everyone getting back on track today after the holiday!

    Today's my rest day so no exercise but ate pretty well and will weigh in in the morning (haven't stepped on the scale in a few days...go me)! Tomorrow will get in a treadmill run and P90X...I think it's chest and back?

    Felicia - Great job with the fit test! I love max interval circuit...but hate that last set of moves! Killer!
  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    Had family here all weekend so had a hard time staying on track. I just hate it when I have no willpower!! Tomorrow is a new day with boot camp and spin.

    Looks like lots of you are doing well and are an inspiration! Keep up the great work!!

  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Hey all! Sooo tired today. Woke up too late to do my workout. I'm hoping I can find time to do it later today. Don't know what the deal is. I was tired yesterday...ended up dozing off for a bit. I was still tired in the evening and went to bed @ 9. Too tired to get out of bed this morning. Alarm went off...kept hitting snooze...and ended up sleeping in. I HATE missing workouts, but I guess my body needed the rest, so I won't beat myself up too much.

    Anyway, hope you all have a good one!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I whined up doing my quick 20 min workout last night burning 242 calories because I didn't get to it until after 9. I was so tired, but I forced myself to do it anyway. I have lost 2 of the 3 lbs that I gained over the weekend; I hope to have the other pound gone by tomorrow plus some. I will be doing my longer workout tonight and possible Ab jam too; I will just have to see how I feel by the end of the night. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday, and everyone is doing a fantastic job. Keep up the good work.
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    Hey, I started c25k yesterday, it wasn't as challenging as my brain kept telling me. Today I am probably going to just stretch with a yoga session.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Ok beating yourselves up for what's in the past. Refocus and move on! DECIDE, COMMIT, SUCCEED! I know you can do it.

    CLX Lean Circuit 1 today...arms are burning!

    Press play and have a great day!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey everyone I have Max Interval Plyo today and all I can say is wow. I was dripping sweat everywhere and burned 769 calories. I'm still trying to get use to all the new moves so hopefully I can improve this number next go round. I must say that my arms are officially shot with my late night hell workout yesterday (consisting of the fit test and max interval circuit) and todays workout. I am looking forward to what tomorrow brings. My body is feeling it but in a good way. Now to get my calories consumed for the day.

    Have a great one.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 45 EZ and Lower 20, burned 462 cals, hope everyone is having a beautiful day :flowerforyou:
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Hi Ladies! *WAVE* (I wish there was a waving smiley)!

    Treadmill and chest/back today. Up early tomorrow to get my run in prior to when I have to take my step daughter to school at 7:30. Planning to watch the biggest loser during my run.
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    I am SORE!!! from the run yesterday, and then I did a challenging yoga session for 45 min, I really just wanted a good stretch. Then I did a weight training and a butt session for about 15 min. I am sore sore sore. I don't know how I am going to run tomorrow. I guess I will have to just run through the pain. BUT I am definately noticing a little less cellulite on my rear and my belly is becoming defined. Oh but I am dreading the run tomorrow. c25k w1 d2.
  • stylishstylist
    I'd like to join this challenge as well. I just started Turbo Fire workouts last week and already lost 4 lbs and 11.5 inches with just working out and eating right. I want to put those numbers to shame by losing even more and getting bikini ready.... but sometimes I lose motivation. I need friends to help me. So if you think you could help me, please add me as a friend. The more the better. Thanks everyone! Good luck to everyone!
  • KimCutsail
    WOW!! I just joined MFP a week ago and found this awesome thread today!! I just read through most of the posts and I must say yall are rockin it!! WOW! I hope yall don't mind me joining in so late :) Getting married in July and really want to shed this weight!! Been doing c25k and strength training but ready to kick it up a notch! Thanks for the inspiration you've all already given me!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome Kim and Brittany! I'm so happy you've found our little group. If there's anything I can do to support you just let me know!

    Brittany, Felicia, Kelli, Moraima - Ladies you continue to inspire me every day to push through and keep going. Look at what your hard work has done for your own bodies and continues to do to attract more people to join us! :heart: Thank you for your continued support and focus!

    I hope everyone else is enjoying their Tuesday!

  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    So glad to get back to working out today. Boot camp with lots of core work and then spin. It was challenging but the sense of accomplishment is worth it!!:smile:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Good morning! Actually got up to workout this morning! I did Turbo Fire 55EZ and one of my 30 Minutes to Fitness dvd's (Train Like a Contender ("TLC")). Alhtough I was feeling a little tired so only made it through 20 mins of TLC. But HRM said I burned 714 calories for my effort, so no too bad!

    Welcome Kim & stylish! You'll find plenty of support and motivation here!! :smile:

    Have a great Wednesday, everybody!!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Welcome the new comers. You will find alot of support here. I did my ab jam and 20 min workout last night burning abour 433 calories. I was super tired but forced myself to do it anyway. I am really feeling the ab jam, and I always think I look skinner the next day after doing it (it might just be my mind playing tricks on me). I am going to try to do it atleast twice a week, so I can get my abs under control. I have decided to change my weigh-in days to Fridays (I think). I am just not having much luck on Wednesdays anymore, and I hope it will keep me motivated to be good over the weekend too. I didn't gain but I didn't lose; I am back down to my weight from last Friday. I think I am going to do Turbo Sculpt (strength training) tonight which I haven't done yet. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday, and it is hump day. We are halfway through the work week, yeah!!!
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    Alright, today is c25k w1 d2. It was hard with a sore body, I'm just pushing through and waiting until it gets better. Its yoga tomorrow and strength training.