ok I need a group/challenge to join cause I need that extra



  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    hey everyone!
    DATE: (04/29/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 315lbs (1/15/11)
    LW: 289 lbs (4/15/11)
    LW:288 lbs (4/22/11)
    CW:288 lbs(4/29/11)
    GW: 277 lbs (by friday May 27)

    BOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I hate TOM!!! Oh well, next week.
  • crazycat585
    crazycat585 Posts: 34 Member
    DATE: (04/29/2011)
    Week: 2
    SW: 176 lbs
    Week 1 : 169.4
    Week 2 CW: 170.8
    GW: 160 by June 2nd
    Had a horrible week....up a little over 1 lb...had like 4 days of binging and couldnt control my eating :(
    I hate days like those!! Plus the last three days ive had to work all doubles so i haven't had time or energy to exercise..
    Hopefully this week will be better
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    Okay I am down to 220 and I have lost a total of 1.5 inches.....so I am guessing that switching up my routine is helping. I am hoping to stick to this and have some fat loss here soon.
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    DATE: (04/29/2011)
    Week: 3
    SW: 165.6 lbs
    Week 2: 165.1
    CW: 166.6 lbs UGH!! dang TOM!!
    GW: 150 lbs (by friday May 27)

    not gonna get to my goal weight at this pace...def need to kick up the cardio (again)
    just started the 17 day diet as of yesterday so hoping that might help me with my GW.
    i took a road trip last weekend to surprise my lil sister for her b-day so i KNOW that didn't help my cause. drinkiing and eating not-so-healthy foods for almost 70 hrs straight?? can't be a good thing!
    looking better for the week ahead though and with cutting alcohol out of my diet as well...that # on my scale is GOING DOWN!! :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one this week sucked for...

    DATE: (04/29/2011)
    Week: 2 (for me)
    Week 1: 169
    CW: 169.4
    GW: 159 (by friday May 27th)

    Yuck... I blame this on spring break, plus a host of injuries that kept me from running. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on the exercise band wagon again soon. I'm thinking of starting P90X... as soon as I have money!

    Here's to a better next week, for all of us!!!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    DATE: (04/29/2011)
    Week: 3
    SW: 148.8 lbs
    CW: 148 lbs
    GW: 142 lbs (by friday May 27)

    Not too bad if you consider Easter 1.8 for the week and .8 since the start of the challenge. That second part is a little disappointing, but I think I am at least moving in the right direction.

    Other good news... I donated my size 12 jeans to GoodWIll yesterday. I was looking for my size 8s, because I *knew* I had worn my size 10s the day before (because of the fit) Turns out I couldn't find them, because I had worn them the day before and my 8s fit like my 10s!! I figured if 8 is the new 10 then I have no room for the 12 in my life. yay!

    Hey snarky, how tall are you?? One of my goals for the last few years has been to get out of the double digits size-wise... I'd love to know a ball park weight range for that! If we're a similar height, then maybe I'll get there in the next 20 lbs!!
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Hello swinginchandra!

    I am 5'-6" My sizes are all over the place these days. I have a pair of Levis that are 10s that are wearable, but tight. But in the cheap, ugly, intentionally NOT SEXY mom jeans that I wear to not draw attention to myself at construction sites I am down to an 8 which is baggy :) The size change in those is a real change, because it is kinda my work uniform. I always get the same hideous style. They are inexpensive... I don't care if they get damaged... they are roomy for bending over, squatting, and climbing ladders without too much of a show. The show is now about me hiking them up because they are slipping over my hips and I don't have a belt. ooh... plumber's butt!!! perfect for a construction site! I should go rescue those size 12's... just kidding, I will just hold onto those size 10s they will be there soon enough!!! maybe not by May 27th, but soon enough.
  • missxena
    missxena Posts: 70
    another bad weekend for me had a wedding to go to, again i ate too much drank to much i do really well through week then when weekend comes i just lose the plot can someone pls kick my *kitten* :sad:
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    bummer missxena, I hope that you had a good time at least?

    SO, I can't believe it is May already. I wonder how I am going to pull this out? really 25 days left in this challenge and I feel like I haven't really even started. I would like to order an *kitten* kicking for me too.
  • crazycat585
    crazycat585 Posts: 34 Member
    Me too! I've been all over the place lately
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Count me in the pity party.....I knew this wasn't going to be good with the hubby birthday and going out, but yuck! I think this last 25 days will have to be gruelling to get anywhere near my goal. It always seems like I can get "about" this close and then....boom I get lax and slowly start to justify a little more of this and a little more of that! Before I know it the scale is going the wrong direction. I just can't seem to get rid of these last few pounds. And I did not set my goal to high, I absolutely SHOULD have been able to do this...and yet.....

    I really needed a good weekend and Frosted Brownie Cake was too much to resist....as well as the several mixed drinks following that! :angry:
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    ok so I did weigh in on fri i just didn't get a chance to post it!! nothing change though! busy weekend daughter had sofball tournament all weekend! I'm really starting to get frustrated again, this is what happens, i get into this keeping track of calories and then i start getting discouraged because i feel like im getting nowhere :mad:
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks Snarky! Man, I can't wait!!!

  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Alright guys, it's time to kick it up a notch! I just got 30 DS, and I'm going to be doing it every morning... any one want to join me? It's only about 30 minutes a day, so it looks like I should be able to add it in pretty easily. I need to get serious if I'm going to hit my goal!

    I start tomorrow morning!
    Yuck though, big swing dance convention this weekend... those always mess with my sleep schedule.
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Bad week here....no excercise for 2 days and eating apparently more than I should....if I eat my calories of 1200 - 1300 I guess I will still gain weight.....I thought even without excercise, eating at this level would still maintain my weight or just a smaller loss?? Oh well...here's this weeks not so good report!!

    DATE: (05/06/2011)
    Week: 4
    SW: 126 lbs
    4/15/2011 - 125.4
    4/22/2011: 124.6 lbs
    4/29/2011: 124.0
    5/06/2011: 124.6 :grumble:
    GW: 120 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    DATE: (05/06/2011)
    Week: 4
    SW: 165.6 lbs
    Week 2: 165.1
    Week 3: 166.6
    CW: 163.3
    GW: 150 lbs (by friday May 27)

    starting to see some results (finally)
    still doing the 17 day diet and am finding it SUPER EASY to follow/stick with although this saturday i'm crossing the border for a canucks playoff game so we'll see how "strong" i can stay.
    happy weekend to you all! :smile:
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    DATE: (05/06/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 315lbs (1/15/11)
    LW: 289 lbs (4/15/11)
    LW:288 lbs (4/22/11)
    LW:288 lbs(4/29/11)
    GW: 277 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Much better this week! 2lb loss!

    DATE: (05/06/2011)
    Week 1: 169
    Week 2: 169.4
    Week 3: 167.0
    GW: 159 (by friday May 27th)

    Still gotta keep pushing this out if I'm going to be able to reach my goal... I was stuck at 169 for too long.

    By the way, anyone have any fun rewards planned for the end of this challenge? Mine is clothes shopping!!
    TABBYZ Posts: 1
    I am fairly new to this site, I have used other sites before. But I know what to do but need the encouragement and push as well. Did you all get things going? Or can I jump it to what you are doing?
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    Ok so the scale isn't moving I even made my kids stand on it just to make sure it wasn't just stuck on the same number since it hasn't seemed to move!! My scale is an old fashioned dial scale so unless I lose a whole pound I don't see any change :( I'm really trying not to let myself get discouraged, but it is difficult. I did just buy the 30 day shred waiting to get it in the mail! hopefully I can make myself do it!

    DATE: (05/6/2011)
    Week: 4
    SW: 170 lbs(of challenge)
    CW: 169 lbs
    GW: 155 lbs (by friday May 27)