Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • ccshopsalot
    Count me in!! I started yesterday but need the "accountability" of others knowing I'm doing this :) .. I have an elliptical at home I'll use in addition to the 30 DS.. I'll probably incorporate some Zumba and other cardio activity.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    wow great job ladies. I am eating breakfast at the moment so i am waiting an hour to do my day two. My upper body is hurting so good. lol. last night i had a lot of energy so I did p90x cardio X for the full 45 minutes. I only do that because I don'y move around much during the day at all. I am going to try to do my Shred in the afternoon, and someting like Zumba or Turbo Jam in the evening...

    Heres the thing though. I am not eating enough calories. I hate eating in the AM so i drink a protine shake. then Lunch I eat a nice big salad, and at dinner i have the perfect portion meal. If I eat anymore I feel bloated. I am only hitting areound 1000 cals. I am worried that will effect my metabolism.... put me into starve mode?? Anyone know what to do? I don't want to keep eating if i am full.

    I think you definitely need some more calories...add in some protein/carbs after your Shred as that will help with soreness the next day (chocolate milk or cheese/apple). Add in some nuts to your salad. Eat an evening snack. By the time you do Shred plus your Cardio workout, I am sure you would be using up a minimum of 500 calories. If you only eat 1000 calories and subtract your 500 burned, you body will only have 500 calories to use during the day which will eventually mess up your metabolism plus it won't give you the energy to continue with your workouts. I think it's good that you aren't as hungry though as for some reason I am absolutely starving and am eating 1500 calories.

    I just did Day 2 along with my twin girls which always seems to turn into a stressful event so I feel like I should be awarded some extra calories!!! I did have to pause the DVD as one of my girls refused to stay in her section of the floor and came too close to me during my jumping jacks which resulted in some tears after I hurt her by accident. I teach piano in the evenings so don't get much time to do workouts once the day has ended. They are in school tomorrow so I'll get a bigger workout then.

    I was in a whole lot of pain during the first part of the DVD but loosened up a bit after awhile.

    Good luck everyone!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Just finished Day 2. Wow. That's all I can say, just Wow. I didn't realize how out of shape i was. I didn't puke, faint or die, but I was pretty close to all 3.

    One question for you all who have done this before. How long until you don't feel like you're going to be sick? It starts during round 3 and continues for about an hour after. Any advice on how to calm things down? I have some extra time in the morning this week, but next week it's going to be work out and get ready for work. I honestly don't think I could move right now if the house was on fire.

    What are you eating before your workout? I have a big problem with nausea if I do a hard workout and it is always effected by what I eat beforehand. No big meal at least two hours prior and I find a banana or a piece of fruit before a workout keeps my stomach calm. Also, make sure you're getting in lots of water before and during your workout. Sometimes if I am extremely overheated then I feel sick as well so I make sure to keep a window open if it's cool outside or workout in my basement.
  • StephanieJ82
    Yes you are right. I will try to add where i can. It's strange because my normal day used to be breakfast- eggs bacon, toast. lunch-usually a grilled sandwitch with meat, cheese, bacon (i love bacon. lol) and dinner-heavy sauced pastas, ribs, chilli.... things like that. and i was always hungry and craving more...
    NOW I only feel hungry when i lay in bed to sleep. I think my hunger went away when i started taking a multi vitamin pack? I also haven't eaten red meat in a month... hm i just realized that.

    anyways, funny because its so hard working out with my 3 year old hanging around. He is always "mom look i am working out!" or walking around me saying "that looks good, your form is good" LOL I cant stop laughing.... Or when I do Cardio X you have too do "wacky Jacks" He cracks up and it makes me laugh so I mess up. lol
  • Rozzie75
    Rozzie75 Posts: 20
    Day 1 Of the 30 day shred done. Doing exercise in the hospital room with my son sleeping feels a bit weird. I was frightened that a dr. Or nurse would walk in. My husband forgot to bring me sweat pants so I had to use night pants and of course before I got to put my jeans back on a dr came to check on my little man. Face was red.

    Hopefully we will be home soon. I will post my starting measurement and pics when j get home being I did not get to take down the information.
  • StephanieJ82
    Day 1 Of the 30 day shred done. Doing exercise in the hospital room with my son sleeping feels a bit weird. I was frightened that a dr. Or nurse would walk in. My husband forgot to bring me sweat pants so I had to use night pants and of course before I got to put my jeans back on a dr came to check on my little man. Face was red.

    Hopefully we will be home soon. I will post my starting measurement and pics when j get home being I did not get to take down the information.

    Thats great!! You are determined. I like that.
    hope things with your son are going well.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Just finished Day 2. Wow. That's all I can say, just Wow. I didn't realize how out of shape i was. I didn't puke, faint or die, but I was pretty close to all 3.

    One question for you all who have done this before. How long until you don't feel like you're going to be sick? It starts during round 3 and continues for about an hour after. Any advice on how to calm things down? I have some extra time in the morning this week, but next week it's going to be work out and get ready for work. I honestly don't think I could move right now if the house was on fire.

    What are you eating before your workout? I have a big problem with nausea if I do a hard workout and it is always effected by what I eat beforehand. No big meal at least two hours prior and I find a banana or a piece of fruit before a workout keeps my stomach calm. Also, make sure you're getting in lots of water before and during your workout. Sometimes if I am extremely overheated then I feel sick as well so I make sure to keep a window open if it's cool outside or workout in my basement.

    Thanks Kim. I exercise first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Well, almost empty. I usually have a cup of coffee first. Maybe tomorrow I will try skipping the coffe and drink a glass of water instead. I'll try the fruit, too. I appreiciate the help!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Crap-I really didn't think it would be a big deal for me to do this workout UNTIL I went to my doctor for a post-op check up (I had hernia surgery two weeks ago) and he told me I better hold off for another month before I attempt the workout. Sooooo now I am back to my pre-surgery workout of cardio and LIGHT weights. Grrrrr....my weight loss has stalled and I feel like these "light weight" work outs are doing me no good. AACK!

    Good luck to everyone else who continues on the 30DS journey!
  • k_ewilliams
    I know! For me the side lunges are the hardest part!!
    I catch myself pushing up the weights with the help of my stomach pushing out haha.
  • Fehleesha
    I started yesterday and I must say day 1 was harder than today. It also could have been the time of day. By the time I was doing lunges yesterday I couldn't even lift my weights, but today I was able to reach them consistently at eye-level. For me the jump jacks was the hardest part for me. I'm looking forward to day 3 :)
  • edburg
    edburg Posts: 22
    Hey. I started yesterday. Today I'll be goin at it again.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Yes you are right. I will try to add where i can. It's strange because my normal day used to be breakfast- eggs bacon, toast. lunch-usually a grilled sandwitch with meat, cheese, bacon (i love bacon. lol) and dinner-heavy sauced pastas, ribs, chilli.... things like that. and i was always hungry and craving more...
    NOW I only feel hungry when i lay in bed to sleep. I think my hunger went away when i started taking a multi vitamin pack? I also haven't eaten red meat in a month... hm i just realized that.

    If you aren't hungry, don't force yourself to eat. The hunger might take a while to catch up with you and when it does, be prepared to feed it with good food instead of shoving your face full of chips in a maddened ravenous state. :-) The hunger may come in actual hunger pangs, but it could also come as light headedness, mental foggyness, cattiness, anger, whathaveyou...all signs that your body is in need of something.

    It takes years of your body not getting what it needs in good nutrition and exercise to cause heart pain, a couple of days before it slaps you in the face for being hungry isn't so bad. :-D
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    Mind if I join in!? I will be a couple of days behind the rest of you, but I need something in addition to my daily elliptical workout! What size weights have some of you been using? I have 3's, 4's, and 5's.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Mind if I join in!? I will be a couple of days behind the rest of you, but I need something in addition to my daily elliptical workout! What size weights have some of you been using? I have 3's, 4's, and 5's.

    Welcome to the challenge!! I am using 5 pound weights but could definitely have done with some 3 pound weights for a couple of the exercises.
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    Mind if I join in!? I will be a couple of days behind the rest of you, but I need something in addition to my daily elliptical workout! What size weights have some of you been using? I have 3's, 4's, and 5's.

    Welcome to the challenge!! I am using 5 pound weights but could definitely have done with some 3 pound weights for a couple of the exercises.

    Thanks! I think 5's would kill me! There's one move (I think it's on Level 2) that you have to do this V with your arms. I can do about half and then I have to use no weights for the rest. Man...I'm a wimp! :)
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Day 3 Done!:happy:
    Today was easier than the first 2, so I'll take that as a good sign. Now time to get ready for work and then a fun evening with 4 of my six grandbabies coming to help celebrate our 28th anniversary.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 3 Done!:happy:
    Today was easier than the first 2, so I'll take that as a good sign. Now time to get ready for work and then a fun evening with 4 of my six grandbabies coming to help celebrate our 28th anniversary.

    Great job! And congrats on 28 years!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I missed yesterday....I was soo sore and then I came home tired and just crashed...so I have to do my Day 2 today...but I guess its ok being a lil behind you guys cause I always planed on having a rest day once a week
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Did a 4-1/2 mile walk yesterday and then did Day 2 of 30 DS. Then this morning I got up early and went ahead and knocked out day 3. I am so darn sore right now, but it is a great sore!! I am loving this workout.

  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    Day 3 of 30 Day Shred = hardest day yet! I am sore and tired. I caught myself thinking, "I hope this gets easier at some point..." and then I remembered that the whole POINT is for it to be hard. If I weren't challenging myself and giving 110%, nothing would change!