Bicycle Fans - official thread for people who love riding th



  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    This awful weather :grumble:

    I've hardly been out on my bike & I'm going stir crazy :sad:
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    @CLOGGSY71 - I agree - the weather is putting a damper (heee heee) on the riding.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I love to cycle! I ride my Trek roadie all over the place... There is a park in the area that has a road 6 mile loop! I love it.

    I am also boasting about my new Felt Cafe Bike! I just got it last weekend... I have started commuting to work and school. I am trying to be on it each and every day to get around town. I have a pack coming to put on the back so I can tote more stuff with me!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I love having people on my friends list with like interests!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Part of the problem is I still don't really see myself as a "cyclist" so I feel a bit daft in all the gear...

    Oh, I hate cycling; I just like dressing up in all the spandex :laugh:

    "Spandex is my street clothes" - My husband

    Haha... We are such giant bike nerds. I road bike and he Mtn. bikes
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    I'm a giant bike nerd, too. My DVR is filled with bike races.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    25 miles into my ride and I thought I would stop and stock up on some sport beans

  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Very simple question here. Can anyone tell me which is the better workout? Riding steady pace pushing yourself to stay at a certain speed regardless of the pedal tension or pumping hard but at a lower pace?
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    Next year is going be all about the bike. Mostly running this year, with cycling as recovery. But not next year, nope. Actually, I am half the medical team for a local crit next month here in Tacoma, so who knows, maybe I will revert earlier than expected.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    Very simple question here. Can anyone tell me which is the better workout? Riding steady pace pushing yourself to stay at a certain speed regardless of the pedal tension or pumping hard but at a lower pace?

    That is the beauty of the power meter, it takes all the ambiguity out of those questions. Anyway, whichever one results in more energy output is the harder workout. For my purposes, I like harder, faster intervals over total distance. I just don't have that kind of time. Chris Carmichael (Armstrong's old trainer) has been singing that tune quite a bit over that last few years: hard, short intervals over gross mileage.
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    Ahhhhh!! WHY did I have to stop at ANOTHER bike shop??? Last week I was ready to buy that Trek that I was in love with. Today I stopped at the shop where I got my Specialized and they had a Felt F95 that was in my price range (well, with my Spec on trade anyway!). I LOVE THIS BIKE!!! But I loved the Trek too!!! Decisions!!! :::scream:::
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    I've beaten a little goal I set myself...

    Read here:
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524

    As for clipless pedal, they are the best. More power and better on your feet and body. You are going to fall, but it only counts if its in from of other people. everyone forgets to unclip sooner or later and falls. Its not big deal.

    can anyone give me a bit more info about the whole clipless pedal thing? My OH rides with them and says they make a lot of difference. I've had my beeeeyotiful Scott Contessa since April and am now thinking about upgrading to clipless pedals but I'm pretty clueless really!!!!!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    can anyone give me a bit more info about the whole clipless pedal thing? My OH rides with them and says they make a lot of difference. I've had my beeeeyotiful Scott Contessa since April and am now thinking about upgrading to clipless pedals but I'm pretty clueless really!!!!!

    Basically, clipless pedals (and cycling shoes,) makes sure 'all the effort you put into pedaling it transmitted through your crank,' thus it is more efficient and you arent waisting energy compressing the spongy bit on the bottom of your trainers/shoes etc.

    Technically, if your bike is fittted with 'gears' you lose about 10% of the efficiency being inputted due to friction, if your bike is a fixed gear/single gear bike this is much reduced. Compare this to cycling on 'normal pedals' with shoes on, you can lose upto 25% in wasted energy; friction, compression etc. etc...
  • marysue0101
    I have a question: I am just getting into bike riding for cross training on days I don't go to the gym. I bought a hybrid called Diamondback Wildwood Classic with a comfort frame. After riding it twice, I don't think it's going to go fast enough for me to get a good burn. Plus, it seems like the gears take an awfully long time to change when I'm shifting. Has anyone tried this kind of bike? I may try to trade it in, what kind of bicycle do you recommend for a newbie, 50 something year old woman who is in pretty good shape. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer!
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    LOVE BIKING! I've been biking to and from work once a week which is a little over 16 miles one-way. SO GLAD I invested in a couple pairs of Pearl Izumi bike shorts....

    Otherwise I do an hour on the bike at the gym for a killer burn.

    Did I mention I love biking?! :D
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I love biking too!! I need more cycle buddies so feel free to add me!

    I cycled 21 miles yesterday. Finally got my hybrid bike fixed and it cycles like a dream! Taking a bike maintenance course in Aug so I know how to look after my bike. Making the most of the weather because I'm unsure how I'll cope when winter comes!

    Does anyone own a brompton? Whats the ride like? I've been toying the idea of getting one to cycle to work so I won't have to lock it up. Also because I think they're so damn cute! Seen so many business men cycling on one in suits around town.
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    I bike....70 miles last weekend

    Any one up for starting some kind of cycling challenge for July, mileage/hours spent, maybe pushing ourselves for more time on the bike now that the weather is nicer.
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    I'm up for a cycling challenge! I sold my Specialized today so I gotta go pick up a road bike. Still haven't decided between the Trek and the Felt, though. Decisions, decisions!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    American Flyers was on tv the other night. I haven't seen it in forever. I love cheeseball 80's movies. I still think Breaking Away is a much better cycling movie, but Kevin Costner's mustache was truly amazing.

    On a less random note...I haven't been able to ride much the past couple of weeks. Last ride I did was 50 miles which is the longest ride I've done to date. I felt great except for my stupid hand which keeps going numb. The Livestrong website defines this as "handlebar palsy" with the only remedy being "time off the bike". Not helpful at all, thanks.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    American's hard to change the channel when that is on. Mustache rocks, and so does that Russian with the special needs helmet..... fun stuff. I also like that movie with the Cutters, and that track race where they swap bikes. Don't remember the name but it's fun flick too.

    > OK... speaking of fun, only a few days to prologue

    > I would be up for a challenge too, and am really focused on cycling now. For me it will be 4 rides a week, a long ride each week of 80+ miles, and to improve my 31 mile loop by +1 mph average by end of August.

    > IF I was shopping for a new road bike it would be the Gary Fisher Chronus, since my LBS is a Trek shop. Not sure if that helps HelloPossum, my two cents and may be a good option...

    > Send a friend request too if you want, I enjoy making an MFP peleton of friends.