Bicycle Fans - official thread for people who love riding th



  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    American's hard to change the channel when that is on. Mustache rocks, and so does that Russian with the special needs helmet..... fun stuff. I also like that movie with the Cutters, and that track race where they swap bikes. Don't remember the name but it's fun flick too.

    That one is Breaking Away.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    BONUS.... you win.

    Can't wait for a hollywood spin on some doping fiasco [not really]. It is bound to happen, but not a giddy-go-biking sorta flick.
  • NiallWallace
    NiallWallace Posts: 78 Member
    Contador winning 3 grand tours in a year under a cloud could make a good one.

    Wouldn't be surprised if the CAS hearing gets delayed again and he ends up doing La Vuelta too.
  • chadtheman11b
    i am a fanatic i have a mountain bike and a road bike ride every single day i commute.
  • chadtheman11b
    i am a fanatic i have a mountain bike and a road bike ride every single day i commute.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member

    > IF I was shopping for a new road bike it would be the Gary Fisher Chronus, since my LBS is a Trek shop. Not sure if that helps HelloPossum, my two cents and may be a good option...

    My mistake... sorry, that may be a bit more bike than you were considering [I read the other pages and it's a bit much], personally the Felt F95 I think is a great bike per specs and looks awesome too. Sorry about that..... I am not a "my bike is nicer than yours" sorta person, although I still would love the Chronus someday....haha
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    Rainman, no problem! There are a LOT of bikes I'd love to have but they'll have to wait a few years! I REALLY want a Cervelo. I was in heaven riding that one. The other shop has an $8500 S-Works and he said, "You can ride that one if you want." HA! I was afraid to BREATHE on it!! In hindsight, I probably should have ridden it. Just because.

    I started leaning toward the Trek a little bit. Love the Felt but it's the Garmin "Team Issue" . I don't know if that would be poser-ish or not. I'm a dork but I don't want to look like one...LOL!!
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    Ooh, I love "Breaking Away". I liked "The Flying Scotsman" a lot too. Graeme Obree's announcement this year really shocked me!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Loved that flick too, and unfortunately it does not make the replay list for mainstream cable. Yes, I totally missed that news, shocking indeed.

    Cervelo is a sweet ride too!!!

    Tour time coming up!!! Andy Schleck....go, go, go
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    I found "The Flying Scotsman" DVD on eBay for a couple of bucks.

    Anybody else rooting for ABC to win the Tour?

    (Anybody But Contador) ;-)
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Basically, clipless pedals (and cycling shoes,) makes sure 'all the effort you put into pedaling it transmitted through your crank,' thus it is more efficient and you arent waisting energy compressing the spongy bit on the bottom of your trainers/shoes etc.

    Technically, if your bike is fittted with 'gears' you lose about 10% of the efficiency being inputted due to friction, if your bike is a fixed gear/single gear bike this is much reduced. Compare this to cycling on 'normal pedals' with shoes on, you can lose upto 25% in wasted energy; friction, compression etc. etc...

    Cheers :smile: Bit worried still about the whole falling-off thing but I guess it all comes with practice!!
  • campbellcjdm
    I just finished 185 miles down the C&O Canal trail from Cumberland MD to Georgetown VA :bigsmile: Went with my youngest son & the boy scouts (18 boys). Wonderful weather, rain at night, mud in the am - made for 'air conditioning' on the 'underside' (if ya know what I mean). We had to wash the bikes twice because the mud was interfering with the gear shifting. Made for a great workout. But now my body wants to eat like it is going to ride for 2-8 hours each day LOL :laugh: Now I want to keep riding!!
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    I found "The Flying Scotsman" DVD on eBay for a couple of bucks.

    Anybody else rooting for ABC to win the Tour?

    (Anybody But Contador) ;-)

    Not going to happen. After the way he looked @ the Giro, he's on a whole different level. He made it look like the rest of the GC contenders weren't even trying.
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    Contador Cocktail:

    1 liter of whitewash
    500 ml oxygenated blood
    20 mg clenbuterol

    Don't know if we can post pics here but I'll try. If it doesn't show, the pic is of AC with an enormous glass of some pink liquid.

    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    If more than half of the guys out there are clean, I'll eat my cassette.

    And my belief is that the reason AC gets the crap he gets in the US is due to:

    A. The way the cycling press/media presented the whole LA vs AC thing.
    B. AC is a horrible interview in English. If he were more fluent, and didn't sound like he was constantly huffing helium, his image would probably be better over here.

    Don't get me wrong, there are other guys I'd like to see win, but I can't say that it wouldn't be exciting to see someone win all 3 Grand Tours in one year, as AC could possibly do (based on how he's looked thus far).
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I am 100% in the ABC club!!!!

    Dope or no Dope.... he is still a jerk.... I'll pick anyone but him, heck, even Alexander Vinokourov, one of the legendary dopers....

    go Andy!!!!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    My feeling has nothing to do with LA, or how he interviews, with or without helium. It has everything to do with how you see Andy have a mechanical and you take off up the climb, or you have to "steal" a victory from a teammate at the line, who is not a GC contender... and can't give him that simple luxury of a stage win. Low class fella in my book.
  • TeteDeLaCourse
    *It has everything to do with how you see Andy have a mechanical and you take off up the climb*

    Yes, that took a high level of douchebaggery.
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    I read the "chaingate" episode differently. The way I saw it, he was already on his way. If an attack is underway, and stuff happens behind you, well, that's racing. But I don't expect to change anyone's mind, especially a year on from the events. Everyone sees it the way they see it at this point.

    And AC definitely gifted 2 stage wins in this year's Giro. It's funny how things like that can be overlooked.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    That is cycling, pick your favorite and it makes good drama. No matter if it's Lance, Cipollini, Boonen, Voigt, that famed pirate, Hincapie, whoever, they are all in spandex and whether they are heroes or villains is mere perspective.