Starting Jillian Michaels 30DS Friday the 22nd! Who's in?



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Level 2 is a weird one because as hard as it is, other then the shoulders i dont feel like im getting as good of a work out. Probably one of those things where you are busting butt and dont realise it. We end on a monday, and the family and i are leaving for CA that friday so i planned to go back to level one and do it thru friday. Take the week off and then probably start another round of 30 when i get back but do a different level each day to really mix it up, as well as still ride my bike. I weigh in for WW friday so im looking forward to getting a sneak peak to see how level 2 is treating me! haha
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    arrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhh come back level one! all is forgiven!

    Did L2d1 today and I think my poor arms and shoulders are going to be busted tomorrow. I think I broke my abs doing those oblique twisty jumpy things. I think I could quite get into it though. 100% committed to doing it, and I'm going to do it twice a day on two days as I want to 'graduate' to level 3 with all of you guys :smile:

    Is it me or is it less intensive on the abs? Or is this just a horrible first day illusion and Ill be crippled tomorrow?

    katrob - my treat is going to be a new dress for my sister in law's going away party. One that hopefully I'll feel confident in. Id love to feel happy showing my arms.

    Im not sure what to do once we finish this... I might have a look round on the internet to see about that ripped in 30 one she does to mix it up a bit.

    I was thinking exactly the same with the ab exercises but then again, the rest of the heavy work is meant to shift fat so the abs become more defined, heres hoping :)
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I've been told by my doc to rest my leg, I have shin splints. :-(
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    I bought Jillian's ripped in 30 and shred it with weights so I want to incorporate them when I am done. I might do ripped in 30 but maybe do 6 days per week per level and take 1 day off per week. But if it is all plank moves I know I will hate it...which I am guessing it probably has a lot of planks.. Therefore, I need to find another challenge to join by the time I finish this one otherwise I will tell myself I do not have to do it.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    I was thinking about having 1 week break but still continue with my gym workout 5 days a week then maybe start the 6 week abs dvd
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Im so glad that we are only at the half way point and already thinking ahead to what we'll do next! I however did not do Jillian at 6am this morning like usual. Baby woke up with my alarm and wanted to nurse. But this may do me good, Im less asleep and more focused it seems like when i do Jillian in the afternoon or evenings. Maybe it'll be better on my body too, been extremely sore, and not in my muscles. Maybe first thing in the morning my still from sleeping joints dont like level 2 waking them up!!! :tongue:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Im so glad that we are only at the half way point and already thinking ahead to what we'll do next! I however did not do Jillian at 6am this morning like usual. Baby woke up with my alarm and wanted to nurse. But this may do me good, Im less asleep and more focused it seems like when i do Jillian in the afternoon or evenings. Maybe it'll be better on my body too, been extremely sore, and not in my muscles. Maybe first thing in the morning my still from sleeping joints dont like level 2 waking them up!!! :tongue:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi there, fine people. :wink: Just checking in to see how everyone's doing - and, I see, you're sticking with it. Hurray! I was a a little ashamed to show my face because I didn't do it, and I was hoping to keep up with you guys. BUT, on the positive side, the reason I didn't do it is because I found a new fitness center that offers group classes and I tried Turbo Kick and sculpt for the first time.

    It was great to get out of the house and be in the company of other people (extra motivation) and I think will help keep things fresh. What was cool about last night's class is that it had a lot of squats, lunges and other resistance moves with weights similar to the shred - so what i've been doing had prepared me. I was able to do the pushups and not feel like a fool and even though the lunges and squats were burning, I was up to par b/c of shredding. So, it's good news.

    I think I'm going to try to stay with the shred, but will have to go at whatever pace works for me. Would love to finish with you guys, but no sense adding that pressure. It's all about staying motivated and doing what works. Keep rockin' it out guys - this is a great workout! :)
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi there, fine people. :wink: Just checking in to see how everyone's doing - and, I see, you're sticking with it. Hurray! I was a a little ashamed to show my face because I didn't do it, and I was hoping to keep up with you guys. BUT, on the positive side, the reason I didn't do it is because I found a new fitness center that offers group classes and I tried Turbo Kick and sculpt for the first time.

    It was great to get out of the house and be in the company of other people (extra motivation) and I think will help keep things fresh. What was cool about last night's class is that it had a lot of squats, lunges and other resistance moves with weights similar to the shred - so what i've been doing had prepared me. I was able to do the pushups and not feel like a fool and even though the lunges and squats were burning, I was up to par b/c of shredding. So, it's good news.

    I think I'm going to try to stay with the shred, but will have to go at whatever pace works for me. Would love to finish with you guys, but no sense adding that pressure. It's all about staying motivated and doing what works. Keep rockin' it out guys - this is a great workout! :)

    Everyone has to go at their own pace and if motivation makes you feel guilty that's totally not the way it should go! Feel proud of your successes!
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    Im so glad that we are only at the half way point and already thinking ahead to what we'll do next! I however did not do Jillian at 6am this morning like usual. Baby woke up with my alarm and wanted to nurse. But this may do me good, Im less asleep and more focused it seems like when i do Jillian in the afternoon or evenings. Maybe it'll be better on my body too, been extremely sore, and not in my muscles. Maybe first thing in the morning my still from sleeping joints dont like level 2 waking them up!!! :tongue:
    Ha! I know just how you felt this AM because I woke up and went right back to sleep. My body felt all achy. I feel better now and I need to do it before I go to bed tonight. But still not ready...UGH!!!! it is tough!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    I did so so much better today having done it around lunch time! Some joints still ached a bit but much better. I think jumping right out of bed my joints are still asleep and dont like all the bouncing and jumping of level 2!!!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Day 4 L 2 ysterday was starting to get more into level 2 but still not a fan. However... We're halfway through level 2 and HALFWAY through the whole shred!

    I think we all deserve a huuuuuuuuuge pat on the back.

    It has been tough so far and there have been days where I ahven't wanted to do it and the only thing which has kept me doing it was thinking of you all in the same struggle.

    We're doing so well! Hurray! :)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Yay for the half way point and yay for the halfway point of the dreaded level 2!!! Excellent work ladies, your what keeps me going at it!!!
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    Okay so I did not end up doing it yesterday. But I did it first thing this morning. I think I really needed the day break.
    L2D4 completed! I may double up one day to catch up..but maybe note..depends on how I feel. I lost another pound though (3 total) and my clothes feel a little looser.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    great job rungirl!!!!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    L2 D5 complete and it was horrible, i didnt have any energy or incentive to do it so pushed myself all the way through, i cant give up cos we have came half way now :) feeling a bit low atm, TOM in next cpl of days and i feel so bloated and fat, i was even 3 lb heavier today with water retention and i hate it, felt like crying and stuffing my face but i didnt, only cos i was at work all day and couldnt lol.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Debi, it is rough but like you said, we've made it half way. I keep telling myself come day 30 it'll be worth it, right? I only lost half a lb this week.... its very frustrating. But L2D5 done as well.
  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    Argh girls, have had terrible two days. Seriously. If I were a racehorse, you'd shoot me.

    Didn't do shred yesterday - went on two hour power walk, was going to do dvd after, then saboteur fiance cajoled me into watching movies all night. Did resist popcorn though so thats good.

    I did it today and enjoyed it. Kept on swearing at Jillian though. I have to say I love level 2, because I'm seriously pushing to get through it. My fiance is back at work tomorrow (he does shifts) so I'm going to get up same time as him and do it before the kids wake. Then (and this is and aspiration not a promise :wink: ) I'd like to try it later in the day as well.

    Like I said... its an aspiration...

    Had a rubbish two days when it has come to food as well. Urgh.

    Debi - Im in the same boat and fair play to you for pushing on - roll on day 30...!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    L2 D6 complete. Unfortunately when carrying the washing in from outside i kicked my little toe on a drain so hard i think ive broken and dislocated it. The pain is unbearable and my poor little toe is bright red and twice its size. I tried touching it to see if it was broken and it kind of moved right out to the size in a L shape!!!!! im now sitting here with a bag of frozen mixed veg on my foot and gutted i wont be able to exercise for a while :( Had advice from net saying hospital wont be able to do anything and just need to tape it to a supporting toe and rest. This is sooooooo not fair i wanna cry :sad:
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    update. managed to do my housework with toes strapped together so hopefully will be able to do shred ok tomorrow
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