Starting Jillian Michaels 30DS Friday the 22nd! Who's in?



  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    QUESTION: So are we supposed to do this everyday for 30 days? Level 1-- 10 day, level 2-- 10 days, level 3-- 10 days? Or are we supposed to rest a day each week?

    I completed day 5 yesterday and day 6 today--level 1. I have increased my weight on the back exercise and the chest flies. I am getting stronger but it is still tough as heck.

    I have lost 2.2 pounds so far this week. I am also doing tae bo, yoga and walking here and there and tracking my food.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I'm doing 10 days of each with no break in between unless I really need one.
  • rethers
    rethers Posts: 8 Member
    I like your idea of doing each level for 10 days. I was also wondering if others were doing this every day. I guess I will try to do the same.

    Last night I went home with every intention of doing the workout then got a call from my boss and had to do more work. By the time I got done I couldn't get the tv to come on!! Some days there are obstacles other than my own lack of motivation that deter me BUT I got up early this morning and did the workout so I feel better now. I may be a little behind everyone else but I'm at it.

    I should post some stats:
    35 yrs old

    Start Weight: 127
    Goal Weight: 115

    More importantly......
    Start Size: 6
    Goal Size: 2-4

    ETA: That is not me in the picture, just in case you were wondering. LOL!!! I wish.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Just finished day 8 of Level 1.

    Anyone know how to stretch out the side of your calf?
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I beleive most of us are doing everyday for 30 days. And monday we weigh in take measurments and start level 2!
  • lisa_2011
    lisa_2011 Posts: 11
    Im in!

    Dont have the DVD yet but I should be getting it on Saturday and starting on Sunday... Im also doing Jillian Michaels treadmill workouts but wanted to change it up a bit as I tend to get bored... Im thinking of doing the DVD workout in the mornings to get my metabolism going....



    Start Weight: 173
    Goal Weight: 135

    Goal size: 6

    good luck everyone
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    i just finished Day 5. Thank goodness for a support thread or I would totally let myself off the hook! I'll probably be lagging behind you all in getting to level 2 - because I'm trying to keep up with some other exercise that I love too. This at least gets me doing some resistance training, which I hadn't been very good about before.

    Eviesmum - I'm not too sure about calf stretches - but a google search should give you some good leads. Sorry to hear the jump rope is doing that to you. I had a knot in my left calf when I first started this but wasn't sure what triggered it. It's gone away though.
    I've heard somewhere that potassium (bananas) helps with muscle cramping.

    As for goals - I don't have a weight or measurement goal at this point. I think if I could get rid of some of this stomach fat I'd be very happy. So... my goal is to be able to work out / walk around in a sports bra and shorts... I guess I'd better get the food choices under control for that too. Bah!
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    Just finished day 8 of Level 1.

    Anyone know how to stretch out the side of your calf?

    Do you have a foam roller? They are great for stretching out your calf muscles (or any leg muscles). Or you can also use a rolling pin or tennis ball to roll it on your calf in addition to stretching. I am a runner and I have had all kinds of calf issues (tendonitis/knots) over the years. These are the techniques I use.
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    I did Jillian's 6 pack abs and yoga meltdown tonight (in addition to 30 DS I did this morning). I overdid it on the easter candy and needed to burn more calories. They were both kind of tough in different ways (not as hard as 30 DS though).They were both free ON DEMAND so thought I would try them.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Just finished day 8 of Level 1.

    Anyone know how to stretch out the side of your calf?

    Do you have a foam roller? They are great for stretching out your calf muscles (or any leg muscles). Or you can also use a rolling pin or tennis ball to roll it on your calf in addition to stretching. I am a runner and I have had all kinds of calf issues (tendonitis/knots) over the years. These are the techniques I use.

    Thank you - I will have a look at that because I am running as well so wondered if I'd overdone it.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Day 6 done last night. :) I was sent home from work ill and am only in today until lunch time because no-one could cover my shift. I'm then going to curl up with a cup of tea but then I'll get up and do the shred! It is frustrating because I know I'd be pushing harder if I wasn't sick but I reckon doing it and pushing through is better than missing days because I heard if you miss days it is agonising to start again!

    So pleased I'm not the only one not liking the jump rope - it feels like i have a huge cramp in my calf muscles! Who would have thought that would be my least fave bit, I could jump rope for hours as a kid!

    Also, push ups - I don't think I will ever be able to do the proper full on push ups - my arms are just too weak. Anyone else still on modified push ups?
  • angelica9477
    Jillian is a hard a**, but gotta love her results. She really knows how to push ya. I will be joining you as well.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    My DVD fiiiiiinally arrived today. So I've just finished my Day 1. I didn't find it that bad really, it was mainly the upper body stuff with weights that I found challenging. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of it goes!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Has anyone got any of her other dvd's if so what would the suggestion be for after this one? I can't get the Ripped one as its not available as Region 2 yet I don't think.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    D7 L1 done and i didnt feel as knackered doing it, infact i managed to do proper press ups for the first session so this dvd is deffinately working for me. i even feel like im toning up even after 7 days, this is amazing. 3 days to go then measuring time whooooo hoooooo :)
  • rethers
    rethers Posts: 8 Member
    I have several of hers. Here are the ones I have and my review:

    Cardio Kickbox: good video for a quick cardio workout that still tones. No equipment required. Fair sweat; Hi-med heartrate levels. Easy to memorize routine so you can put on your own music.

    JM 6 Pack Abs: no review. Haven't done it yet. I'm skerred. :)

    JM Shred It With Weights: Good and challenging. Weights required; preferrably kettlebell but I get by with a dumbbell just fine.

    JM Yoga Meltdown: I'm usually not a yoga fan but this is not really yoga in my opinion. however, it is a very good workout.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    ive just been looking at her dvds wondering what one to try next, the 6 week abs looks good so may be trying that next
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I have several of hers. Here are the ones I have and my review:

    Cardio Kickbox: good video for a quick cardio workout that still tones. No equipment required. Fair sweat; Hi-med heartrate levels. Easy to memorize routine so you can put on your own music.

    JM 6 Pack Abs: no review. Haven't done it yet. I'm skerred. :)

    JM Shred It With Weights: Good and challenging. Weights required; preferrably kettlebell but I get by with a dumbbell just fine.

    JM Yoga Meltdown: I'm usually not a yoga fan but this is not really yoga in my opinion. however, it is a very good workout.

    LOVE Cardio Kickbox - it's fun and fast, and funny - I never thought to put my own music to it. Thanks for that idea!

    6W6P: I really enjoyed this one too when I first got it, though it did make my lower back ache quite a bit. Try adding it after the 30DS if you're interested in extending the length of your workout. Don't be scared - it was fun and quite addictive actually. I did find myself a little scared of level 2 and that's when I backed off of using it. But HELLO - WE'RE NOT WUSSIES! WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE PUT OUR MINDS TO!

    Thanks for the reviews!! I have some paperwork for work to do and then I'll gear up to get my shred on. ;)
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I have several of hers. Here are the ones I have and my review:

    Cardio Kickbox: good video for a quick cardio workout that still tones. No equipment required. Fair sweat; Hi-med heartrate levels. Easy to memorize routine so you can put on your own music.

    JM 6 Pack Abs: no review. Haven't done it yet. I'm skerred. :)

    JM Shred It With Weights: Good and challenging. Weights required; preferrably kettlebell but I get by with a dumbbell just fine.

    JM Yoga Meltdown: I'm usually not a yoga fan but this is not really yoga in my opinion. however, it is a very good workout.

    Hi thanks for this. After Smiles review of the cardio Kickbox one as well, I thought I'd look at that. They don't do it here yet. :frown:

    However, I can get the 6 pack Abs one and a couple of her other ones.

    Day 9 finished for me. Anyone else a bit nervous about moving up a level :ohwell:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Just finished day 7, and all though i was sweating up a storm this is the first day i didnt have a single moment where i felt i wanted a break. I feel like ive mastered this level, but only 2 more days of it and the next butt kicking begins lol