20 lbs in a year - Gonna pick it up now to the finish - Anyo



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    One thing I've been thinking of doing again, is writing a letter to myself about all the wonderful reasons why I want to become healthier. This weekend, being with my skinny friends ( :grumble: ), made me remember a lot of the reasons why I want to be on this journey. I love writing stuff down; it really helps me realize things better sometimes.
    Good idea Steph! Hope it helps you.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Mollie: Good job on the past couple of days and I hope the therapist helps you. I think you mentioned this is the same therapist as before? It'll be nice to have that continuity and history. :)

    Thanks Ahsa!
    I am going to give this new therpist a try 1st. She is someone who works closely with one of the best weight clinics in this area. If she does not work out I will go back to my old therpist. She is so mcuh closer I have to try it 1st.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks Mollie. :flowerforyou:

    I'm feeling back on track again as of yesterday. I was starting to worry... :glasses:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    This is long and was written for ones who had WLS but it does apply to any of us who are struggling to overcome obesity with healthly life style changes. It lends itself to one of my primary MOTTO's which is Success is never giving up. It is not as long as it looks because it is only using half of the page.

    How to Get Rid of Your Pesky Weight Obsession
    By Katie Jay, MSW, Certified Wellness Coach
    Director, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery

    I'm supposed to have an answer for this--how to get rid of
    the seemingly hopeless obsession with food, your body, and
    the scale.

    Actually, I do have an answer, and it's not popular. The
    answer is to allow yourself to feel uncomfortable as you
    change, and to allow the time it takes for change to happen.

    A NAWLS member shared with me, "I didn't think it would be
    this hard for this long!"

    What I have noticed is that the people I have met and worked
    with have changed significantly -- over time.

    Sometimes someone will have an epiphany, but even then it's
    the result of months and sometimes years of relentless effort.

    Sometimes someone will know they need to address an issue
    in their lives, but they aren't ready for it. So they
    dabble, and retreat, dabble, and retreat -- but eventually
    make progress.

    Sometimes someone will push, push, push, and still self
    sabotage time and time again -- and then, over time, start
    to care deeply for themselves. All this, before any regain
    comes off.

    Really, the only answer is to never give up.

    In my workshops, I ask people, "What do you do when you fall
    down?" They say, "Get up!" But then I ask them again and
    again and again, until they are sick of saying it. And then
    I ask them some more.

    The point is, we always have to get up, even if we don't want
    to. Getting up must be our main habit -- physically, mentally,
    emotionally, and spiritually.

    So, that's the answer. How do we get rid of our pesky weight
    obsession? We learn to tolerate the discomfort of change,
    allow ourselves TIME to change, and we get up every time
    we fall.

    Wishing you the courage, determination, and patience to

    It's possible!
  • paronomasha
    Just a quick update: I'm back to logging calories after two weeks. The overcoming binge eating program I'm trying suggests binge eaters shouldn't log calories because it gives them a sense of deprivation, which perpetuates the binge eating. While this is to some extent true for me, not counting calories at all was much worse. I just didn't hold myself accountable and ate whatever (and however much) I wanted, even if the eating times were pre-determined.

    The system I had going before worked better, I think. So I'm still going to apply all the strategies suggested by the program (except still calorie counting). What I'll change is adding two rest days to the week rather than just one (because I would start feeling really tired after a couple of weeks) and I'll also add two days where I'll alllow my calorie intake to be higher. Not above my daily requirement, but high enough to keep my metabolism going and prevent that deprived feeling.

    It's all about picking yourself back up after struggling, right? Here we go.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Just a quick update: I'm back to logging calories after two weeks. The overcoming binge eating program I'm trying suggests binge eaters shouldn't log calories because it gives them a sense of deprivation, which perpetuates the binge eating. While this is to some extent true for me, not counting calories at all was much worse. I just didn't hold myself accountable and ate whatever (and however much) I wanted, even if the eating times were pre-determined.

    The system I had going before worked better, I think. So I'm still going to apply all the strategies suggested by the program (except still calorie counting). What I'll change is adding two rest days to the week rather than just one (because I would start feeling really tired after a couple of weeks) and I'll also add two days where I'll alllow my calorie intake to be higher. Not above my daily requirement, but high enough to keep my metabolism going and prevent that deprived feeling.

    It's all about picking yourself back up after struggling, right? Here we go.

    That is correct Asha! Success is finding what works for Asha and never giving up! What book are you reading?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for posting that Mollie. :flowerforyou: That's really inspiring.

    Great update, Asha. Way to keep tweaking things, and taking what is working for you, and moving past what is not.
  • paronomasha
    Thank you, Mollie and Steph. How are you two doing?

    And I'm reading Overcoming Binge Eating by Dr. Christopher G. Fairburn. It focuses a bit more on bulimia than binge eating disorder (which would have been very helpful a few years ago!), but there is information about that, too. The author suggests that cognitive behavioural therapy (which is what the self-help program in the book uses) is relevant to and successful in treating both. I've found it pretty helpful, actually. The strategies are very basic and at first I thought, "Yeah, right, this is too rudimentary to be helpful. I know how to problem solve, etc.!" Turns out I skip steps in these skills when it comes to food, and being more conscious of the decision making process has been beneficial in reducing the occurence of my binges. Worth checking out!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Thank you, Mollie and Steph. How are you two doing?

    And I'm reading Overcoming Binge Eating by Dr. Christopher G. Fairburn. It focuses a bit more on bulimia than binge eating disorder (which would have been very helpful a few years ago!), but there is information about that, too. The author suggests that cognitive behavioural therapy (which is what the self-help program in the book uses) is relevant to and successful in treating both. I've found it pretty helpful, actually. The strategies are very basic and at first I thought, "Yeah, right, this is too rudimentary to be helpful. I know how to problem solve, etc.!" Turns out I skip steps in these skills when it comes to food, and being more conscious of the decision making process has been beneficial in reducing the occurence of my binges. Worth checking out!

    I have this book and have read it twice and is very helpful. It is very techical but good nonetheless. I am getting ready to start reading Anatomy of a food addiction by Anne Katherine. I have to pick up from the library this weekend.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Happy Hump day all! :flowerforyou:

    I am doing good you all. I missed my appointment with my therpist last week and will reschedule it for next week. Meanwhile I am going to keep working on stuff. One thing I am going to start doing now after attending a support group meeting for WLS patients last night is I am going to track my losses whenever I lose weight. This will give me more of incentative to go back to correct weight when I wobble.....:) I have been weighing daily for years now off and on and I know when I weigh daily I do better. This is not for everyone but it works for me because when I see that scale going up and I know it is because of what I ate I correct and if it is because of TOM and I know I ate rigtht I wait on it to correct itself. I dont' have a scale that has tenths so I may lose a pound every other day or so. Really when I am eating cleanly and exercise I can lose a pound a day. We will see. Of course I had to lose weekend gain and finally I am back at 3 pounds I lost on Saturday today.

    That is it on mauh!!
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    Happy Hump day all! :flowerforyou:

    I am doing good you all. I missed my appointment with my therpist last week and will reschedule it for next week. Meanwhile I am going to keep working on stuff. One thing I am going to start doing now after attending a support group meeting for WLS patients last night is I am going to track my losses whenever I lose weight. This will give me more of incentative to go back to correct weight when I wobble.....:) I have been weighing daily for years now off and on and I know when I weigh daily I do better. This is not for everyone but it works for me because when I see that scale going up and I know it is because of what I ate I correct and if it is because of TOM and I know I ate rigtht I wait on it to correct itself. I dont' have a scale that has tenths so I may lose a pound every other day or so. Really when I am eating cleanly and exercise I can lose a pound a day. We will see. Of course I had to lose weekend gain and finally I am back at 3 pounds I lost on Saturday today.

    That is it on mauh!!

    Sounds like a good idea Mollie...I wanna try it too=O)....starting today for a week I'll give it a try....good job losing the 3 lbs:flowerforyou:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for the book title Asha. I'm glad it's helping. I've been reading self-help books since I was 13 (when I read Anthony Robbins). I can't imagine where I would be without them.

    Mollie... I know exactly what you mean about weighing daily. One day at a time. I need to know where I'm at, or I let everything fall to the side.

    I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I'm trying to find local sporty-type recreational groups to join this summer. That's what's up with me. :smile: Still trying to eat better. Had a super hot workout in my room yesterday. It was so nice after 85 mins to get back out into the hallway (away from my room), and feel the AC again. :glasses:
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks for the book title Asha. I'm glad it's helping. I've been reading self-help books since I was 13 (when I read Anthony Robbins). I can't imagine where I would be without them.

    Mollie... I know exactly what you mean about weighing daily. One day at a time. I need to know where I'm at, or I let everything fall to the side.

    I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I'm trying to find local sporty-type recreational groups to join this summer. That's what's up with me. :smile: Still trying to eat better. Had a super hot workout in my room yesterday. It was so nice after 85 mins to get back out into the hallway (away from my room), and feel the AC again. :glasses:

    Hey good work out....try water aerobics at the local rec center's pool:smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Hello everyone!! How is it going? Hope you all are having a good weekend!!

    One day down and one to go! so far so good.....:-)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Happy Sunday Ladies!

    I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend so far! This is the 1st weekend in a while I had no plans and 2 awesome workouts so far too. I love working out on Saturday evenings when I can. Tonight I am going to watch the Tony Awards and wash while they are on.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey good work out....try water aerobics at the local rec center's pool:smile:
    Thanks! I looked into that last year when someone here on MFP suggested I should. I don't think I would ever get there cause I would have to walk there (in the heat), and I also don't like public pools that much. I need a friend with an in ground. :bigsmile:

    Mollie... Glad you had a nice weekend with nothing to do! I went to an outdoor festival, but we didn't stay long. We were only there for the book sale. :smile:

    I haven't really worked out in days... :noway: Just some walking. I did my 2 day fruit and veggie cleanse, but now I'm eating worst than I was before it. :cry:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    Ok, the ALLI is doing it's job.:happy: I have lost 8 pounds since last Monday!!!:bigsmile: If it keeps working like this I will use it for sure until I get to 250 or as long as I can afford it. I just have my doubts it will keep working like this. Some pills work in the beginning (for a month or 2) and after time your body gets use to the stuff and stops responding. Anyhoo's I will take the jump start until this happens.

    I actually had 2 good weekend days under 2000 net calories and yesterday I did not even evercise and still had under 2000 calories.

    Have a good week!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    That's great Mollie! Hope it keeps going well for you. Have a wonderful week! :happy:
  • paronomasha
    Mollie: That's great to hear! I hope it keeps working; it sounds like an excellent motivator! Well done on the weekend!

    Steph: The festival (and books!) sounds fun. Sorry to hear about the food situation. What do you think is going on? It's hard to get your mind on track sometimes.

    Just wanted to let you gals know I'm heading off on vacation for a week. I may not be online or logging. We'll see. I look forward to checking in when I get back!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Steph: The festival (and books!) sounds fun. Sorry to hear about the food situation. What do you think is going on? It's hard to get your mind on track sometimes.
    Asha... I have no clue what's going on. If there's food, I eat it. Lately, I think I've been letting things be triggers. Like, if my sister says "eat this cookie with a marshmallow, it's like a s'more," I'm like, OK! Or if my family is all eating freezies, I'm like, OK! or if I see a commercial for something, I'm like, OK! I need to say NOOOO!! more.

    HAVE AN AWESOME VACATION!!! Let us know all about it when you get back! :happy: