20 lbs in a year - Gonna pick it up now to the finish - Anyo



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    You all are very quiet Rainbow and Steph. I know Asha is out of town.

    I have been reflecting today and I reminded myself more how far I have come already when my motivation is slipping away from me.

    Here is a link to a blog I did today: I posted it on another site and decided to share here.

    I know so many positive affirmations to tell myself but some days they just don't do it for me. Never the less I muscle thru it. I can not give up. I have to muscle thru it. :indifferent:

    Hope you are having a better day and remember -- Success is never giving up! :flowerforyou: Please check in when you all have a moment?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Feeling good today. Blogging helped and I got the encouragement I needed.

    I am going to Rain Forest Cafe tomorrow. I already reviewed the menu and know what I am ordering. Sunday is uneventful and should be under 1500 calories NET. I am doing much better on my weekends. What are your plans this weekend?

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I loved your comparison blog, Mollie! Amazing! :bigsmile: Good for you for checking the menu before you go. Sounds like a very nice weekend.

    I'll be doing some workouts (Shred), practicing piano (I have yet to start learning), cleaning my room (as usual), and normal stuff. Oh! And we might be going to an outdoor (FREE) music festival, so that should be fun. I love seeing live music. :heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Thanks Stephanie!! I hope you have a chance to make it to the music festival. We have a lot of those in the Chicago area in the summer time and many of them are free of charge.

    Your new picture looks awesome!! You can see that waist line is widdling away baby!!! Keep up the good work!!:flowerforyou:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks Mollie. I did make it to the festival, and it was lots of fun. Free, being the funnest part. :bigsmile: We lost my sister at one point, and since our cells are out of service right now, we couldn't find each other for a few hours. There were SO many people!! Definitely one of the bigger ones I've been too.

    I got a sunburn, even though I put sunscreen on. I didn't put sunscreen on my arms, cause I wanted to tan, and I didn't get any colour there at all! :grumble: So weird. But at least my legs got some colour! They're so white, cause I rarely wear shorts.

    Hope to hear about your weekends soon!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Glad festival was fun Steph!! Saturday I over ate some but not to the extreme for sure and Sunday I was under my 1500 net calories!! So I am getting the terriable weekends under control. TOM is here so I believe that is why I have not lost too much weight this week but as long as I am not gaining I am cool!!

    I had an awesome NSV yesterday!! I was able to fit into a new girdle 4 sizes smaller and I wore an outfit that I have not worn in 2 years because it was too tight. The skirt was actually really lose, plenty of breathing space.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    TOM is here so I believe that is why I have not lost too much weight this week but as long as I am not gaining I am cool!!
    Same... But congrats with the calories!! That's fantastic!
    I had an awesome NSV yesterday!! I was able to fit into a new girdle 4 sizes smaller and I wore an outfit that I have not worn in 2 years because it was too tight. The skirt was actually really lose, plenty of breathing space.
    YAY! Super awesome! Congrats to you! :drinker:
  • paronomasha
    Hey gals, glad to hear you're doing well!

    Mollie: Great blog! What a great way to motivate yourself. I admire your perseverance! And congrats on your loss!

    Steph: What kind of music festival was it? Sadly, I don't have too many in my area. It's too rural. That's really cool you're learning to play piano!

    My vacation was very enjoyable. I was in Hawaii (Maui) visiting a friend. We saw lots of cool things, including seeing the sunrise from the top of a volcano! We walked quite bit, but we also ate a lot. I expect a gain when I weigh in. But, what's imporant is that I had a good time and that I'm back on track from the moment I got home.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Thanks Asha!!

    I am glad you had a wonderful vacation and visit with your friend! We missed you and good you are right back on track. Vacations and trips are going to be challenging for sure.

    I am going to a family reunion next weekend in Ohio and I have snacks planned to take with. Going to pack a heathy lunch for us. Plan to stick to baked fish and light breakfast. I am going to workout both days. I find this helps with weight gain because I know I will over indulge. I am really going to try to maintain over the weekend this weekend and next weekend. As a matter of fact I have gotten much better on my weekend binges.

    Have a good weekend all!
  • paronomasha
    That's a great plan, Mollie! Planning ahead is key. Trips, family visits, vacations, celebrations, etc. are a fun part of life and food is a big part of that. It's great that you can acknowledge that overindulging happens and not deprive yourself during these events. I think it's good that you're looking to maintain during your weekend in Ohio rather than stick with strict calorie restriction. You can still enjoy without worrying too much while still making some healthy choices (i.e. the baked fish and workouts). Way to go!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Asha... Glad you had fun in HAWAII!! One of my friends just came back from there, and loved it too! That would be an amazing vacation!!
    Steph: What kind of music festival was it? Sadly, I don't have too many in my area. It's too rural. That's really cool you're learning to play piano!
    It was kind of just an assortment of random local bands, and a few more famous ones (but no one really big). It was just a music festival, with music and rides and food stands, and TONS of people. And a lot of dogs... Really cute little ones, and some big ones.

    Mollie... Great news of your weekend improvements!! I like family reunions, but we rarely have them, and really only started having them a few years ago. Unfortunately, even with them, I still haven't much of my family for years. :ohwell: Hope you have a great time!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Hello all!!

    Just quickly checking in. My goal over the weekend is to maintain 341. :wink: I plan to workout everyday even though I am out of town. I have packed my own lunch for 6 hour road trip and plan to eat big breakfast and light dinners with fish. I am taking snack packs of carrots, almonds, boiled eggs, etc.

    I think we all know it is hard on special occasions to stay on point eating wise. But we can do it!!:wink:


    Remember I was looking for a therpist last month, well I finally found a good fit. It is a eating disorders program similar to one I was in, in my early 20's!! Now I am ready to make the lifestyle changes and commit to them. In my 20's I was not all the way there but now I am.

    I just found out that my insurance covers this awesome eating disorder program I am going to be joining. Well they don't cover it all (group therapy) but I will make a way to afford it for as long as I need it.

    I see the intake therapist on Tuesday and once they see me they will make their recommendations. My insurance covers individual sessions which will be cheaper and less time consuming too so I am probably going to go with that 1st since I know that is what I really need. I have groups here and I know what to eat and I am active. And that is what I have been searching for anyways. I could tell from talking to all of these peoples that they can help me with my goals to lose weight and keep it off and with my compulsive over eating. I am pumped and very excited too!!

    Have a good and safe weekend peeps!!:flowerforyou: TTYL
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for posting Mollie! I enjoy knowing that I already knew what your goals were from other posts! Great news with the therapist!! That is so great! I commented on your blog, so I won't need to do it again. :laugh: Happy maintaining weekend!! :bigsmile: :drinker: Mmm... Hard boiled eggs!
  • paronomasha
    Hey gals, just checking in since it's been a while.

    Mollie: That's great news about the program! I hope it does everything to help you. How is your weekend in Ohio going?

    Steph: Hope you're hanging in there. I sent you a message, so I'll leave it at that.

    My weekend was great. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew visited us. I got several golf games in. I ate a lot, too, but 4 hrs of golfing burns a ton of calories, so I've maintained. I'm ready to get serious about food again tomorrow, and I'm going to keep up the golf :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    My weekend was great. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew visited us. I got several golf games in. I ate a lot, too, but 4 hrs of golfing burns a ton of calories, so I've maintained. I'm ready to get serious about food again tomorrow, and I'm going to keep up the golf :)
    That's cool and kind of intense that you golf. That's fantastic! Thanks again for your message. I'm hanging in. Today is going well. Great on you for maintaining! Keep it up! :drinker: :happy:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Well I am happy to report I maintained my 340 weight over the weekend at family reunion. Actually it was not as hard as I thought. With many older family members being sick because of health issues the food was pretty healthy. I had plenty of NSV's and I felt sooooooo good because of what I was able to do.

    Friday my knee was cramping because of the long drive but my awesome Mom had a hot water bottle with her, so I used it and I so ready by Saturday. I did the elliptical both days and some dancing on a dinner cruise we went on Saturday night.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    My weekend was great. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew visited us. I got several golf games in. I ate a lot, too, but 4 hrs of golfing burns a ton of calories, so I've maintained. I'm ready to get serious about food again tomorrow, and I'm going to keep up the golf :)

    Good job on maintain Ahsa! A maintain means you definitely did something right. Have a good week on getting back on being mindful of food choices. Food is 80 percent of it.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Mollie! :flowerforyou: That's freaking awesome that you maintained! :drinker: Dinner cruises sound like a lot of fun. I've never been on any long boat rides like that. :happy:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Hello all,

    Well the evaluation with the eating disorders clinic went very well yesterday. The only glitch is it is too expensive for me right now. I need to get some bills off my back 1st. The plan is if I am still employed in January is to set up more money in my flexible spending account to cover the $500 out of pocket deductible. I will wait to hear back from people today to see how much they can get the 3 hour group meetings down to. Right now the cost per week with no discount would be $75 which would be about $300 a month. I just can’t afford that right now. That is more than a car note. So I will see what I can swing for January. And she wanted to me to do 2 days a week!! Is she for real?

    I will see what their angle is, but right now they have me taking a lot of unnecessary tests when I am just interested in the group and not interested in their optifast program. She could not explain to me why I needed to do a EKG if I am not doing the optifast. I am not letting them know yet that I am not going to do the program until I see how much they are willing to reduce the $75 co pay to and when the nurse calls me back I want to see why a EKG is needed again.

    I am going to have to stick to my 2 free support group meetings per month with WLS program and thankfully I have you guys for support too!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!:flowerforyou:

    I am still forging ahead with my goals and this is just another bump in the road but I am OK. I did good over weekend with eating and horrible Monday and Tuesday since I am around house, etc. I will be back at work tomorrow and determined to make today a good day. One day at a time!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    BTW - I am have been on phone this morning working with my health insurance provider to get my eating disorder sessions down to $15 to $20 copay if the program is willing to bill it the way they need the billing to go in. I am praying it will go this way. I will be able to afford this amount per week for sure. I will just have to cut back on some recreational stuff and eating out. It will be worth it if I can get in this comprehensive program!