30 Day Shred - April 19 to May 18



  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Level 2 Day 6 done this morning. My 7 year old got up early and sat on the couch watching. How embarrassing! No one needs to see their mother doing plank jacks!! I'm sure he's scarred for life. :blushing:
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Everyone is doing great! I see a few people are 1/2 way thru level 2. I can't wait to get your feed back on level 3. There is are more plyo/jump moves.

    Day 7 Level 3 Complete!!! Time is going by so fast I can't believe it!

    Keep it up everyone!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Level 2 Day 6 done this morning. My 7 year old got up early and sat on the couch watching. How embarrassing! No one needs to see their mother doing plank jacks!! I'm sure he's scarred for life. :blushing:

    You are too funny :P

    sparkle327 - I am excited to get to Level 3 but also nervous. Those plyo/jump moves are not my favorite; probably cause they are such a good workout lol But as Jillian says if we want results in only 20 mins we've got to push our way through it lol

    I also can't believe how fast the time is going by! Seems like just yesterday I decided to start the Shred.

    Level 2 Day #6 complete - Does anyone else notice that they don't do their reps as fast as Jillian and the girls in the vid. I hope this isn't effecting my results, I am sure its alright as long as I continue to do it for the whole 30 sec or minute that they do.

    Another weigh in today after another week, and results are another gain this time .9 lbs. It is VERY frustrating!!! But at the same time I know that I am toning up, and I am getting stronger. This is why I took measurements too - I havent had a chance to get my b.f to take them again yet though. I also took pics so I will take pics again once I complete Level 2 and maybe I will see some results. I havent been eating the greatest the past little while so that is most likely having an effect as well. And in Level 1 I was doing extra cardio on top of the shred but I ahvent had a chance to do that with Level 2. But this next week I am going to really step it up so hopefully I can finally see a loss on the scale!
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    Level 2 Day #6 complete - Does anyone else notice that they don't do their reps as fast as Jillian and the girls in the vid. I hope this isn't effecting my results, I am sure its alright as long as I continue to do it for the whole 30 sec or minute that they do.

    there are definitely some strength moves (like the torturous v-fly squats in circuit3) i take slower than the girls, i decided better to do fewer in good form than have to drop my weights or lose form and risk hurting a muscle.

    and i empathize with your weight frustration, i have been stuck at about the same weight since starting shred, it's hard to let go of the number on the scale (especially since i've been stuck 1/2 pound away from hitting my mini goal) but keep going, it will be sooooooo worth it!!!!
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    I realized this morning that I miscounted. Wed was actually day 8. Yesterday I completed day 9 level 3!!!! I went to the park this morning and did the couch to 5 K workout. So I might do day 10 tomorrow.

    For those stalling on the scale.....the calorie shifting/zig zagging seems to be working for me. I will keep u posted.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I completed Level 2 day #7 today - Although all day a muscle in my back has been really sore. It's in the middle of my back on the right side. It hurts when I move my right arm, sit up straight, breathe! I've talked to a couple people at work who said this has happened to them in the same spot. And they also had no idea how it happened. Possibly just slept on it the wrong way? There's just went away - hopefully that happens to me and FAST!!!

    oh man V-squat flies! Those are very tough - I am wayyy slower than Natalie and Anita lol
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    I realized this morning that I miscounted. Wed was actually day 8. Yesterday I completed day 9 level 3!!!! I went to the park this morning and did the couch to 5 K workout. So I might do day 10 tomorrow.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    Wow Sparkle... you are done tomorrow... congratulations!

    I am definitely the slacker of the group.... finished Level 1 Day 10 complete today... moving on the L2 tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Level 2 Day #8 done! Whoooooo only 2 more of Level 2

    Soo did not want to do it today, was ready to skip it than I pushed myself to get it done!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Fell off the shred wagon on Thursday and Friday but managed to climb back on today... did Level 2 Day 7... Gotta keep going!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Level 2 Day 8 done! As soon as this massive rain shower passes I'm heading out to the trail to do my final day of C25K Week 3.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Missed yesterdays Shred, was really hungover all day, just couldnt get myself to do it

    Right back at it today! Level 2 Day # 9 finito... only ONE more of Level 2!! Than on to Level 3 on Wednesday - let's just say I am VERY nervous for this!

    With Level 1 I found it getting easier, however with Level two I still have great difficulty lasting on the squat shoulder things (the 2nd exercise on the first strength training part, right after the walk out push ups) and the squat V fly raise things. In both of these exercises I find myself taking a 5 second break.

    And oh man those squat thrusts still havent gotten better at them
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    With Level 1 I found it getting easier, however with Level two I still have great difficulty lasting on the squat shoulder things (the 2nd exercise on the first strength training part, right after the walk out push ups) and the squat V fly raise things. In both of these exercises I find myself taking a 5 second break.

    And oh man those squat thrusts still havent gotten better at them

    funny, i still struggle with those exact exercises (and i admit, i thought i had pretty decent shoulder strength going into this). something about the constant tension kicks my butt way more than the machines at the gym that work similar muscles, and i'm only using 5lb weights for the shred!

    also agree on squat thrusts, doing those makes me feel like an awkward junior high kid all over again ;)
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Right back at it today! Level 2 Day # 9 finito... only ONE more of Level 2!! Than on to Level 3 on Wednesday - let's just say I am VERY nervous for this!

    With Level 1 I found it getting easier, however with Level two I still have great difficulty lasting on the squat shoulder things (the 2nd exercise on the first strength training part, right after the walk out push ups) and the squat V fly raise things. In both of these exercises I find myself taking a 5 second break.

    And oh man those squat thrusts still havent gotten better at them

    Did Level 2 Day 9 today also. And I agree... I'm not sure I'm ready for level 3. My son and I watched part of it yesterday, and holy moly! I'm pretty sure I will be walking funny at work by the end of the week. :)

    The squat V flys and the plank jacks are the killer for me.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Done Level 2 Wohooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! So friggen happy to be done that Level - but very very scared for Level 3 lol especially after chryciw saying she watched it with her son and she isn't sure if she is ready for it. Hmmmmmmmm I think we are ready!! We just have to take it head on and complete it! If I had watched Level 2 I probably wouldnt of thought I was ready at first either. Just remember that we can take breaks if we need to, short 5 second ones here and there if need be.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    SOOOOOO BAAAD!!!! I didn't do the shred for 3 days!!!!UG!!!! Kinda beating myself up over it, but anyways, Level 2 Day 2 today...Think I may just count it as day 1 since things got super hectic and crazy. So, Here we go again! I REFUSE TO QUIT!!!!! (I am talking to myself here, since I am feeling like " here we go, quitting again...blah blah blah")
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    I am back...I was MIA. But today I completed LEVEL 3!! I am going to rotate all 3 levels for the remainder of the challenge to spice things up a bit.

    Happy shredding!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    jtodacheeny - at least your back here now! Get right back into it :) U CAN DO iT!!!

    sparkle - congratz for finishing up level 3!!!!!! Great idea for the last 10 days of the challenge - that will for sure keep things interesting!

    Tomorrow evening I try Level 3, really nervous although I have heard Level 2 is the hardest so if I have done that I should be ok :indifferent: I guess the truth will be told tomorrow
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Level 3 Day 1 done! I don't know if I'm just a weenie this morning, but I had to stop (briefly) quite a bit. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    brief rant :

    i took 4 days off the Shred to heal a neck pull, just did some light cardio sessions at the gym to keep the blood pumping. i noticed i kept consistently losing small amounts of weight (i check my scale daily, but only "weigh in" once a week).

    back at the Shred yesterday, and sure enough 1.5lbs gained back this morning! i *know* the number on the scale isn't the only focus, but boy, does that take some wind out of my sails!

    okay, end of rant. mainly posting so that if anyone else is experiencing anything similar, you know you aren't alone!
    i'll tackle day 18 this evening, 1.5lbs heavier or not!!!