30 Day Shred - April 19 to May 18



  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    My guess (not an educated guess, simply a guess) is that we are gaining muscle, and working our muscles harder so they are holding onto water to help build them and help them recouperate? Who knows - maybe I'll do some research on it tonite to get to the bottom of this

    I completed Level 3 Day 1 today; phewwww it was a workout thats for sure. I didnt mind the cardio parts that much - but all the stuff needing me in plank position or on my shoulders is killer. Maybe my legs are sore from soccer last nite but the jump lunges, squats and rockstar jumps made my burn after a lil. Don't have a judgement as of yet which level is easier 2 or 3. This level definetely doesnt have as much hand weight stuff involved - but it does have more holding your own body weight up which is quite the challenge

    Like others have mentioned I havent seen a loss on the scale yet (only 2 gains)- I only weigh in once a week, so I will weigh in again tomorrow morning. But I did take pics on day #2 - and yesterday (Day #22, I missed two workouts so it was after completing 20 workouts of the shred). I can see a difference in the pics for sure, so surely the scale isnt the only thing. If I can find a way to get them posted all side by side so its easy to compare than I will, if not I will try my best to post them somehow
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Level 3 Day #2 donezo..

    This level is working my legs a lot more, Level 2 was more shoulders.

    Mountain Climbers are killer!!
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    @sundinsgirl - You look great!!!

    I circled back to Level 1 today. It was a good work out. It was nice to switch things up.
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Workout to level 2 this morning. This one really works my balance.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks sparkle :) I am feeling great about this so far, definetely motivaiton to get through Level 3.

    Level 3 - Day # 3 donzo!! Now my shoulders are starting to feel it again as well; probably from all the plank moves

    I dont know how I will do my workout tomorrow, I am in a baseball tournament all day - my first game is at 9am - I dont really want to do it at7:30 am (I live in an apartment and I dont want to annoy the people below me that early)
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Well I failed miserable this weekend.. I knew I wouldnt be able to get the shred in Saturday cause I was at a ball tournament all day. Than Sunday I was sooo sore (still am) from playing ball. I am not a regular ball player, I was playin bat catcher which involved a lot of throwing the ball back to the pitcher. My throwing arm, shoulder and hand are very sore! So I didnt get it in Sunday either :(

    But got right back to it today, so Level 3 Day # 4 complete - So I originally planned to finish the shred on Wednesday loks like it wont be done till Sunday now. No More missing days!!!! Grrrrr

    Hope everyone else is still sticking with it
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    I did not fair so well over the weekend either. But I jumped back in today. Did Level 3.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    way to get right back to it sparkle :) Great work

    Halfway done Level 3 :) Wohoooo Day #5 complete!! Only 5 more than I am done the Shred
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Looks like I'm the only one? Sparkle you still with me?

    Done Level 3 Day #6 - only 4 more to go :)
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Looks like I'm the only one? Sparkle you still with me?

    Done Level 3 Day #6 - only 4 more to go :)

    I am here! At the doctor's office now. I am getting my last shred for the challenge wheN I get home.
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Looks like I'm the only one? Sparkle you still with me?

    Done Level 3 Day #6 - only 4 more to go :)

    I am here! At the doctor's office now. I am getting my last shred for the challenge wheN I get home.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    well i thought i'd chime back in since it looks like we lost a few along the way ...

    just started L3 (which i LOVE) and i really feel it in my back, like just below my shoulder blades - not quite sure why. a bit sore, but i realize that i like feeling a little sore in new spots. it seems like i'm waking up muscles that have been sleeping way too long!!!

    keep up the good work ladies, your dedication is awesome!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    I'm still here!! Definitely have not been consistent the last few days. I did Level 3 Day 4 (I think) today. The plyometric movements kill me! I guess that means I need to do more. :)
    just started L3 (which i LOVE) and i really feel it in my back, like just below my shoulder blades - not quite sure why.

    I really noticed it in my lower back. I think I overcompensated for my flabby abby!
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    I really noticed it in my lower back. I think I overcompensated for my flabby abby!

    bwahaahaa, that's it exactly!
    the pylos kill me too, i do this barefoot on hardwood, but have started to jump on my yoga mat to try to save my knees. not to mention decreasing the earth rattling effects of me jumping - my dogs come running in, like wft?? when i get going :)
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Ya I've got some flabby abbey to hahahahahahah

    Before I moved at the beginning of May I was doing it in a basement on cement floor (carpet n top of it) but it stil really killed my knees! Since moving to the new apartment its been much better

    Its nice to see others back on here :) YAY!!! We are doing pretty good, since we all know this is not an easy program to stick with!

    I completed Level 3 Day #7 -

    I can never do those scissor kicks - for some reason it always hurts my lower back, perhaps my core isnt strong enough to take it on yet.
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    I can never do those scissor kicks - for some reason it always hurts my lower back, perhaps my core isnt strong enough to take it on yet.

    The scissor kicks and the jump lunges are my least favorite moves. I have not been getting enough sleep, and my job has been HELL this week, so I slept through workout time again this morning. Gonna try to get to bed early tonight, so I can get in day 5 in the morning...
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    jump lunges, aaacck!!
    i can never "stick" my landing, i usually have to readjust before i can lunge again.

    i like the scissor kicks though, do you ladies keep your hands under your butt? i find that little bit of elevation helps. full disclaimer, i do end up raising my legs a bit higher, it's so hard to stay at just 3" above the ground - hopefully will get better at that as the days go on. hoping to squeeze in day3 in tonight after a long work day.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Level #3 - day #8 complete - Only 2 more days to go!!! Wow :) So incredibly happy

    I have tried keeping my hands under my butt, and keeping them up higher - its just so hard. I try mybest and take a rest a couple times in the 30 seconds. lol

    Great Job everyone!!! Way to at least get it in there :)
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Hi All - I just wanted to report my results for the 4 week period. I am going to take a break from the Shred and try to shake it up with something different. Not sure what yet.

    I probably did about 24/30 days.

    I lost 2lbs and 1 inch on my waist. Not big numbers. But I am very happy with the way I look and the strength and endurance that has developed. I am only 4 lbs away from my goal weight. So any loss at this point I will take!!

    Good luck to everyone on your journeys :flowerforyou:
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Did Level 3 Day 5 this morning. Down 2.8 lbs this past week. Yay! I am going to do my measurements tonight to compare with when we started the shred last month. Hopefully this will be a less stressful week at work, so I can keep getting up in the morning to workout.

    Have a great week!