30 Day Shred - April 19 to May 18



  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    So I completed Level 3 Day #9 on Saturday, than I went camping for Saturday, which equaled hungover Sunday than we drank that night too (long weekend here in Canada) so Monday was a hangover day as well which = another skipped shred!

    This morning I managed to get in my final workout of the shred - Level 3 Day # 10!! :):):):)

    All in all I completed the 30 Day Shred in 36 days.

    I will take a pic to compare it with and do measurements in the next day or so - I honestly dont think I lost much weight at all (if any, possibly a gain) but I have definetely gained strength, gotten definition.

    So nice to have a group of people here to hold me accountable. It made me want to complete the workout just so I could come on here nad share that I completed it! You guys are doing awesome as well! Breaks are definetely needed with this, I mean life just sometimes gets in the way! Keep it up

    I'll be back to post pics soon enough, add eachother as friends (if we havent already) so that we can keep each other motivated